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How was your Day(Z)?

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The private server I play on has been steadily becoming very hostile lately. So it was definetly cool to have a few lead-less encounters.

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well my day despite my efforts was completely uneventful. i ran from electro to cherno 4 times and many other small towns and areas and saw absolutely no one anywhere. The server was full so i guess i wasn't invited to the baked beans party being held up north..... not that i wanted to go or anything.... *sniffles*

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Myself, Eno, and Hairy_eyeball decided to roam from Berezino down to Solnichny in hopes of helping freshies and making ourselves known.  We roamed north towards Berezino earlier today and as we approached the lighthouse on the SE end of Berezino, we heard shots coming from around the police station.  Hairy was closest and after a few minutes he came into contact with a guy and exchanged some words.  The guy acted/talked friendly but hid behind a concrete barrier (waist height) and aimed towards Hairy.  I saw him do this right as I rounded the corner behind him.  I rushed up with my pistol out and yelled at him to drop his weapon.  He turned and looked at me and I gave him to the count of 3 to drop it.  I screamed 3!... 2!...


He fires his rak at me as I unload 4-5 shots of my glock into him.  He hits me quite a bit and I see him fall right before my screen goes black.  Hairy said I killed him but he fired a round into his skull to make sure.  I spawned at the factory so I ran back and got some of my stuff back.  We logged off shortly after.


We logged in later in the day today and decided to have some more fun.  We came across numerous freshies and helped give them food and water.  One guy was actually AFK standing outside of a shed in Nizhnoye.  We tried talking to him but were unsuccessful so we handcuffed him, stole his pants and shoes, and left (we left his weapons and everything else).  We made our way to berezino and didn't see anything so we headed back about 20 minutes later.  The guy we handcuffed had clearly moved but was still bound and without pants and was AFK again.  We left him alone and then headed south and helped a few more low geared/freshies along the way.


We hung out in Solnichny for quite some time and conversed and helped 2 guys that seemed rather cool.  Eno even handed out some ammo while Hairy handed out food.  We decided to log and just then I saw a geared guy huffing it towards the train tracks.  I rushed over to intercept as I saw Hairy tell him to drop his weapon.  I came from behind the guy and repeated the order.  He holstered his weapon and was kind of hesitant at first because we were barking orders at him.  I told him if he's cool that I will let him go but I needed to cuff him first because I saw someone following him and I wanted to make sure it wasn't his friend.  At first, he said "hell no" but did not resist.  He scoffed at a few things and told me not to take his shit.  I told him to relax and assured him we wouldn't.  He did not have much other than a glock with a full mag and a repeater.  We uncuffed him after taking control of the situation and logged shortly after.


Fun times.

Edited by schwaBAM
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Yea that whole barking orders and yelling or talking loudly and intimidating seems to normally escalate situations.

I find that when people are hyped up like this it doesn't end well, or their intentions are probably sinister.

A calm, cool, collected player goes alot further with me than someone yelling at me to drop my weapon and get on the ground(to which I normally respond by putting some distance between us and starting to evade).

Oh and I'm always suspicious of anyone who just shouts friendly, yea right bud why you got that motorcycle helmet??

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So Santa came through big time on Christmas Day. I was way up north at our ultra secret camp when I randomly broke my legs. Damn it. Boots and pants ruined. Good thing all my gear was in a protector case. I made my way to a feed shack nearby and noticed a tent about 50 yards down in the tree line. Sneakily approaching the camp I scope it out before moving in. This place is loaded, 2 drum mags, suppressed AKM, more mags for it and a whole bunch more stuff.

Seems like the kind of shop a KoS kid would setup. So I take the tent and barrel along with all the goodness. Looks like our camps grown.

Moved out towards a nearby city(all locations are screened for our camps security haha) still in need of boots. As I head across a field to check out a barn 4 car tents and a military tent render in all around the barn. Oh shit! Here I am midway across this damn field with no cover. Duck behind a haybale and do some recon. No movement, so I rush into the barn where I find another tent and 2 barrels.

Here's were it gets good. There's a note in the tent, a note from a fella who's camp we raided back during .58. So of course I remind this dude how much I love barrels, who snagged them, then take one of them into the woods ditch my bag and go back for the last barrel and the military tent. Oh yea!

