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Experimental Update 1.08

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  On 6/9/2020 at 8:22 AM, William Sternritter said:

@SillyJoe From my observation DayZ utilizes my GPU RTX 2070 @98%, resolution 3440x1440, all the time even in the main menu. Talk about optimization issues 😉 
Rest of my PC is just chillin and I still get drops from ~100 FPS in the countryside to ~40 FPS in large urban area. Put that into the perspective of current consoles, there is very little that you can expect in terms of performance and I'm quite confident in saying that next gen consoles will just so so run it at 1080p or 1440p at best. There will still be massive drops and performance issues, but hopefully you will not get a power point presentation as a result 😄 

Well if your GPU wouldn't be at 98% you would have a bottleneck in your system (most likely your cpu) or the game would be ultra badly optimzed.

I'm hoping for a solid 1440p performance with the next gen consoles as my TV for gaming does support Freesync, VRR and LFC upto 1440p and I would love to utilize those functions. Imho native 4k is for singleplayer games @30fps and not for any pvp related content (in terms of next gen consoles)...

Edited by SillyJoe
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  On 6/9/2020 at 5:43 AM, SillyJoe said:

I guess you are right about the shitty hardware for the day and age but for me it is still hard to believe that DayZ on consoles have to run that bad and I think optimization would do a bigger difference than 5%.

Stuttering and fps drops are way to frequent in DayZ (I can only speak for the PS4-Pro here) and I do think the enfusion engine is way too hardware hungry or just badly optimized for the current gen console hardware specs. Afaik DayZ at it's current state doesn't even offer proper ragdoll or complex physics of it's world but I'm not a game dev so I don't know what hardware requirements are needed to run DayZ smoothly.

On the other hand if you look at the DayZ server performance you will only come to the conclusion that it's badly optimized as well and imho that speaks for the whole optimization state of the whole game. It seems like that the devs are not even able to optimize the server performance so that players and infected won't teleport and lag all over the place on a full pop server with 60+ slots. Custom servers on conslole a very nice feature but only up to 52 slots when full pop. As I said above imho it is a slap in the face of the console community to offer rented servers above 60 slots at the time beeing.

Well I can't wait to play DayZ on the PS5 or Xbox One Series X but even if those consoles are able to run DayZ at solid and stable 60fps@4k (hopefully 120fps@1440p) they still need to optimize the server performance. I don't see any words of the devs regarding to the progress or change about the server performance or did I missed something?

Anyway it would be great if someone here could answer my questions in the PS4-Troubleshoot section about the actual ingame resolution at 4k (PS4-Pro):


the game is pretty much optimized but the servers are stuck in the past ... think of them running on the old engine while the game runs on new one xD pretty much what they need to optimize is the server

  On 6/9/2020 at 8:58 AM, amadieus said:

DayZ is pretty odd when it comes to performance when I read about the experiences of others, like yours. I got a I7700K and GTX1070 and always have 60 fps in large urban areas. However, in certain forest areas my fps can drop till 45...

drop you object quality to medium and shadow quality to like low/medium... those too eat fps... object quality eats CPU and shadows eat either GPU or it's memory not sure but shadows lead to heavy fps drop in forests because there is no chance that you with that kind of pc get 60fps in urban areas and me with an i3-8100 and GTX 1050 get 80fps in urban areas xD

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  On 6/9/2020 at 10:29 AM, William Sternritter said:

This is not the only area where DayZ overall feels very antiquated, lot of the times I forget what year was this made in. 

Yeah foliage smoothing certainly takes a hit on the fps, but I think it does make the foliage look better so I decided to just deal with those drops in fps.

  On 6/9/2020 at 10:29 AM, William Sternritter said:

This is not the only area where DayZ overall feels very antiquated, lot of the times I forget what year was this made in.  

Definitely! I'm quite happy that they improved the textures of those ugly Arma 2 barns in 1.08. The quality of those buildings was just too painful to look at. Hopefully we see more of these improvements.

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  On 6/8/2020 at 8:47 PM, helpthedeadwalk said:

I posted this on /r/dayz : 


This new features is going to make it easier as well. Just not sure why it didn't include cfgeventspawns.xml @jakub_bohemia

Added: Central Economy mission files modding (details at https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Central_Economy_mission_files_modding)


nice... looks not so much.... thank you for that

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Does anyone else think that underground stashes should be persistent longer than 14 days? Currently in the 1.08 build, it was brought to my attention that the persistence has been decreased for underground stashes by threefold. For the casual players, it seems too short of a time frame if they have established themselves on a server already. If you play constantly, this is not much of a hindrance. For example, the player has several stashes, in different parts of the map, so that instead of constantly scavenging for supplies, all the basics are taken care of, and the player can pursue other interests, explore, role-play, etc. It would be nice to do more playing and less maintenance if you only get a couple days or hours of free time per week. 45 days is a long time, probably too long. What about decreasing persistence time to 30 days instead of 14? That's a nice number, and easy to keep track of.

Thoughts? Arguments? Thanks for your feedback in advance.

