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Stable Update 1.0150627

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Hello Survivors,

we have a new Stable Update incoming, providing hotfixes to the recent 1.01 Update.

This Stable update will update the server files as well.



  • Fixed: Server crash caused by a bear trap
  • Fixed: Client error pops up upon inventory manipulation while sitting in a vehicle
  • Fixed: Client error while using the rangefinder
  • Fixed: Zombies can run through the closed doors of a garage
  • Fixed: Players are not able to see their own chat messages
  • Fixed: It is not possible to drink from ponds
  • Fixed: Leaving ladders on the half-way platform can create a stuck character - reported by T136605
  • Fixed: Ruined improvised suppressors still suppress the fire
  • Fixed: Car battery attached to Zenit broadcaster becomes invisible after reconnect
  • Fixed: Sorting symbols can be reversed (server browser)
  • Fixed: Removed the cause of the game minimizing when using volume keys on a keyboard and similar issues
  • Fixed: Server browser updates when loading and sorting the servers
  • Fixed: Incorrect display of server time when the server is running in winter months
  • Fixed: Filtering actions now have a throbber
  • Fixed: Server browser now continues refreshing if no server is found
  • Fixed: Character name should be displayed properly
  • Fixed: Progress statistic should be displayed properly


  • Tweaked: Improved server performance (shooting sound effects are not performed on a server)
  • Tweaked: Inventory performance updates (in general, and in specific situations such as opening the inventory with multiple items in vicinity)
  • Tweaked: Long torch now uses pipe attack animations
  • Tweaked: Visuals of the server browser


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My character was constantly closed in database and I cannot connect to any server after this update. What should I do? It's been for about an hour.
UPD: seems to be fixed

Edited by Frost Damage

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I've been having a great time with the game lately, I was hoping the TrackIR animations would get some work in an upcoming hot fix though. Specifically the "grid-like" movement of the head tracking, it looks like the animations just aren't smooth enough for head tracking yet. Arma 3 and legacy builds had it implemented well but I imagine that's because the player controller and skeleton were a lot different.
(Also is the player climbing and vaulting coming soon? I was imagining it being similar to Enhanced Movement which would be splendid)

Thanks for the hard work, BI!

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Items in a watchtower cannt be taken out and are not visible when pressing TAB. It's not like this wasn't working. Feedback tracker I'm coming ^^

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You dont seem to be able to re pack a tent .. the image is there and the animation but tent fails to pack......

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  On 2/21/2019 at 12:06 PM, ImpulZ said:

Hello Survivors,

we have a new Stable Update incoming, providing hotfixes to the recent 1.01 Update.

This Stable update will update the server files as well.



  • Fixed: Server crash caused by a bear trap
  • Fixed: Client error pops up upon inventory manipulation while sitting in a vehicle
  • Fixed: Client error while using the rangefinder
  • Fixed: Zombies can run through the closed doors of a garage
  • Fixed: Players are not able to see their own chat messages
  • Fixed: It is not possible to drink from ponds
  • Fixed: Leaving ladders on the half-way platform can create a stuck character - reported by T136605
  • Fixed: Ruined improvised suppressors still suppress the fire
  • Fixed: Car battery attached to Zenit broadcaster becomes invisible after reconnect
  • Fixed: Sorting symbols can be reversed (server browser)
  • Fixed: Removed the cause of the game minimizing when using volume keys on a keyboard and similar issues
  • Fixed: Server browser updates when loading and sorting the servers
  • Fixed: Incorrect display of server time when the server is running in winter months
  • Fixed: Filtering actions now have a throbber
  • Fixed: Server browser now continues refreshing if no server is found
  • Fixed: Character name should be displayed properly
  • Fixed: Progress statistic should be displayed properly


  • Tweaked: Improved server performance (shooting sound effects are not performed on a server)
  • Tweaked: Inventory performance updates (in general, and in specific situations such as opening the inventory with multiple items in vicinity)
  • Tweaked: Long torch now uses pipe attack animations
  • Tweaked: Visuals of the server browser


Wanna tell your boys to release the server files for those who pay good money to rent servers and not just for their precious official servers

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what hapen with vilayer we cant make this update and server autorestart all time ?

what can i do now ?

Edited by Mostabdel

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  On 2/21/2019 at 3:13 PM, Guy Smiley said:

Wanna tell your boys to release the server files for those who pay good money to rent servers and not just for their precious official servers

Server files should be out, I've already updated using steamcmd.

