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How was your Day(Z)?

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A few of the Helpy Helpers (Me, Schwab, Twosp) got together over the weekend and had a rather bloody experience. Schwab was a bit late to the party and Twosp and I weren't feeling confident enough to head south towards Kamy so we departed Sol and headed north towards Nizhnoye. The walk was relatively quiet with only a few guys asking for us to kill them or killing themselves before we got close enough to talk. I have to say that looking along a beach and seeing a bunch of people frozen in place from having done the old "rag glitch" suicide is tremendously offputting but I suppose that's where the game is right now. 

We met up with Schwab at the factory and doubled back to Sol with the intention of meeting up with DaveB and possibly Shell to head around the south corridor. The intention was really just to set up shop in the more contested territory and escort people who spawned in Elektro and wanted to get out of there to a safe(r) place. We were ready to pick a fight and getting closer to .60 and a wipe is making us a bit more liberal in our kit distribution and use. 

Schwab was on the west side by the train station coming into Sol, I was mid and Twosp was closer to the beach. Schwab loves to sprint around everywhere while twosp and I move a bit more slowly. I'd lost some ground since I was tail end charlie and checked 6 a lot... It's never ceased to amaze me that no matter how tactically you maneuver, somehow that ONE freshie always seems to stumble into you to ask you to kill him. Schwab had made it to town and Twosp was near the bridge on the north end of Sol when our relatively unremarkable patrol exploded into chaos. 

"Oh! I'm dead," Twosp said almost as if he'd expected it. Normally if I get shot in ambush I'm all over the expletives and my volume / frustration goes up. He was cool as a Popsicle and barely even noticed. 

"What? Unconscious?" I asked- I wasn't that far away and didn't hear the shot. 

"Nope- dead dead. Right at the bridge." I started running across from the train station and got shot at almost immediately. I was hit twice- 

You are dead. 

At that point ZH (step son) came in and jogged over to Sol from the south. He had nothing onboard- a purple jacket, child backpack and an axe if anything... he stumbled into a guy wearing a bunch of my stuff- I was looking over his shoulder as he was trying to make contact with the guy but got gunned down unceremoniously. He and twosp respawned somewhere way off and were out of the fight for the remainder. 

I respawned near riffy and no less than 6 people were laying there dead on the beach- most had slid into the water. The run to Sol began... A few people were shooting at one another in Zino as I ran through... I recognized one voice as a guy we'd encountered at the factory who was just doing his thing- "Stop shooting at me you asshole!" he yelled at someone as I sprinted past thirsty and hungry. 

Meanwhile Schwab had made contact and was moving very carefully looking for the source of the ambush. He had spotted one guy around my body, hit him but didn't kill him. It took about 15 minutes for me to get back to him- he exchanged fire a couple of times and got hit. A bunch of his stuff was ruined so we were dealing with that. A few of my items were left where I died so I grabbed those but none of the weapons had any rounds left. I worked my way around the west and actually spotted one of what would quickly turn into 3 guys working together near the bridge. I called out the contact thinking Schwab was closer to the rock face at the quarry with good visibility to the area- but he was further north than I thought. He took a few shots but got hit and killed.

I stayed hidden in my cover when a second guy sprang out and joined the one closer to the bridge. As they approached, still annoyed at the fact they gunned down ZH (moreso than I was annoyed at being gunned down- we had some high speed gear on and that's the way it works on the coast).

"So what- you guys just gun down everyone on the coast?"

"Sorry man- we just hit some geared guys and we thought you were one of them coming back to get their stuff." He must have thought I was ZH. 

"Well- actually... I AM one of the geared guys you took down. It was a great ambush... But you also gunned down one of ours who had nothing on him." 

"Are you the [SAS] guys?" 

"No- we're Helpy Helpers... from the forums. Not sure if you're forum guys?"

"No... No." There were now three guys standing around me- one guy in a full mossy ghillie suit- the others wearing a bunch of our stuff. 

"Anyway- we patrol the coast and try to help out the fresh guys... hence why I had so much water and food in my kit." 

"You know how it is man- you had some heli loot on you and we weren't sure what you were doing on the coast with all that." 

The conversation was actually quite civilized. At one point the lead chatter in the group said, "Oh man, now I feel kind of like a dick for killing you guys." 

"I didn't even kill anyone and I feel like a dick," said one of the others. 

I admitted that was sometimes the price of working the coast with the high value gear- and again acknowledged their ambush technique. 

"Not going to lie though you guys- I have to get going and you're not going to want to spend much more time standing out in the open talking to me." 