@ImpulZ / @jakub_bohemia

Edited by EzyStriderPS4

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  On 6/9/2020 at 4:54 PM, EzyStriderPS4 said:

Does anyone else think that underground stashes should be persistent longer than 14 days? Currently in the 1.08 build, it was brought to my attention that the persistence has been decreased for underground stashes by threefold. For the casual players, it seems too short of a time frame if they have established themselves on a server already. If you play constantly, this is not much of a hindrance. For example, the player has several stashes, in different parts of the map, so that instead of constantly scavenging for supplies, all the basics are taken care of, and the player can pursue other interests, explore, role-play, etc. It would be nice to do more playing and less maintenance if you only get a couple days or hours of free time per week. 45 days is a long time, probably too long. What about decreasing persistence time to 30 days instead of 14? That's a nice number, and easy to keep track of.

Thoughts? Arguments? Thanks for your feedback in advance.

@ImpulZ / @jakub_bohemia

I disagree. It's 14 days since last interaction so if that stash is important to you, dig it up every 2 weeks to reset the clock.  If you don't come back in 2 weeks and you've buried something that has a server max, it should go back into the pool. And don't forget, it's a one line change in types.xml so any community server can change it (I already have it at 14 days on my server).  Maintaining your stashes is just an equal part of playing as anything else.

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  On 6/9/2020 at 6:59 PM, helpthedeadwalk said:

I disagree. It's 14 days since last interaction so if that stash is important to you, dig it up every 2 weeks to reset the clock.  If you don't come back in 2 weeks and you've buried something that has a server max, it should go back into the pool. And don't forget, it's a one line change in types.xml so any community server can change it (I already have it at 14 days on my server).  Maintaining your stashes is just an equal part of playing as anything else.

Exactly this. I would even argue that as a casual player I have never used them, because there is no need. Yes it would be nice to have a stash near coast in case I die but what exactly would I burry there, hunter jacket and mosin? If I find something that is rare as a casual player I will use it and have it on me until I die. 

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  On 6/9/2020 at 4:54 PM, EzyStriderPS4 said:

Does anyone else think that underground stashes should be persistent longer than 14 days?

Personally, I think it should be only 7 days.  If you can't check on and interact with your stash at least once a week, that loot should go back into the CLE for someone else to use.  I would actually like to see two timers on this -- the second being an absolute expire date, perhaps that could be 14 or 21 days, meaning once you've held the stash for that long, it's gone no matter how many times you've interacted with it.

I don't think the higher-end loot should be retained by a select few indefinitely (or at least until there's a persistence wipe).

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  On 6/10/2020 at 5:51 AM, drgullen said:

Лично я думаю, что это должно быть только 7 дней. Если вы не можете проверять и взаимодействовать со своим тайником хотя бы раз в неделю, этот лут должен вернуться в CLE, чтобы кто-то другой мог его использовать. На самом деле мне бы хотелось увидеть два таймера: второй - абсолютная дата истечения, возможно, это может быть 14 или 21 день, то есть, если вы долго держите тайник, он исчезнет, независимо от того, сколько раз вы мы с ним общались.

Я не думаю, что более дорогая добыча должна сохраняться избранными на неопределенный срок (или, по крайней мере, до тех пор, пока не будет уничтожена стойкость).

Empty boxes are what should be stored on the server for no more than one day , they load the server and lie empty all the time because running players look into them

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When will the blick be removed from the collimator sight?
When will collimator sights receive hologram pattern switch and hologram color switch?
Ticket was published and confirmed one year ago
Why should players find collimator sights but not use them? - as it is not usable in some situations.


Or its use leads to immersion disorders in the atmosphere https://feedback.bistudio.com/T141155


Edited by lex__1
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Are the  Experimental servers down ?  We getting an update. Why is there never any information on the official forums? 

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Another version is live! Thanks for your feedback, you guys have no idea how much you're helping us 🙂

Version: 1.08.153164 (Release date: 10 Jun 2020 )



  • Fixed: Character and server names were not cut after a certain length, when displayed in the main menu ui
  • Fixed: Loot on the Olga wrecks' interior seats was inaccessible
  • Fixed: Damage on barrels was not visible from distance
  • Fixed: Attached materials could end up in the wrong watchtower slot
  • Fixed: Incorrect HUD info about your weapon being jammed after re-connect
  • Fixed: Restraining could be used to recharge items held in hands
  • Fixed: It was possible to stack some items over its limit within the players inventory
  • Fixed: Missing Xmas lights' attachment slot on canopy tent
  • Fixed: The weight of items was not properly calculated upon re-logging to a server
  • Fixed: Issue with an invisible wall appearing at a gate's position, when upgrading it with walls afterwards
  • Fixed: Client performance could severely decrease when colliding with a stone oven during certain state of the fire


  • Tweaked: The dismantle action now takes longer and damages tools more
  • Tweaked: Durability of base building objects, tents and containers against explosives
  • Tweaked: HP balancing for fence and watchtower parts


  • Added: Server config parameters disableBaseDamage and disableContainerDamage, setting them to 1 will disable damage and destruction on relevant objects (see our server config documentation)



  • Furniture does not block bullets
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Will current bases by wiped on the new update ?

Will the current blue tents remain or are they going to be wiped ?

