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Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

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I also do not fully agree with forumers like Noctoras who bang the gun scarcity drum constantly either.


With ammo scarcity in place we are already seeing confused KoS'rs trying to melee constantly rather than maybe try a different way to play....


No need to agree with me. I have my point of view, you have yours and that's all fine. I didn't really get why you started provoking Rags in this case, but why not simply let it rest - noone is attacking you over an opinion - it's not what you say, but how you say it. I'm leaving it as that, feel free to agree or disagree with whomever you like.

The more we encourage KoS with the "everybody's doing it so should I argument", the further we get from a survival game.

Currently, KOS is actively encouraged. Community scrum is done with PvP players, gameplay priorities are weapon sway and co, design knocks out new weapons and on presentations, helicopters make for the most interesting part.

So what kind of gameplay do expect? Tourist helicopter tours?

And I disagree, as long as there is nothing to do or to fear apart from a bullet, there is no reason to do anything but spray your bullets around and you will not find me criticising anyone doing so.

This is a matter of game design ... there is no point in saying you shall not do what this game is obviously designed for. Instead please do some pointless sitting around, light campfires you don't need, hunt deer you cannot eat because you are stuffed and don't know what to do with your cans.

The return of the infected is a good step into the right direction. It still feels like a supermarket - but at least one with a certain level of challenge ;)

Edited by Noctoras
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I have never been a proponent of KOS at heart. But as the game lacks features, coagulates players, and features laughably easy survival, killing other players is the only thing in this game that I find enjoyable because as of now the competition against other human beings is literally the only aspect of DayZ that is even remotely engaging to me. Because there's nothing else to do. No zombies, no animals, food everywhere, guns everywhere, ammo everywhere...there's nothing to do beside killing players. And I haven't killed every player I see, but I certainly am predisposed to because most players have the same attitude that I have at the moment. I've been stabbed too many times in the back to trust other people at this point in the game.


Likewise. Currently playing very rarely. And whilst I hate a game offering basically nothing but KOS, I catch myself doing the same, albeit I wish the game would offer me incentives to do different stuff. Didn't really have time to sufficiently test 0.59 so far, though - but I doubt things have fundamentally changed, even though ammo is a tad more scarce. So, time to get some sleep ... Good night, forums.

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No need to agree with me. I have my point of view, you have yours and that's all fine. I didn't really get why you started provoking Rags in this case, but why not simply let it rest - noone is attacking you over an opinion - it's not what you say, but how you say it. I'm leaving it as that, feel free to agree or disagree with whomever you like.



The expression "I don't fully agree" implies that I mostly agree with your thoughts on scarcity I just don't think it will have the same impact you perceive.


If you follow this thread you will find there is a lot to do with this Alpha outside of killing others, just about 46 pages of it here, and very constructive to the advancement of the game.


I might have came down a bit harsh on the brash Mr. Rags but I have no regrets there, he presented a new weapon as a reason to KoS, I made an effort to debunk that. *Please do not continue this line of conversation as it was already tamped down by a mod.


For Rags (with humor):


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Throwing down the gauntlet, are we?


If so, RIP Mr. Sneaky. My money is on Atrophy. :o


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*Please do not continue this line of conversation as it was already tamped down by a mod.


Quite right. Can we stay on the topic of experimental update 0.59 please, guys.


KoS Discussion Topic can be found here...


Edited by Mos1ey
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will add a lot to the gameplay :huh: . I'm tempted to say "just what this game needs right now" ... yes, I know, I am being a bitch these days, but noone needs gun number 212 right now, the game needs content and challenge. The return of the infected is a good start, but things should not stop there - and the amount of guns is by far sufficient for the moment. It feels like a car in which loudspeaker number 45 is added whilst the car still has no engine ... this game had so much potential :(

Gonna just leave this here for you:


I don't disagree and I've been outspoken about the antisocial KOS crowd. The griefers are going to grief, whether they are armed with M4s, Trumpets, or clubs. I do like Hicks' latest initiative to make each round of ammunition valuable. It will definitely make the full auto weapons more impractical to keep fed and hopefully folks will think twice about randomly capping someone else, unless they genuinely feel threatened.

Some folks have complained that we don't need more guns, until (fill in the blank) the renderer, AI, or character controller has been completed. First of all, it's not the guns that are the problem, it's the mentality of those wielding the guns. Also, I don't see the logic of having the art folks sitting around, jerking off to porn all day, while they wait for the rendering team, the AI team, or the character controller team to finish their projects. If the art team have unfinished projects, they need to knock them out, regardless of what progress the other teams are making. Your average art guy doesn't know squat about DX11/12, anyway.

Many folks complain about the inclusion of military weapons, but honestly, since the 1911, Makarov PM, CZ75, G17, Walther P38 and Remington shotgun, to name but a few, have all been issued buy various armed forces, it would be challenging to select weapons that have not been used by some military. Let's not forget that even the Colt 1873 SAA was military issue at one point. And, just because they have never been MIL issue, does not mean that they are not lethal.

I confess that I was disappointed to see the inclusion of the RPG, but if aircraft are going to be in the game, I think there needs to be countermeasures.

