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Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

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My report as promised:

1 lada offroader (the new one from the hill side) stayed on its new position at another hill side exactly where i left it about 22h before.

1 lada offroader (my original one) slided from its parking place (on relativly flat top of the hill i mentioned before) where it has been for 26h before down the whole hill side till it hit some trees at the bottom.


Was the car that stayed put parked facing directly up, or downslope?  I think that they like to slide sideways more than forward or back


 My original lada is now crap. With every hit on a fence or other blockers it becomes less driveable till it is a pain in the ass to drive and you will prefer to run (also the topspeed goes extremely down) and a flip over is now not only a question of time but a super bet if you ever again get it over running speed of a survivor.  Have you tried rotating the tires?  



Hi My friends I have 2 issues in Dayz! I spent 4 hours assembles all the parts of the offroad and when i finally will enjoy the ride! the car start the engine but he can't move from the same place that i found him! i could even acelerate but nothing could move it! what the hell! why i ask?? i lost all thatenjoy i have!


A couple times today on hotfix, we had vehicle that wouldn't go, but just shake very quickly.  Trying a new driver seemed to fix the immobility; even if you just move it a foot, and then let the driver who had troubles get back in drivers seat.  Short of that, try rotating all the tires.


I understand peoples frustration about the sliding bullshit, but thats also not new :P in 58 it happened all the time. Upon a server restarting the vehicle drops from mid-air (~1m) and then immediately starts sliding if on uneven terrain.

Also after restarts trucks used to always point towards north iirc, not sure how it is now.

Vehicles do, indeed, reorient themselves at server restart.

Edited by emuthreat
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I guess we figured out something because: Yes, the lada offroader faced the back downwards when i found it staying at the hill side and faced the front downwards when i left it at its new place where i found it later on its unchanged place again.

My original lada offroader survived the day also with the front downwards. Next day (after server restart i guess) i found it (as reported) 90° turned (now right side downwards) and let it there in this position because i don't knew any better and yeah as i told: Next day it has been slided down.

It has to work in that case i assume. So park them with front or back downwards and check and correct their position if needed to that after server restarts and your vehicles will stay where they have to. No guarantees given. ;)

Edited by Algano
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The hotbar issue is annoying. Every time I log in, hotbar slots 4, 8 and 9 are blank and I have to put items back into them. Again, apologies if this is a known issue.

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The bus was floating in mid-air with my buddy at the wheel :D also got it stuck on a road sign and had to unstuck it again... as it seems someone hitting the throttle helps getting it unstuck with the bow.

...those arrows, hahahah


You write "it seems" - did you get your bus unstuck and how long did it take?


Suggestion: In the future, only allow to "get in driver seat" + "enter as passenger" at the front door. Every time I have to fiddle with "inventory", even though I just want to drive (obvious when you enter in front). Make the inventory approachable only from the sides (like a real bus) and passengers can get in everywhere. 90% of the time I want to get in a bus I end up in its inventory.

Edited by S3V3N

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Is there any way to put VSS in inventory ? Or it won't fit into anything

Edited by General Zod

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Version .59 created slight lag for my setup but playable this was on Tuesday night 15th December, after the maintenance today 16th December, I am now at 10FPS The joys.


Uninstalled the game reinstalled all seems fine back to an awesome game :)

Edited by cybermask

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Version .59 created slight lag for my setup but playable this was on Tuesday night 14th December, after the maintenance today 15th December, I am now at 10FPS The joys.

Look on the bright side: by the time the game releases, you will have a new computer anyway ;)


My guess: they will postpone the Beta release to July/August, after waiting until the last second to tell us that the March/April-Beta release is not gonna happen. There are simply too many fundamental flaws still in the game and we are missing features that are really not easy to do. For example, a realtime-physics simulation. It's necessary to keep us from dying on stairs, throwing things, firing arrows/bullets etc., but it is also necessary for rotor-wing flight simulation and the more advanced vehicle physics. The only reason I can imagine why vehicle physics are so shitty right now, is because they know the whole component will get replaced. 


