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About EluWriter

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    On the Coast
  1. EluWriter

    Status Report - July 2019

    So, we've been waiting for the new engine to have all those awesome features, and now... Nothing? Wow. What's the purpose of the new engine if it can't do what the previous one did (however basic it was)? There is nothing advanced about it. It's still very easy to recover from everything. Where is the hardcore we were promised? We heal too fast, it's easy not to get sick, and once you do get sick, it's pretty easy to recover. Where is the hardcore, for which DayZ should be known? At least introduce civilian guns or some day-to-day utilities that would improve the Survival gameplay. So far, it's just shooty-shooty. Even on hardcore servers with double or even triple the amount of zombies everywhere, I still managed to get in full military outfit with guns in less than a day. Focus on the core game first, please. Modding, so far, only introduced more shooty-shooty. I hope making hardcore survival (as you promised) is a bigger priority. Bases right now act as nothing but loot hoarding points and make survival pretty much gone once you have a base. This isn't Rust with base raiding and whatnot. We need survival, damn it. Can you say it even more vague? Because what you listed (minus modding) is what ALL games must do. Can you give us specific goals? Or will you remain silent? Will you actually give us what we want and not just trying to word things in a weird way to say nothing by saying something? What? Are you fucking serious? Finish the basic game first, damn it, before you even think about having a DLC. That's not a good sign. True, it happens everywhere, but for now, it only spells trouble with the rest of the report. Here, I will give you an advice: STOP BEING SILENT AND VAGUE. GIVE US PRECISE POINTS, ACCURATE GOALS, AND STICK TO THEM So far, seems like DayZ will never reach its potential. Shame.