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what with vilayer must reinstal the server or what ? i make update with steamcmd but stil dont work and tell me bad version

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  On 2/21/2019 at 3:24 PM, Mostabdel said:

what with vilayer must reinstal the server or what ? i make update with steamcmd but stil dont work and tell me bad version

That's who I'm through.  I just put in a ticket.  Not happy with that kind of service

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  On 2/21/2019 at 2:52 PM, Griev said:

You dont seem to be able to re pack a tent .. the image is there and the animation but tent fails to pack......

Have you verified your game files before playing?

And just to confirm, you mean it's not possible to pack a tent that has already been erected? Was the tent put up before the update?

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Hi i fully verified the  files and have tried both an existing tent and a new placed tent

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That inventory scrolling.... Didn't the bar used to be on the right? That's where my muscle memory thinks it is. 

And the one on the left seems pretty dysfunctional.

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it seems all the AK and M4 were removed from the game.... can you confirm that ?

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Are we ever going to get new content ? How long until these are added

• aerial vehicles , or hell even a vehicle with 2 wheels that devs said couldn’t happen until the new engine is in (Hint: it’s been in for over a year now)

• actual survival mechanics (you know , like diseases and temperature penalties liek we HAD BEFORE?)

• shooting from vehicles + rear views (a tease in a status report what 2 years ago showed a clip of someone shooting from a vehicle + different damage states made for dayz and rear view mirrors from arma 3 were all supposed to make an appearance with the new engine)

• advanced soft skills : why has this not been added yet ? What’s taking you people so long on one of the biggest features you used to talk about ? Why don’t we have medics , repairmen for cars / electrical grids , or hell even the most simple gun handling / quicker reloading soft skills that were briefly talked about for those that had no interest in a “career” skill .

• “contaminated zones” pfff ya , anyone remember this silly pipe dream from way back when Brian Hicks was still on the project (before he jumped ship realizing this team was all over the place with no vision or direction)? They hyped up base building and showed a whole bunch of cool images of a radiated zone that you would need a special hazmat suit for , well its 1.0 and I see nothing of the kind . 

• all 12 + missing weapons , plus the half dozen that were never added but teased 

• bears for aggressive animals (pretty sure a model can be found in the files a long time ago) and birds for hunting (was in many status reports and roadmaps until just recently , I guess you cut THAT TOO?)

•dynamic zombie hordes : ya I guess everyone has given up asking for things we deserve because this one used to be a hot ticket question but now nobody cares to ask anymore because it’s always just the same old bullshit answer “were working on it , the new engine will be better for it , it’s not a priority in a zombie game to have zombie hordes blah blah blah” or just silence on the question.

I could go on and on and on about all the awesome features they have been teasing , cutting and forgetting about over these past 5 years but overall it’s just a huge disappointment that we are now 2 + months into 1.0 development and all we have seen is small fixes on things that should have been fixed before 1.0 release.

Speaking our mind here gets us banned or warned so that the very few devs who aren’t focus on making arma 4 or beefing up arma 4s new enfusion engine can attack us with warning points to keep the truth of how things are under wraps until the devs are unchained from the arma 4 work room and can finally come back to work on the game we paid them for .


its been a long ride and ya going to get even longer if these devs keep going down the path that they have been going down (constant bug fixes when really what we need is new content , the new content that were OWED will only bring more bugs so why are they So goddamn focused on minute bug fixes ? The ONLY fix I condoned them working on before more content  was the persistence issue and that is just about fixed it seems).

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  On 2/21/2019 at 4:45 PM, Stf Dma said:

it seems all the AK and M4 were removed from the game.... can you confirm that ?

For fuck sake,

They're supposed to be rare, about 10 each per server and counted in storage, SVDs even less.

If you cant't find them at heli crashes or tier 3-4 military sites they are hoarded or your luck is trash.

Wait for mods after they finish the core game before you worry about your pew-pew, you'll get what you want, if they ever finish this game?

Automatic guns being hard to find is literally one of very few things that is working.


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What the fuck with you ... Actually finding guns is THE ONLY THING TO DO in this game.... why should i not be worried for that ... come on 

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  On 2/21/2019 at 5:37 PM, Stf Dma said:

What the fuck with you ... Actually finding guns is THE ONLY THING TO DO in this game.... why should i not be worried for that ... come on 

That sir is on BI, there used to be much much more to this game and so much more promised but yet to be delivered.

