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Exp Update: 0.60.+++

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Had my ankle sprained by a bear trap earlier too. I'm sure it'll be fixed in balancing for beta but kinda wish it would be sooner. I should be lucky to still have a leg.

Also died by punching again. Maybe I should start carrying a gun. Turns out fists far more effective than hatchets.

Edited by ebrim
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Two interactions with people yesterday. Both sounded like their voices hadn't dropped yet. Both killed me. Even after I traded a gun with one of them.

Two interactions with people today. First one was working on a truck at the NE Airstrip. He didn't have a gun in his hands. Seemed harmless enough after watching him for a couple of minutes, so I went out into the field and waved at him. He waved back, approached. We talked. I offered him a bit of food, he gave me a mag for my sporter as a thanks. I Took him to a shed where I saw a tire he was looking for. We were on our way back to the airstrip when the server restarted. Second one, I was on the eastern outskirts of Severograd when someone suddenly started popping shots off at me. I ran off... KoS'er had shitty aim. 

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I was up north and decided to risk it all and go check out my shooting ranges at the new base around Tisy. Very cool ranges! I wish my range detector worked and also that I wasn't so sure I was about to get shot while admiring them.  Inside those double fences are lots of trees and more trees and finally I found a dome barracks near an entrance , 1then more trees and then I ran into the base finally. Lots of places to shoot from and lots of places to get shot. Someone setup a military tent near the barracks. Place was looted out and I left with nothing. Back at my camp I had just filled my barrel and went to get some water and found a shotgun and ran back to get my shotgun shells out of my barrel and found that the whole top row was missing and I snuck around the tree scanning for the intruder because it had only been 2 minutes since I left. I figured it was someone in a ghillie suit and thought maybe I should shoot at all the mounds of bushes :-D When I re-checked the barrel I found the stuff was gone but I could not put anything into the empty spots. Realizing it was there and bugged..I logged out and back in and it was back. A bit later I was sure two people were trying to kill me because of the very close gunfire, but I didn't get hit and I didn't hear the whizzzzzz of the bullets missing me. I ran towards the gunfire and never saw anyone, so I slinked back out. Every now and then I hear some weird noise, like a clunk very close and I spin around to find nothing. It's not the fence sound, it sounds like a foot step...grrrr.

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On 6/3/2016 at 0:40 AM, IMT said:

We should battle each other sometimes. But to make it interesting and hard, only by killing each other with ricochet. :)

That's an interesting catch...

1 hour ago, ebrim said:

Also died by punching again. Maybe I should start carrying a gun. Turns out fists far more effective than hatchets.

Not a gun, a bow.

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I forgot to mention that we caught a random player up in a deerstand and held him at gun point while one of us looted a heli.

Though he looked sparsely geared upon questioning he admitted he had a working firearm and friends in Elektro which he was going to meet.

We left him there unharmed and he asked our names right as we left.

Hopefully we instilled a little faith in that random guy that we all don't just KoS.....

Edited by ☣BioHaze☣
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Anyone had any luck with rabbit snares? Does the RNG just hate me?

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Anyone else notice that the breathing sound in 1st person got reduced to an acceptable level or is it just me?

@SMOSS Thanks dude :D

Edited by Luc Tonnerre

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15 minutes ago, ebrim said:

Anyone had any luck with rabbit snares? Does the RNG just hate me?


tried it on the first .60 version and it worked like before.

will test it today with the actual version

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1 hour ago, ebrim said:

Anyone had any luck with rabbit snares? Does the RNG just hate me?

tested . works just fine as before . 

Snares for me done stand up properly though . they lay flat with the ground 


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Hmm, this building isn't on the map and it acts as if it isn't there.  Stairs can't be climbed, you just sort of run through it anywhere you please.  It's out west of the small electric plant on the west side of Tisy base, just up off the dirt road.  You can sort of tell the building is levitating about a 1/2 meter off the ground.



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2 hours ago, Luc Tonnerre said:

Anyone else notice that the breathing sound in 1st person got reduced to an acceptable level or is it just me?

Sounds loud as ever to me (female char).

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6 hours ago, Zurvivalist said:

Main noticeable bugs I've encountered .. 
Seem to get desynced a lot more now than before ... But only really in regards to my Health status not staying up to date after playing for a while.. 

Example .. I ate too much and drank too much once.. an hour later I relogged .. when I came back in I was vomiting . Only showing Stuffed status at after relog . 