We broke contact and I moved on. I had some leathers I wanted to try out back at our camp so I went back, grabbed some leathers and my winchester and headed back to the quarry face to overwatch. Sol was proving to be more than a challenge enough for us so we decided to stay near there. I was laying up there just with my scope in hand and DaveB had since joined. I think Shell was in as well- but he glitch died walking out of a barn somewhere. 

Dave  was down by the fence a bit to the north of the storage tank on the south edge of Sol... I'd just looked over at him and was scanning the area when I heard a gunshot VERY close by. 

You are dead. 

"Fuck! Someone just killed me." I can usually hear footsteps so I was pretty sure the guy had just spawned in at that spot- very unlucky for me... though I didn't have much he'd want other than the fact I was dressed like a gimp in animal leathers- maybe that was his thing. 

DaveB looked up and saw the guy but put a couple rounds into the side of the building he was behind. Not even 30 seconds later some idiot with his mic opened up singing "fuck my ass" over and over again to some cheezy music wandered into Dave's line of sight with his gun drawn. Dave took a couple shots at him with his Blaze and retreated to try to get a better view. I'm not sure how that one ended but I'm pretty sure Dave lived. 

In addition to all this glory- it turned out we misunderstood how we needed to "interact with inventory" to reset the timers on tents / barrels. When you say "interact with inventory" to me that means you need to pick up / handle / move an inventory item to reset its timer. Apparently you need to empty the tent and pack it to reset the timer. So a bunch of that stuff evaporated... 

While heading to one of our camps in the sedan, it randomly started to wander off the road and crashed into a tree- wiping out two wheels. 

I logged. 




Edited by eno
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I fell into the same old trap. I had a low-geared character with a pump action shotgun as my only weapon. I go into cherno and meet a newspawn who asks for food and a knife to open it which i give to him. As we are talking a guy runs up and starts shooting. I calm him down with my shotty but as he drops another appears and hits me so i blast him point blank and he drops. I go unconcious but have some hopes that the newspawn will help me when he starts talking. I quickly realize he was just the bait and those two were his friends. I then die. And they were french as well which added insult. I then meet one of them at Polana when I respawn there but decide to let him go.

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I want to say first that I had never heard of or played anything really like DayZ until I saw some youtube videos about 6 months ago. At that time, I only had a laptop and couldn't honestly play anything that was newer than 2002 without fps issues. After deciding I wanted to play this game, I knew it was time to upgrade my computer. After looking at the different "gaming" computers, I decided against buying a new one and to build one myself. I wanted to play this game so bad that I ended up building a 2.5k gaming machine, and learned a ton in the process. 

Day1 of DayZ:

I had played Arma 2 on my laptop in hopes of learning the controls and some of the map while I was in the process of buying the components for my PC. I also read a lot of guides and read some bambi tips. As soon as I login to the game, none of the experience I had from Arma 2 really helped me at all lol. First thing I do is look around in awe at the graphics. I spawn in on the coast. This game is GORGEOUS! I spent the first 10-15minutes just running around trying to figure out the controls and the game mechanics, while loving the graphics. I came across a sewing kit. I kind of figured it was used to fix damaged clothing, as I had already seen a ton of damaged clothing all over. What took me by surprise was the option to sew myself...I honestly had no clue what that meant so I tried it. I was completely healthy, but curiosity killed the cat. I became infected, and having no idea of where I was or how to fix it, and died a slowed death. 


I spawn on the coast again. There are only a few houses around, and no towns or cities in sight. I see a road and some railroad tracks, and decide to follow the railroad tracks. I run for quite awhile, just staying to the tracks and in the same direction. I eventually run across some train cars that seems to have a small city next to them. I climb up and search all of the cars, and end up with a gun and some ammo that fits! It is some sort of silenced pistol, and I have no idea how good it is. Up to this point, I have not seen or heard any zombies or players, and have only test fired the pistol it to make sure I knew how to use it. I run across some zombies in the town near the train cars, and it scares the crap out of me honestly lol. I recorded my first encounter here :


Edited by JBURNS489
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Day Two of DayZ:

I end up finding a compass, and with the help of an online map I was able to navigate myself to the NorthWest Airfield. I was staying on low population servers so I could learn the mechanics and nuances of the game before interacting with people. I ended up getting what I considered to be geared up. I had found some grenades, an AK 47 with some clips and spare ammo, some camo clothing and a decent backpack. I admittedly changed servers a few times to acquire the gear I needed. I didn't realize at the time it was frowned upon, and have since only play one of two servers. On the last server and the last few tents, I ran into someone. I recorded the majority of the interaction (video below) but what it is not shown is me learning that you cannot shoot through a tent, even with an AK lol. I did kill the person, and I honestly felt terrible. I realized he could have been friendly, and I didn't give him the opportunity to say so. I heard and saw him, and the adrenaline went pumping and I went into survivor mode. I will always remember my de virginizing :)