On my way back to camp I stumbled across yet another camp, what the hell is going on??! This one was just farming and survival gear. Had a note so I responded inquiring about meeting up and left some goodies.

And to top it all off after finding those camps I must've stumbled into a loot explosion down in vybor military base after dumping all my gear at camp.

So thanks Santa, you the man.

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Our engagements intend to start as distant as possible to let people know we're there... sometimes guys blunder into our laps and that does escalate things regardless of tone. It probably doesn't help that we're in high speed military gear and not exactly looking friendly- but that's part of the fun of it. 


We ran into one guy named "Wolf" who was pretty cool- we helped him out just a bit and he continued into Sol, found a barrel then brought it back to us. "Thanks for helping- here's a barrel" he said as he dropped the barrel in the middle of the road. Strangely, I couldn't see it (only a shadow) and our guys couldn't interact with it. He eventually came back and said "hey- looked like your gear was damaged so here's a sewing kit." Nicest guy EVER? 


"I prefer damaged gear... blends in just a bit better- but I really appreciate the gesture!" 


That was one of the best days I remember but had a few solo encounters that left me wanting. 


The guys had logged and I was back in for a bit of time to collect some things- particularly .308 ammo again since I think I lost all mine when I got killed a few days back. There are a ton of hunting stands in Gorka so I decided to take the sedan out for a rip. On my way over from Sol I saw some deer grazing along the side of the road... their movements were very natural and to be quite honest for just a moment I thought to myself "Devs... you did this right." 


I pulled out my AKM (I know, right?) and fired a single shot at the buck and missed (I know, right?) and they went screaming off to the south up the hill on the left side of the road where they just as promptly started glitch running in place. I made my way up a bit closer to them, found the buck among the treadmilling herd and pulled the trigger. As if standing on the world's largest catapult, when the buck "died" it was flung into space about a hundred feet further up the hill where it laid to rest. That when paired up with the "MMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUU!" of its dying breath was paradoxically hilarious. I couldn't help but pad up the rest of the hill seeking out other siege weapons to fling up towards an invisible and non-existent foe. 


One after another, my "catapelt" lobbed hundreds of pounds of deer meat, animal lard and bones uphill to their final resting place. I tried to make a deer pelt bag but was unable- Harry later advised me that I needed to tan the leather first before making use of it... Okay, that's actually pretty cool. 


At one point in Gorka I managed to slide the sedan up against a guardrail and was unable to get unstuck for quite a time. I ended up needing to aggressively reverse and turn the wheel and cause the car to "spin" around but progressively pinning the back end under the rail. The front end stuck up in the air at about a 40 degree angle and I hung there in disbelief grinding gears forwards and backwards trying to ween myself out of that predicament. I could only imagine what that would have looked like if I was another survivor just making my way around- I'm not sure I'd make sense of it. 


I did get unstuck and made my way back to our setup... Harry and Schwab joined me shortly thereafter and we had a great time. 

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I think i may have shat out all of my luck today. the first of the day was dull. i ran past berezino on a full server and found no one apart from one guy running on the road while i was waiting for the rain to let up underneath a tree i run out and take a shot at what was supposed to be his legs so i could have a fun encounter that wasn't KoS. well, i shot through a bush and hit him in the back whoops but oh well.


later, i hop back on and get to electro where i managed to sneak up behind a guy sniping with an akm and drum mag. i catch my breath and pop him in the back of the head with my mosin. i move through the town but never see anyone except some bambi in a red raincoat. i pass through the small towns which in one i met a guy who had no pants. i didn't shoot him since he appeared to be having a bad day. he wasn't good with english so we couldn't communicate properly for me to help him. i make my way through cherno and spot no one on top of triple yellow so i go to the hospital that's downrange from a police station. turns out there was a guy camping the stairs. i had almost gunned him down but the bullets caught the clipping plane. (this is skyrim all over again). he runs upstairs and i believe logged out like a coward. i poke around there and decide to head to the hospital. suddenly i hear winchester shots and take cover. i fall back to the contruction site and do some recon. hospital was empty but i caught a glimpse of the guy in the station. i run back while taking cover and clear the building. gone.


i retreat back and take shots. i later see a guy stuck in the ladder climbing animation and of course he takes shots at me. theres nothing but concrete walls and a shack for cover so i go around the other way. great minds think alike and he does the same. fortunately, i had the better gun (ump) and gun him down. while dodging fire from a mosin and fal or dragunov.  I run like hell to the tree line and after dodging countless shots i'm safe and having killed those guys' buddy. i take stock and see both my pants and m65 jacket are ruined and i had barely survived. likely due to my ballistic vest and dashing good looks. I decide it's time to get off before i run out of luck and get killed. One hell of a day.

