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Experimental Update 1.08

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Version: 1.08.153228 (Release date: 25 Jun 2020) 



  • Fixed: The side-room of the aircraft shelter was impenetrable, even when doors were opened
  • Fixed: The Sporter 22 hunting optic was floating above the gun
  • Fixed: An issue that would prevent kindling to get combined in the fireplace


  • Changed: Kindling and fuel will not get ruined while burning in the fireplace and thus allow combing with new ones, before disappearing


  • Changed: Updated the offline CE files to latest version



Version: 1.08.153212 (Release date: 18 Jun 2020)



  • Fixed: A possible server crash
  • Fixed: Barbed wire trigger damage was too weak
  • Fixed: Missing % in the inventory tooltip (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T151418)
  • Fixed: Items could be picked up through a base building fence/watchtower
  • Fixed: The character could become too hot when entering certain buildings
  • Fixed: Weight was not properly updated when soaked with water
  • Fixed: Suppressed sounds for the Sporter 22
  • Fixed: Ruined ammo could be loaded into magazines
  • Fixed: Using the shovel to dig logs from the fence or watchtower base could sometimes result in the logs disappearing
  • Fixed: Interrupting the "Wash hands" action would complete the action immediately
  • Fixed: It was not possible to sprint under a certain level of stamina
  • Fixed: Impact of indirect damage on tents is now be handled properly
  • Fixed: Pop sound when approaching a vehicle
  • Fixed: Repair action was sometime not available on base building parts
  • Fixed: Furniture does not block bullets
  • Fixed: Issue with equipment weights
  • Fixed: The damage state of the tent is now properly initialized when damaged by the CE
  • Fixed: Trying to jump out of the Gunter 2 would result in the character getting stuck
  • Fixed: It was not possible to jump out of green ADA 4x4s back seats
  • Fixed: blood bags with known blood type will keep the information when combined with an IV kit
  • Fixed: Stage-based fireplace lifetimes were not properly set
  • Fixed: The one-handed suicide had an improper positioning of the used tool
  • Fixed: Items in ruined clothing will no longer disappear after re-log
  • Fixed: It was not possible to interact with certain parts of the car tent


  • Changed: Base building dismantle action now returns materials according to the damaged state of the deconstructed part
  • Changed: Fireplace lights now fade by distance based on the type of a fireplace
  • Changed: Packed tents can no longer be repaired
  • Tweaked: Removed the stone mining action from the Hammer
  • Tweaked: Lowered the inventory size of the Frying Pan
  • Tweaked: Soda cans can no longer be used to wash hands
  • Tweaked: Shortened the lifetime of weapon smoke particle emitters
  • Tweaked: Decreased the time it takes to build and repair base building parts
  • Tweaked: Increased the time it takes to dismantle base building parts
  • Tweaked: Reduced the damage to the tool used to repair base building parts


  • Tweaked: better handling of count of direct cooking slots



Version: 1.08.153164 (Release date: 10 Jun 2020 )



  • Fixed: Character and server names were not cut after a certain length, when displayed in the main menu ui
  • Fixed: Loot on the Olga wrecks' interior seats was inaccessible
  • Fixed: Damage on barrels was not visible from distance
  • Fixed: Attached materials could end up in the wrong watchtower slot
  • Fixed: Incorrect HUD info about your weapon being jammed after re-connect
  • Fixed: Restraining could be used to recharge items held in hands
  • Fixed: It was possible to stack some items over its limit within the players inventory
  • Fixed: Missing Xmas lights' attachment slot on canopy tent
  • Fixed: The weight of items was not properly calculated upon re-logging to a server
  • Fixed: Issue with an invisible wall appearing at a gate's position, when upgrading it with walls afterwards
  • Fixed: Client performance could severely decrease when colliding with a stone oven during certain state of the fire


  • Tweaked: The dismantle action now takes longer and damages tools more
  • Tweaked: Durability of base building objects, tents and containers against explosives
  • Tweaked: HP balancing for fence and watchtower parts


  • Added: Server config parameters disableBaseDamage and disableContainerDamage, setting them to 1 will disable damage and destruction on relevant objects (see our server config documentation)



  • Furniture does not block bullets



Version: 1.08.153154 (release date 04 Jun 2020)



