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  3. Looks good. You mention volcanic ash..is there a volcano event or is does it just mean that all snow or water needs filtering as there is an (inactive) volcano on the island?
  4. Yesterday
  5. Presence-

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 20

    Inventory system is too big in Dayz with too many slots and putting big items inside the jacket or pants will always be absurd and immersion killing.
  6. Presence-

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 20

    They can at least add the need of sleep and rest. Your character can jog and sprint eternally without any need to rest his body and sleep. You might like it but I don't, I prefer at least some authenticity, involvement, seriousness, things to take into account and immersion. You might even tell me then they should even add the need to pee and poo while we're at it and I will tell you yes why not? Those outhouses can also be used. Worried of getting shot while doing your thing? We're always doing things. Skipping things is the enemy of immersion and if you're about less icons cluttering the screen then remove the hud.
  7. Presence-

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 20

    A new map that is cold with snow coming with new assets is a good idea. Hopefully Dayz will continue the route of the challenge and push the game more towards the slow pace. I noticed that food is defrosting way too fast, please push things into slow pace. It only adds to the immersion. For example: -A hand drill kit shouldn't take the same time as matches or a lighter. It should literally take minutes, making the character put some efforts into it and losing some calories while trying to start a fire. This will add more to authenticity and in parallel to that, making other fire starters more valuable. - Efficiency and chances of starting a fire shouldn't be the same outdoors and indoors. (I know that the rain making the fireplace wet and impossible to start fire is already existing in Dayz but the temperature and the force of wind should also play a role and matter, making the chances of failed attempt higher outdoors compared to indoors and thus chances are also depending on the type and the efficiency of the fire starter) The best efficient way to start a fire should be a blowtorch coupled with a gas canister or maybe a torch that is already lit. It takes more place in the inventory but it is efficient. We think compromise. - It will also be good to see that a torch must require long stick, rags or a cotton cloth and fuel or lighter fluid, or rendered animal or some fat on rags to keep it lit, not just a long stick and some rags.
  8. Server name: [DZS] Steel Server/Loot_x10/Livonia/PvP/Vanilla++ Address: Server version: 1.25.158396 Required game version: 1.25.0
  9. no mods, completely vanilla server partial inertia reduction when moving more loot, prestige quality cars are assembled there is a discord actively monitoring cheaters discord.gg/ejyBZPqxQH
  10. Hello, i hope this is the right place i have the following problem with my dayz every time i start it i get into the launcher as soon as i select a server dayz tries to start and then crashes with the message that it is closed unexpectedly data from could not be verified. i have completely uninstalled the game deleted all data including appdata and documents then reinstalled and the problem is still there so far i have not found a solution can i get help here? Thanks for reading
  11. Pyongo Bongo

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 30

  12. Bonjour, Je rencontre un problème de connexion à DayZ. Chaque fois que j'essaie de changer de serveur, je suis automatiquement reconnecté au serveur 1490, quoi que je fasse. J'ai déjà essayé de redémarrer le jeu, de vérifier les fichiers du jeu et de redémarrer mon routeur, mais le problème persiste. Pourriez-vous m'aider à résoudre ce problème ou me fournir des conseils supplémentaires ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide. Cordialement,
  13. There won't be next devblog or you just forgot to mention its theme? Also, you said it yourself that you've learned from Livonia mistakes, so, hopefully, "below zero" locations will be right from the start (below zero altitude, not temperature).
  14. Emkavec flask looks amazing. The EDTA on the other hand is a bit "squary", enges can be seen. This is not so important, but maybe 40-60 extra polygons will do the trick
  15. riurtino34

    Terrian Procesor

    Nice! That's great news!
  16. Great that this is also implemented to Cherno! Looking forward to more additions 🙂
  17. Kuzyn.

