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Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

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I only recognised how binoculars do shake, and I wonder wtf??? why??


Btw, I think we should be able to rotate items...

You might have the "you got cold thing" after you have been cold things shake until you make a fire and get rid of it, yes even though it doesn't say your cold.

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Meeeeh, I found the Aug but no clip for it -.-


Btw, are crashsites the only location for military loot atm? Camo house none, barracks very empty, military camp very empty, etc...


Found a V3S on UK07 in Kabanino. All tires ok, but no battery etc.

Edited by LazyPoet91

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Could you define "military loot" a bit further?  Pretty much all my gear was not found at crash sites, except the USMC pants, ammo box, and if I recall correctly, the helmet.



Meeeeh, I found the Aug but no clip for it -.-


Btw, are crashsites the only location for military loot atm? Camo house none, barracks very empty, military camp very empty, etc...


Found a V3S on UK07 in Kabanino. All tires ok, but no battery etc.

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Here's a video from the action on our 3rd night playing together.

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NW Airfield is empty, but it spawn some military loot spawn in 1 tent just north of Stary - good sniper spot too. :rolleyes:  

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Could you define "military loot" a bit further?  Pretty much all my gear was not found at crash sites, except the USMC pants, ammo box, and if I recall correctly, the helmet.

I mean like all AK rifles, clips, vests, hunting backpack etc.


Wow, just realised I spent all night in DayZ. Look what way I made :D



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After the latest server restart, all loot appears to be gone from the Stary Sobor area on the server we are on. Prior to the restart, there were approximately 7-10 piles of lootsplosion.

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After the latest server restart, all loot appears to be gone from the Stary Sobor area on the server we are on. Prior to the restart, there were approximately 7-10 piles of lootsplosion.

Have you checked your tents and stashes? We're due for a persistence wipe from what I've seen.

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Hopping on SNG 0-1 right now for a while (and later on). Feel free to join :)

If it was earlier here in Europe, I would've joined. :)
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It was fun to aggro the respawning infected in Stary with weapons pulled from the loot piles and not worry about ammo.


Novy Sobor had 2 huge piles of loot near the police station but no infected.

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It was fun to aggro the respawning infected in Stary with weapons pulled from the loot piles and not worry about ammo.


Novy Sobor had 2 huge piles of loot near the police station but no infected.


Hopefully we get another chance at high-spawning lootsplosions of weapons and corresponding ammo once hoards of infected are fully implemented. It would be so satisfying mowing down an entire row of zeds not having to worry about ammo.


I'm all for having weapons difficult to find / maintain, but let's hope some of the bugs like these sometimes pop up during certain testing stages.

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Unfortunately US SW 0-1 seems to be down, and that's where my stash is.. I want to log in and nurse my character out of the "Sick" status, but I want to do it on my "home" server. :( 

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The tenement towns north of Cherno are goldmines right now. There's loot piles strung throughout the streets in all three of them. I decided to go all stealth mode so I now carry a Sporter with 5 banana clips and an Amphibia with a few mags. 

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Just found a pen five minutes before restart, been carrying the bear for days.

Yes, the note in the bear is persistent.

Thank you, I can now sleep peacefully with Teddy in arms  :)

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Thank you, I can now sleep peacefully with Teddy in arms  :)


No, thank you.


Do just plain notes persist? 


I check most random pieces of paper but have so far been disappointed.

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Stupid barrels, I hate you.  Tried to dye a plate carrier, server reset, plate carrier GONE.  grr.

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If that's a server reset it's really good timing, any asshole mines will be disarmed when you log back in. 


Bad thing is that on lots of private servers admins reset the server to "disarm" mines before they loot the heli crash sites.


Hope persistance of traps/mines will be ON soon.

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Oh and for the record, I need more pockets.  Although I've come to the conclusion that it appears that weight may actually play a factor in keeping hydrated.  Anyone else think this? Might just be the amount of clothing, dunno.



The servers have been warm lately. It has been many weeks since I "had" to build a fire to keep warm. That being the case, more layers of clothing will cause a character to overheat easily, especially if running. The hotter the character is, the more he/she has to drink.

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Lootsplosion by night.

DayZ US Southcentral 0-5 Dolina.

(Teddy Bear with note in tent,,,, maybe).


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Lootsplosion by night.

DayZ US Southcentral 0-5 Dolina.


Yep, super common nowadays, if there ever was or ever could be a police car spawn there then that is where you'll find those.  So glad this does not happen at helicrashes.


Had my favorite kind of encounter on US Southeast 0-1 up in Grishino.  I saw them first, I drew my weapon, I stood there for a good 5 seconds watching him move around the loot pile plain as day and it was just after noon on the server, no more than 15 meters away, then I evaded my way away from him as quickly as possible, no shots fired by either party.  He was so perceptually narrowed in on the lootsploded up the street from me that I could have killed him, but I don't even think he knew I was there.  So I didn't because that's what a shit turd would do..  Perhaps now I'll have some good karma and find a truck battery now that I have a glow plug... 


I win, g'nite you hairy grip muldoons.


Anyone make a fire in a barrel yet?  Is that even possible?

Edited by Barnabus
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Anyone make a fire in a barrel yet?  Is that even possible?

Don't think so. I tried all manner of combinations and couldn't get it to work.

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Well exp is fucked up at the moment.  Loot splosions where the police car events spawn in which is taking away the loot from the houses, tents, barracks and any other buildings.  Persistence is fucked up as I have lost 3 rucksacks, 1 camo vest and a AKM.  Watched the AKM and camo vest disappear before my eyes when I went back to the server after a reset.  The reset before I had dropped my sporter to see if it would disappeared, it did not.  Oh well lets see how the devs are going to fix this as they said the CLE would stop loot splosions lol. On a side note is the UMP under powered or what, I don't know if the silencer is reducing the damage.  It took me 5 shots to down a zed.  Thats the same as the sporter.  It was nice to see that the AKM was 1 shotting zeds though.

Edited by fing24

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I noticed that my sporter took some damage when I was hit in NW Airfield earlier today -

never seen that  before in dayz - so weapon cleaning kit finally will shine and see some use. 


updated: It's still very hard to spot fireplaces in the wild if you're more than 100 meters away - the light suddenly 

diminish with magic (50-70) meters away at night.

Edited by Ori42
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Just repaired a smersh vest+pack with a leather kit; so that's back.  Also found a few AK101 mags in a military tent; left there or spawned there?


Ori42, I have had guns damaged due to both melee damage (if it was in my hand) and gunfire if it was on me in prior builds as well, IIRC.  Just think it's uncommon.

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Anyone make a fire in a barrel yet?  Is that even possible?


I've tried every way I could think of and it doesn't seem to have any fire properties yet


And on the subject of barrels, there's always a random amount of fluid in every barrel that can be checked with "inspect" 

I'm guessing it's oil (because "Oil Barrel"...) :rolleyes:  

So what else could the oil be used for?  Oil slicks on roads?  Flammable traps? Honing a blade to pristine?

I also wonder if we'll be able to empty the barrel oil & catch or hold water instead?

It's somewhat of a placeholder for now, I can't wait until we can start discovering it's mysteries

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