Edited by thatguyoverthar11
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Four things happened yesterday, all involving police stations strangely enough and with four different characters:


I came upon the Svetlajorsk police station with a new character, carrrying guns but no ammo. I see a players head in the jail cell so I go up and talk to him for a bit. Hes slow to respond and I see him clutching his gun like theres no tomorrow so I leave.

I come to Kamyshovo over the mountain when i hear a shot, winchester or svd. I sneak up so I can see the town and notice a dead player on the roof. I wait for the culprit to show himself but he doesnt so I leave.

I spawn in Cherno and go to the police station. Outside is a guy loooting a dead guy. he's obviously a murderer so I aim with my Sks and shoot.It clicks. I check for ammo and theres none :/. The guy doesnt notice anything so I go into the station and after a while the guy comes in and searches it. He comes onto the roof where I am and starts attacking me with an axe, I tell him to stop but he doesnt. I throw a flashbang and go blind. I can still hear the other guy swinging but I'm still alive when i am kicked for some Lobby idling thing. I try to rejoin but it fails. I'm annoyed and leave.

 I make a new character and spawn on Skalisty. I get to Kamyshowo and theres a shitload of loot outside the police station. I go in and go on the roof and notice a guy running in and cycling the loot. He doesnt notice me so I sit and wait and check the loot from afar. A bambi shows up so the lootcycling guy attacks him. I tell him to stop but he doesnt so I shoot him with my sporter.


Ive had my fill of police stations and leave.

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well today was pretty shitty. after taking some time to get some of my gear back after it had been ruined/disappeared i try to meet up with some guys to play with. after a few hours of getting geared and trekking back to cherno i finally spawn into their server on their position.  despite telling them exactly what i was wearing and one of them, saying whre i was one of the guys still shoots me on accident. i try to run back but my body long disappears and im later killed by a group of guys anyway. oh well i suppose. 

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Today was my first actual play time on the standalone so me and my friend decied to meet up. Along the way we both gear up decent and I finally find meet up with him in this town he is logged off. I am dying of thrist with a grey screen looking for Water pump I die and have to respawn. Soon as I spawn in I find that I am about 5 miles from him a decent run. When I spawn in I start looting some siderail cars. I spot something off in the distance. I stay back a bit trying to hide away then as they are comming closer to me i can see they are a group of three. I think oh great looks like another death and chance to spawn further away all I have on me atm moment is a 1911 and some food. The 1911 in hand so now I look like a hostile making this an even more dangerous because if they think i am about to shoot them i am dead. They yell out hey buddy get down so I do I am thinking okay cool just looking out for himself and his friends. Then demands I give my gun up it was empty anyways so I do and then tells me to stay down for 10 sec cool made it through. I meet back up with my friend but now he is ill we are trying to find medical supplys to fix him but as we was drinking from the well he dies. Wounderful now he has to run back right but the game did something beautiful spawned him in the same town beautiful right well was untill some grunt starts beating on my friend with a fire extinguisher. WTH right so we beat this guy down and began looking for better gear we finally got to a decent place with gear got some stuff and called it a day not bad on our first day minus the deaths.

Edited by dv8nxs
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It was fun day.. even servers was down, unstables are like meatgrinders of what is right word... horroble.

when i got back in gg server i was in deep north maybe in Severograd, i was having a fun whit zombies and silenced glock. then i went in cigaret and it didnt kill me this time.

when i come back in game someone start to shoot me like grasy, i told him that he cam have my other rifle if he wants but no bullets was still raining like snow in snowmanmovieshit..

so i went behind a wall and watch him following me and shot him down.

grazy bastard i say..


oh and i think i join in clan. really nice people in ts. more funfun..