After leaving the Airfield, my plan was to head back south towards the coast. I obviously didn't study the map all too well because I ran smack into another military base that I had no idea even existed. Even though I was geared well, I was still scared of zombies or anything else that moved for that matter. I had read a guide on a technique of looting this guy called "smash and grab" or something similar. Basically, he advised to sprint and just pick up what you can as you run over items, especially in zombie infested areas. So I attempted this technique, and I ended up having to climb a tower in order to avoid all the zombies. There was atleast 10, if not more all snarling and growling at the bottom of the ladder. I attempted to aim down with my AK, but quickly learned that I could not aim down far enough to target the zombies without falling off the tower. It was at this moment a light bulb went off in my head. I remembered the grenade in my backpack, and decided to throw it at the mass of zombies congregating underneath me. The grenade got stuck in the air right in front of me, and I ate shrapnel for dinner that night. You know what they say about karma....



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50/50 server... DaveB and I end up deciding to go get into some trouble around the Myshkino tent camps. We navigated there in a relatively evasive route but got into position in pretty good time. He had a longer range weapon so he did overwatch and I moved in a bit closer so I could see the parts of the camp he couldn't. Before we had a chance to get set up where we wanted to be, we spotted one heavily geared character sprinting through the tents shooting zombies but he ended up carrying on out of our range. Undoubtedly we were going to be busy so we continued to our desired spots and waited. 
















And waited.
















And waited. 













A zombie appeared... walked about 10 steps then evaporated. We logged. 

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1\10 would not camp again


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 I was in Kamyshovo with a friend and ran into a massive clusterfuck of different groups. Some of them were bunkering down in the police station. The hills were swarming with different guys as well. We had a shot on two groups attacking each other, battling it out with them and my friend got shot and unconscious. Meanwhile the guys from the police station decided it was time to join in and fought it out with the two or three remainders from the group that had shot my friend. Luckily he'd dropped near some good cover. In the middle of the chaos, with shotguns, smg and rifle fire blazing through the village, I managed to sneak up to him and bandage him.

Meanwhile the fight was moving away from us and one of the groups fled into a house near the railtracks. As soon as my friend was up he darted away and I gave him cover from behind. A guy shot at him, but I distracted him and came under fire from his friend, while my buddy escaped. I had to swing around, while stopping to supress my followers and escaped through the hills. I went right by the house the other group was held up in and I heard them talk in direct. Met with my friend, gave him his bloodbag. He was status "I feel worn" and a little later changed to sick (I didn't know this can happen from getting shot). We went back and found that only the group of three was still there. I easily counted 5 bodies stripped naked during the length of the fight. Unfortunately everyone had despawned or was buried by the time we got back. But the three guys were in the police station again. Somehow they must have seen us, because one immediately fired on my cover when I stuck my rifle out. I had a sick friend and didn't feel safe with no cover behind me, so we left it at that. My friend later recovered most of his health at a campfire, eating all our food :)

I returned to camp today to get the car and pick him up later. Everything was still there - it's always a relief to come home and find things the same. 

Edited by S3V3N

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13 minutes ago, S3V3N said:


Not really related to your day, but I can't help to notice a similarity here.. was this you few days ago? (the police officer)


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1 minute ago, dethorhyne said:

Not really related to your day, but I can't help to notice a similarity here.. was this you few days ago? (the police officer)

Not me, sorry. My ingame name is usually SinKing. 

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Well, not anything special but I came to teh Factory north of solnichy with a medium-geared character. I saw a guy so I took cover And was insta-shot by someone I never saw. I spawned right nearby so I ran there to see who the a-hole was and theres a group of four geared guys by my corpse. I run up and ask what teh fuck they think they are doing and ofcourse they shoot me like a bunch of *****-** *****-** *********** ********* prankstas. I decide to go somehwere else.

 Later I login with a guy in cherno. I have a scope Cr527 so I play it cool like. I hear some people shooting and notice two players killing a bambi. I shoot one of them and then shoot him again when he comes to collect his gear. The other guy slips away so I relocate. I notice a guy in the police station shooting everyone who walks in with a shotgun So I decide he needs killing. As I'm waiting for him to show himself the two a-holes from before show up. They chase shotgun guy for a bit so i decide to intervene and shoot the same guy from before again, lol. Then I leave.