    Terrian Procesor

    Thats a great news 🙂 kinda sad that we have to wait few more months but thats really useful addition. Thank you for checking this out.
  18. So heavy metal poisoning is just an alteration to cholera but for this winter volcanic setting? Or its present only in some special areas? Good to see an update on heat buff timer. Also a side note, there are mods that block people from drinking or eating while wearing masks/helmets. Wouldnt that be cool addition, especially for Sakhal? People would have another layer of survival: eat/drink now in the wild but risk low temp comfort due to taking off mask/helmet or find a better warmer place and consume without the risk. That would also increase roleplay/realism aspect of the game.
  19. ⚠️Disclaimer⚠️ Please be aware: Information shared in our development blog represents a work in progress, not the final product. Contents and features discussed are subject to change before release. We aim to provide insight and foster community engagement, but details may evolve as development continues. Thank you for joining us on this journey, with the understanding that what you see here is a glimpse into the process. Survivors! Welcome to our Dev Blog, where we give a behind-the-scenes look at the development of the DayZ Frostline Expansion. This blog is all about sharing our challenges and successes with you, the community. Your continuous support has been essential for the game's success, and consider this a way for us to showcase our appreciation by taking you on our creative journey. Let us look into the New Environment Hazards. Heavy Metal Poisoning In our ongoing effort to enhance the survival experience within DayZ Frostline, we're excited to introduce a new challenge that will test even the most seasoned survivors: Heavy Metal Poisoning. This feature aims to deepen the player's engagement with the hostile environment and introduce a new layer of complexity. Heavy Metal Poisoning is contracted when a player consumes water or snow that has been contaminated by volcanic ash—a scenario all too possible in the snowy wasteland of Sakhal. The disease has multiple stages, each marked by increasingly severe symptoms and penalties. We won't spoil the "fun" of finding out about the stages and symptoms. The most important part to remember is that the fallen snow on Sakhal is consumable but with harsh risks if consumed without proper filtration. Here's a comparison of what safe consumption and unsafe consumption of snow looks like: Here's a little taste of what might happen if the effects of Heavy Metal Poisoning take over: Tackling the Threat Fortunately, not all is lost for those afflicted. It can be treated through careful management and avoidance of further contaminated intake. Specific treatments have been developed to combat this insidious threat: - Chelating Drugs: These powerful drugs can stop the disease's growth and reverse its effects. They can also be used to purify water. - Filtering Bottle: This device ensures snow can be safely consumed, providing a lifeline in the snow-clad regions of the game. It's important to note that recovering from Heavy Metal Poisoning grants no immunity, emphasizing the importance of mindful decision-making. Heat Comfort As DayZ Frostline continues to evolve, so does its survival element. With the introduction of the Sakhal map, players find themselves battling an eternal winter, pushing the boundaries of survival to new heights. Understanding and mastering the upgraded heat comfort system becomes key to enduring the harsh conditions prevalent in the Frostline expansion. A New Layer to Survival: Heat Comfort The Heat Comfort system is a sophisticated feature designed to simulate authentic effects of temperature, gear, and environment on the player's body temperature. Whether you're exploring the snowy expanses of Sakhal or navigating the familiar landscapes of Chernarus or Livonia, knowing how to maintain your comfort will be crucial. Critical Factors Affecting Heat Comfort Several variables play a significant role in determining your character's heat comfort level. These include: - Environmental Conditions: Air temperature, altitude, and weather phenomena like snow and rain dramatically impact your comfort. - Player Actions and Conditions: Movement speed, wetness level, and the presence of heat sources (like fireplaces) or cold sources near the character come into play. - Gear and Clothing: The insulation value of your clothing, their condition, and whether they're wet or dry, affects your thermal comfort. - Food Consumption: The temperature of the food you consume will also impact your heat comfort. Hot food will damage your health, while warm food will provide a bonus to your heat comfort. Food in a normal state will be neutral, chilly and cold food will lower your temperature, and frozen food is not consumable.We have also tweaked the UI of items in inventory menu to reflect these changes. The Impact of Discomfort Failing to manage your heat comfort leads to various penalties, affecting your water and energy consumption, health, and even your ability to handle weapons steadily. Navigating the Changes The heat comfort system introduces specific gameplay mechanics and strategies for players to adapt: - Clothing Matters: Pay attention to the state of your clothes. Pristine items offer full heat insulation, while wet or damaged gear could reduce your thermal comfort. - Environment Navigation: Seeking shelter can mitigate the penalties of bad weather, and finding indoor spaces or covered areas can offer a reprieve from the cold. - Utilizing Heat Sources: Proximity to heat sources like fireplaces not only provides immediate warmth but also helps to fill a heat buffer, protecting you from dropping into discomfort. Thermal Comfort UI The game's interface gives you direct feedback on your heat comfort level through the HUD. Colors range from blue (cold discomfort) to red (heat discomfort), with white indicating a neutral, comfortable state. Pay attention to these cues to avoid unpleasant consequences. Visual Time Indicator: The Heat Buffer UI doesn't directly alter the target heat comfort beyond keeping it from going negative. Instead, it serves as a visual countdown, indicating the duration for which players can sustain their current level of warmth before the heat buffer depletes. Final Thoughts Updating the heat comfort system in DayZ was an important step to take in getting the Frostline gameplay where we want it. It was a challenging task as we also had to be mindful of the impact that these changes will have on our existing, much warmer maps. Read More and Wishlist
  20. Fonseca Games