Finally, we all want to see more and better zeds and the devs are making good progress on both fronts. They have decreased the server performance hit and the stealth mechanic is pretty entertaining for those whom are entertained by such things. Oh and remember when the zeds could see you from 1km away through walls? Yeah, that's been fixed. The best news is that work is still ongoing and the performance of the zeds will continue to improve.

Edited by IMT
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Gonna just leave this here for you:

Care to explain your point? I am well able to read posts from other people and have actually read this very post already. Neither does it change my opinion nor offer any news, since I've already read it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not picking on you, but taking the time to post your thoughts would probably be better than copying someone's wall of text.

But fine. Wall of text taken. See you around.

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As I posted earlier in the thread:


Good to know, but for the purposes of a fresh spawn, it kinda puts one between a rock and a hard place.  Dehydration and cholera, specifically.


(picks apples on the coast for ten minutes while mumbling curses and kicking at the ground)

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I know how to encourage actual player interaction and reduce rampant killing on sight.


Let's add a motherfucking box magazine fed 200 round automatic M249 light machine gun.

We can't limit the game just because some people are Aftaid of too much banditry .. When the stamina system and zombies actually being dangerous coupled with soft skills and less bullets comes in we will see lots more cooperation but frankly after a lot of thought I think were right where we need to be , and after all thse aformentioned things are in game we can have an environment closest to real life as possible so it will minimize KOS so much people won't care if a freaking missle launcher is added because we know it will have plenty of balance and set backs to balance the positives .

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I'm still having problems drinking from ponds without a bottle or canteen. Anybody else? Been playing on South Central Server. 

Edited by The Riddler

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There's also the factor of having a distinct preference for a particular firearm regardless of its classification or practicality. I love my .257 Roberts more than any other gun I've ever fired, and I'd probably choose it over something like an AR15 if the apocalypse happened tomorrow :)

*ammo scarcity notwithstanding

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I kinda like the idea of the Saw, I had many fun times in the mod using it to mow down herds of zombies and as someone who is STRONGLY anti helicopters . I frequently dropped many of those suckers right out of the sky with the old SAW. I for see this gun and the RPG being very useful for just that in SA , It will likely be something i keep around camp and knock out any would be camp hunters. And of course good for blowing up vehicles full of bandits leaving military areas. 

It was never a great pvp weapon due to recoil but was perfect for spray and pray .


I do agree how ever, I would like to see more civilian weapons type come into play first. Like the Hunting bow, compounds, more attention shown to the crossbow.  A better improvised trapping system for zombies and animals , improved fishing methods. all before i see more military grade weapons . 
The modeling and texture department could spend some time and show some love to us survivalists , with more crafted item alternatives. 
Like shelters, stone axe, gardening tools, smoker racks , cooking recipes (chicken +rice= ) lots of little things they could be doing

but that just my two cents

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The expression "I don't fully agree" implies that I mostly agree with your thoughts on scarcity I just don't think it will have the same impact you perceive.


If you follow this thread you will find there is a lot to do with this Alpha outside of killing others, just about 46 pages of it here, and very constructive to the advancement of the game.


I might have came down a bit harsh on the brash Mr. Rags but I have no regrets there, he presented a new weapon as a reason to KoS, I made an effort to debunk that. *Please do not continue this line of conversation as it was already tamped down by a mod.


For Rags (with humor):


Not to get your whole Rags off-top debacle restarted, but I immediately detected an abundance of sarcasm in his post about the M249.  It's almost like he was calling out the developers' many recent design decisions as being decidedly in support of the KOS/milsim playstyles.


I think Hicks greatly enjoys the difficulty and omnidirectional stress vectors provided by the overabundance of KOS.  Reading his tweets and watching video presentations, it is clear that he is very excited about the process of fleshing out the KOS-centric "game that he wants to play." I can see this game going down the road of creating a small class of elites, so skilled at the arts of KOS, that they actually can maintain the advantage and find achievement satisfaction in structuring their interactions in a way that allows them to avoid killing.  A SAW overwatch threat is as good a way to do this as any...

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The saw and the pkm/pkp are going to represent the height of bullet saturation in the land of DayZ. There will be no 50 cal MG, there will be no m134 dillon in Vanilla. this is a good thing though, because both of those guns are extraordinarily powerful (can destroy buildings), and require an extraordinary amount of ammo or high quality ammo to use.


The m249 or a Pk however shoots 5.56 rounds (or around that) and carries a drastically weaker punch than the above mentioned guns (which were the supreme guns in the DayZ mod).


Being saturated with an LMG m249 would probably deal similar damage as being saturated by an AKM, although to achieve the same effect the AKM would need to be a lot closer for stability reasons, and would not have as much ammunition to do it with (the AKM has higher calibre bullets, but only 75 round mags).


A PK or an m249 are the guns that you use tripods/bipods for and take a defended position on a hill with, or are the guns you mount to a vehicle. they cannot instantly penetrate and destroy armored vehicles, nor can they make swiss cheeze out of buildings (unless you had a retarded amount of ammo). I think they will represent an adequate limit of munitions power in DayZ. I don't want to be attacked with a dillon like in the mod, but I also don't want to be restricted to an ak when firing a mounted gun or saturating targets with bullets.