The M4s and AKMs are absolutely spawning in the numbers specified to answer your question, just hard to find as they're supposed to be.

If I wipe my server so none are in storage, they are spawning at NWAF, Tisy, and helicopter crashes that I've seen. If more than specified number end up on a server on the ground or in "cargo" "hoarder" they stop spawning. You can also be standing at a valid spawn point for one and it could be spawned at a heli crash half way across the map, all "luck of being at the right place, right time" even if the number counted is low enough to spawn one, as it should be.


**edit** To quote this dude "THE ONLY THING TO DO" sounds about right, where the hell is the rest of the survival zombie game, the "fortnite" experience with trivial zombies is not what I was advertised.

Edited by BCBasher
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"•dynamic zombie hordes : ya I guess everyone has given up asking for things we deserve because this one used to be a hot ticket question but now nobody cares to ask anymore because it’s always just the same old bullshit answer “were working on it , the new engine will be better for it , it’s not a priority in a zombie game to have zombie hordes blah blah blah” or just silence on the question."


I dont know about you guys, but if you want a zombie mob. All you have to do is fire your pistol or whatever once, and you will see a zombie mob. And the zombies are taking three shots to put down. Seriously considering to look for the firemans axe, coz my hatchet didnt seem to do anything . . . got my sg5k pistol out, and died, because by that  point they had surrounded me . . .

oh and now my binoculars and range finder dont work after these new  updates (before I died, but not related) . . . .


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  • fnx45 mags not accepting .45acp bullets
  • same for CR527 mags... not accepting 762x39 bullets
  • radial gesture menu does not seems to work

the inventory UI is perfect now! very smooth. horay looks like suppressors work again!


Edited by andremelo90

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  On 2/21/2019 at 4:51 PM, BCBasher said:

For fuck sake,

They're supposed to be rare, about 10 each per server and counted in storage, SVDs even less.

If you cant't find them at heli crashes or tier 3-4 military sites they are hoarded or your luck is trash.

Wait for mods after they finish the core game before you worry about your pew-pew, you'll get what you want, if they ever finish this game?

Automatic guns being hard to find is literally one of very few things that is working.


What... so one hoarder can take the entire servers good loot out of comission..? literally every time I've found someones tent it was FULL of assault rifles that prob never even got used, if this is true I think its time to uninstall dayz cause this is completely fucked.   It already takes forever to gear up when theres loot and a second to lose it all and start over but good luck even getting a gun if this is what the new loot model is like.. smh.

Dayz had so much potential but this is majorly game breaking. in other survival games you have zero limit on crafting and looting and can STILL get beat by hoarders/people who grind more. Good luck getting a foothold anywhere in chernarus if good weapons dont even spawn lmao. Cmon guys.... Why even bother continuing to work on the game if youre gonna do shit like this? 

 And if the weapon limit is a gameplay decision to make weapons more scarce and not performance related; you guys are truly lost at how to make this game a fun experience even after all these years which is really disappointing to someone who wanted to see this game succeed.

Edited by chanman1197

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  On 2/21/2019 at 6:28 PM, chanman1197 said:

What... so one hoarder can take the entire servers good loot out of comission..? literally every time I've found someones tent it was FULL of assault rifles that prob never even got used, if this is true I think its time to uninstall dayz cause this is completely fucked.   It already takes forever to gear up when theres loot and a second to lose it all and start over but good luck even getting a gun if this is what the new loot model is like.. smh.

Dayz had so much potential but this is majorly game breaking. in other survival games you have zero limit on crafting and looting and can STILL get beat by hoarders/people who grind more. Good luck getting a foothold anywhere in chernarus if good weapons dont even spawn lmao. Cmon guys....

It's actually a great idea if everything else was working, but it's not, survival and zombies are trivial in the zombie survival game making it just another shooter where finding "leet guns" happens to be time consuming without hopping or help.


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In general, basebuiding breaks the game; just ditch it. Al you need is the ability to craft a modest shelter with a few beams, some rope and a tarp. A place to store the most necessary of goods and a dry place to sleep; but always prone to being looted by a passer-by.
Villages are Infected territory; no building there, but you could still set up a tent in a house if you really wanted to.

Not the place to discuss this, but soit...

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