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Impossible To Have Fun Anymore

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I really enjoyed Day Z when it first released, despite it's problems. Gearing up and patrolling the coasts was a blast. I still have fond memories of my many PvP encounters. But the game has changed over the years into not only something I enjoy less, but something I literally can't enjoy. Persistence killed Day Z for me, which was a surprise because I thought the idea was great at first. But it has been implemented poorly. Chenarus is too big for the current population Day Z servers are capable of supporting, which is why people tend towards the coasts. But the developers have deliberately implemented spawning mechanisms that put weapons as far away from players as possible, with the intention of encouraging players to explore the rest of the map. But again, Chenarus is too big with the current supported population. It doesn't help that spawning is glitched and many copies of the same loot will spawn in one place, instead of distributing correctly across the map. And to make matters even worse than that, weapons that are in players possession, either on their character, or stashed in containers, don't spawn! The end result of all this is that we are forced to tread enormous distances, as far apart from one another as possible, finding almost nothing. Much of the loot, and even the vehicles designed to facilitate player travel, get horded and hidden away from the rest of us, unused. Wouldn't it be better, and more fun for everyone, to err on the side of too much, instead of too little? There is just never enough loot to go around.

The final nail in the coffin for me is that developers have made it so that player's loot gets destroyed if you shoot them. This left me with no incentive left to play. Getting geared is extremely time consuming and boring now, and risking it to kill another player isn't worth it. I know this change, and the previous changes I mentioned, were all made to limit kos killing, and encourage players to role-play and "survive," instead of just kill everyone. The only problem with this philosophy is that the developers have provided little, if anything, for us to survive from, aside from each other. I know wolves are coming, but if they are as scarce as the zombies are, and I bet they will be, they might as well not be there. The game right now is literally a barren waste. Things used to be happening in Day Z. Player encounters were frequent and exciting. The game was louder. More shots and explosions rang out in the distance. Most player encounters come in two varieties nowadays. Either two players encounter one another, exchange greetings, but then shortly after farewells, because there nothing to do together, and nothing to gain from killing one another; or one player scouting out a military camp sees the other first. These are the only encounters there are left to have. Ironically, the game is a tad more kos now then it ever was. 

In my opinion, we shouldn't be forced to play the game the way it's supposed to be played when the game isn't what it's supposed to be yet. These changes have been half baked. They have had a huge impact on the way people like me play the game. I am not your die hard survivor from the Day Z mod days. I am just a guy coming to the game expecting to get something out of it, without pretending and imagining most of it myself. At the moment, it's hard for a player like me to have fun, and that's a problem. It's a problem for the community, and it's a problem for the development of Day Z as a whole. I am not having fun, and that's just me being purely honest. I desperately want to enjoy Day Z again, but the games current state is unenjoyable, without an enormous effort put forth on my part to make most of the experience up myself. I don't have an aversion to role-playing. I enjoy it, given an environment in which it can flow naturally, but Day Z has not provided that environment. I am not presently satisfied with Day Z's current state or direction. I care about the game, and I hope some of my concerns are addressed, which is why I post at all. Thank you. 

Edited by Solopopo
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Hah. There are other players (myself among them) who are complaining about the map being too small. Other players (myself included) laud the design changes that discourage frequent coastal PvP and KoS. The entire premise of DayZ is to err on the side of too little rather than too much. DayZ is based around not having frequent interaction, so the interactions you do have are that much more special. I like that there are bandits like you in the game, but you had to know these changes were coming; we practically shouted them from the rooftops, and you've got too high a post-count to have missed it without trying.

Though the way it's handled at the moment is a touch clumsy, loot getting destroyed when you shoot players is an important part of the game; it's generally more profitable to rob someone than loot their corpse, just like in real life, because bullets are fucking indiscriminate. They don't dodge around that AK mag you wanted to loot. As to the barren wasteland bit, bloody great. The game is literally meant to feel like a barren wasteland 99% of the time. You're complaining but accidentally telling the devs what a great job they did.

You're supposed to put an enormous effort into the DayZ experience to get anything out of it. This has never been meant as the sort of game where you log in and go find a bunch of action - the option has always been there to allow PvP, and the threat of PvP will always be an important aspect, but ultimately the game has been going in another direction since day one of the SA, and we all had plenty of opportunity to notice it.

Sorry to trash your rant. =/ I imagine that a lot of the crowd that's been complaining for nearly three years about the prevalence of KoS banditry are bloody ecstatic to finally get a chance to interact with other players, even if it rarely goes anywhere. Everything you've been complaining about is what makes DayZ such a great game.