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Today was my first actual play time on the standalone so me and my friend decied to meet up along the way we both gear up decent and i finally find meet up with him in this town he is logged off and i am dying of thrist with a grey screen looking for Water pump i die and have to respawn soon as i spawn in i find that i am about 5 miles from him a decent run as i am spawn in i start looting some siderail cars and i spot something off in the distance so i stay back a bit trying to hide away then as they are comming closer to me i can see they are a group of three think oh great looks like another death and chance to spawn further away all i have on me atm moment is a 1911 and some food 1911 in hand so now i look like a hostile making this an even more dangerous because if they think i am about to shoot them i am dead they yell out hey buddy get down so i do i am thinking okay cool just looking out for himself and his friend demands i give my gun up it was empty anyways so i do and then tells me to stay down for 10 sec cool made it through so i meet back up with my friend but now he is ill we are trying to find medical supplys to fix him but as we was drinking from the well he dies wounderful now he has to run back right but the game did something beautiful spawned him in the same town beautiful right well was untill some grunt starts beating on my friend with a fire extinguisher like wth right so we beat this guy down and began looking for better gear we finally got to a decent place with gear got some stuff and called it a day not bad on our first day minus the deaths

Beans for Longest. Run-on. Sentence. Ever.

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MURDERERS! They're everywhere. But also some nice people. Well, one.


I logged in in Cherno with a relatively new guy, had a pistol grip shotty and nothing else really. I heard someone shooting with a mosin from the eastern woods. I met a newspawn and talked to him for a bit nut he was clueless so i moved on. I went into a two story building close to the forest to check it out when I hear someone outside. A guy come sin and sprays some bullets form an automatic but misses. I tell him to back off but he says nothing. Soon, a newspawn appears, clearly baiting and after a while they attack. I shoot the newspawn in the legs but do no real damage on teh other guy though I'm sure I hit. I'm bleeding and the newspawn is now crawling around by me on teh second floor. I only have one round in my rifle. I avoid the newspawn but can hear the other guy repositioning himself. Suddenly a bullet cracks through a window. It seems there are three. I reload and auto guy attacks, spraying silent death. I get off one round.

 I respawn in Balota, find a backpack and two rifles right away. I see aguy so i greet him. He says hello and shoots me.

 I respawn in Svet. I loot for a bit and pick a Glock and mag off a dead guy in the police station. I meet a friendly guy in Olsha who leads me to a winchester. i got towards Berezino and by the railroad tracks I spot three players coming from that direction. They see me so i greet them, keeping my Glock ready. My hopes of a friendly encounter are gone when one of the guys say with a eastern-european accent "drop your backpack". I say no and drop him like a sack of potatoes. I move on to number two but he kills me with his rifle.

 I respawn south of Berezino. The area if full of newspawns, some living, some holding on to a semblance of life amidst screaming and chaos. I find a mosin with bullets and get the hell out. I make my way to Kamyshovo and two guys are occupying the police station. I train my sights on them but notice that they dont have any gear of importance so I let them be and move on. I find a hunting scope in a Deer stand. Good times.


Today is my birthday.

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MURDERERS! They're everywhere. But also some nice people. Well, one.


I logged in in Cherno with a relatively new guy, had a pistol grip shotty and nothing else really. I heard someone shooting with a mosin from the eastern woods. I met a newspawn and talked to him for a bit nut he was clueless so i moved on. I went into a two story building close to the forest to check it out when I hear someone outside. A guy come sin and sprays some bullets form an automatic but misses. I tell him to back off but he says nothing. Soon, a newspawn appears, clearly baiting and after a while they attack. I shoot the newspawn in the legs but do no real damage on teh other guy though I'm sure I hit. I'm bleeding and the newspawn is now crawling around by me on teh second floor. I only have one round in my rifle. I avoid the newspawn but can hear the other guy repositioning himself. Suddenly a bullet cracks through a window. It seems there are three. I reload and auto guy attacks, spraying silent death. I get off one round.

 I respawn in Balota, find a backpack and two rifles right away. I see aguy so i greet him. He says hello and shoots me.

 I respawn in Svet. I loot for a bit and pick a Glock and mag off a dead guy in the police station. I meet a friendly guy in Olsha who leads me to a winchester. i got towards Berezino and by the railroad tracks I spot three players coming from that direction. They see me so i greet them, keeping my Glock ready. My hopes of a friendly encounter are gone when one of the guys say with a eastern-european accent "drop your backpack". I say no and drop him like a sack of potatoes. I move on to number two but he kills me with his rifle.