Edited by Fyrd Judge

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I've noticed two issues with the current experimental:

Small Hammer makes wood chopping noise when mining stone and more importantly it does not drop stones.

Occasional barrel lid opening noise plays when near a barrel.  This is very similar to the car pop bug except it seems to be a closer proximity.

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Added: Server config parameters disableBaseDamage and disableContainerDamage, setting them to 1 will disable damage and destruction on relevant objects (see our server config documentation)

Will this setting show in the server listings in the launcher?  Or will people just have to beat on a wall for several minutes before deducing that they're on a loot hoarder server?

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It seems you guys are assuming I'm just burying AR's... Everyone either despawns items in stashes above ground or steals everything on console. Burying things is the only way to be somewhat safe from that. @drgullen If the persistence timer is only 7 days, that means I can't even go on vacation without starting from scratch! 14 days seems short to me because I don't play everyday. Several of my stash points are 10 to 13 km away from each other.

Edited by EzyStriderPS4
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Anyone having an issue with the weight system ? My stamina is stuck at zero when I log in. I cant jump or sprint. is there a fix ?

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  On 6/10/2020 at 8:28 PM, LoveAffair said:

Anyone having an issue with the weight system ? My stamina is stuck at zero when I log in. I cant jump or sprint. is there a fix ?

It has to do something with your backpack. I just left of mountainbackpack and took smaler one to gain some usable stamina.

No notes on changlog, so I hope its a bug.

Edited by slabam

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  On 6/10/2020 at 8:33 PM, slabam said:

It has to do something with your backpack. I just left of mountainbackpack and took smaler one to gain some usable stamina.

No notes on changlog, so I hop its a bug.

Thank you slabam

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Ok, some testing results:

Im stripped, have full stamina.

When i take EMPTY mountain backpack, stamina drops to minimum.

This IS NOT a new changed property. It is a BUG 😞

Empty tourist backpack took about 50% of stamina.  And weights 4kg  instead of 6kg for MB.  So weight vs stamina difference doesnt make any sense.


Edited by slabam

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Will there ever be a re-balance to the bullet damage for .308 and 7.62x54? It is so frustrating that every damn shot taken or received from these calibers ends in a one shot kill, EVERY TIME, unless you have a platecarrier. You can find the weapons and ammo absolutely everywhere, so everyone uses them. I don't want to hear about realism, in that case even a .380 to the chest would probably kill you in one shot. It should be balanced for good gameplay and having them one tap you with full health is so shitty. Atleast buff the anti stab and pressvest agains the .308 and 7.62x54 to the point that you survive with red blinking health and uncon with the antistab and maybe red health and uncon with pressvest, and keep unprotected and platecarrier hits as is. It would massively change the gunfights back to being awesome and really give team play more value and fun when we have the ability to survive.

And second, can you please fix the bullet snaps sounds, they haven't played correctly since 0.62, we just hear maybe a little *tink* when bullets goes mach 2 next to our ears. Half of the time we don't even know we are getting shot at because of this.

Please I beg you for these 2 issues.

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  On 6/10/2020 at 8:51 PM, slabam said:

Ok, some testing results:

Im stripped, have full stamina.

When i take EMPTY mountain backpack, stamina drops to minimum.

This IS NOT a new changed property. It is a BUG 😞

Empty tourist backpack took about 50% of stamina.  And weights 4kg  instead of 6kg for MB.  So weight vs stamina difference doesnt make any sense.


Might want to report that to the Feedback tracker.

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There has been a bug since at least 1.07, and I have not found any patch note about it.

The bug is that when there are wolves howling near, and there are two or more players together, sometimes the howls can be heard by only one of the players, and not the other one. Then randomly happens the opposite in next howls; the one that heard the previous howl does not hear it now and the other can hear it. It is a little paranoid but I hope it makes sense.

Summarizing: seems that the hearing of howls is random and can be noticeable when you're playing with a friend.

It happened to me and my friend the other day. In this ticket, the user Lex comments exactly what I describe up here.


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  On 6/10/2020 at 8:51 PM, slabam said:

Ok, some testing results:

Im stripped, have full stamina.

When i take EMPTY mountain backpack, stamina drops to minimum.

This IS NOT a new changed property. It is a BUG 😞

Empty tourist backpack took about 50% of stamina.  And weights 4kg  instead of 6kg for MB.  So weight vs stamina difference doesnt make any sense.


That happened to me yesterday with a mountain backpack too. I relogged and it fixed it.

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I'm having a strange issue:

When I PUT MY FIELD BACKPACK ON my stamina goes to almost 70%, but when I take it off my stamina is 0% and I can't run.


I've also noticed that certain items in my stash have different weigh. For example I have two pistol holsters in my stash: one weighs 0.25kg and second weighs 2kg, although both are empty and dry.

The same with weapons: First tundra is 3kg and the second i 4kg heavy. First Mosin is 7kg and the second mosin is 5kg heavy. First plate carrier is 57kg and the second is 11kg 🤯

The bug with wrong weigh calculation still exists. I'm currently playing at DayZ Livonia EU - UK 0-1 (Experimental/Unstable).

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