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Baty Alquawen

Exp Update 0.62.140099

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Hello Experimental players,

We have some good changes today! 

  • We know it is hard to destroy vehicles and this preventing others cars from spawning, so we have a hotfix for despawn - matchbox can be used to destroy a vehicle via an action (it sounds like fun, hm?).
  • Pelts can be colored in a barrel.
  • Additional server-side logs for connection issues diagnosis.

Can you test it please?

And as always - report EVERY crash, please. We are still testing fix for memory crash from yesterday. :)

Thank you for your help guys!


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Alright, let's light those cars up. :D

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  On 6/20/2017 at 2:14 PM, Baty Alquawen said:

And as always - report EVERY crash, please. We are still testing fix for memory crash from yesterday. :)

Hi Baty,

Is there a specific tag or anything we should put on the issue tracker for crashes? I just reported a crash from last night when opening inventory. Thanks!

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  On 6/20/2017 at 2:39 PM, kerbo said:

Hi Baty,

Is there a specific tag or anything we should put on the issue tracker for crashes? I just reported a crash from last night when opening inventory. Thanks!

Yes, we saw your crash, thank you :).

Here is not any tag for it. 

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  On 6/20/2017 at 2:14 PM, Baty Alquawen said:

We know it is hard to destroy vehicles and this preventing others cars from spawning, so we have a hotfix for despawn - matchbox can be used to destroy a vehicle via an action (it sounds like fun, hm?).

I know its just a hotfix and is unlikely to have any visual feedback, but part of me hopes that the Dev that implement the fix, slipped a huge Michael Bay-esque explosion in there, just for now...

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Should be rag + matchbox @ gas cap. :P

Nice to see some extra mechanic for testing though.

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I got this when I started Steam; I don't believe I have ever seen this error on Steam before.  Setting DayZ from exp to stable branch would not force an update. Help?





Edited by klesh
All Set. Steam restart did nothing, had to restart machine.
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  On 6/20/2017 at 3:30 PM, klesh said:

I got this when I started Steam; I don't believe I have ever seen this error on Steam before.  Setting DayZ from exp to stable branch would not force an update. Help?



Made the process is currently running? Try looking for it in the process list in your task manager and end it or restart your computer. Not sure but thats interesting.

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  On 6/20/2017 at 3:47 PM, koffeekage said:

The matches thing is a permanent feature, yes?

Hah lol i doubt it.

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Here is a video of the new feature in action featuring GaryWalnuts:


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matchbox can be used to destroy a vehicle via an action 





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I got properly dayz'd just a moment ago, kind a epic. Let me tell you.

I was actually thinking about coming to ask here if there are any animals in experimental because I have not seen any time that I've spent in this exp build. Well, I logged in far west. I had previously picked up a sks and I was double carrying (CR on my back). I don't actually like to double carry so I decided to drop the SKS as I started to continue my journey. Just as I've left the sks behind, was not able to backtrack it because out of nowhere 8 pack of wolves appears attacking my flank. Totally surprised and kind a panicking trying to get a weapon in my hand, I take bunch of hits from wolves as all of them jumping on me. First I pulled scorpion with no effect on wolves whatsoever, gun empty, I pull my 1911 and am able to take 1-2 down, empty, I pull my main CR and empty it taking 2 more down and the wolves decides to flee. I lost about 1000 health and blood in this encounter but now I'm stacked of wolves meat as it took me 30 min to cook all the meat from 4 of them. While I was cooking the meats wolves actually comes back and tries a second attack as of 4. I take 2 more down and they make a retreat once again.