 I respawn south of Berezino. The area if full of newspawns, some living, some holding on to a semblance of life amidst screaming and chaos. I find a mosin with bullets and get the hell out. I make my way to Kamyshovo and two guys are occupying the police station. I train my sights on them but notice that they dont have any gear of importance so I let them be and move on. I find a hunting scope in a Deer stand. Good times.


Today is my birthday.

good to see you weren't killed 100% of the time as my experiments in the field yielded. And happy birthday.


I had one hell of a day today. After re-gearing from yesterday, I have an ak74u, a winchster with scope, a magnum, ballistic vest and the like. As i'm leaving the airfield I see a player. He never sees me so i re-position myself. eventually he's running straight down to the last few hangers and so after seeing he has a decked out akm i feel it's best to shoot him. one shot and he's dead. Much later in time I'm in a small village when i encounter a newspawn. after observing him and him punching me i shoot him in the leg and drop a bandage for him. I finally get to play a game i've been wanting to. I ask him 3 riddles. he got 2 right but couldn't answer the one i made up myself so it was clear he cheated. but i decide to let him go since he took part and was the first ever. suddenly, 2 more fresh spawns are around me, one with an axe, one with a steak knife. steak knife stabs me ones and i gun him down with my 74u while axe guy hits me once in the head and once in the chest (thanks ballistic helmet) and so i shoot him as he starts to run away. while all of that was happening, broken leg guy was cheering them on saying "yea! karmas a bitch!" so, instead of sparing him i shoot him.


I then wander down the way to electro, I scope out the place and see a few players running about. I make my way to the 2 houses at the top of a big hill and to my surprise i find a fully decked out ump45. i happily replace my ak74u even though the ump only had 8 rounds left. i look around and after seeing nothing i go to to a different vantage point. i see a player and after some waiting i take a shot but miss. I move on and try to find a better spot but unfortunately a group of 3 players see me. out of breath and unable to return significant fire back i retreat. That's when a half hour long chase between me and them began. we were running through the woods in the middle of nowhere. they hit my in what must've been my arm because my m65 jacket was ruined. nearly dead i press on and lucky for me they're not great shots. I finally got to lose them once i crossed the dam bridge and wandered through some more woods. after making sure the coast was clear, i log out and take a breather.


I log back on and access my situation. badly injured, ruined jacket, but otherwise in good shape. I run back to electro to get a new jacket and eventually some .45s for my new ump. much later i'm in much better health and have a tsko jacket which will do nicely. and to my continued luck i find another ump stashed inside a sedan. unfortunately it was stuck but still a big win. One hell of a day.

Edited by thatguyoverthar11
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Today is my birthday.


Happy birthday- which one is it if I can be so bold as to inquire? Any big plans for the day? 



good to see you weren't killed 100% of the time as my experiments in the field yielded. And happy birthday.




Maybe I like getting killed. It gives me a chance to play the fun part of the game, gearing up.



So for this reason I hope you get killed a bunch of times today ;)

Edited by ENO75
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Happyhappynewyerbirthdaythingggg..... tiDIIII


It was good day in dayz :thumbsup:

Nothing special but talking whit guys was fun

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Happy birthday- which one is it if I can be so bold as to inquire? Any big plans for the day? 





So for this reason I hope you get killed a bunch of times today ;)

I'm 42 today. So I'm hoping for some Universal enlightenment this year. My plans are drink jeager and red bull, make some nice pork and fried baked potatoes and play a little Dayz, Poe and Ark. I'm gonna watch a few movies also. Tonight I'll go out and watch the fireworks and see whats happening around town. People are bound to be drunk and doing stupid things so its usually fun to watch. Last year I saw two young girls wearing the shortest skirts i've ever seen making out. It was a hoot.

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Happy B-day as well!

Swam out to prison island as a freshie last night. After 2 circuits I ended up kitted to the teeth and loaded for bear.

Might as well list the highlights of my gearfull bliss.

Full plate carrier, AKM with a drum mag, an aks74u with mag, cr75 with 2 mags, full tkso/gorka gear, a sposn backpack and an extra highcap vest too!

All giddy, I turn around to make my way out of the courtyard when I hear footsteps.

"Hey mister, how's it going?"