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  On 10/31/2016 at 2:04 PM, Funkmaster Rick said:

Hah. There are other players (myself among them) who are complaining about the map being too small. Other players (myself included) laud the design changes that discourage frequent coastal PvP and KoS. The entire premise of DayZ is to err on the side of too little rather than too much. DayZ is based around not having frequent interaction, so the interactions you do have are that much more special. I like that there are bandits like you in the game, but you had to know these changes were coming; we practically shouted them from the rooftops, and you've got too high a post-count to have missed it without trying.

Though the way it's handled at the moment is a touch clumsy, loot getting destroyed when you shoot players is an important part of the game; it's generally more profitable to rob someone than loot their corpse, just like in real life, because bullets are fucking indiscriminate. They don't dodge around that AK mag you wanted to loot. As to the barren wasteland bit, bloody great. The game is literally meant to feel like a barren wasteland 99% of the time. You're complaining but accidentally telling the devs what a great job they did.

You're supposed to put an enormous effort into the DayZ experience to get anything out of it. This has never been meant as the sort of game where you log in and go find a bunch of action - the option has always been there to allow PvP, and the threat of PvP will always be an important aspect, but ultimately the game has been going in another direction since day one of the SA, and we all had plenty of opportunity to notice it.

Sorry to trash your rant. =/ I imagine that a lot of the crowd that's been complaining for nearly three years about the prevalence of KoS banditry are bloody ecstatic to finally get a chance to interact with other players, even if it rarely goes anywhere. Everything you've been complaining about is what makes DayZ such a great game.

I love you, in an entirely platonic and professional fashion.

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@Funkmaster Rick

I have to disagree with the statement that the game is based around not having that much interaction. Considered how centralised the loot is you either get too much of said interaction when you go to the hot spots or almost no interaction whatsoever if you keep to low loot parts of the map. There is no balance, there are hot zones and there are dead zones but there is nothing in between. Besides this game will die a slow death if there is too little interaction. Only the survival hermits will remain with their tomato plants. 

Loot should be only destroyed locally on players not globally. There is no reason for all items in his back pack, jacket and the vest becoming ruined from two measly bullets which is the case now. 

Am I really supposed to put that much effort into the game ? Surely not now, I can get fully geared in an hour and stash items for days on end, my characters live is not valuable, not one bit. Maybe in 5 to 10 years when the game is out and survival elements are implemented, but no not now. 



Edited by General Zod
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@General Zod

Fair point. Between the farming mechanics (and the many other ways one can survive without interaction) and the sheer bloody risk of travelling to hot spots, I generally try to limit my interactions to situations in which I can have significant control. Too many bullets to the back of the head, you know?

As to two bullets destroying all a person's gear, that is a legitimate issue right now - the damage system is fucked up and will see much tweaking, I'm sure. That point was more to illustrate to the OP that shooting people is always a risk, not just Ye Jolly Olde Time. Some players really don't like the idea that a bullet might destroy that special item they wanted to loot off Buddy the Bambi, and I think it's silly to be so attached to gear or looting corpses.

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Well, I might disagree with both at this point. I believe that the fact of stuff getting destroyed by some bullets, at this point is the only thing that sometimes stops a person from KOS just to get something, instead of interacting, and robbing without risking the item to get destroyed. 

I believe that there is a good whole lot of midpoints between the pure PVP COD playstyles and the pure PVE hermits, and every change to the game affects all of them. The only way I see this to correct (somehow) is to give servers more control on the game settings:

  • Respawn timer (to add value to one's life. A really long respawn time will make one more cautious even if there arent a lot of environmental risks at this point in the game)
  • Loot quantity (obviously with upper limits to avoid servers with 54645645645645 SVD's and infinite number of cars)
  • Environmental variables (weather, infected, etc)


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Yes the game lacks survival mechanics. There is nothing to struggle against environment wise. What the game doesn't lack is an outrageous amount of military grade weapon and ammunition to load it with. So people get to choose between non existing struggle to survive, and try to kill time in some other passive way, or just start killing each other for at least some amusement. 

But that shouldn't be worked around by unrealistic bullet damage. And given how we get 2 patches per year now, people get bored. And the most interesting thing dayz has to offer for most of the players is, hunting down other players. 

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If you've been following development so far, you would notice that they are trying to complete the big task at hand first: Finishing the core mechanics and engines for the game. Then, we'll see some balancing being done.