This now is still more or less the same system as in (old) Arma, which is an approximation of physical behaviour, but not a real simulation. It saves resources that's why Arma did it. But now GFX-cards have their own physx component to make this a standalone feature without sucking up all available resources. 


let me sum up what is missing for a beta:


- realtime physics engine

- DX11 renderer

- Advanced Infected AI + custom infected

- rotor-wing flight 

- new character controller

- working weather system

(- new engine sounds)

(- new gun sounds)

- new destructibles (doors, fences, etc.) -> based on the physics engine

- motorcyles 

(- boats)

- vehicle repairs (hull damage, fuel leak, etc.)

- predatory aninmals

(- companion animals)

(- mushrooms/more edibles)

- food preservation methods

- camp building

- repairing/customizing weapon parts

- changes to the map/final Chernarus+ Map


Even if you just presume half of it is going to be in the beta, looking back at what has been done in the previous 2 experimental releases (which I very closely played and observed), tells me it's not gonna happen in the projected timeframe! There was some progress and there were good additions made, but there are bugs prevailing with items in your hands, in your inventory, which haven't been fixed and probably never can be fixed entirely. We'll learn to work around. What I don't understand and won't tolerate is how the devs can make these announcements, still. They should have learned to be more realistic by now, as we the players learned to be cautious, too. The devs need a focus-group of paid (!) testers and not the official bugtracker. You can use these bugtrackers for regular FPS and games that are simplistic in their mechanics, in order to report, e.g. stretched textures and z-buffer fighting (flickering) or glitches with physics. It's not an appropriate method to monitor a game of the scope of Dayz. At best, the bugtracker can be an addition.

Edited by S3V3N
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"Look on the bright side: by the time the game releases, you will have a new computer anyway ;)"

It is a new computer. :(

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I case this info got burried in all the long stuff I wrote:


If you get the weapons glitch (weapon gone when double carrying/problem with putting it in backpack), store the weapon (even on the ground is good) + keep pushing the hotkey with the weapon you "lost". It will appear again out of nowhere and you can use it as before. If the weapon hasn't disappeared from your hotkey bar, it is still on your person, just not visible. I wish I had found that out earlier myself ;)

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Version .59 created slight lag for my setup but playable this was on Tuesday night 15th December, after the maintenance today 16th December, I am now at 10FPS The joys.


Are you the only one or one of the few reporting this? Can you share some of your specs? It would be relatively unusual for weekly maintenance to have any effect whatsoever on your client.

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Update: since reinstalling the game it is back up to 50fps :)

Edited by cybermask
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Anyone else's characters being reset if kicked (battleye connection timeout) while using the new UI? 



The hotbar issue is annoying. Every time I log in, hotbar slots 4, 8 and 9 are blank and I have to put items back into them. Again, apologies if this is a known issue.


I've noticed that too... I thought it was just 4 but I don't use that many items... I haven't read about it yet but wouldn't hurt looking to upvote. 

Edited by ENO75

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The hotbar issue is annoying. Every time I log in, hotbar slots 4, 8 and 9 are blank and I have to put items back into them. Again, apologies if this is a known issue.


I've noticed that too... I thought it was just 4 but I don't use that many items... I haven't read about it yet but wouldn't hurt looking to upvote. 


Specifically, what items are you guys assigning to those slots?


For me, it seems that whichever slot contains my primary weapon and the last two slots are the ones resetting upon logging in. I have a theory that the number of reset slots on the high end corresponds to however many slots were enabled by the last piece of inventory you equipped that increased the number of available slots. So, just as a hypothetical, if the last thing you equipped was a backpack and it gave you 8, 9, and 0, those would reset every time you log. This is just a theory. Didn't get a chance to check it out yet.

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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The hotbar issue is annoying. Every time I log in, hotbar slots 4, 8 and 9 are blank and I have to put items back into them. Again, apologies if this is a known issue.