All I get is a garbled response, so I ask the guy to type in the chat. Turns out to be a fresh spawn who swam out. I hook the grateful lad up with the extra high cap then lead him to a sposn bag. Adios little hombre.

Drenched to the bone I make my way up onto the beach warily checking my surroundings. Things look clear, I look like the grand prize at some carnivals shooting gallery. Need fire, warmth, some sort of hide away to take stock and figure out a gameplan.

As I head west towards the gas station I hear shots nearby, behind me. So I break away and flank back, hang around for awhile with no movement or any sign of activity. Strange dayz, gut says my little hombre bought it on the beach. Starting to feel like my generosity comes with a hard price to pay for those on the receiving end.

Off to the wilderness, armed, deadly and drenched.

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Today I noticed some truly disturbing behaviour with a player. I met him in Dubky as we went into the same house from different ends. He raised his Cr 527 right away but I talked to him and he lowered it. He said he didnt have bullets for it anyway, the lying bastard. I didnt have anything of value which I told him and we talked a little, then when I turn to show him something he immediately raises his gun. I move away but he follows and excuses himself. I stop once more and the second i turn slightly he raises his gun, shoots, misses and says sorry. I run and wait for him and he follows but spots me and shoots again so I move again and again he follows. I grow tired and run away. I climb a tall apartment building and see him below looking for me.  I couldve easily axed him earlier which I also told him but some people just seems retarded.

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Had a relatively quiet night last night with Dave and Harry at different times. It grew to an almost full server but yet traffic through our working area was very light. I saw a few freshies running out of our reach near Nizhnoye but otherwise the area between the factory and Zino was disturbingly quiet. Almost an hour in I had drifted north a bit as Hairy watched to the south and I spotted two guys running south along the tracks about 50 feet from one another. I saw a press vest and a few clothing items but no immediately threatening weapons.


"I'm going to go talk to these guys..."


"I'll cover you," Hairy said immediately. "I'm coming over." 


The contact was really cumbersome- looking back at it I think the guy heard me but didn't know how to talk back. So instead he just stood there not moving- probably checking to see what the "talk" button was. As I tried to engage him in conversation the second guy evaporated and this got my spidey senses rambling. 


"Hello?" the younger player said finally. "I have nothing- I have no weapons. Don't shoot." 


"I won't shoot- but where is your friend?" 


"Who?" There was a ton of racket on his end... like he was playing DayZ with a NYE party going on in the background. Very annoying.  

"Your friend- the guy that was running with you. Where is he?"


"We didn't know each other. We were just running the same way." Okay- both had looked relatively fresh so I took some ease with this and given the circumstances trusted it.


"Do you need any food or water?" 


"What?" Background noise. I repeated. "I don't know- this is the first time I've played the game." Under most circumstances I'd have been a little more patient... someone a little older... less background noise... but this really wasn't the alley I wanted to be standing around in for a long period of time. I felt like a bit of a jerk- but finally just gave up on the cacophony in his real life.


"Okay well, good luck to you then." He carried on his way and we carried on ours. 


Dave had stepped out and Hairy introduced me to his friend MK- so we met up at the docks in Nizhnoye and proceeded south to the factory. Almost immediately Hairy spotted a guy crouching on the "sniper hill" south of Nizhnoye. "He's up there crouching behind the red house... blue jacket on... has something in his hands- an axe I think?" 


MK was first to act. "I'm going to make contact- I hate being watched like this."


Hairy and I followed and quickly surrounded the guy who I was to quickly learn on approach (I was playing the negotiator) was not carrying an axe but a crossbow instead. 


"Hello there-"


"Hello," the player replied in a thick accent we would later learn was Spanish.


"Just so that you know you are surrounded so I'm going to ask that you not put that crossbow to your shoulder."


"I have no arrows."


"Okay- well... don't put it to your shoulder. We're here to help- do you need any food or water?"


"No- I think I'm okay." During the conversation it sounded like he didn't have a lot of water / food so MK approached him and put some nearby.


"Do you know where you are?" 


"I'm going to meet a friend at... uh... Ch... Cher..." 




"Yes! Cherno." 


"Okay- well you have quite a trek ahead of you. You are currently in Nizhnoye so keep the ocean on your left and follow that main road. You will eventually get there." 


"Thank you." 