If you really think the map is too big, I don't know what to say. 
The map is pretty small to me, as we can get from spawning on the coast to the NWAF in 25 mins... on foot...

It might be impossible for you to have fun, and that's pretty sad, but I'm still enjoying the game as much as I did, even more, than when I first started. I only have 2000+ hours in game, and I don't stream or do videos, but mostly play on private hive servers either for RP or PVP.

To each his own. Safe travels survivor. 

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  On 10/31/2016 at 10:00 AM, Solopopo said:

Either two players encounter one another, exchange greetings, but then shortly after farewells, because there nothing to do together, and nothing to gain from killing one another; or one player scouting out a military camp sees the other first.

These are valid points. I actually hope they will despite what they said give the skill system a meaning in the sense of different skills that you have a reason to group up. Same goes for wolf/zombie pop and their behaviour. These aspects have potential for bonding people. At present there is indeed little out there in terms of "survival challenge" (and medical, food and electricity systems could be used and elaborated/expanded for this in the future). The loot zone concept basically goes away from the each-to-his-own concept and wants to make people march to NWAF. There's users complaining that I am overly critical when it comes to that, but at present that's also the way I experience the game - nonetheless I still have hope that things will improve.

That said, the map by no means should be smaller, sometimes I wish it was bigger. As for funkmasters remarks, I think that coastal KOS has only been replaced by NorthWest (Myshkino, Tisy, NWAF, helis) KOS, basically only leading to a longer time till battle. I wish the loot concept was less focused on cramming it all into the North West corner, but that's just me.

And I will close with odin's wise words: Each to his own.



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I get your frustration, I'm usually one that always prefers less loot, but when there are only a few vehicles on the map to begin with (and when their persistence works properly) it will be very frustrating to scour the map only to waste time because all the good vehicles are hidden away in obscure corners of the map. I like the extra challenges to consider in DayZ such as ruining items and the future risk of contaminated loot, but CLE does seem like an issue they need to address. If there's only a set amount of loot allowed on the server, why should all the good stuff be tucked away in camps?

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I think this comes down to what people want out of this game, and there seems to be two polar opposites.

The VAST majority of players appear to prefer having a lifespan averaging much less than two hours, and want non-stop action.  It makes me wonder if they are familiar with the  ARMA series...
Personally, I have the most fun on a medium-to-low populated server with a number of consistent regulars.  I like to travel the map extensively, even if it is mostly making a wide lap around the same general region, and try to look for signs of player activity.
I will never understand the point of server-hopping cherno to listen for gunshots so you can bring in the rest of the crew for some quick, guaranteed pew-pew.  It always seemed like those folks were choosing the wrong game for their particular tastes.

Had a helluva good time the other night on my admittedly desolate public server that holds my tents.  Ran into a guy in Myshkino tents, after carefully scanning from the east hill.  We both were alerted by footsteps, took defensive positions, and tried to talk.
Long story short, he needed a tent, I had an extra tent.  On the way to helping deliver it to the East coast, we found a bus, fixed it up, and had a nice little drive in the country.  We spotted a couple deer nearby our destination, so after getting the bus stuck perpendicularly on the tracks, I went and rustled us up some grub.
He was the only other person on the server besides myself, we met as Myshkino and made friends, and then introduced each other to our camps to build and strengthen the mutual trust seeded by not trying to murder each other .

That is how I have fun playing DayZ.

You get what you look for in this game, it seems.  Go to a full 60/60 server at the coast, in a big city, or a military site, and expect more bullets than words to be exchanged.  Go to a quieter corner of the map, or on a more desolate server, and you just might make some non-lethal contact out in the world.

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I agree, loot needs to spawn more.  Also agree about the damage system; dumb how easily items get ruined on someone, i mean don't get me wrong items getting ruined from damage should still happen but the rate of it is insane right now.  Items becoming ruined from bullets and melee should be a very low chance, it should go to damaged or badly damaged more commonly.



I'm still having a blast though, I love having interactions at places like Cherno and going on a murderous killing spree with a  trusty splitting axe with some pals ruining someone's day.

Edited by MrJoe (DayZ)

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  On 10/31/2016 at 10:17 PM, Kohlbar said:

I get your frustration, I'm usually one that always prefers less loot, but when there are only a few vehicles on the map to begin with (and when their persistence works properly) it will be very frustrating to scour the map only to waste time because all the good vehicles are hidden away in obscure corners of the map. I like the extra challenges to consider in DayZ such as ruining items and the future risk of contaminated loot, but CLE does seem like an issue they need to address. If there's only a set amount of loot allowed on the server, why should all the good stuff be tucked away in camps?

