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    Photography, Travel, Graphic Design, Art, Cinema, Acting, Outdoors, Reading.

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  1. I honestly don't understand why they even removed the option from the game , when the engine is completely capable of having it (and more). I have checked the sVisuals mod on a local test server and it works quite well when set correctly, but hosting a server only to have a single visual option that should be available with the game by default is kinda anti-economical lol. I really wish the devs just add back the visual options to the game menu. Its basically 2 lines of code in the config file.
  2. UE5 achieves its realism in part thanks to motion blur and the headbob settings as example 🙂
  3. The glitch with lights disappearing with optics/zoom https://feedback.bistudio.com/T141577 was marked as solved a couple weeks ago, yet its not in the changelong. Was it fixed? @Kyiara
  4. But it wouldnt use more than a handful of minutes of coding, probably a lot less than that since its practically just adding back some lines to the CFG files so BattleEye doesn't punish people doing that themselves. The graphic engine has the capability, it doesn't affect servers in any way, it's literally just player individual settings. I mean, any modern FPS has like 34563453 settings that a player can tune according to their taste. For some reason DayZ went the other way around lol. A lot more than the people with motion sickness turning head bob off for example 🙂
  5. Hi there! So after not being able to add back the visual settings to the game I pretty much stopped playing, given that the game aesthetics lost its "cinematic" flavor with the remotion of the motion blur, bloom and head bob configs. I pretty much wasn't enjoying the CSGO-like visuals where the sharp object texture edges weren't hidden by the blur, I had quite some troubles getting back the immersion I felt before the changes. Now with the supposed comeback of the old volumetric skybox, are there any plans on giving us the visual settings back? I saw that there's a mod in the workshop that pretty much "unlocks" what you guys for some reason took away (I suspect console porting incompatibility, don't know why the settings weren't just hidden for console users only via code), and it works quite well as far as I've seen: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2469448088 (don't mind the extreme examples from the slideshow, it looks quite good once you tone down the settings in the game). So I for sure know that its technically possible to have this back 🙂 This is how the game looked for me before 0.63: IMO it looks a lot better than what the current game shows, which honestly for some reason feels actually older than what we had before.
  6. exwoll

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    Will there be a way to control the number of plates spawning on heavy soldiers to control their availability in the CLE?
  7. exwoll

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Any chance of getting animal hitboxes fixed this update? :(
  8. exwoll

    Status Report - July 2019

    Catering to everyone will just make the product disappear among the competitors and turn mediocre. There are people in every single survivalish / zombie/whatever mmo game out there that want something more realistic that the arcadey stuff every single other game has ATM. And there is not a single game offering that. DayZ was that game, but looks like they are going the mediocre non visionary way of the average product for the average consumer. Which is sad. DUG is a good case example inside the game. They decided to go HC even when no one wanted that at the time, but it was the only opportunity to be "different" from every other server out there. Now look at them, planing on launching extra servers because they cant cope with the people that want to play the game and the new players attracted by a harsher experience. One need balls to climb up the stair and be something, otherwise you just merge with the formless average.
  9. exwoll

    Status Report - July 2019

    But there will still be a paid DLC lol
  10. exwoll

    Status Report - July 2019

    There will be a paid DLC at the end of the year.
  11. exwoll

    Status Report - July 2019

    Thats exactly how I interpreted that. That the engine will never be able to reproduce the features. Not that it will not be able to reproduce the old way the features were implemented. If they indeed meant the last one, parity isn't the word they should had used in the SR, nor presented it in that way.
  12. exwoll

    Status Report - July 2019

    They are a fast and cheap working force, you really should try them for simple but cumbersome tasks :3
  13. exwoll

    Status Report - July 2019

    @Tom_48_97 Thanks for the update . The status report was really poorly written in terms of what you wanted to convey, and as someone in reddit stated, instead of telling people "we are keeping up with the development, bringing new stuff", you ended up telling everyone "we can't have what we had in 0.62, we're stopping working on long awaited features (health system), and we will only do bugfixing and tuning from now on, oh, and a bunch of key people left, lel", in other words, we're just dropping the ball on the development of the game. You provided a good reply to some concerns, and explained some points that were repeatedly covered before by the now gone devs. However, I think you really should explain in more detail about the following concerns, which as I believe are shared by all the community: What do you guys understand by "parity with 0.62". Which are the features that are either impossible to realize and which ones have a low priority atm?. If the old engine had limitations that made the features it had impossible to implement as you wanted, what does stop you now from implementing them in a placeholder state as it was done before? (for example RNG based fishing) Taking in count that the previous limitations are now gone. It's sincerely really hard to understand how a proprietary engine built specifically to address some issues, isn't actually capable of addressing them?. Because here is where the main issue is. Was the revamp of the health/injury system totally dropped off? Or being lowered in priority and postponed for future work? This is/was one of the main future features this game had for a significant portion of the player base, and we just can't get behind the reason explained in the SR. Because the current HS is really basic and pairing to the medical knowledge an average 12yo kid has. I would say that the coherent thing to do would to offer server based difficulty tiers for the medical system, so each community can control how complex they want their health system to be. And let them figure out how to make their player base understand it. (not mentioning that a simple tutorial and ingame info about the medical system would just do as well in the vanilla game). A simple list of considered features would be really enough, no timelines, no goals. Just a list and maybe the status of each (Testing, Planned, Considered, Implemented, Postponed, Non-Possible). It's an extra effort, but everything would be transparent and no one would complain about stuff being missed, it can really be made and programmed by some indian freelancer for like 15$.
  14. Thanks for the reply! Great to hear that this will change in the future!. Can't there be just an option to turn that headbob ON (with a Warning about the potential motion sickness)?. Just for the players that are sure that they never had this issue with any 1PP game? Oh, and what about the Motion Blur? This was one of my favorite things about DayZ's 1PP in comparison with other shooters!