He took off and we went back to the highway and carried on in the same direction. He stayed in the trees and we motored ahead. As we passed the factory, we saw this guy again. His name was "Martin" pronounced "Martine" and he was quite friendly as he warmed up to us. MK had an idea.


"If he's heading to Cherno... why don't we give him a tactical escort?" Let's do it! 


So after talking to Martin and explaining our intentions we started on our way towards Cherno. His friend was moving east and going through Prigorodki at that time so we asked to meet him in Kamyshovo since at least two of us were running out of game time. 


Hairy, MK and I formed a diamond around Martin and headed south together. "If you have no ammo, then if we get into a contact with someone- get behind us, okay?" 




Our group was in a nicely spread out formation but though I was "trusting" Martin, I was waiting for that moment for him to stop and take aim at one of us with the crossbow. I relaxed a bit as our correspondence became more conversational. 


As we ran through 3 Valley MK ended up having to leave. He was double carrying an AK74u and an AKM so he decided he was going to hand over the 74 to Martin along with ammo. He had no room to carry the extra ammo so I told him I'd carry it until we got to our destination and we could sort something out there. 


"I am dying of starvation," he said as if not really absorbing how significant that was. I threw a bunch of pumpkin slices at him and we topped him up with the good stuff.


We carried on to Kamyshovo and I explained to Martin about the importance of the sniper shuffle as we approached this area since it can tend to be quite dangerous. Hairy and I were on high alert as we entered Kamy and neared the police station. 


"Where is your friend?"


"He is on the tracks." 


"Does he know you are with two other people? He knows not to shoot at us?" 


"Oh yes! I have told him about you." 


We made it through Kamy without incident. "Okay- this is where we need to break off. Ahead of you is Elektro- but stay near the tracks and you will find your friend. Be careful!" 


"Thank you!" 


We broke contact and headed back to Krutoy to log off. We both felt bad leaving him on his own on the doorstep to danger... kind of like "Hey we're going to escort you until we get to the dangerous part... then you're on your own." But 5am comes early and I was already past my bedtime. 


It occurred to me later that I forgot to give him the extra ammo for the 74u... 





Edited by ENO75
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It occurred to me later that I forgot to give him the extra ammo for the 74u... 





all that work and we forgot to give him ammo.

well at least he has one little nugget of hope in him he can think about as he gets killed a dozen times or so.

to everyone else out there, you have no idea what its like trying to teach someone from Argentina, how to say Ukrainian cities, in English. 

oh and Happy new year! may she be a damned sight better than the last one. 

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A couple of days ago I started rebuilding my camp after the last wipe. I play exclusively lone-wolf. The plan is to get myself armored up and get a barrel full of weapons and ammo with some food. Then begin the slow process of building a tent camp and a vehicle. 


So I went up to the NWAF, collected a SKS, AK's and a sufficient amount of ammo and gear. For fun I hunted infected, collected a bunch then started killing them off and had some good fun with that. Then it was time to run back to my camp and start storing my spoils. As I was leaving NWAF at the southern side, I got hit twice by a sniper and died. I did scope the area out well before I started my trek south and did not notice my killer.


Oh well, time to respawn and repeat. This time I stocked up at the military base at NWAF without incident. Decided to make my way east out of there then turn south-west passing the bottom tip of the NWAF from a good distance looking for crash sites. Just as I exited a tree line I stopped to go down and scope the area out, Black screen and I'm dead. I did not hear shots or anything else.


It looks like there is now a clan guarding the southern part of the airstrip on this server. I will start gathering some more evidence and then devise a plan to counter these miscreants!



Great fun though. 

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I had my first shot of this yesterday, spawned in (no idea where) and it was night. Ran along the road for a bit and found some junk in cars, then saw a big abandoned ship. Spent half an hour running about that in the dark and realised I had a flare which helped a little. Got some junk out of there, also a rifle but no ammo. I then ran along to a nearby town, stlil no idea where I was. Looted this for a while and was getting some gear, still no ammo. Managed to find a water pump and also had managed to fend off starvation. I then found a bus so jumped i that to take it for a spin, but it was going really slowly. Jumped out and saw who I thought must have been the previous owner, hit / to say hi. *bang* "you are dead"


All in all a semi enjoyable, but tragic first experience.

Edited by tamdunk

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