For some reason I keep having to say this - in Status Reports, Tweets, and forum posts.

Loot in player storage and player inventories do not count against the server totals.

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  On 10/31/2016 at 10:00 AM, Solopopo said:

I really enjoyed Day Z when it first released, despite it's problems. Gearing up and patrolling the coasts was a blast. I still have fond memories of my many PvP encounters. But the game has changed over the years into not only something I enjoy less, but something I literally can't enjoy. Persistence killed Day Z for me, which was a surprise because I thought the idea was great at first. But it has been implemented poorly. Chenarus is too big for the current population Day Z servers are capable of supporting, which is why people tend towards the coasts. But the developers have deliberately implemented spawning mechanisms that put weapons as far away from players as possible, with the intention of encouraging players to explore the rest of the map. But again, Chenarus is too big with the current supported population. It doesn't help that spawning is glitched and many copies of the same loot will spawn in one place, instead of distributing correctly across the map. And to make matters even worse than that, weapons that are in players possession, either on their character, or stashed in containers, don't spawn! The end result of all this is that we are forced to tread enormous distances, as far apart from one another as possible, finding almost nothing. Much of the loot, and even the vehicles designed to facilitate player travel, get horded and hidden away from the rest of us, unused. Wouldn't it be better, and more fun for everyone, to err on the side of too much, instead of too little? There is just never enough loot to go around.

The final nail in the coffin for me is that developers have made it so that player's loot gets destroyed if you shoot them. This left me with no incentive left to play. Getting geared is extremely time consuming and boring now, and risking it to kill another player isn't worth it. I know this change, and the previous changes I mentioned, were all made to limit kos killing, and encourage players to role-play and "survive," instead of just kill everyone. The only problem with this philosophy is that the developers have provided little, if anything, for us to survive from, aside from each other. I know wolves are coming, but if they are as scarce as the zombies are, and I bet they will be, they might as well not be there. The game right now is literally a barren waste. Things used to be happening in Day Z. Player encounters were frequent and exciting. The game was louder. More shots and explosions rang out in the distance. Most player encounters come in two varieties nowadays. Either two players encounter one another, exchange greetings, but then shortly after farewells, because there nothing to do together, and nothing to gain from killing one another; or one player scouting out a military camp sees the other first. These are the only encounters there are left to have. Ironically, the game is a tad more kos now then it ever was. 

In my opinion, we shouldn't be forced to play the game the way it's supposed to be played when the game isn't what it's supposed to be yet. These changes have been half baked. They have had a huge impact on the way people like me play the game. I am not your die hard survivor from the Day Z mod days. I am just a guy coming to the game expecting to get something out of it, without pretending and imagining most of it myself. At the moment, it's hard for a player like me to have fun, and that's a problem. It's a problem for the community, and it's a problem for the development of Day Z as a whole. I am not having fun, and that's just me being purely honest. I desperately want to enjoy Day Z again, but the games current state is unenjoyable, without an enormous effort put forth on my part to make most of the experience up myself. I don't have an aversion to role-playing. I enjoy it, given an environment in which it can flow naturally, but Day Z has not provided that environment. I am not presently satisfied with Day Z's current state or direction. I care about the game, and I hope some of my concerns are addressed, which is why I post at all. Thank you. 

Maybe DayZ isn't the experience you are looking for. Perhaps a Wasteland mod for Arma, or another game in the genre that takes a different approach? There is nothing wrong with that, but for informative purposes let me give you a bit of detail in what the base DayZ experience is intended to be.

- You should struggle to survive, meaning there should in many situations not be enough supplies to go around through just traditional looting,
- Methods such as horticulture, foraging for berries and apples, fishing, hunting, trapping are all vital areas to the survival puzzle
- Encountering another player or engaging an infected with a firearm should not simply be a matter of "Can I kill this target", the availability of supplies should cause you to have to seriously consider if a lethal engagement is worth the amount of ammo you will expend.

Its pretty late night, and there is a chance I have rambled - if so, I apologize.

Keep in mind, from day one we have recognized that it might not be the game for everyone - as so many people came from less stressful or difficult varations of DayZ Mod (Epoch, Overwatch, Origins, etc), and soft modding, server files, and steam workshop modding will allow users to create that type of experience on their community servers should they choose.

