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Status Report - July 2019

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  On 7/16/2019 at 11:40 PM, azimov said:

Bohemia promised to support DayZ for 5 years after 1.0 with developement. Is this still true? Or can we add this to the long list of promises/features that "sadly" can't be held up.

With the new Survivor Gamez and the (probably) map dlc for the end of this year, looks like it


@ImpulZ could you clarify what was meant to be said ? I have the feeling you (dayz team) were trying to say that 0.62 could not have a full parity with dayz mod. After that you (dayz team) reminded the players about the clunky features of dayz alpha explaining why it was not considered a "final game".

<< Parity with 0.62 and the DayZ Mod – full parity isn't possible because of the engine specifics. While features from 5 years ago are exciting, we want to remind you: most of the features didn't really work properly back then, and this is why it wasn't a final game. >>

Edited by Lt.Master

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  On 7/16/2019 at 11:40 PM, azimov said:


Bohemia promised to support DayZ for 5 years after 1.0 with developement. Is this still true? Or can we add this to the long list of promises/features that "sadly" can't be held up.

That was a while ago, though. They no longer promise 5 years.

Originally they said: 
"Bohemia Interactive fully plans on continuing work on DayZ past 1.0 for at least a targeted 5 years"

But since that, they have said:
"DayZ will certainly continue with very active development after 1.0, I don’t think commiting to 5 years specifically is what we have established as a must, I would think this plan was in place when the expectations for 1.0 release date were slighly more optimistic, but we’re always going for the long tail with Bohemia games. Arma 3 is of course the example to follow."

"We may as well happen to support DayZ for 5 or more years after 1.0 - what I’m trying to explain is that it’s not an established goal. As with Arma 3, we will support DayZ for as long as it makes sense to players, as well as from a development point of view."


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So, I'm guessing a hoagie is out of the question??

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So at least thank you for posting here on the forums being honest as far as possible and getting things finally clear...

Focusing on modding support and server tech is the best thing you can do since it is now written in stone that only modding can save this game or  to be better said make it finally the game we were hoping for for so many years. Somehow funny that it all started as a mod and will somehow end as one again in  one way or another.

I can clearly say that this/your final product for me personally is the biggest disappointment in my whole life as a gamer and BI supporter and if it would not be for the great Arma series I would never ever touch a BI product again.



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I see a lot of people talking about broken bones. But about broken bones: this from Gamescom 2018:

"Fractures are coming after the 1.0 and there will be fractures for the legs and the arms."
—Peter Nespesny

And it's pretty easy to explain breaking your leg. So I'm assuming in the Status Report they are talking about status effects and sickness, and probably the vital organ hitboxes as well (added a bunch of organs... then ended up disabling all of them... oof).

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Dean Hall had already said it but a lot of us didn't understand, or didn't want it to be true, but Dean Hall said it : "This game concept is fundamentally flawed." - Dean Hall 2014 

He was simply trying to warn us that the game would never get finished, at least not the way it was meant to.

I love DayZ, but I'm sad it came to this.

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  On 7/17/2019 at 1:32 AM, emuthreat said:

So, I'm guessing a hoagie is out of the question??

This would be advanced cooking which clearly falls under flavor features...so yeah...sorry but maybe someone will make a mod. Good thing though if someone makes a mod thx to the brand new next gen engine you will be able to enjoy your hoagie with fluid animations and 60 FPS xD


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  On 7/16/2019 at 1:03 PM, ThePugman said:

You are getting private servers. Regardless if they are rented or official, this will solve the problem of server hoping on the coast, because they will be private hive. Trust me, coming from PC, most people will play on the community servers.

I played pc for years. I'm hating counsel  but only because of the players. Lol 

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This is pathetic, and frankly not good enough BI.

You guys rushed this broken husk of a game to 1.0 on PC, and decided to milk it further by releasing the sloppy, buggy and technically inept version to Ps4 for a quick buck.