Edited by FlimFlamm
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Cant seem to understand recent changes to the system 

When I got home at around 6am , I was able to jump in to the client , find a server and play for a few hours with minimum issues . The servers were all low pop due to the early morning hours. 

Now I go in , two servers showing , nearly full of course because its 8:30 pm EST which are high pop hours. I get lag in the client before I even pick a server to join .. ( 2-10 FPS ? ) and a delay between mouse hover , and ability to click buttons . When attempting to join one i get session lost. Which isnt as confusing since I was able to peek some of the players pings which ranged in the 100-300 areas . 

But How in the world is this causing client lag before I even enter a server ? 

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I don't blame people for wanting to model cool guns in 3d instead of  boring blocky buildings but if they finished the models for buildings then people wouldn't be able to cheat their way into unfinished models. It's all very well saying wait for the new system but in just about every case of people exploiting glitches they end up in an area that is basically an unfinished model. It's not the lack of an new animation system enables glitching, it's unfinished models.

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Why do you assume buried stashes with gold dubloons? Anyway, I grinned about that. We can cast gold bullets and pimp our rims with gold ;)


I expect these things to leave that small dirty spot, so they are even less visible than barrels. Maybe these can be used either as interim stashes while building a base, or they are a kind of emergency stash for when you get killed. It's not hard to find a shovel. The stashes themselved look like they need wood and nails. So, different from barrels and tents that's maybe the first option to craft a stash ourselves. I'm just concerned this will further empower my hoarding habits, which are already strong in DayZ. 

You gotta horde it all brotha. I pick up just about everything till i find something better to replace it.I can't help it i know it's a problem...

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I know how to encourage actual player interaction and reduce rampant killing on sight.


800 player interactions a minute  :lol:

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Cant seem to understand recent changes to the system 

When I got home at around 6am , I was able to jump in to the client , find a server and play for a few hours with minimum issues . The servers were all low pop due to the early morning hours. 

Now I go in , two servers showing , nearly full of course because its 8:30 pm EST which are high pop hours. I get lag in the client before I even pick a server to join .. ( 2-10 FPS ? ) and a delay between mouse hover , and ability to click buttons . When attempting to join one i get session lost. Which isnt as confusing since I was able to peek some of the players pings which ranged in the 100-300 areas . 

But How in the world is this causing client lag before I even enter a server ? 

Same here. Sometimes I cant even select server. Double clicking on server name is imposible mission.

Most of times I cant even load game, cant get past BI logo.

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Same here. Sometimes I cant even select server. Double clicking on server name is imposible mission.

Most of times I cant even load game, cant get past BI logo.

Are you playing with -newui? I currently hate the new UI, it doesn't fit right at the server selection and the character screen lags a lot, before I can even get to server selection. The old one is more functional for me and all the buttons work and are in the right place. Until  that is fixed I start without "-newui" options.


About the machine gun - I expect these to be useful, e.g. when you are riding shotgun in a car or even on a heli. It's the little bird they chose after all. So people can sit on its sides and aim down. Gonna be quite carnage. I don't really mind the more and heavier guns and the model looks great, but I think this should seriously hamper your movment in the future, so you can't jump or run for long with the LMG. This is a weapon that really makes sense for groups rather than a solo-player. Even with a group, I can't see myself playing machine gunner, unless in PvE. But I know people who will love the role. 


I'm not playing a whole lot of 0.59 right now, because I want to wait for cars and ultimately for the stable version. It would be amazing to have base-building, but if we can have cars and persistence, I'll be making camp again, because that's what I do ^^ And it doesn't make a lot of sense to play like that on Experimental. I also realized that I usually get a truck early and travel quite a lot before returning to camp. I can't do that now and so I just run around. I often don't even realize I'm running a circle before I end up back near where I started. Campbuilder's habits ;)

Edited by S3V3N
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Im getting kicked off form experimental Servers (1st/3rd & 1st) It keeps telling me I had the wrong version.


Is it just me or is an update incomming? Im asking sinve the servers looks nearly empty.

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Im getting kicked off form experimental Servers (1st/3rd & 1st) It keeps telling me I had the wrong version.


Is it just me or is an update incomming? Im asking sinve the servers looks nearly empty.


We all got kicked ;)

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Im getting kicked off form experimental Servers (1st/3rd & 1st) It keeps telling me I had the wrong version.


Is it just me or is an update incomming? Im asking sinve the servers looks nearly empty.


That's a huge tease before the weekend. Servers would probably explode, if they bring vehicles and stuff online ;) I'd play that like crazy. Fingers crossed - it's a big one (again)!


Seen those? Loving them! And that's just a first. 


Edited by S3V3N

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That's a huge tease before the weekend. Servers would probably explode, if they bring vehicles and stuff online ;) I'd play that like crazy. Fingers crossed - it's a big one (again)!


Seen those? Loving them! And that's just a first. 



I somehow doubt that vehicles (apart from maybe V3S?) will make their way into 0.59 at all. They are working on the passenger desync and thus it might just be out for a while, just like zombies in 0.58.

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