Staying Healthy , Energized and Hydrated can sometimes seem to last all day no matter the distance traveled.. 

Chickens respawn timer needs more of a delay or a change to the spawn trigger.. You can typically Kill a chicken at said house .. run around the town a bit , and return to kill a new chicken at the same house with in only a few minutes time . 


my ghillie suit does not seem to cast a shadow .. And at times will render in last,  havent tested for visual distance bugs yet . 

Bear traps nee higher damage .. a sprained ankle is lame .. although the annoying 20 minutes of sounds from being in pain is nice . 

Lastly . Rabbit snares do not stand up properly .. as well as frying pans when cooking. 


I will report these to bug tracker .. if anyone else can take a minute to confirm what I have found . 




Chickens respawning? Guess they are testing dynamic spawning then, nice!

6 hours ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

Had a nice couple long sessions today equaling close to 8 hours I think.

Gary got shot while we were trying to loot up north but we managed to lay low and eventually flush out the would be murderer.

IMT, Luc, and Gary all hit this guy before he finally went down.


Yeah, exactly "he finally went down". I swear in the video you can see him get hit so many times. I have seen people kill other people with less hits and smaller calibers. I believe I even shot him in the head but it didn't register, need to analyse it more I guess to be sure. But yeah, if this is desync, a bug or what ever, that needs to be fixed because it will cost your life at some point.

I'm gonna try and upload it but first I need a YouTube channel and something to edit with but I'm stuck with a good name because "IMT" is taken of course.

3 hours ago, ebrim said:

Anyone had any luck with rabbit snares? Does the RNG just hate me?

No idea if that information is still accurate at this point but that's basically how snare traps work.

Edited by IMT
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There seems to still be the problem where servers need a manual restart. The server I play on shows 60/60 players permanently. I don't think it is always this full, as most other severs now (morning time) have a few vacant spots. And I tried several times and it was always on 60/60. A couple of other servers always sho 0/60; similar bug - these servers are stuck. I probably should have checked the time, but I'm pretty sure UK018 hung itself up and isn't going to restart itself. Somehow that seems to be the issue. The servers being unable to restart themselves when they get this error. Hope it can be fixed, as this is really the only blocker for 0.60 stable I still encounter. 

Edited by S3V3N
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some servers display an restart time of 6 hours, not 12

Think they try shorter restart times to get it fixed

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Classic DayZ SA experience: Died on some crappy stairs.

I still claim that I never got killed in a gunfight since 0.60 hit the fan! Nobody can take this away from me!

Edited by Luc Tonnerre
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3 hours ago, barnabus said:

Hmm, this building isn't on the map and it acts as if it isn't there.  Stairs can't be climbed, you just sort of run through it anywhere you please.  It's out west of the small electric plant on the west side of Tisy base, just up off the dirt road.  You can sort of tell the building is levitating about a 1/2 meter off the ground.



I knew i had that building seen before :status-report-24-may-2016

There's a picture of it in the Status report from may 24th.

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I did my Aquaman stunt again, i just wouldn't call my condition "damp" exactly :-)



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2 hours ago, IMT said:

Yeah, exactly "he finally went down". I swear in the video you can see him get hit so many times. I have seen people kill other people with less hits and smaller calibers.

I've never seen a player take so many shots.  I think the bullets only made him stronger.


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a few before i got murdered in cold blood i saw it ... the ascending tree ...


Edited by mammut (DayZ)
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I had a great 4 hour play session yesterday ... After hearing all your stories it seems we are all trying to go for Tisy and we are all experiencing murderers... I have a secret to tell : the medieval helmet will save your life (somehow) .

I haven't been shot in the head yet so im not really talking about that, im talking about how lucky it is :D! I've been up to Tisy twice now with my cousin and each time he gets killed and each time I survive and kill at least one of the assailants . The first was the aK I already showcased , the second was a deucher with a repeater hiding in the field lying in wait . He and his friend got a shot off at me but I was ready for some dickery so I took my pistol out and made a saving shot to the guys chest , while my medieval helmets luck somehow absorbed the bullets that flew into my lower abdomen and legs .