Just as I was finishing with the cooking I try to roast the last meat piece my guy decides to eat it not stick it towards fire!! I try to cancel action with no success..... funny taste in my mouth... moderate foodpoisoning appears on debug. I had stashed antibiotics on my backpack, only to turn out that they don't help with this kind of disease. I have to endure it it seemed like, I eat all the meat I've done. But no liquids on my invetory and losing blood and hydration I knew I have to find water source and there was none at that part of map I was, no towns in sight and I was actually exploring unknown territory to me, finding new places.. after, not sure long period of time, color starts to fade on my screen and I search trough first town that comes by, no water pump.. then I just decided to run to area that is somewhat known to me, I find a offroad middle of the field, my blood is just above 2000, still looking for water, hydrated indicator gone, losing still blood, yellow sick marker. I crash the offroader as I fell into a ditch, can't go forward or backward. Hop out, run... blood is ticking below 2000... I thought this is it probably: CR with ghillie wrap, 1911, scorpion, stomach full of wolves meat, gorka clothes, 100's ak rounds all ready for exploring new territory... then I hear water splashing under my feet, I find a river! Fill bottle, drink all, hydrated & energized, I find a nice grass to fall unconscious, I sit down and wait for the blood tick below 1000... sitting for a while closing blood level of 1000 my guy gets up and vomits, I drink some lost water and search for wiki about food poisoning and it tells me that after vomiting I'm all good, I notice my blood levels starting to rise not dip any longer.

Well I thought, nice... now I only have to wait for my blood to regen. I get back to the crashed offroader trying to get it unstuck, no success. I decide to burn it, yay. Fun times... I take a place under pine tree to sit down and wait for my blood levels restore. But I am losing hydration level way too fast, what is this... debug saying foodpoisoning cholera... from the river water.... no way, I have to find pure water to drink as wiki says I'll be losing lot more water with this one!! 

I'm thinking..... all because of not able to cancel animation that was not even suppose to operate to begin with.. actually because of the wolves surprise attack... this is actually interesting challenge. I just manage to go through medium food poisoning, can I take on this cholera that turns out to be medium one losing even more water. I do find a water pump just before cholera kicking in on brown indicator. Now I'm hanging next to water pump and waiting for cholera to calm down. I'm actually regenerating blood at the moment but am still below 2000. I log out.. 

Truly experimental run, with all new mechanics to me. I've gone through mild cholera once in this game, actually on experimental few days ago I guess. But all these random stuff coming as avalanche on me because I was not ready for the wolves, lol.

TL;DR I got suprised by 8 wolves two times, I catch food poisoning by accident just as I was cooking the last piece of meat, I found offroad only to crash it in to a ditch as I am desperately looking to fill water bottle to get hydrated. My blood goes close to 1000 before I vomit and start to regen blood only to found out that the water I drink gave me medium cholera which meant I needed to find a clean water source to survive it and just as cholera truly hits me I'm able to find a water pump. Currently I'm ~1800 blood and green hydr. & energ. Will see if I'm able to survive.

add: I actually took a screenshot, forgot: http://i.imgur.com/TPSr62O.jpg


Edited by the-kuutti
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I have to add, this experimental build has been great for me as a previous mod player. I spent over 1000 hours on mod. This one is truly giving me these old dayz moments! It is great.

What I've experienced on this 0.62. experimentals; 

  • I've driven a bus (to crash it)
  • Sedan (disappeared after restart)
  • Offroad (burnt it)
  • Killing other survivors because being scared and suprised, close range, 3 different times.
  • Been suprise attacked by wolfpack
  • catching 2x cholera and food poisoning
  • rain and getting wet really challenges you sometimes if you get suprised by it
  • running through new areas and figuring the map all over again
  • killing lots of zeds
  • crafted a full ghillie which took a damn amount of effort
  • killing all the chickens
  • cooking meat with various of ways
  • been scared and got off guard plenty of times

At times game feels like it's easy only to encounter something suprising (odd event, bug etc.) I hope this random stuff will occur even more, getting sick, cold etc. that challenge you as it creates desperate moments, if you try to play the game and not just respawn. Thank you for these!

Edited by the-kuutti
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Why am I always at work when these things happen. Can't wait to blow up a car while waiting for my clothes to tan. Maybe throwing some charred car remains can help the nails fill out the black coloring a bit??

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When Apple and Water Glitch will disapear, i think the experience change a lot :) 

With the stress to get water from pump with the real timer and pray to not take a bullet. 

Where are the wild boars? It has been more than a year since I have not seen and crafted a bag with their skins

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I know it's not really what we are testing but the weather is so good these last couple of builds. 



Between the the incoming storm winds, the torrential downpours, and the heavy fogs I've had the most enjoyable experience from the environment alone.  



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