I play with another character who's near the airfield so i go there. Its strangely empty, very little gear and no people. Until I get to the big metal sheds by the quonset. A guy starts unloading on me with an ak so i run out and away. I hear him chasing so I pull out my pump-action shotgun and give him a blast. He also shoots and I die. I see my blast him him in the legs but i dont know if he died or just got broken legs. Nobody loots my body or talks til I respawn so maybe I got him.

Also went to Myshkino and got shot way up in the forest by someone I never saw.

I met a few nice people. One guy gave me an improvised bow which i later used to try and hold up a guy for fun. he didnt take it well but after a couple of minutes of running and single-chamber gunning we decided to go separate ways. A few others talked a bit and ran away. Killed a boar and made my first improvised leather backpack.

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Today I got into a few firefights, died twice and killed two people. I found a car tent full of gear quite close to cherno and some bit later a car probably belonging to the guys with the tent as its battery and a wheel was there. I didnt take all the stuff, just some things I needed and left some guns behind. I even left the car. And I got shot shortly after. I also noticed some really dumb behaviour. First and most notably, a guy hears me, says I'm friendly and then turns the corner firing. Why? Hes clearly not friendly. Nobodys falling for it so whats the point? Just say "Im gonna kill you" instead. 

 Second guy, spawns basically at the same time as me in Elektro and five metres apart but I can go up and check his name before hes active. I greet him but he leaves right for the police station. I loot some houses and ten minutes or so later I go to the police station. Someone shoots. I notice the guy on top of the hospital so I climb up to talk to him. Hes still freshspawngeared but with a hat and a gun and just sits there trying to shoot people going by. I comment on his stupid behaviour and leaves. I gear up and go to the deer stand up the hill. I find a Bino so i check the hospital and the guy is still there. What an asshat. Minutes later I meet a well-geared guy on his way to Elektro so I tell him about the guy on the roof.  He gives me some ammo. I check the playerlist later and the roofguy is gone :)

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Last night was a car-session (involuntarily) and lasted far too long. It was a perfect example of how you set out to get one thing done in Dayz and end up doing a bunch of others and playing twice as long as you wanted ^^

First I had to pick up my friend, who was injured, like I wrote in my previous post. He wasn't looking great, his eyes overshadowed and dark.





I put him by a fire, fed him antibiotics and coal tablets and forced him to drink an entire jerry can of water. Which led to puking and then for a while it looked like we would get him cured.






His status definitely improved, but "healing" basically only flickered up and he was always losing too much water to balance things out with eating/heat. I wanted to keep trying, but my friend suddenly started stripping (I thought because he got hot), pulled out a Glock and shot himself. I wanted to punch him out and tie him up, because I had just dressed up as "Nurse Danger" again, but I wasn't fast enough - patient dead. 





I then had to pick him up in that fishing village in the far north and flipped the car near Svetlojarsk. Took a while to turn it over again with bow and arrow. I haven't flipped a car in at least a week, but admittedly I drove a little crazy there. Met my friend and got him to drive. We only made it to Nowodmitrovsk, where he turned the car and flipped it on the main road. Weird - maybe it flipped on its own. He managed to put it up against a wall and we baptized it: "Spidercar".





It was a ton of work moving it away from the wall with bow and arrow and then it got stuck on a wood pallette lying on the floor. After all the hard work our patience was rewarded by the car not letting us enter. We could still access its inventory and interact with it, just not enter. (After a restart on our final journey back, it was still there and the same - I guess it's somehow bugged and needs to be destroyed now).

So my friend went to eat and I went to Green Mountain, where I'd seen a Sedan before. Found it and since I had one wheel and the car had one, I could drive it already. In Rogovo - the next place I went to, I found another Sedan, which had 2 wheels on it an AK74 with mag and 2 more AK mags + ammo inside it. My friend came back in the meantime. Nice, I thought and began putting my wheels on that car. We were excited! After I had finished I found that the other Sedan wouldn't move, despite pristine wheels. So I started moving its inventory to me and back to my car. Only the wheels and a grenade were left. Thoughtlessly I picked up the grenade and not a second later heard the boom and "you are dead". Some genius unpinned the grenade and put them in the car and it went off immediately the moment I put it in my inventory. Nice trap!

