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  1. KILLJOY13

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Server files should be out, I've already updated using steamcmd.
  2. KILLJOY13

    Backing Up Server

    Works perfectly, Thanks for sharing!
  3. KILLJOY13

    V3S Spawns

    In your events.xml under V3S <active>0</active> change to <active>1</active> or they won't spawn. you can change the nominal/min/max in that same file to increase the spawn limit of them. Also make sure you havent changed the default values for vehicles inside types.xml that goes haywire.
  4. KILLJOY13

    How to add loot?

    In your mission folder /db/types.xml For example if you wanted to add the m4 suppressor it would look something like this <type name="M4_Suppressor"> <nominal>30</nominal> <lifetime>10800</lifetime> <restock>14400</restock> <min>10</min> <quantmin>60</quantmin> <quantmax>100</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="1" count_in_hoarder="1" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> </type> you can add as many as you'd like. Some items are very buggy at the moment, Most of the missing stuff was removed for good reason.
  5. KILLJOY13

    Need help with adding new structures

    In init.c main GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_City_FireStation", "4201.21 338.487 10940.5", false, false ); I'm not aware of any editor yet but you can change cords/class names for building.
  6. KILLJOY13

    Standard Query Port

    If 27016 doesn't work for you try this, I had to add a custom port by adding steamQueryPort = 2306; // Steam Query Port to serverDZ.cfg
  7. KILLJOY13

    Item Weight please help

    I believe there is client sided checks on weight, If you disable weight server sided the client won't agree with it and run turns into a slow jog speed with the run animation.
  8. KILLJOY13

    Server File Release Help

    Create a start.bat and place it in the same folder as DayZServer_x64.exe Bat file should look something like this. @echo off start DayZServer_x64.exe -port=2302 -config=serverDZ.cfg -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck -noFilePatching -BEpath= C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\DayZServer\battleye -cpuCount= 4
  9. KILLJOY13

    Elysium OverPoch

    We are looking to get more people on our server. We have quite a few customs scripts and some awesome loyal players but we would love to get a few more. We have our own teamspeak which you can get on our website www.OverPoch.tk Hope to see you there! Use launch parameters -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;