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  On 11/1/2016 at 1:36 AM, Hicks_206 (DayZ) said:

For some reason I keep having to say this - in Status Reports, Tweets, and forum posts.

Loot in player storage and player inventories do not count against the server totals.

Do cars in car tents go towards total vehicle counts? Thanks for clearing that up by the way, I appreciate you taking the time to comment on this.

Edited by Kohlbar
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  On 11/1/2016 at 2:01 AM, Kohlbar said:

Do cars in car tents go towards total vehicle counts? Thanks for clearing that up by the way, I appreciate you taking the time to comment on this.

Parking the car in the tent has no impact on its count against server limits. Vehicle limits are finite, just like in DayZ Mod.

To elaborate on this a bit:

There will always be a finite amount of vehicles on the server, just like there will be a finite amount of loot. Technical reasons aside, the core pillars of DayZ *require* there to be a limited amount of supplies, ammo, etc - both to hold up the survival element of the game, and cause users to have to weigh serious decisions. Risk, expending supplies when making a decision, and so on.

That said, more vehicles is a must - exactly how much more vs player count and so on remains to be seen vs optimization in beta. 

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  On 11/1/2016 at 1:42 AM, Hicks_206 (DayZ) said:

Maybe DayZ isn't the experience you are looking for.

So much of this.

Just because the feature poor alpha was capable of being played in a way you found fun does not mean the Beta>Complete versions will be anything you will enjoy later.

It's like any bad relationship with a poor foundation.

At some point the versions of reality clash, and both parties find themselves parting ways due to irreconcilable differences.

That said, modding will make all the instant gratification versions the "kids" want (sorry not sorry).


Edited by ☣BioHaze☣
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  On 10/31/2016 at 9:00 PM, Noctoras said:

I wish the loot concept was less focused on cramming it all into the North West corner, but that's just me.

Just wanted to agree with this.  I've never been on board with the NW loot "progression".  Chernarus is such a beautiful map (and only getting beautiful-er) but I feel like the loot system is being used to herd the players to a limited area, which feels kind of flat, to be honest.  I understand not wanting to have high-value loot too close to player spawns, but there's gotta be a better way, right?

Of course, this is all a discussion about something that's a work-in-progress, but in past Status Reports it sure sounds like they're all-in on the idea of using loot zones to usher players to the NW area of the map.

Edited by plasteek
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  On 11/1/2016 at 12:23 AM, emuthreat said:

IThe VAST majority of players appear to prefer having a lifespan averaging much less than two hours, and want non-stop action.  It makes me wonder if they are familiar with the  ARMA series...
Personally, I have the most fun on a medium-to-low populated server with a number of consistent regulars.  I like to travel the map extensively, even if it is mostly making a wide lap around the same general region, and try to look for signs of player activity.
I will never understand the point of server-hopping cherno to listen for gunshots so you can bring in the rest of the crew for some quick, guaranteed pew-pew.  It always seemed like those folks were choosing the wrong game for their particular tastes.


I hear you and I personally also like the survival element. the question is, if it makes a difference, whether we have the PvP arena in Cherno or in the North West. Currently it seems more a change of location thank anything else. I would love for loot to be spread out more evenly (North East Air, Balota, some random barrack maybe South East?), so that the incentive will in fact be travelling the whole map.

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I agree with you, but hear me out on this one. DayZ isn't complete game, you aren't meant to have fun ( debateable ) but to test this game and give feedback to the devs. I remember myself back then when I just started playing this game. Oh God, this game kept me awake every night. I used to plan my travels, food consumption and interactions ( like IRL ) because I liked it. I always looked for realistic survival simulation with big map. And I got that. But, fast foward two years later, I learned almost EVERYTHING. Fastest route to get guns, what houses spawn what loot and etc. For me, it's not fun anymore. I wish I had somekind of amnesia so I could forget about DayZ ( duhhh ) and start all over again. But this is Early Access, it's not meant to have endgame, atleast that's what I think. Just wait 'till we get basebuilding or when game comes out.