I respawned in Cherno, while my friend went to check out our car and possibly my body. He arrived too late to loot me, but at least our other car was there. All four tires on the grenade car had been ruined, so we were back down to one tire again. I met up with him and we found two helispawns while running around. I went as far as Stary Sobor and found yet another sedan there (and a barrel next to it). Nice! I took one of its wheels off - it had two - and ran back to my friend. We started our car and drove off; at least I had salvaged the ammo and magazines from that first car. We drove to the car at Stary to get the 3rd wheel and while I was finishing attaching everything we came under fire. It was deep dark night and at first I had no clue where it came from. Inbetween the two cars we were in some cover, but my friend was on the ground and since the shots had missed me, I thought he got injured and bled. I rushed it a little bit, peeked around the car, saw a guy's silhouette against the star sky and gave him a double headshot with the Red9. He returned fire but missed, but his friend got me. I didn't even know there were two. My friend waited in cold blood, until the last guy was looting me. Then he rolled out of the car's cover and opened fire. Reportedly his hands were shaking and he was giggling happily in the car for minutes after. 

complications while finding wheels:





So I respawned near Nowodmitrovsk and made my way back to him. The guys were loaded with ammo and weapons and mysteriously they decided it was a great idea to sneak up on us and open fire (instead of talking), even though they had a scope and a blaze and could have taken us out from a distance. The best explanation is that they were the owners of the other car and were as surprised of meeting us there, as we were with them. My friend was heading my way after looting and storing everything in our 4-wheeled car. Minutes before we met, I saw a herd of 4 cows near the road we would pass. After I got in the car we went back there and hunted. Somehow we completely blew the first approach and they ran away. We chased them with the car and found where they settled down again and I shot 3. We're good on leather guys :) 

One small thing I did: I gave my friend a scare. I had found a military smoke grenade at the chopper crash and chucked it at the car. I shouted: "oh fuck - the car is on fire!" and my friend panicked briefly, until I told him it was just a smoke. The military ones really make a lot more of it, it seems. 





So, originally we just wanted to refuel the car and maybe find a military tent. That turned into finding three sedans, losing our own car, finding 2 choppers, getting into a mess with infected and having a battle with two other players during nighttime. I wonder what would have happened, if my friend had cured his illness, instead. We probably would have just sat around the fireplace for another hour. This was way more fun ^^ Finally, we returned to camp cooked the steaks and tanned the pelts, ate and said goodnight. 






The burlap Jesus:





I found a cool camo baseball cap in pristine, which I don't remember having found before:





Edited by S3V3N
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That was a fun read!

I went on UN and ran around on NWA looking for trouble. As I entered the ATC, I heard a "clunk clonk" above me. Not expecting anyone here as I carefully observed the place for a prolonged period of time, my heart starts beating faster. There is about 5 infected outside of the door which aggro'd on me as I was running by and there is a guy above me. I am trapped.

I just decided to head upstairs - only to find his dead body. #dayz things

Edited by Buakaw
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DC's been going AWOL a lot recently, playing with his other group of friends, so me and sprig decided to gatecrash the party.  We jumped onto the same server (called !TTM!) and try and hook up with DC and his buddies.  It took a few days before we were in a position both in-game and in real life, but eventually I managed to meet up with their group at NWAF, which obviously led to an invitation to join their TS server (since any group trying to play together without using an external comms system is doomed to fail - or at least experience a significant amount of friendly fire.  And let me tell you, that meeting a group of heavily armed players at NWAF without the benefit of comms is a frightening experience in itself!).  On their TS I finally got to meet DC's other friends, Dutch, Hugo, Lukas and Rik.  Add DC, sprig and myself and you've now got a group of potentially 7 people...

The day that me and sprig joined them they had already got 10 kills and, with some spotting assistance from me, they ended up killing over a quarter of all the players on the entire, 50 pop server.  lol.  As we all ran into the forest to log off everyone was buzzing and someone said "we own this server!" which kind of summed up just how good we felt.

Next session, of course, we all got killed.  Then again.  Then we had a good run, then we had a night where the group got 8 kills (just to confirm, I sometimes spotted the targets but I never got the kills myself) before we had a really weird experience.  Whilst defending (because it's definitely not camping, oh no) the NWAF we took gunfire from an unknown direction.  Rik went off into the forest, trying to flank wide around the suspected position of our attackers, only to get killed himself.  Sprig got killed despite being crouched down inside a bunker.  Spooked, DC and Lukas ran off to check a building, got in, checked it was clear and were trying to spot when they were shot from behind - which really pissed DC off because he hadn't heard any footsteps or doors opening.  Then I got killed, whilst lying flat on the upper floor of a bunker overlooking the tents - again without spotting anyone.  5 dead, no one spotted...  That left Dutch and Hugo who, deciding that discretion was the better part of valour, legged it - better to live to fight another day and it's always useful to have 1 or 2 geared players in position as the others come back as new spawns.  They ran into the tree line until Dutch said "this is far enough - let's log off for the night here"  Hugo queried if this was really far enough and Dutch explained that there was no way that whoever had just killed DC and Lukas could possibly catch them in the 30 seconds it would take to log off.  And was then immediately shot dead.  Hugo died about 3 seconds later.  All 7 of us dead and not 1 single enemy spotted.  I think it's fair to say that we did not own the server that day...