Weather it was initially your intention or not, you have lied to the community over years of false promises, and moved the goal posts to suit yourself when you consistently were too lazy failed to deliver promised features. We have been told to "be patient" for years as you promised once the new engine was built, a backlog of old and new content would come pouring into the game at great speed. So many people on this forum and from your community gave you patience in spades at the promise of a good, feature rich game at the end of it. Even with 1.04 this game is still a shell of a survival game. Half the weapons are still AWOL let alone ANY new ones, barely any vehicles, no helis, no bears, no ✌️✌️flavour features✌️✌️, no traps, no hunting, no advanced medical (you actually said you want to dumb it down?), no fishing, no bicycles/motorbikes in sight, many loot pool items still missing from earlier builds years ago, no radiation zones, no bows, no ragdoll physics, no 100 player servers, no zombie hordes, 2 way doors missing, climbing obstacles, carrying/decaying characters, no tutorial or crafting list and probably 10 tons more stuff if I cared to trawl through the old dev/trello boards.


I could forgive most of this BS if your status report read; We are buckling down and will be releasing a monthly patch that will fix bugs AND continue to deliver on ALL of the promised features you kind folks have been so patient to wait 7 years for, and a few extra features/ guns because you have been a great community and as an apology for releasing this fundamentally broken half-game to consoles under the guise of a finished product for AUD $80.


Instead all I read was: This game will see 1-2 bug fixing patches spread out across 6 months, ensuring a swift death on consoles. Well give the keys of parts of the engine to you modders so you can salvage what you can from this half assed attempt at version 1.0. Also we'll be releasing some paid DLC before the game is even remotely close to a functioning v1.0, and we reserve the right to not deliver on the backlog of 60% of the game that is missing in future, and we're just giving you a heads up, we will be cutting out lots of stuff but we're not gonna tell you what that stuff is yet, so we cant be held to any standard and therefore have no obligation to even deliver on a single piece of missing content.


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What's the story with bears?

We need bears.

Give us some yogi 

We can go all Anthony Hopkins in the edge on them.


Edited by awalsh47

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Health regens too fast, broken bones and other more complex conditions would add to the medical/survival elements of the game, reintroduce leather clothing (you can as of now already make tanned leather), reintroduce fishing, (cross)bows would be great, item colouring needs to return at least for the now not so useful ghillies. The survival elements of the game are lacking right now, it's all about combat.

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Reading back a few months I heard on a dev stream that 1.03 or 1.04 was supposed to be a survival focused patch with broken limbs fishing more sickness etc. Then we got the vss and night vision in .3 and more aks and nades in 1.04.


Looks like they are making it up as they go along

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  On 7/16/2019 at 9:58 PM, TheYetiBum said:

 & if this update still doesn't wipe out duplication completely then I'll most likely be uninstalling anyway in all honesty.

Go private server yeti? 


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  On 7/16/2019 at 12:59 PM, ThePugman said:

re DLC, if you check their responses in twitter, they pretty much hinted that it will be a new map. So that’s good.

re DLC and new maps, Spaggie already has Deer Isle on vanilla. Doesnt seem to be so popular, its running between 10 and 20 players max daily . ..

A possibility that might work (ok, for me) is if you buy the vanilla, you get Chernarus, if you buy the DLC you get an extension to the map and possible higher tier weapons etc (The whole south Zagoria/ChernoRussia map with mountains, cold climate and other terrain). For me, because of the way DayZ is a "long strategy game" with no real endgame, an extension to the current map allows people with time invested in the current map to continue and go further (from a DayZ total player base over the years to present of 4m players). I would buy this.  New players can learn the ropes on the base Chernarus map. So you could go off into the wilds in the new map and build bases etc, without necessarily being disturbed by those players interested in the short game (PVP at NW airfield or wherever). This would involve both new and old players without disruption. The players with bases off in the wilds wouldnt/couldnt be disturbed so much . . .

looking back, I only bought Arma2 because of the mod. I bought Arma3 because I liked Arma 2, but didnt like it so much. I definitively didnt buy any of the DLC they brought out for Arma3. If its DLC for Dayz like Arma3, I wont be buying it either .. .