About that damaging system, I think it's pretty cool. Gives fair advantages to both sides. If you're good marksman, you'll easly compensate for headshot, but if you're bad, you'll hit other guy and damage all his loot, so it's much better for you to just rob him ( giving him the chance of not having to respawn from the coast again ). About the map... Oh God... I definetly LOVE the current map size, but it has very few players. Even 60 players aren't enough. I was wandering through small towns for 3 hours on high pop server and found only one guy, and he was freshie. Everyone is concentrated on those hot-spot areas. It's just annoying to run through forests or some small towns knowing you'll see no one. Even if you get decent team, most of the times converesations will be: "Hey, what do we do now?" " I don't know, let's go to NWAF and DM". And so it just repeats, over and over again. I think the biggest problem of this game is endgame. Even if you add bases, people will soon leave and get bored of the game because they've been playing it for how many years and they know every single gameplay element. I just wish devs make survival hard, not just in terms of food and water. Add another element, add something that's cruical to the survival. Most of the time I don't give two damns about food and water because I know I'll find them in next town I visit. I worry the most about players. I just wish they were spreaded all across the map.

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I didn`t had the time to read his whole post, but I notice the first couple of sentences. 

Persistence killed it for you, lol not sure if serious...

The whole idea about the Dayz experience is to build base and store your stuff in locked containers like chests and survive and you should board zombies out, or raid another base for hostile neigbours for loot and take away their grade A military equipment in case the kids hurt themself or others in-game.

The fact is dayz when it was out was almost completely broken and borderline playable consider the low FPS issues, items vanished completely when you dropped something on the ground to bandage yourself. Well it was not much to show at the beginning, because the game lack contents like end game base building! So most end up in cities for death match experience, or dig out snipers at the NW Airfield sure.

I`m not sure if you serious or not with that comment, but the younger generation of players should be patience, and wait until the game is finished. Because we`re not even in beta at the moment, and 0.61 servers are offline.



Edited by ori42
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It's always more loot to me there is to much hence why folks never need anything that and the only enemy is humans and they are always in 2-3 spots which can easily be avoided especially if your like me and like civilian hunting attire to military stuff. The most fun I ever had in this game was i think .54 the loot was perfect bullets were scarce zeds were everywhere and even guns would take damage or wear form use I found myself counting bullets in my pack and weighing the odds when i would go to loot a city/town do i need stuff there if there is trouble do i have enough supplies to make it out etc. When I would run into folks they always needed stuff mainly food as canned food was really hard to find only real problem was i guess matches and cooking pots were not spawning and performance was rather bad but it gave me for those few days what I wanted in dayz a serious struggle. Hell I'm usually a friendly guy and I found myself robbing folks for food and ammo purely because I had too or I would possibly succumb to death. the game like i said IMO has to much of everything especially canned food and drink. And as always some folks will argue that if shit hit the fan folks would leave behind most things blah blah yeah i agree but until something with loot or another enemy gets added or until the survival mechanics get turned on it will be the same. In project zomboid everyone is needed and everyone asks for help if you want to be a cook you would find a lot of friends were as if your an asshat that shoots guns all the time folks will tell you to fuck off as your doing nothing but calling in zeds and other to the camp. hell the medical system alone makes folks playing a doctor role very important as you can get all kinds of injuries and disease. I hope they take a few things from that game and the one thing it has most other zed games do not is shit loads of zeds. so maybe when dayz gets zeds working things might change who knows.

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Bullets in the head don't ruin nothing but helmets or hats. It is quite annoying that a punch or a Z claw can do it indeed.

Not so long ago I have had a motorbike helmet ruined by a couple of punches  (the guy was bare hands)... if I try to do this in a real situation the only thing I get ruined are my hands.

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  On 11/1/2016 at 1:56 PM, Just Caused said:

I agree with you, but hear me out on this one. DayZ isn't complete game, you aren't meant to have fun ( debateable ) but to test this game and give feedback to the devs.

True.  But again from a survival POV, it's not like anyone said "first the guns, then we take care of the med system, skills and electricity and other survival elements". The list rather reads like

- heli to shoot from

- base tower to shoot from

- night vision to KOS after dark ... and on it goes.

- new base (of course located in the north west PvP corner)

That is nothing against these elements, for average joe like me, it just sounds like the emphasis and concept is just to add more shooting stuff, little have I heard about survival since farming came in as a semi concept. That is the issue I have and what makes Mr B call me "negativist" - that I lack a survival perspective apart from a bigger number of zeds currently.

If that's what it is, alright, it's not like I didnt get my money's worth. Nonetheless I consider it okay to utter my point, dream or suggestion. We'll see how the final product turns out to be.

As you said in your later paragraph, we need crucial survival challenges. This should not be limited to a sniper bullet in your back ;)

Edited by Noctoras
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