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Exp Update: 0.57128035*

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Any.... Barrels?


I've exhausted my will to scour the lands for a barrel. I no longer believe they spawn at police cars...


Gone Fishin.

Edited by FlimFlamm

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I spwaned at the three houses south of Solychniy with a white glowsitck, 1 rag, and my normal clothing.  Where am I gonna get batteries now that the coast isn't littered with them.


I believe I had asked for a cut-offs, beer bottles, and a belly shirt!?!


Best patch yet!  The ground finally works properly. Hooray!


Edit: Frames also seem to have doubled.  (Or rather the threshhold within the frames will still ocillate)

Edited by emuthreat

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I handle my weapon also manually, so that isn't it. It did put my Mosin on the ground (instead of my back) when I volted, thought for a second there it was gone. :D Not sure but I think I put my gun away and took it back out after that, so that isn't the case I guess.

And for the SVD you need to be at military bases I guess? Those things are long looted by now so no chance of finding a SVD. And going there without a gun, nah-ah.

Hehe I always think I am going to be shot at any second while at military bases, then I run all over and not a soul in sight with 25 people on, pretty soon I am checking every corner of the place for loot and at some point I come to my senses and get the heck out of there. The last SVD I found was in a town where I spawned way out east and it was on the steps of that building you normally can't enter with bars on the window and now you can enter it. It was hidden under a pile of junk and a blaze. I saw a weird piece of rifle sticking out of the mess and dumped a bunch of gear on the street so I could pick stuff up and move it to see what was underneath. :-O

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Well I was touch and go for quite awhile, barely hanging on as I found zero everywhere and headed inland. I found mostly nothing and ended up growing peppers to survive in between towns in the wilderness. I have a gas can emptied twice and then filled with water. Have to carry it in my hands. Found a couple cans of food in a car graveyard and checked 4 more towns heading northwest and finding completely barren towns. The only items I have seen on the ground are tire irons and glow sticks. All the log cabins with coat splosions are barren. I might have to loop left tomorrow night and go to prison island if this keeps up. All my gear is damaged, no repair kits. At least I got to read about players starting when servers were fresh and they got lots of nice toys.

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Strange bug - No matter how much I eat, I can't get past dark green energized.

Remember this ^


I logged back in and now I am lime green Energized and at the bottom LHS corner of the screen, I am getting messages about how I am stuffed and I feel like I am gong to throw up and I think I'm going to throw up.


Before I logged out I didn't have any stuffed messages. While I was getting the messages about wanting to throw up, I opened my inventory screen and I didn't have any status messages there about being stuffed. WTF?

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Hehe I always think I am going to be shot at any second while at military bases, then I run all over and not a soul in sight with 25 people on, pretty soon I am checking every corner of the place for loot and at some point I come to my senses and get the heck out of there. The last SVD I found was in a town where I spawned way out east and it was on the steps of that building you normally can't enter with bars on the window and now you can enter it. It was hidden under a pile of junk and a blaze. I saw a weird piece of rifle sticking out of the mess and dumped a bunch of gear on the street so I could pick stuff up and move it to see what was underneath. :-O

These buildings usually are located at big cities, right? I usually avoid them but will check it out this evening.

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This may or may not be Exp related...


...but, damn. Those .380 rounds are more underpowered than an analogy for something that lacks appreciable ballistic lethality


Story time, bitches


I was playing and it was nighttime, and some bloke was running in the same field as I was. And after I ascertained that he was not my traveling companion, I pulled out my Mosin and readied to fire at him. Because how dare he exist, the insufferable fucker. Anyway, he was out of grass rendering distance and he clearly saw me because he proned on the ground as if he didn't know what rendering distance was. I eyed him and eyed him, ready to shoot him...but didn't. I was out of breath. Didn't want to spook him. He gets closer and closer and gets in the grass...so I run back a little behind some cover.


So this bloke decides to channel his inner George E. Pickett and rushes across the open field towards me with an axe because perhaps he thought the year was 17 AD. But I had a PM-73 Rak ready. So he approaches me and I tell him he is mentally retarded and proceed to shoot him many times with it. 


