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Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

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Mmmmhh... lets wait for SR. I didnt lost all hope for hitting point59 today.





Ah darn it, you're right. Brian, how does the story end? I want to know now!

By the way, I love the bloody hands idea. Everytime I watch a presentation from Brian I get more and more excited about the game.  :lol:


Thats the vid I think 


Edited by imun
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Dang it, I was too late.

I am really looking forward for the soft skills (including the bloody hands) which will help me in my hunts.

The removal of the agressive stance and hitting people with buttstocks, pistols, etc. will definitely change the gameplay.

Let's hope all these beautiful mechanics/things will soon be in-game! :)

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I will be happy if its out before new years day.. I'm pretty happy with the beard progression thing.. well since i can hardly grow one in real life and I'm 30.. I'm basically a modern day merlin B)

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What is everyone's predictions on when it will truly arrive ? My pessimistic prediction is this Friday November 6th.. My optimistic prediction is tomorrow for halloween (probably not though). Anyone else wanna chime in ? The wait is boring me to tears so I have to ask stupid questions lol ....

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-snip- My pessimistic prediction is this Friday November 6th.. -snip-


I would say this is likely because this is the day I'm leaving for a 4 day vacation to upstate for family and fall foliage cycling.

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I would say this is likely because this is the day I'm leaving for a 4 day vacation to upstate for family and fall foliage cycling.

I was gonna write something similar yesterday, because my holidays ended today. One thing'S for sure, we are getting closer! I don't believe a release this weekend will be likely (though would be awesome!). Gonna have to deal with trick-or-treating kids instead.


>>EDIT: Okay, bought some sweets for the kids. Now the update would be a nice treat for the grown-ups...<<

Edited by S3V3N
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I have a feeling the devs don't know what Halloween is D-=! Need something other than little kids banging on the door! Gimme GImme Moar Dayz Newz....

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I have a feeling the devs don't know what Halloween is D-=! Need something other than little kids banging on the door! Gimme GImme Moar Dayz Newz....


They probably waited out the halloween release too, because they have no halloween content. After all, gamers these days seem to expect silly hats and costumes on Halloween, as has been seen in any MMO. I'm really kind of glad we don't get to shoot Gingerbread Men and Pumpkinheads with a special "Halloween" update. I'm sitting here, bored to my teeth though. The one thing that could make my weekend complete would be a release now. But the team probably has to push new content for these PAX presentations, and if they'd had more to show or more concrete info, we would have gotten it.  

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One thing I am curious about is the reaction to 75-slot servers.

Server hoppers really piss me off, and loot hoarding is another annoyance (but just my opinion, so go ahead and build your camps and keep posting screenshots of all the gear you collect).

Will the greater capacity servers lead to less items, and therefore increase the hoppers? I think so. This is an issue I see becoming more apparent if you share my hatred of hopping. I definitely want 100-slot servers but not at the cost of increased hopping. The "penalties" for hopping have yet to be fully investigated and I hope this is something that the team explores as they get further along.


So against my personal feelings about this, would limiting the number of available EXP 0.59 server instances help development but hurt Alpha gameplay?

The initial player counts would go way up, which would help the devs iron out any issues arising from the increased per-server loads. I think the CLE development would suffer, though, due to a large increase of item imbalances and persistence anomalies.


Since I have yet to dabble in the realm of the experimental survivors I don't recall if there were maybe too many instances, or already not enough

I will definitely opt in and try to stay on a full server so I can contribute.

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When the new build DOES make it....

Play the hell out of it for a couple sessions and then check out this roadmap from 10 months ago.


 First Quarter

  • Basic vehicles
  • Advanced loot distribution
  • New renderer
  • New Infected AI
  • Basic stealth system (infected and animals)
  • Diseases
  • Improved cooking and horticulture
  • Advanced anti-hack system (Dynamic BattlEye)

Second Quarter

  • Advanced vehicles (repair and modifications)
  • Advanced animals (life cycle, group behaviour)
  • Player statistics
  • New UI
  • Player stamina
  • Dynamic events
  • World containers
  • New physics system

Third Quarter

  • Traps
  • Barricading
  • Character life span + soft skills
  • Animal predators + birds
  • Aerial transport
  • Console prototype
  • Advanced communication

Fourth Quarter

  • Animal companions
  • Steam community integration
  • Construction (base building)
  • Beta version


I went through the entire thread and it sort of re-aligned my overall impressions on the development of DayZ.

I am more mature in the role of "Alpha Contributor/Player" and can now look at this project with a far greater appreciation of just how massive an undertaking it is to get an A-List title up and running.