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Parity with 0.62 and the DayZ Mod – full parity isn't possible because of the engine specifics.

So, we've been waiting for the new engine to have all those awesome features, and now... Nothing? Wow. What's the purpose of the new engine if it can't do what the previous one did (however basic it was)?


Advanced health system – We improved it in 1.04 and will continue the balancing.

There is nothing advanced about it. It's still very easy to recover from everything. Where is the hardcore we were promised? We heal too fast, it's easy not to get sick, and once you do get sick, it's pretty easy to recover. Where is the hardcore, for which DayZ should be known?


New content (guns, cars, etc.)

At least introduce civilian guns or some day-to-day utilities that would improve the Survival gameplay. So far, it's just shooty-shooty. Even on hardcore servers with double or even triple the amount of zombies everywhere, I still managed to get in full military outfit with guns in less than a day.


Modding support

Focus on the core game first, please. Modding, so far, only introduced more shooty-shooty.


Stable base building – A large part of this is the matter of balancing, and it's one of our key objectives for the year.

I hope making hardcore survival (as you promised) is a bigger priority. Bases right now act as nothing but loot hoarding points and make survival pretty much gone once you have a base.

This isn't Rust with base raiding and whatnot. We need survival, damn it.


Our focus for DayZ for the rest of 2019 will be: bug fixing, stabilizing, balancing, and modding support.

Can you say it even more vague? Because what you listed (minus modding) is what ALL games must do. Can you give us specific goals? Or will you remain silent? Will you actually give us what we want and not just trying to word things in a weird way to say nothing by saying something?


Paid DLC

What? Are you fucking serious? Finish the basic game first, damn it, before you even think about having a DLC.


People leaving

That's not a good sign. True, it happens everywhere, but for now, it only spells trouble with the rest of the report.


So far, seems like DayZ will never reach its potential. Shame.

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  On 7/16/2019 at 3:40 PM, ImpulZ said:

There will be more features, more details on that at a later stage. As mentioned in the Status Report, the Survivor GameZ are currently intended as a free Alpha test, while we consider them for an additional game mode.

However, there will be a paid DLC at the end of the year (which is not Survivor GameZ, nor Namalsk). Regarding that, we stand by our word that no previously promised features will be hidden behind a paywall.

See, that is what we needed to know. Why keep all this crucial information from the OP which makes it look like exactly like I described in my previous post. It doesn't make any sense. You guys really need to work on your communication skills because this happens every damn time.

Despite getting more details later, it still looks grim though, since stuff is going to be scrapped yet again. I'm curious about that DLC though, since it isn't any old features, Survior GameZ or Namalsk, honestly curious what it's going to be.

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  On 7/17/2019 at 10:47 AM, IMT said:

I'm curious about that DLC though, since it isn't any old features, Survior GameZ or Namalsk, honestly curious what it's going to be.

From a tweet response yesterday I am almost 100% certain it is a new map. Since ImpulZ says it is not Namalsk, I wonder if it is another old Arma map or something completely new? Personally I would love if it was Altis or Tanoa - new map, new terrain and new assets. New possibilities...

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  On 7/16/2019 at 5:33 PM, lijazos said:

But Tim, what's the meaning of such complex disease-infectious agents system when actual diseases aren't a real threat to your character?

As a player, I don't find the motivation for disinfecting objects or purifying water when the outcome of those actions only produces a slightly higher water loss or vomiting? 

When talking about diseases, all I (and many others) ask for is to give said diseases and infections an actual meaning.
They gotta exist for something, and your goal as a player should be avoiding them by any means.
But you would only want to avoid them if they actually did something bad to you. Right now they are practically harmless. You will never die because of a 1.04 disease.

I feel like DayZ development is getting more and more disconnected with it's own playerbase as time passes.
Last time we got asked for focused feedback was near Christmas and it was about the UI elements.
Last time we got asked for insight on changes for features it was done by Peter on his own Twitter account while discussing it with direct interaction in both Reddit and Twitter.

