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Hello Survivors,
We have a new Stable Update going live, which includes some fixes and changes for the current 1.05 patch, check the details below.
The original post has been updated.
Added: Survivor GameZ information to the main menu
Added: Icon to identify modded servers in the server browser
Fixed: Position of the mod panel in the main menu
Fixed: LAN servers were not displayed in the server browser
Fixed: The inventory of a pot could get stuck in hands
Fixed: Dropping items through ctrl+click could crash the game
Fixed: Tents could be damaged by projectiles or explosions
Fixed: Broken holding animation when switching two-handed rifles with rags (
Fixed: A client and server error when jumping while reloading a magazine
Fixed: A server error when shooting at the Sarka 120
Fixed: Items can be attached to moving entities
Game Update 1.05.152451 (16.09.2019)
Recommended by ImpulZ

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