We then met up and went to the northwest airfield , and in a very poorly timed split decision , I decide to move me and my cousin to another teamspeak channel as our friends are chatting and not letting us communicate (needed to in a pvp spot )... As I get us over to the empty channel and alt tab in I see shots going all around me as my character is crouched next to a concrete blockade near the NW tents , my Cuz hardly realizes as I yell to him to get up and run for the tree line .. Looking back I see Cuz get absolutely SHREKT by a barrage of bullets shot by psychos wearing masks . Good thing they were absolute garbage shots , as I was able to turn around take a few shots and bob/weave outta there and to safety . My character remains healthy to this day , I got a car and had to kill a few people trying to get that too (for that I feel bad , as they were only trying to rob me , not kill me , but I was soooo paranoid I couldn't help it).


To everyone reading this : good luck out there and don't let those KOS kunts get yA , always stay sharp and wear a medieval helmet !

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UK 1 is my home server now on my 3rd person character with a base with some oil barrels near Cherno which is persistance now. :)

I`ve not found a home server for my 1st person character - since I feel the 1st person servers are more unstable and ruin my fun when a server goes down -

I spotted a car with 3 guys at Balota Airfield, then the server went down some hours ago. (


I also spotted another car on that UK1 server a day ago with 2 guys like 100 meters away from my oil barrel - they didn`t see me, hehe. :s

If any want to trade deer hide on that server with some ammo or something else let me know pls. I need it to craft a leather vest, because I seldom approach NW Airfield or tents - too many campers,

and I simply don`t risk it for some military equipment. :)

Finally, I need a new jacket as well not a fan of the M65 Olive Jacket - the green colour is too light and the cammo is not great near trees for instance. 



Edited by ori42
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I spent 5 straight hours playing on the same server last night without so much as a restart. At one point about halfway through we were given warning messages that the server would be restarting, but it never actually did. Overall, my experience on this particular build has been stellar -- no game-breaking bugs, and performance is more than acceptable even at its lowest points.

Without any specific goals in mind, I attempted to meet up with a friend in Grishino. We arrived at about the same time and proceeded to do a little looting, eventually making our way into the police station. Immediately after entering, I think I see my friend standing in the entryway, but it turns out it's just someone dressed extremely similar to my friend. He raised a shotgun at me, and that was the end of that character. My friend managed to get revenge, but I was too far from the coast to have any hope of recovering what little I had lost, so we moved on.

Respawned south of Berezino, and within 20 minutes I was outside the radio station at Altar. Upon arriving, I was met by a random fellow toting a shotgun (I think?) who did not respond to my voice. Initially he ran past me as I lay on the ground trying to avoid him, but he turned around and caught a glimpse of me, so I decided to reveal myself and try to interact. He never replied, but he did give me a friendly wave, and I decided to leave and regroup with my friend to try a different area. My friend insisted we check out the radio station though, and it turns out he watched the stranger leave something on the ground before exiting the area. Upon inspection, it turns out the person had left me a bag of rice! :) It was much-needed after running from Berezino to Altar non-stop, so thank you to whoever that was.

From there, we made our way straight to the Tisy military base since my friend hadn't seen it yet and I hadn't been there since the very first build. I was warned on my way there by another friend that a lot of action was occurring there at the time. By the time we arrived, that friend had been killed in a firefight, so I was extra careful making my way around. A few times we heard gunfire in the distance, but never actually saw anyone fighting. Near the area with the statue, we watched as two people slinked their way through the trees, but a good shot never presented itself so I opted to stay quiet rather than reveal my position.

Sneaking around the new Tisy base was the first time I've genuinely felt lost in... a very long time. To boot, I was constantly in danger. It was absolutely wonderful, to say the least -- exactly what we play DayZ for. I'm so, so happy for where DayZ is sitting with 0.60 right now and where it will be going in the near future.

No pictures at the moment, since I played right up past time for bed. Lots and lots to post though!

Edited by Tatanko
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I had a brief conversation with an infected yesterday... Until I realized I was talking to an infected. I just heard the grumbles, and it sounded like someone close to the edge of my range saying "hello?".

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Is anyone gonna restart these servers? Not trying to complain, but when you only have a couple of thousand slots for all the players it is noticable when a few hundred go missing. A good deal of the exp servers is affected by servers being stuck. I wonder if there will be a patch today, or if they will just keep shutting down like that.

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I was on my way to Msta as a fresh spawn, when I was apprehended by two squeakers. They started talking, or more like taunting then proceeded to punch me out. Thank's too super short attention spans they lost interest and when I came too they were gone. I did get this pic of them.


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