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Experimental Update 1.08

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I hoped in 1.08 would have been added again the Magnum (Revolver Phyton .357) because it was my favorite gun in the game😖.

Will it be add in the future? Or it has been removed forever?

Thank You!

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Some fantastic fixes and improvements.

Can we please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, have wrist watches again.
It just seems bizarre that we still don't have these implemented even though they were in the MOD in 2012.

I want to know what time it is, instead of having to guess. I mean it's unlikely wrist watches would cease to exist, yet it feels like they have?

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  On 6/2/2020 at 4:29 PM, THEGordonFreeman said:

Expansion has a crossbow

i mean thats cool and all but i just want a craftable ranged weapon.  i loved the improvised bow.  kinda wondering how many people even remember it.  i would guess at this point most of the old crowd of players has moved on and been replaced with people who have never had a chance to even experience crafting ur bow and goin huntin with it.  leathercraft was always nice too.  

my favorite dayz life i scooped rocks from the beach, looted houses till i had enough rags to make a rope and off into the Bush with improvised bow.  grew food and hunted untill i realized i had a solid system for survival and needed goals.  by the time of my death i had set up a small camp (really just a barrel, small tent, firepit, gardens) and no longer wore any clothing that i had not crafted from fallen game.  i even took the extra time to find nails (not sure why it was nails) to dye it all black.  

those were the good ol' days

Edited by FunkInYourTrunk
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Removed: Obsolete ActionIgniteFireplace and CAContinuousTimeIgnite classes

Removed: Obsolete class CAContinuousTimeBuryAshes

is there way to change durations for certain actions?
like 1.8 have lighter but its useless...you can craft firedrill in 10 seconds.
actual firemaking is faster than drinking one pipsi



Edited by kopo79
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  On 6/2/2020 at 3:07 PM, TheYetiBum said:

Awesome, changes to the Arena & Ski Resort area, nice to see these being developed further as it felt empty in that NW region. The changes to base building are by far the most meta changing additions though & very welcome in my book. Hopefully the wall/tower health has been set very high so that you still cant break in very quickly unless you have a lot of grenades & ammo . At least this way base raiders will draw much more attention when raiding now. also moving the bard wire slot on walls to the inside is a fantastic change. no more snipping it off from the outside hopefully. GG devs 👍 

Right, dismantling Barbwire from the outside was a big let down for me I do hope this means it can only be dismantled on the inside.

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  On 6/2/2020 at 3:46 PM, DeadForLifeMXR said:

Can someone tell me if this update is also for the console because i dont want to get realy excited for nothing

Console don't get the experimental patch till its gone through the experemental stage.

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  On 6/2/2020 at 6:46 PM, Mario Spaghetti said:

I hoped in 1.08 would have been added again the Magnum (Revolver Phyton .357) because it was my favorite gun in the game😖.

Will it be add in the future? Or it has been removed forever?

Thank You!

IT will come back in the future... it's possible that it might even be in 1.08 by the time it goes to Stable Branch... this is only the initial update... there are more updates to come to this 1.08 update so hopefully they will add Magnum back in time for 1.08 stable 😄

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Seria legal se ouvesse uma forma de denunciar hacks dos servidores oficiais , pois do jeito que esta e muito desanimador . Se ao menos tivesse um botao para denuciar jogadores que estao jogando de forma suspeita (usando algum hack )

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Added: Sporter 22 and its attachments

@jakub_bohemia hi

Do you know that


will add in the future?

Edited by pr9inichek

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I like how now the aim animation is smooth but is too fast, It is unnatural, very unreal, I think the aiming should be slower but with the animation smooth, maybe 3 times slower than shown, in COD would understand this speed but this is DayZ, I even think that in cod it is slower than this

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Anybody have this bug for value of remaining?

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by pr9inichek

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Dear developers. Bus, v3s, spray cans and uh guns .... fractures... I hope I live to see this moment.

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Sorry for the noob question, but my google and forum searching has failed me, what is the code to enable experimental in steam, the drop drown menu not longer has it listed and the old "ireallywanttotest" is not working. 

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We need more updates for broken things more than the new things that you are adding in the game.

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Sorry for the noob question, but my google and forum searching has failed me, what is the code to enable experimental in steam, the drop drown menu not longer has it listed and the old "ireallywanttotest" is not working. 

Never mind I just figured out its a seperate game install from the steam library now, (you'd think a search result from google, steam or the official dayz forums would have returned that information)


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When will the V3S trucks and other big cars & trucks be added back to the game for console then? I really miss that in comparison to pc.

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Not directly related to 1.08 but in general, the countdown before I'm connected to the game, why is there a 15 second countdown when there still is the loading afterwards which can easily take another 15 seconds? I understand the countdown when server hopping but why on a normal connect? Can you at least make so that the game loads during that countdown? 

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  On 6/3/2020 at 8:34 AM, hegra said:

Dear developers. Bus, v3s, spray cans and uh guns .... fractures... I hope I live to see this moment.

Fractures are confirmed to come back this year... i think they are making a whole new like... art for it... like limping depending on what is broken... animations and such... so it"s not gonna be oh your legs broken? Cool now you're stuck in Prone mode xD 

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  On 6/3/2020 at 11:59 AM, Fixthegame said:

Fix the desync 👀


Then go tell them how to make DayZ server run on multiple cores instead of single 🙂 plz Share your infinite wisdom

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  On 6/3/2020 at 12:22 PM, KajMak64Bit2 said:

Then go tell them how to make DayZ server run on multiple cores instead of single 🙂 plz Share your infinite wisdom


Or use a current CPU for the server with high single Thread Performance from this list:


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  On 6/3/2020 at 1:05 PM, wildzero said:


Or use a current CPU for the server with high single Thread Performance from this list:


well actually Ryzen has better IPC but they can't clock high.. wait a few months and next gen ryzen is out that has high clocks and high ipc 😄 and cores... if only DayZ servers were multi core.... imagine Threadripper server... xDDD 10 000 cars in Cherno xDDDDD

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