In the end, I shot a full 25 round magazine and ten rounds out of another one. I spent 35 rounds to drop this wankstain on the darkly colored polyester washrag that is human reason. I heard the "thump thump" hit sounds over and over...and I was shocked at how many bullets from a submachine gun it took to kill this man. 


It was like I was playing Arma 3 or something. 


Anyway, at least the high round capacity of the thing affords me a great margin or error in the accuracy department, but damn...bullet spongey much?

Edited by Rags
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 inner George E. Pickett and rushes across the open field towards me with an axe because perhaps he thought the year was 17 AD.


Lol, Awesome and that wasn't me...

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the zombies are much improved its a nice tase of what they will be in the future


 they meander around almost anywhere i found one in a gaurdhouse bathreoom closed in there. they also dont seem to be able to enter a door that is shut so...big improvement there.


Edited by koffeekage
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Huh, im quite surprised, servers went up yesterday and today i keep finding canned food and guns at Zelenogorsk, i cant fit more guns and food in my tent... i need more or a bigger one!


5 cans in a shed, 9mm ammo and 357 box, in a civil house a repeater and on a garage an Izh18, all in like 5min.


I wonder why the devs are so silent today.

Edited by BrainlessZombie

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the zombies are much improved its a nice tase of what they will be in the future


 they meander around almost anywhere i found one in a gaurdhouse bathreoom closed in there. they also dont seem to be able to enter a door that is shut so...big improvement there.

I am a little disappointed about what I see in this video... :|

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Huh, im quite surprised, servers went up yesterday and today i keep finding canned food and guns at Zelenogork, i cant fit more guns and food in my tent... i need more or a bigger one!


5 cans in a shed, 9mm ammo and 357 box, in a civil house a repeater and on a garage an Izh18, all in like 5min.


I wonder why the devs are so silent today.


Sounds pretty reasonable to be finding lots of loot out west.. there is not much east atm..and that is how CLE is meant to perform afaik.  Everyone started afresh yesterday on the east/south, many including myself won't have made it to the west side yet.

Edited by MadTommy
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the zombies are much improved its a nice tase of what they will be in the future


 they meander around almost anywhere i found one in a gaurdhouse bathreoom closed in there. they also dont seem to be able to enter a door that is shut so...big improvement there.


Zombies move worst than in .28 build. Its like they move at 6 FPS. I see they slide, and hit you without hitting animation...

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Got a NE spawn last night, and immediately headed toward old NEAF. Stopped and appled up to full health. Found some markarov mags and a backpack or two. I skipped Novo and headed to Severog and hit the loot pinata, especially at the two guardhouse bathrooms. Fully kitted ak74 with scope , silencer and two mags. Fnx with mag and red dot. High cap vest and mountain backpack. Called it a night.

Checked other server this morning and both still had some loot, but not as much. Saw a lot of lootsplosions scattered, mostly clothes related. Performance is okay, but FPS gets real choppy with a zed or two around.

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OKay I'm just gonna let everyone know about a weird glitch I have encountered...


Spawned in and my notifications area did not say "hungry". was bleeding profusely from injuries in Elektro but screen color didn't even change. After that sprinted from Elektro to Vybor with no food and hunger notification didn't change. Ate up and have been fully energized and hydrated for hours now without status ever changing. Swam to military prison and didn't get wet. I feel like I'm playing on god mode and it's kind of bugging me out. Anybody know what's going on?


Extra info: this happened after I downloaded an update for the experimental branch and my previous exp character was wiped. Have had 2 characters since the download, both with unchanging hunger and health statuses. The first character got shot and died instantly, so I CAN die, just not from hunger, disease, bleeding, or anything environmental. Sorry if this isn't the right place to post bugs.

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This may or may not be Exp related...