We haven't heard about the game direction as a whole since last Status Report more than half a year ago, and this one only told us the opposite of what an actual Status Report used to.

Listen to us.

Just add the first aid book to the world.

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  On 7/16/2019 at 3:40 PM, ImpulZ said:

The rough explanation is that players can get sick in the game. Most diseases are spread via agents. Agents are what gets transferred from items to items (by liquid transfer), players to players (by coughing, sneezing) and players to items (by consumption). The player's immunity system, if strong enough, kills the agents, otherwise the agent grows and -reaching a certain threshold- will trigger a disease. Agents on items can be cleaned off with appropriate items (water purification, disinfectant, cooking..)

Players can find medical items around the world, which will provide a help in countering the agent infection.

But you have to see that the forums here only represent a certain very hard core of all players, and that this system is obviously already way more complicated than many other games out there offer, making it more difficult to grasp for newcomers, and to a certain degree frustrating if even balanced slightly wrong.

This all sounds very good, but considering these diseases can't really kill you, what good does it all do? My character pukes a few times, then the bug icon goes away after a while. All I need to do is keep hydrated, which is not difficult. And that new sickness from bandaging with rags (disinfecting with alcohol does not work by the way), does that actually do anything at all? I get the sick icon but it doesn't seem to bring any effects whatsoever. The old text-based symptom descriptions from 0.62 helped a player know what he was suffering from. The current germ symbol just tells me I have something, if I get no visible symptoms on the character, how am I supposed to know what I am suffering from?

And @ImpulZ , about broken bones, you have been dancing around this subject in a number of posts without providing any clear answers, so I'll try to ask as clearly as possible:

  1. Will you implement fractures during 2019?
  2. If not, has the feature been scrapped for good or will it come at a later time?

    And a couple of other questions:
  3. Could you elaborate on the "full feature parity not possible" statement? It has caused a bit of a stir, people are reading it as if bows, broken bones, helis etc will never come back or be implemented as once announced. I have a hard time believing Enfusion has some built in blocker for bows, so what does this statement actually mean?
  4. Vehicles still tend to do Harry Potter stunts now and then, seemingly caused by network lag. Also, client freezes when driving followed by fatal crashes is a recurrent and very annoying event. Are you any closer to tracking these things down and fixing the underlying issues?
  5. Are the events in no 4 possibly the cause of no 3? Implementing flying vehicles is certainly doomed to fail as long as a network hiccup will send you crashing and burning...
Oh yeah, about new content (as in guns and items) please, for the love of gawd, listen to the community. We. Do. NOT. Need. More. Military. Weapons. If you look at missing weapons from 0.62 this is what remains:
  • Steyr AUG
  • AK-74 SU


  • Derringer
  • Amphibia
  • P1
  • Red-9
  • Glock
  • 1911
  • RAK
  • Magnum
  • Repeater
  • Double barrel shotty
  • Trumpet
  • Sporter
  • Pistol grip pump shotty
  • Blaze
  • Longhorn
  • Improvised bow and Crossbow

Since 1.0 every single weapon added has been military or hunting rifles used by snipers. This has led to the low tier game on the coast seriously lacking in variety while the pewpew crowd has tons of toys. So if 1.05 has no civilian weapons while adding the Steyr, or god forbid the M249 or some entirely NEW military weapon, expect a serious backlash from the community. Please.

Edited by Derleth
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maybe i should buy from steam some fishing simulator and play that and dayz same time...then like roleplay that im fishing in dayz.

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Sounding better. DayZ keeps moving forward - can't do much else.

I have to ask @Tom_48_97 - any hope you can give us in regard to the flying cars?


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I'll be VERY dissapointed if paid DLC comes out before all features that we had are delivered. To me thatll look like a serious cash grab to get as much out of DayZ as possible and go fund ARMA4.


You haven't even finished game yet, don't think about DLC... 

Edited by Just Caused
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