Which specific items do you have in those slots?  Have you tried moving items to different hotbar locations, and seeing if it is the slot, or the item that is having the issue.  Personally, Mosins do not like to stay on my hotbar; both normal, and chopped-down Mosins never stay on my hotkeys after a logging.

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Even if you just presume half of it is going to be in the beta, looking back at what has been done in the previous 2 experimental releases (which I very closely played and observed), tells me it's not gonna happen in the projected timeframe! There was some progress and there were good additions made, but there are bugs prevailing with items in your hands, in your inventory, which haven't been fixed and probably never can be fixed entirely. We'll learn to work around. What I don't understand and won't tolerate is how the devs can make these announcements, still. They should have learned to be more realistic by now, as we the players learned to be cautious, too. The devs need a focus-group of paid (!) testers and not the official bugtracker. You can use these bugtrackers for regular FPS and games that are simplistic in their mechanics, in order to report, e.g. stretched textures and z-buffer fighting (flickering) or glitches with physics. It's not an appropriate method to monitor a game of the scope of Dayz. At best, the bugtracker can be an addition.


I've always thought the given timeframe seemed a bit hectic. I think they have the capability to pull it off, but I would definitely understand if they have to delay it. Major games are a huge undertaking. For an example, Cloudberry Kingdom took 4 YEARS to complete, and it's nowhere near the scope of this game. That being said, I completely agree with your point about paid testers. Seems like it would be beneficial to have professionals on the case isntead of a bunch of people sitting at their computers. IDK, though, Whatever the case, I enjoy playing this game and at least there's progress being made.

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I've always thought the given timeframe seemed a bit hectic. I think they have the capability to pull it off, but I would definitely understand if they have to delay it. Major games are a huge undertaking. For an example, Cloudberry Kingdom took 4 YEARS to complete, and it's nowhere near the scope of this game. That being said, I completely agree with your point about paid testers. Seems like it would be beneficial to have professionals on the case isntead of a bunch of people sitting at their computers. IDK, though, Whatever the case, I enjoy playing this game and at least there's progress being made.

Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't complain - I'm having so much fun. But it's these short-sighted decisions, like introducing cars that get stuck everywhere and not giving an option or workaround that can get me worked up. After I spent an hour trying to break free a bus or running to a car, just to find it has slid into a river, I can get quite mad at the game devs: Despite all the glory of Dayz, this could be avoided.


Anyway, been a good evening! Gave an AKM with 75 barrel mag to a random guy and he asks me, if I have more ammo for it. Heh, Dayz, right? Gave him a lift anyway and he was dancing at the sight of a car ^^Hunting, tanning, carring, cooking - what more could I want? Maybe that my car is still there tomorrow! I backed it up against an obstacle/car tent. Either it is still there tomorrow, or stuck on the tent; either way will be interesting. Some pictures without so much comment, this time. Random guy came to camp with me and ran off to town and brought back everything useful he could find. I guess he wanted to make up for asking about more ammo. We shared a camp and made him some leather gear later. Shame I can't remember his name, but I guess this wasn't the last time I met him. The hatchback never spun out on me, but the sedan is a bit more tricky to drive, though nice!




- birch bark doesn't let you make firestarter kit

- birch bark doesn't work in tanning leather (it shoes "0" as amount, too)

- tan a backpack and you lose 4 nails only; the rest gets grouped weirdly

- AUG scope sometimes has the scope glitch, but not always



- cows come in groups of 3 (only saw two animals/group last time I hunted) possibly more?

- cooking works like a charm, even lard looks delish











I look L33T now ;)

Edited by S3V3N
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How did you do that? 


Discovered it by accident, click near the feet and drag sideways. 

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Discovered it by accident, click near the feet and drag sideways. 

So they basically entered the wrong axis for rotation. I was wondering, why rotating doesn't work in NewUI. This should be in a hotfix. It's probably just a minor fix. For some reason I like rotating my character and I miss it. 

Edited by S3V3N
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For some reason I like rotating my character and I miss it. 


Me too. I do it absent mindedly all the time.

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When running, right click mouse character runs on the spot. Is this known?

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