...but, damn. Those .380 rounds are more underpowered than an analogy for something that lacks appreciable ballistic lethality


Story time, bitches


I was playing and it was nighttime, and some bloke was running in the same field as I was. And after I ascertained that he was not my traveling companion, I pulled out my Mosin and readied to fire at him. Because how dare he exist, the insufferable fucker. Anyway, he was out of grass rendering distance and he clearly saw me because he proned on the ground as if he didn't know what rendering distance was. I eyed him and eyed him, ready to shoot him...but didn't. I was out of breath. Didn't want to spook him. He gets closer and closer and gets in the grass...so I run back a little behind some cover.


So this bloke decides to channel his inner George E. Pickett and rushes across the open field towards me with an axe because perhaps he thought the year was 17 AD. But I had a PM-73 Rak ready. So he approaches me and I tell him he is mentally retarded and proceed to shoot him many times with it. 


In the end, I shot a full 25 round magazine and ten rounds out of another one. I spent 35 rounds to drop this wankstain on the darkly colored polyester washrag that is human reason. I heard the "thump thump" hit sounds over and over...and I was shocked at how many bullets from a submachine gun it took to kill this man. 


It was like I was playing Arma 3 or something. 


Anyway, at least the high round capacity of the thing affords me a great margin or error in the accuracy department, but damn...bullet spongey much?



Dude, just shoot harder! Take your gun, aim a bit and shoot really really hard. Sometimes screaming out loud while pulling the trigger also does the trick. (jeez, what a nub)



Edited by robophant
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Dude, just shoot harder! Take your gun, aim a bit and shoot really really hard. Sometimes screaming out loud while pulling the trigger also does the trick. (jeez, what a nub)



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Edited by IMT
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Ok i was right my settings were wrong i reinstalled the game and now it runs much better. :)

Edited by xCrankx

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I handle my weapon also manually, so that isn't it. It did put my Mosin on the ground (instead of my back) when I volted, thought for a second there it was gone. :D Not sure but I think I put my gun away and took it back out after that, so that isn't the case I guess.

And for the SVD you need to be at military bases I guess? Those things are long looted by now so no chance of finding a SVD. And going there without a gun, nah-ah.

You can still find SVDs, they're just much harder to find because people are hoarding them and other items as though those items are the holy grail of survival.

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Huh, im quite surprised, servers went up yesterday and today i keep finding canned food and guns at Zelenogorsk, i cant fit more guns and food in my tent... i need more or a bigger one!

5 cans in a shed, 9mm ammo and 357 box, in a civil house a repeater and on a garage an Izh18, all in like 5min.

I wonder why the devs are so silent today.

Guns everywhere in Dolina on uk-10

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-snip- Sorry if this isn't the right place to post bugs.


Nah, as long as it's in experimental build, you're in the right place.


What you're experiencing may be some kind of desynch from the hive.


When you say you spawned in bleeding, were you a fresh spawn or did you spawn back into a character you had already played with?

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I would have thought that two packs of rice, a box of cereal, a dozen cans of food and two dozen apples would have gotten me bright green but I guess I'm mistaken. I'll try some more.


Thats food but you need right amount of fluids too to get the top status - I think anyway. Mine came up after drinking a few soda pops

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I found three trucks in Strary Sabor and none of them would move more than five yards without getting stuck (then I got murdered, 6 pop server...) Are the trucks glitchy, or am I missing something?

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OKay I'm just gonna let everyone know about a weird glitch I have encountered...


Spawned in and my notifications area did not say "hungry". was bleeding profusely from injuries in Elektro but screen color didn't even change. After that sprinted from Elektro to Vybor with no food and hunger notification didn't change. Ate up and have been fully energized and hydrated for hours now without status ever changing. Swam to military prison and didn't get wet. I feel like I'm playing on god mode and it's kind of bugging me out. Anybody know what's going on?


Extra info: this happened after I downloaded an update for the experimental branch and my previous exp character was wiped. Have had 2 characters since the download, both with unchanging hunger and health statuses. The first character got shot and died instantly, so I CAN die, just not from hunger, disease, bleeding, or anything environmental. Sorry if this isn't the right place to post bugs.

I also had an issue with "stuck" status messages yesterday. I would encourage you to submit a bug report.

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