Being in a big group is a new and interesting experience which I am quite enjoying for the moment.  However, the group does tend to follow the exact same pattern, i.e. get a spawn near Cherno and run the West road up to NWAF, looting the Pavlovo military base, Zelenagorsk barracks and the Vybor military base on the way to NWAF.  It takes about 20-30 minutes (if you include some time on looting) and then you're basically back at NWAF.  Hopefully, 1 or 2 others are already there and geared, or geared enough that there's at least a gun for each player, then there's some tactical looting as those players wait for others to join, until we reach a sort of "critical mass" of numbers - when we try and take over the airfield.  But...there's a problem.  The others almost always start playing before me, so assuming I died at the end of the previous session (which is the norm) when I log in I am a fresh spawn on the coast, whilst they are already at NWAF.  So the first 20-30 minutes of every session is a relatively tedious time as I run to join them.  So last time we all died and quit, I decided to come back and try to get closer to NWAF, to cut out the long wait to join the gang at the start of the next session.

As such, I ended up killing another player.  I'm not sure what number that makes my kill tally but I'm pretty certain it's still in single figures.  I'd just finished sweeping the second floor of the police station in Kamenko and was starting to leave the back room (the one which is through the first door on the left when you come up the stairs) when I hear footsteps, a door open, a few more footsteps and then heavy breathing.  Uh-oh... 

I immediately stop, crouch down, raise my trusty Red 9 (I really love the Red 9) towards the door to the room, look down the sights and wait.  The person below me has stopped moving but I can still hear them breathing.  Have they heard me, I wonder?  A few seconds later there are more footsteps then silence again.  After maybe 30 seconds, the pattern repeats and I realise that they are clearing the lower floor, room by room, very slowly and methodically.  After a minute or so, with my heart beat pounding in my ears and my arms twitching with adrenaline surging through my veins, they come up the stairs.  I brace myself, ready to let rip with my pistol, but they turn right, into the other back room, then into the front right room, then I hear them go into the front left room.  This is it, the room I am in is the only room left for them to check.  I tense my finger on the trigger...

A figure bursts into the room and, before I can even start to process what I am seeing, I'm pulling the trigger as fast as I can.  I don't know how long it takes, but it feels like barely a second has passed, before the figure drops to the floor and I hear the "click-click-click" as I continue to pull the trigger on my now empty gun.  Hands shaking, I reload as fast as I can, in case he's not alone or someone else hears the gunshots and comes to investigate.  As I'm doing this, my brain finally catches up and processes what my eyes have seen.  He's wearing a bright yellow raincoat, so was certainly a freshie like myself. but what really strikes me as odd is that he's carrying a bus wheel in his hands.  wtf??  (I checked with DC about this and he reminded me what I already knew, i.e. the bus wheels can be used to block doorways, etc.. which can be useful, but he also told me something I didn't know which is that, as he understands it, there's a chance the wheel *might* absorb some gunfire.  I'm really not sure about that but, true or not, it didn't work here)

I check his pulse and yellow raincoat man is dead - I guess ten 9mm slugs will do that to a person.  A quick check of his loot reveals the cause of his delay in clearing the rooms - he seems to have picked up every single item he saw - lucky for me that he didn't have any mags for the RAK or CR75 pistol I had left downstairs and which he is now carrying.

Spooked by the encounter, I bail out of the town and run North.  About 20 minutes later I've looted the military tents at Stary Sobor and am going to log off in the bushes at the top of the hill above the camp when I hear a gunshot nearby.  I'm gradually getting better at recognising gunshots, so I am reasonably certain it's a silenced AK of some sort.  I begin jinking towards the bushes but it's late and I am tired and, before I realise the mistake I've just made, I hear an incredibly loud crack from a rifle - definitely a Mosin and it's very, very close.  In fact, it's in the bushes.  I don't even get a chance to try and turn away when the second Mosin shot hits me and I fall to the floor unconscious.  I consider respawning straight away but maybe, just maybe, my attackers will patch me up?  I have a standing rule to never, ever be taken alive but the thought of having to do this run again annoys me so I wait...and wait...and you are dead.  Dammit.    

Edited by krazypenguin
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Nothing in over a week posted... guess I'm not the only one that's bored to death of .59. 


Here's to .60 gents! 

