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About vak2

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. vak2

    Stable Update 1.05

    Can you read this somewhere .. what is right now?
  2. vak2

    Stable Update 1.05

    https://youtu.be/qozbeWdh_88 in 5 minutes to drink in the death Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong .. He pukes in all what you give him .. no water is good enough
  3. vak2

    tower ladder - fix this plase ..

    that does not work when you're at the top 🙂 you have to jump and kill yourself
  4. after so many years ... there you go to this place the end of the world and can not go down the ladder .. really that makes something with a man if you lose all his loot
  5. de 4-022 pm lost 2x in 2h .. de 4-028 the self .. ander gamer have the self problem
  6. hi what the reason for the whole server restarts `? that's too often .. and gets on your nerves
  7. Hello looking for over a week now ... are there any hardcore server barrels, tents (never seen one) since update 1.04? Are these objects so rare? where are you?