I had some pretty strong expectations from the team and continue to hold them accountable for their promises, but at the same time, I accept that regardless of how it plays out there has been so much "entertainment" for me in the form of actual gameplay, forum activity, and general interest in the progression by the dev team that, by now, my ultimate goal is to see this through to the ultimate release of 1.0 than it is to criticise the development choices and broken timelines.


If I was to quantify the "value" I have gotten from my DayZ alpha purchase then it would rank as one of the best bang-for-the-buck games I have ever owned. I am more deeply connected to the core gameplay and functionality choices and I understand the "reasons" for the world and it's items/audio/players so much better than if I just picked up the final game.


I have spent twice as much on games I have played half as long and cared less than that about how they came to be. So every time you wonder about when the next build will make it to your PC....just remember...we are all just as anxious, but we all enjoy being here in the first place.




Weird, but thought I would share my sentiments. I have a warm fuzzy feeling that 0.59 will be arriving soon....which will be soon enough. (insert Unicorns farting rainbows and Teddy Bears dancing with Cupids anytime, now if you wish...but I am being genuine).

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I've been wondering about the soft skills. Isn't it basically a bad idea to equal skinning humans and butchering deer? It just gives another incentive to kill a player, instead of interacting with him. I'd rather see a character get worse at some skills when he is a cannibal than getting rewarded for it.


I wonder if we could get an option for unlootable players. I know this basically makes the game PvE (though you can still shoot people, you just don't get any reward for it).  The problem with PvE and PvP within the same game is that people will often go and loot on PvE and then return to fighting/camping on PvP players. And if you lock each server to a gametype you always have to start a new character and play parallel.


There seems to be no good solution, but for the moment I'd like to propose not encouraging any more PvP than is already in the game. It is more a curse than a blessing in DayZ. I really wonder what happened with the game, there probably should be much more sparcity and rifles should wear really quickly when used a lot. PvP is much too easy to get away with and make a winning, it should be more difficult to PvP and not give you even more/better softskills. 

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it would have been a nice surprise to have a ninja update for Halloween.

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I've been wondering about the soft skills. Isn't it basically a bad idea to equal skinning humans and butchering deer? It just gives another incentive to kill a player, instead of interacting with him. I'd rather see a character get worse at some skills when he is a cannibal than getting rewarded for it.


I wonder if we could get an option for unlootable players. I know this basically makes the game PvE (though you can still shoot people, you just don't get any reward for it).  The problem with PvE and PvP within the same game is that people will often go and loot on PvE and then return to fighting/camping on PvP players. And if you lock each server to a gametype you always have to start a new character and play parallel.


There seems to be no good solution, but for the moment I'd like to propose not encouraging any more PvP than is already in the game. It is more a curse than a blessing in DayZ. I really wonder what happened with the game, there probably should be much more sparcity and rifles should wear really quickly when used a lot. PvP is much too easy to get away with and make a winning, it should be more difficult to PvP and not give you even more/better softskills.

Private servers seem to do the trick for me.

Just saying......

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Private servers seem to do the trick for me.

Just saying......

Yeah but still...

I'm not against soft skills at all, but the devs might wanna balance them towards less PvP, instead of more. Luckily this problem only seems to apply to skinning at the moment. I think you should get no XP from PvP engagements at all. It's enough that you get all the loot if you survive a battle. Being a solo player (most of the time), I really need some mechanics that discourage everyone shooting at me. I don't say the all succeed, but usually I am up against 2-4 other players in these encounters and they might be more inclined to let me get away when there are fewer reasons to shoot me.


Otherwise what will keep these groups from just roaming the coast/south and pick out bambi after bambi, just to level their soft-skills? I know spawns are gonna change, but bambis will always stick around the coast if they spawn near. 

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Maybe not *necessarily soft skill, but maybe there should be some type of reward system for being close to other players (not PVP engagement) that would increase your mood or spirit.   Perhaps it could burn less calories.    On the same note, have some negative effect for going completely solo or killing other players, like a depression.   You know, kind of like the system they have in This War of Mine.

Edited by Shinjuru

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Can the guy that made the big steel trucks out of balsa wood make them a little tougher?

This game is fun but really, the shotty and the truck damage and the ak recoil is retarded.

Where is the common sense in this stuff.

I hope someday we can ask the guys  parents that made these decisions

if they were dropped on their head at birth. Out of all the things I enjoy in the game 

these few things  baffle me. I paid my money, I get to ask questions.

