Viewing Topic: what happen if SA sucks?
Just now
Viewing Topic: We need new sounds in the game
Viewing Profile: Krawallkurt
Viewing Topic: Ella's standalone guide
Viewing Topic: Combine pistols - dual wield
Viewing Topic: DE 2592, banned vehicle creation, Didnt do anything.
Viewing Topic: Pdw sucks assss
Viewing Topic: Noticed Something Slightly Off...
1 minute ago
Viewing Topic: M1 Garand.
Viewing Topic: I can not die... I can not play the game
Viewing Topic: If you could implement ANYTHING What would you?
Viewing Topic: Anyone else getting wet for no reason whatsoever?
Viewing Topic: Wow, the barracks are lame--NO THEY'RE AWESOME
Viewing Topic: Sprinting
2 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: How to zero in with mosin when bolting takes eye off target?
Viewing Topic: Server Side Mod? How?
Viewing Topic: Simulating Morality?
Viewing Profile: madmaxm
Viewing Topic: Currency - what would it be?
Viewing Topic: DrunkZ Overpoch - Episode 8 - Devil's Castle Stronk!
Viewing Topic: standalone treats
Viewing Topic: Community banned.
3 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: 1,300,000 players
Viewing Topic: "Off Hand slot"
Viewing Topic: Hexplore, YourNightmere spawning weapons
Viewing Topic: Should I get it now, or wait for SA version?
Viewing Topic: Looking for DayZ partner.