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I spawned near Kamy and as i approached the town i heard an SVD nearby on the hill. I snuck up on the hill and waited sitting perfectly camoed in my red training suit with a rope in my hand. I hear shooting again but further up and as I move towards it I see some movement  in a tree very near to where I was sitting. Turns out theres a ghillied guy laying there with an SVD. I sneak closer to tie him up but ofcourse he hears me(always) and tries to shoot me, he misses and bolts away. i run after, armed with a mighty stick. As Im pursuing him, another ghillie guy, also armed with an SVD comes running towards us and tries to shoot me but misses. I keep myself between ghille duper no 1 and 2 so they cant fire without hitting themselves and whack away with my stick. I get a few hits in but ofcourse they have no effect and in the end I am gunned down. They guys expend at least two clips each to kill me and when I'm dead I am ofcourse called a loser and noob because I failed to kill two ghillies with SVDs with my stick that I cut from a tree.


I also had an extremely annoying thing happen that will pursue til my grave. I came upon a heli site and went to it. As I was looting someone shoots at me but misses so I take cover behind the heli. I note where the shots are coming from but see nobody so i decide to bolt away. I run across a hilltop and down on the other side and as I do I see two guys pursuing me. well over the hill i go back and lie down behind a small wall and ready my Rak. The guys come running and go past me so I sit up aim and mow em down. or I would have but instead my gun goes "click!" I try agian but just click. They hear me and start shooting. I try to frantically put another magazine in but its so stupid and time consuming to remove the magazine, eject the bullet and put another one in that i get killed ofcourse.

This really need to be addressed.  I like the fact that guns can jam but what is needed is a quickfunction for clearing the jam. One button to press for removing the bullet causing the issue and inserting the mag again. Also a gun with pristine quality and pristine magazine and bullets shouldnt jam, ever.

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Something really stupid killed me again. I logged into a private server and it turned out I was on the second floor of the camo building at NWAF. Almost right away two guys come running adn one goes upstairs. I wait, hoping they will leave but he comes into the room where I am. I have my gun on him, hoping he will just not attack but ofcourse he does. I react right away, way quicker than he and with hip fire, sight on target I shoot six shot swith my SKS. Not one of them hit at 2 metres range. All i have time to say before he kills me with his AK is WTF? I see the bullets hit the wall to the left of the player. He actually apologizes for killing me afterwards . I respawn and play on the server for a bit and its really laggy and then crashes or restarts. I dont care about the dying itself but its quite annoying to die because of lag. Even more annoying is that it killed me the other day as well when first a flashbang wouldnt blow up and then I couldnt reload my AK.

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Sigh. Now its getting to the point where it starts to get unfunny again. I was in Cherno and heard a guy shooting at bambis. I located him and shot at him but didnt hit. He came to get me and I made a little ambush in the TEC building. He opened the door and I rushed out to mow him down, but there was nobody there. Then he shot me. And there was still nobody there. I could hear the shots coming from the wall side of the staircase but there was nobody there. Then I died. A similar thing happened to me on 0.57. Turns out the guy had gone into the wall at the bottom floor and shot me through it. I didn't know it at the time until I went back for my corpse and he was still in there so I could see his gun sticking out.  But this time it was on the second floor. Maybe it was just some kind of desync.

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Yesterday, i spotted a Heli crashsite outside Zeleno so I ran to it. Just as I got to it, Hicks made it dissappear right in front of me and all the loot as well.

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Not a good day. It started with me spawning in as a newspawn on a public server and the first thing I hear is a punching sound. I go unconcious and hear someone being obnoxious in French. i dont speak french but its french, hence obnoxious. I go get some drink and when im back I wake up, only to be knocked out again and treated to some more obnoxiousness. I wake up again and the guy is gone. I roll to the sea and make a splint then go to cherno. I manage to avoid all the fully geared people shooting bambis only to get killed by another newspawn inspite of telling him to stop. I respawn nearby, get to my corpse and continue to Kamenka. I then get sniped as Im climbing the hunting stand. Great skillz.

 I log in with a fully geared character at the NWA. I scope the place out for five min or so, see nobody so I decide to leave, as I went through it the day before. As I'm leaving I am sniped. In two seconds somebody is at my corpse , looting it. I respawn in Kambywobo and get to the police station. As I am INSIDE, not near a window I am shot by something silenced. I saw nobody, they might have been in the wall though. I decide to try another server and am again fully geared at the NWA. I scope it, see nothing and go in. By the quonset hut hangars I see a car that looks ok so I go to it and not only is it complete and functional, its also stocked with gear. As I am deciding to steal it someone starts shooting at me so I take cover. I get my pistol out and shoots the guy that approaches. I bandage and notice another guy approaching. I try to reload but it doesnt work. I am forced to run around for a bit, finally pulling my blaze out, firing two shots point blank at the guy, he gets me but Im pretty sure I get him too. Afterwards I remember I had a handgrenade :/

 I respawn near Berezino. A guy holds me up but ends giving me a mosin and some food. He then holds another guy up and gives him stuff too. he then tells us he doesnt have any ammo, lol! A funny guy.

