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About chanman1197

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    On the Coast

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  1. chanman1197

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    I havent posted on the forums but I have 740 hours in dayz since the days where sitting in elektro peeking through walls was the meta so I have a bit of experience in this game lol. Your suggestion to join a hunting group is laughable as any experienced dayz player will know the animal AI and "hunting mechanics" in this game are a joke and far from being its own fun gameplay loop. So please, spare me. Maybe if they actually had the systems properly in place for that kind of immersive experience your advice could be taken somewhat seriously. But at this point PvP is where all of the fun is and the playerbase is dwindling again and suggestions like yours aren't going to help retain players nor make the game more fun. If you dont think theres a balance between pubg and there not being any ARs on the server because theyre all being hoarded in tents and never used I dont think you have enough brain cells to have this discussion to be fair..
  2. chanman1197

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Good one. Maybe we should just play offline huh?
  3. chanman1197

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    The problem is, this kind of system only ENCOURAGES server hopping too. People are either going to stop playing or theyre gonna hop till they get the loot they want. And theyll have to because people will always inevitably hoard stuff and theres gonna be no spawns in the world after a certain point haha. Really disappointing to hear honestly. I know there needs to be some sort of limit to high end items in the world, but at the same time there needs to be a counter for hoarders and having the loot spawns just be completely devoid of weapons that will allow you to level the playing field. There is already enough risk to spending a shit load of time getting to a high loot area and hoping there is stuff there without a shit load of zombies or getting sniped to not have to nerf the loot spawns to get that scarcity "survival" feel. I see what they are trying to do but at the same time they need to find a balance between the games theme and what actually works for the gameplay. Otherwise people will just keep quitting
  4. chanman1197

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    What... so one hoarder can take the entire servers good loot out of comission..? literally every time I've found someones tent it was FULL of assault rifles that prob never even got used, if this is true I think its time to uninstall dayz cause this is completely fucked. It already takes forever to gear up when theres loot and a second to lose it all and start over but good luck even getting a gun if this is what the new loot model is like.. smh. Dayz had so much potential but this is majorly game breaking. in other survival games you have zero limit on crafting and looting and can STILL get beat by hoarders/people who grind more. Good luck getting a foothold anywhere in chernarus if good weapons dont even spawn lmao. Cmon guys.... Why even bother continuing to work on the game if youre gonna do shit like this? And if the weapon limit is a gameplay decision to make weapons more scarce and not performance related; you guys are truly lost at how to make this game a fun experience even after all these years which is really disappointing to someone who wanted to see this game succeed.