Edited by serelaw

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Maybe not *necessarily soft skill, but maybe there should be some type of reward system for being close to other players (not PVP engagement) that would increase your mood or spirit.   Perhaps it could burn less calories.    On the same note, have some negative effect for going completely solo or killing other players, like a depression.   You know, kind of like the system they have in This War of Mine.

Nothing personal Shinjuru, or others like you.

All this talk about mood is nonsense. Where do you guys come up with this shit?

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Yeah but still...

Being a solo player (most of the time), I really need some mechanics that discourage everyone shooting at me. 

Ok, how about don't be seen. Play at night on empty servers. Why do I have to suffer a mechanic that you need?

We have guns with bullets. What do you think is going to happen?

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Yeah but still...

I'm not against soft skills at all, but the devs might wanna balance them towards less PvP, instead of more. Luckily this problem only seems to apply to skinning at the moment. I think you should get no XP from PvP engagements at all. It's enough that you get all the loot if you survive a battle. Being a solo player (most of the time), I really need some mechanics that discourage everyone shooting at me. I don't say the all succeed, but usually I am up against 2-4 other players in these encounters and they might be more inclined to let me get away when there are fewer reasons to shoot me.

Otherwise what will keep these groups from just roaming the coast/south and pick out bambi after bambi, just to level their soft-skills? I know spawns are gonna change, but bambis will always stick around the coast if they spawn near.

I understand your frustration but the beauty of this game is that you can play in such diverse ways. One day you can be a hero one day a bandit. Skinning and quartering is the same no matter what animal so you should gain experience in this field no matter what you are skinning. If you want everyone to be friendly maybe find an rp server or a friendly private server. If that still isnt friendly enough maybe a hello kitty game would be more your speed. We all get mad when we die but it is part of the game. There would be no realism without it.

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Yes, Realism.   Then anyone breaking their bones or healing from gunshot wounds should takes months to recover.   Players also shouldn't be burning through calories and eating so much in this game.   My character has eaten more in a few hours playing this game than I have eaten on my hungriest Thanksgiving Dinner IRL.    Who in the heck eats that much?   Yeah, Realism...

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The increased need for supplies/food/water is neccessary. It is to make the game chalenging. It opens survivalist game styles. If you only had to eat or drink a couple times a day then there would be no need to scavenge supplies. Some things need to be exagurated whereas some things have a need to be realistic to make the game entertaining for a larger mass of people. This game caters to several different playstyles and should never encourage/discourage one playstyle over another

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So it is totally realistic to run around shooting at everything on sight and eating manmeat when there are cans and rice in the house nextdoors? Where do you live, Gangsta? 


You didn't get the argument (and you're not the only one). I'll rephrase: Why increase the incentive to kill people when it is already the only thing that works in the game?

To be fair, I don't think that a skinning soft skill is gonna give people much more incentive than they already have to kill gear... few people skin the players they kill to begin with. I like the idea of soft skills, and, admit it, if you killed a person and needed to skin them for some weird reason, you would learn a lot about anatomy and how to get skin off of living beings.


Also, in a real tooth-and-nail survival situation, people would get dangerous, and QUICK. Why do you think the ghettos are so deadly? Lack of resources drives people to do crazy things to survive. If a starving man sees a man with food in a vulnerable position, it is quite likely the starving one, if he could, would kill or otherwise incapacitate the other to get hold of his resources. It's dark, but that's one of the reasons I like this game,


Yes, Realism.   Then anyone breaking their bones or healing from gunshot wounds should takes months to recover.   Players also shouldn't be burning through calories and eating so much in this game.   My character has eaten more in a few hours playing this game than I have eaten on my hungriest Thanksgiving Dinner IRL.    Who in the heck eats that much?   Yeah, Realism...

Accelerated realism. Keeping the same basic necessities of survival (food, shelter, interaction, mending of wounds etc.) at a pace that keeps the game entertaining. I don't hear you complaining about why it doesn't take hours to bleed out :D

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You know I read these forums religiously and I still fail to understand why so many individuals, who each plays their own preferred style of game, insists on commenting on how other players should play or be made to play, encouraged or discouraged to play, the many "styles" available.


Part of the beauty (and ugliness) of this game is that each and every day, we bump into the weirdest shit, ugly, unfriendly, funny, warm and down right horrible, while making friends, killing strangers and experiencing the growing realism of each build.


I don't know enough about "real life" to dictate how it should be but I do enjoy life because I don't have to live it anyway but the way I choose. The "rules" we create in gaming are what limit us and I truly hope we can progress through DayZ with the only restrictions being that of the software limitations and not some arbitrary "design" forced upon us.


ps. I hope I never lose this genuine and unique enjoyment while playing such an original "game". 

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