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Baty Alquawen

Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

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Love this open communication!

Thanks for the updates!

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I wonder if these guys stayed over the weekend to pump it out when this new blocker showed up >.< That would suck so much to be grieved with another bad bug after fixing a rather annoying one.

Baty says it'll be about Wednesday before we really know more, but that doesn't include having the situation fixed. As much as we all want to play this week, we may be set back another if this Addon Verification bug won't settle down. .

Granted, if given the chance, I couldn't care less about spending time trying to log on if it meant being able to see the new world! 

Here's really hoping they can produce a fix and a release by Thursday! God knows they probably want it released more than we do.

Edited by Espa

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Напишу для русскоязычных фанатов. Поскольку только на этом языке смогу точно довести свои мысли. Наверно это удалят.

1. Вы допустили ошибку в самом начале и до сих пор не желаете признать это. Вы взяли для разработки НОВОЙ игры старый игровой "движок" и думали у Вас не будет проблем?

Теперь Вы пожинаете плоды своего решения. То Вам мешает старая физика, то вам мешают старые зомби, то старая система спавна лута, то старый сетевой код, то ошибки из-за старой системы транспорта. Теперь старая система цифровой подписи. Вы постоянно испытываете трудности из-за Вашего ПЕРВОГО решения - использовать старый "движок" и постепенно его модифицировать. Сейчас вы уже затратили огромное количество труда и времени на "труп" и изменить уже ничего не возможно. Дальше будет то же самое. Переделывать всегда сложнее, чем начать с нуля. Dayz mod не обладал даже половиной тех возможностей, которые есть у отдельной игры Dayz, но его любят не меньше и по сей день. А почему??? 

2. Сервера экспериментальной ветки на то и экспериментальные, чтобы иметь баги и недоработки. Что могут обнаружить 10-20 тестеров по сравнению с тысячной армией фанатов? После Ваших тестирований, после обновления и выхода патча, мы все равно обнаруживаем кучи багов и недоработок. Так в чем смысл Ваших внутренних тестирований? Сервера экспериментальной ветки обновлять каждым готовым патчем незамедлительно! Мы и так в курсе, что это максимально не стабильные сервера, что они просто пестрят недоработками, но это даст Вам больше логов и сообщений о проблемах очередного патча, а нам - возможность быть соучастными к развитию игры и видеть каждую неделю или хотя бы месяц прогресс в разработке игры. Но Вам не нужен этот ресурс...


Простите за прямоту.

Edited by Mizev
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Uahahaha, You guys, every time waiting for the new patch half of the year (7 December 2014), and are now crying because of one week delay! The game is dead. The game project was very cost effective.

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hi guys iv been looking everywhere when is the 6.2 coming to game sorry if iv missed the chat on it i can be thick sometimes lol i love the game and just cant wait. 

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52 minutes ago, -SteveZ- said:

hi guys iv been looking everywhere when is the 6.2 coming to game sorry if iv missed the chat on it i can be thick sometimes lol i love the game and just cant wait. 

Theyre fixing a bug found in internal tests, more news Wednesday. 

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Thanks for keeping us up to date, really appreciate it and cannot wait to experience 0.62! :D <3

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I don't care how long it takes, I know that once this game is finished there will be nothing like it. 

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Thx for the info guys!


  • Is this a progresive patch? i mean, we should expect 0.62 experimental and then some others builds to add progressively some of the listed features? or the first update will integrate all of them (trees, wind, light, map changes, etc.) and the nexts builds will be focused on fixing bugs, correcting problems that may arise and so?

Thx again.

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27 minutes ago, Asmondian said:

Thx for the info guys!


  • Is this a progresive patch? i mean, we should expect 0.62 experimental and then some others builds to add progressively some of the listed features? or the first update will integrate all of them (trees, wind, light, map changes, etc.) and the nexts builds will be focused on fixing bugs, correcting problems that may arise and so?

Thx again.

I think one would hope that the first update would integrate all of them. Good question though I would certainly like to know the answer.

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They said the foliage was just going to be on the west right? Was the balance for 63 or later 62?

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Looks like I might be late to the party. only have wed and Friday before I go away for the week.  Looking forward to seeing the new visuals. Hope to join you as soon as I can IMT and Bio.

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5 hours ago, koffeekage said:

They said the foliage was just going to be on the west right? Was the balance for 63 or later 62?

The foliage will affect all of the 700,000 trees in Chernarus and they will roughly double the amount of trees from .61. The west edge will receive an overhaul in .62 which will signify the beginning of the "western expansion" which will be an ongoing thing. What balance are you referring to?

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Wow. How did I not know this was a thing?  It's good to see a dedicated .62 exp countdown thread, especially one with good current information. Thanks Baty.

It's also great to see all the familiar faces back in action; the shitposting randos declaring the game dead; the few hours per patch players poking in for a progress update; the attentive docents with their concise answers; the semi engaged players hopping back on the hype train for the last leg of the trip; and of course the day one commandos, loving and understanding the game since before we knew it existed, on a profound level that few could even hope to comprehend.  

I can't wait to see what the life cycle of this patch will bring.  Oh wait, yes i can. Maybe for a couple more nice weeks.

Now where did I leave that sunscreen?

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Thanks for the info. I can only imagine how frustrating it can be, to find and fix game breaking bugs in a version of a game, that is going to be dropped when .63 hits... (with the old engine and scripting)

Edited by Havrin
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DayZ is #LOVE <3


HYPE for 0.62 

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I'm so curious to try the 0.62 version.

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16 hours ago, Asmondian said:

Thx for the info guys!


  • Is this a progresive patch? i mean, we should expect 0.62 experimental and then some others builds to add progressively some of the listed features? or the first update will integrate all of them (trees, wind, light, map changes, etc.) and the nexts builds will be focused on fixing bugs, correcting problems that may arise and so?

Thx again.

This is in the first 0.62 update:

  • New tree models
  • Denser forests
  • New clutter (grass, small plants)
  • New surface textures - plains and such
  • Improved wind behavior
  • New shader for the wind, affecting trees and grass
  • Tweaked and changed lighting for the world
  • Small improvements to satellite textures
  • Rain affected by wind and refinement of its behavior in general
  • Many reworked locations on Chernarus
  • Reworked ghillie (to be consistent with new tech)
  • Small bugfixes to some issues from 0.61

What is missing in the first 0.62 update :

  • New surface textures - roads


  • 3 hours ago, pericol said:

    DayZ is #LOVE <3


    HYPE for 0.62 

    DayZ is #LIFE

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Baty Alquawen, Are we going to see a change in the FPS? What does these new graphic textures and overhaul means to the performance of the game?

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10 minutes ago, Baty Alquawen said:

Thisis missing in the first 0.62 update:

  • New tree models
  • Denser forests
  • New clutter (grass, small plants)
  • New surface textures - plains and such
  • Improved wind behavior
  • New shader for the wind, affecting trees and grass
  • Tweaked and changed lighting for the world
  • Small improvements to satellite textures
  • Rain affected by wind and refinement of its behavior in general
  • Many reworked locations on Chernarus
  • Reworked ghillie (to be consistent with new tech)
  • Small bugfixes to some issues from 0.61

What is missing in the first 0.62 update :

  • New surface textures - roads


Baty Alquawen, Are we going to see a change in the FPS? What does these new graphic textures and overhaul means to the performance of the game?

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Tweaked and changed lighting for the world?
are gamers still able to exploit gammasettings? 

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