  • Fixed: Setup of the damage zones for the Large Tent
  • Fixed: Existing containers HPs now reset as intended (no longer stay badly damaged if loaded from the old version)
  • Fixed: Items in containers that can be carried within the players' inventory had contents disappearing after reconnect
  • Fixed: Various issues with weapons becoming unusable after performing an action and interrupt the action at the same time
  • Fixed: The crafting action for the stone knife was not removing the other stone
  • Fixed: Specialized bullets could in certain situations be transformed into standard rounds
  • Fixed: Tactical gloves were positioned at the players' feet when held in hands


  • Changed: The Land Mine now explodes when destroyed (regardless of the armed state)
  • Changed: Ballistic properties of metal walls on the fence/watchtower to be much better at protecting against projectiles passing through
  • Tweaked: Some grenades will no longer get deleted immediately when they run out of gas
  • Tweaked: The "Open Store"-button in the DLC description now opens the store even when already owning the DLC
  • Tweaked: Tents can now also be repaired with the sewing kit


  • Added Server Manager Script to the server files (Documentation: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Server_manager)


  • Added: HumanCommandVehicle::KeepInVehicleSpaceAfterLeave function


  • Damage application from explosives on objects such as tents or base building objects is not working as intended and could cause some differences in between the state of the object and its visual state





  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.




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I keep getting “warning you are kicked from server” over and over again. Would this be because of the update? Is there a way to resolve this issue?  Love the game so far

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Awesome, changes to the Arena & Ski Resort area, nice to see these being developed further as it felt empty in that NW region. The changes to base building are by far the most meta changing additions though & very welcome in my book. Hopefully the wall/tower health has been set very high so that you still cant break in very quickly unless you have a lot of grenades & ammo . At least this way base raiders will draw much more attention when raiding now. also moving the bard wire slot on walls to the inside is a fantastic change. no more snipping it off from the outside hopefully. GG devs 👍 

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I see some smaller fixes in relation with cars. But then main issue that cars fly into space or get ruined when you touch a curb at walking speed is probably still a issue?

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  On 6/2/2020 at 10:15 AM, jakub_bohemia said:

Tweaked: Particles for boiling water are now raising slower and less vertical 

Question: Does boiling the water from stream/pond kills the cholera in it?

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Fireplace, food, fireplace ...
The watchtower is destroyed outside the second and third floors. It seems that this bug has not been fixed.

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Yes, fix dried zucchini textures but don't worry about the cars that send you to space as soon as a server hits a player count of 10, You guys should hire the DayZ Expansion team they could literally make this one of the best games out there.

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No bones, bikes, a gimp metabolism system, basically zero info on vehicles. Bug fixes are great. Still no delivery on some of the basic promised systems.

Dayz expansion mod has planes and choppers for fuck sakes. Unpaid people using their free time. Smh

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Does anyone see they just added a lot more ways to grief a base? For console community servers this will be a very easy way to grief peoples bases, and a lot more options to popcorn peoples loot. :(

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  On 6/2/2020 at 3:38 PM, wildzero said:


Question: Does boiling the water from stream/pond kills the cholera in it?

IT always worked like that... it obviously does kill cholera

  On 6/2/2020 at 3:51 PM, DeadForLifeMXR said:

Wait will those new updates also be for livonia as well

Bro Livonia is only a map... it's not a standalone game these updates is a game update which translates to all the maps including Livonia wtf people lol

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Changed: Improved vehicle stability in closed spaces during the spawn (server restart)

Fingers crossed that one of the lonely two endgame features/goals is now going to be functional for the first time...

Edited by 0.64 Freerider
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Please fix the ads issue.It takes like a whole second and more to aim,taking away from you the advantage of seeing someone first and generally deminishes your fast reflexes.a guy above posted a video it is that bad and even worse.

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  On 6/2/2020 at 5:10 PM, Crowdolskee said:

Does anyone see they just added a lot more ways to grief a base? For console community servers this will be a very easy way to grief peoples bases, and a lot more options to popcorn peoples loot. 😞

They made it harder to get into bases as it now requires shooting/explosives to take down walls from the outside(quite a bit from RavPlays 1.08 video). You can't just use a sledgehammer anymore.

Edited by ZingZootZephyr

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