    Console Admin Tool

    Don't understand this unnecessary sarcasm and this kind of comments, I'm just trying to get help to finish a tool for my server, if exists some tool that make what I need, share to me please. And never took any 'medals'. But OK. I've tried modded the chat and/or chat input, but only on server side made no effect.
  21. Sid Debian

    Admin Freecam

    YOur awesome unknown and et cadmin tool has outdated code. Check how you can done it by other mods like Community Inline tools and find the way how to port it to the mission.
  22. Sid Debian

    Console Admin Tool

    Man your awesome unique and etc magic console admin tool is existing since 0.68 DayZ SA and was quickly ported to 1.00 when DZ became enfusion. So don't give yourself the medals that you didn't own. Edit the chat event check if text is command - do nothing (don't submit to the chat event) if not - submit as chat event. Nothing hard.
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  24. [EN] First of all, use English on this forum! If you are not familiar with English - Yandex/Google translate will help you. 2nd - you can process it inside init.c (event StartingEquipSetup) where you're assigned it to the player unit. The simplest way is using Slots approach. What do I mean: get item from players slot, if item is not NULL -> change health, else -> do nothing or create new item I just don't know it's your business. The variant with the solution based on yours code will be beelow. [RU] Во-первых, используй только английский на этом форуме! Если не знаешь языка - Google/Yandex переводчики тебе в помощь. Во-вторых, ты можешь обработать это (одежду) через init.c (событие StartingEquipSetup), где ты можешь обработать инвентарь игрока. Самый простой подход - использовать систему Слотов. То есть - берёшь предмет из слота, если он не NULL (существует) -> делаешь с ним что хочешь, иначе -> ничего с ним не делаешь или создаёшь нужный по твоему мнению предмет, но я не знаю что тебе конкретно нужно будет сделать - это уже твои проблемы. пример варианта решения проблемы на базе твоего кода ниже. // Change Health of objects / даём жизнь объектам на персонаже EntityAI object = player.FindAttachmentBySlotName("Feet"); // will start from bottom so slot Feets / начнм сконца - слот ноги object.SetHealth(itemClothing.GetMaxHealth("", "")); // set max health / ставим макс состояние object.SetHealth01("", "", itemClothing.GetMaxHealth("", "")); // and we also need add health to damage zones. / уменьшим урон у дамаг зон object = player.FindAttachmentBySlotName("Legs"); // fix the pants / фиксим штаны object.SetHealth(itemClothing.GetMaxHealth("", "")); // set max health / ставим макс состояние object.SetHealth01("", "", itemClothing.GetMaxHealth("", "")); // and we also need add health to damage zones. / уменьшим урон у дамаг зон object = player.FindAttachmentBySlotName("Body"); // set max health / ставим макс состояние object.SetHealth(itemClothing.GetMaxHealth("", "")); // set max health / ставим макс состояние object.SetHealth01("", "", itemClothing.GetMaxHealth("", "")); // And so on, so on, go on... / И тд и тп.
  25. Last week
  26. L00garius__

    Ghost Man

    Recently I have come across some bad losers who are completely invisible, without making any noise when they walk, they can throw grenades, shoot weapons, open doors... Anyway, I died a few times by an invisible man, if anyone knows anything please comment 🙂
  28. no mods, completely vanilla server partial inertia reduction when moving more loot, prestige quality cars are assembled there is a discord actively monitoring cheaters discord.gg/ejyBZPqxQH
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