Edited by Killawife
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I was on a 50 slot server which was almost full, ran from the North all the way to the military base next to Myshkino. After scoping it out for a bit I saw nobody and had a go at it. I ran around the tents for quite some time as no shots were fired. Except for some stupid Zed that came through a tent wall and scared the living *** out me, nothing happened. I had picked up an AKM with mag but I was double carrying it. When I arrived at Myshkino I dropped the AKM to take my binocs and the AKM was... gone. Even logging out and in did not help... Met up with a fellow Belgian guy and we went to meet another Belgian who was a fresh spawn just passed Electro. We ran across Balota, Cherno and Elektro and saw not even a soul (zeds don't have souls, right?), except for a fresh spawn running inland between Cherno and Elektro. The server was still not empty (35/50-ish), so we were wondering were all these people were hiding at...  At the end the server began to run empty so we logged out.

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Today was better. I got knocked out by a guy and he took my gear but he didnt kill me, which was nice. I ran south with the stuff he left me and ended up in a fight with another guy. I knocked him out with a gas canister since he insisted on fighting me but I bandaged him and left him my shoes. And fed his some gasoline too, hehe

I later met another guy with a gun in his hand and we didnt kill eachother. Amazing. I then swam to the prison island and just as I got there I got the "no message from server" message. Now I probably have to swim it again, yawn!

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Today was a bad day. But lets start about few days ago when I spawned about middleway forest Khelm-Dubrovka. That was my first day in dayZ after a over year break and I haven't any idea where I am. So headed somewhere and got to Berezino. At this point I have found 6-slot jacket, 6-slot pants and 20-slot backpack, Revolver (maybe .357, not sure), about 40 bullets and a compass. No food, no drink, hungry af, thirsty af. So decided to head up north, and when I arrived to Dubrovka, I found can of bacon and got the hatchet for opening, got smile on my face when just after I have eat, I found a water bottle, and ran down the hill to fill it, aaah what a relief. Also found mosin, scope and 5 bullets. Then I though, "i'm going to loot some hc shit over the Krasnostav", but no, allmost got shot. At this point I've got food and drink enough for the safe forest run ahead when suddenly when was going to police station, I heard gunshot. Never found the guy and never got killed, but scared me really badly. From the Krasnostavs airstrip I headed towards Novodmitrovsk and stopped playing when I was southside cliffs. So all good at this point...


Yesterday I went to the southside of city and started to move on to east in my mind next destination, Svetlojarsk. Everything went good till I stopped playing.


And today, game went about 10-15minutes. Started to loot industrial zone and found good sniping zone (that one 45degrees angle walkway on some roof), when I went there I necer minded that I might not come back. I couldn't anymore cross the fence and literally got in panic, what the hell I'm supposed to do. So tried to jump to the roof next to and died. That was really bad day.

Next time I start the game when I got company. My friends don't play anymore and IMO it's really boring play alone. So if anyone has a group or/and looking for game company throw me some invite on steam: ajrtdfvb

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So I'm not the only one, who feels shooting is way too laggy again? Even with crosshairs on my (stationary) target, I keep missing the first shot. It's weird how much I have to shoot, it seems inaccurate. I play on a 50 player server that usually gets full, but even when it's empty the shooting feels slow.

But my last week actually was fine. I have a new RP-character: FacilityManager





I've build a public camp for trading and hunting inside the construction site north of myshkino tents (or south of Vybor). Things are going well. 






So far I've had three friendly encounters and evaded some shooting in Cherno. One guy actually came to camp and traded some ammo. I warned 2 survivors about going into town. I had a bus for a while (it exploded) and got a good amount of tents and gear. I had a car, too. But that also exploded.






FacilityManager is basically just concerned about the integrity of the site. He will tell you to take your shoes off, before going into tents and things like that. He gives out radios and yellow armbands to friendly survivors, so they can stay in contact. There is a radio in my bag and several ones in the tents. I found enough batteries, so hopefully I'll remember to turn them on and receive some messages. 

Edited by S3V3N
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On 3/1/2016 at 11:34 AM, S3V3N said:

Not me, sorry. My ingame name is usually SinKing. 

AHAHA, not saying anymore 7


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