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Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

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I watched this video a while ago. It explained quite a lot to me. But this release I've struggled with hypothermia more than I should have. It's no problem now, because I have waterproof clothing, but the way it kicked in so fast and despite me resting near a fire with plenty of food made me really wonder what's going on there.


But now I have a direct comparison - because I've had food poisoning before (mild). It just needs puking, eating and drinking and some time to build up blood again. I know I'll get into the grey (black and white) screen for a bit, but then I should recover. I also believe I might have gotten that poisoning from an overcooked piece of meat and not from a raw - or not well enough cooked - piece. The first meat was black, because I took a leak irl while it was cooking. Still had to eat it - for science ;)! 


I have a feeling it might be bugged to some degree as well, I've had 1 fatal case of hypothermia, once I fixed it immediately, several times fixed my temperature at freezing, and done multiple swims in one day and never got past cold. I've been playing almost exclusively on the same server for a couple hundred hours in .58 and now I'm struggling with hot and overheating.  

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BCB I am almost certain its bugged, I had the same. Was running around drenched for a long long time, still kept warming up and if I was dry, I was hot from all the running around. Maybe we are just labrats for their temperature tests tho? who knows.




How did it go for you?

I spent a couple minutes at the fire, literally the only thing that happened was the status "I have Hypothermia" kept spamming at the bottom left, it was nighttime and rained a lot on and off so I couldnt tell my health very well either. I just logged off right there, I knew there was a chance to die and its already late in germany so I didnt wanna make my mate stay up longer in case I die. Im gonna give it another shot with guidance tomorrow, in case I die someones gonna stash my shit.


Honestly would be hillarious. I havent died to players since 2 days and then some bugged hypothermia kills me while I sit atop of a couple of campfires.

Edited by jayfkay
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Is persistence broken or is my camp being raided?


2 different barrels in different place gone, and they're not near a dynamic spawn.

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Is persistence broken or is my camp being raided?


2 different barrels in different place gone, and they're not near a dynamic spawn.


Really hard to say. I stuck a barrel in the middle of the road right outside Cherno, and it survived 12-ish hours when I got off work. Atleast 1 restart. Nothing was in the barrel though.

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Really hard to say. I stuck a barrel in the middle of the road right outside Cherno, and it survived 12-ish hours when I got off work. Atleast 1 restart. Nothing was in the barrel though.


I can understand if I was raided if some things were missing, but 2 barrels, 2 backpacks and all contents gone. Backpacks and barrels too.

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Got to re test a truck trick today. If you get no message while driving and you think you're going to loose connection unplug your network cable. Ended up 50 yards from my truck when I logged back in instead of half the map away v

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I can understand if I was raided if some things were missing, but 2 barrels, 2 backpacks and all contents gone. Backpacks and barrels too.

I have five barrels near each other and none have gone missing. Four of them have been up 2 days and longer. Backpacks are also still on the ground + full. 

It might be one of two things happened to you - either a trucker found your camp and loaded up one barrel and gear and came back for the rest (probably with friend). Or someone just relocated your stuff to somewhere in the vicinity where you would not expect to find it right away. I know, I'd do that - especially if there is any chance he found another barrel. Because then it's easy to move your stuff. Did you hide them well? Are you near a town or a road? So far persistence seems to work for me.


I overcame sickness, puked only once (while driving the truck, heh) and had to drink much more than eat; I ate about a whole pack of rice and six cans, before the sickness wore off. I drove to Gorka, hoping to find charcoal at the hostpital and a silencer, or a compensator for the MP5. Instead, I found antibiotics only, a new CR75, a mosin and a crossbow. I managed to lose the MP5  - which was one of the main reasons for me to go to Gorka - but instead I returned with 3 new arms. You wicked game!!!


I completely forgot the Hunting Scope doesn't work on the Mosin anymore. I tried getting it on there without success.- but man the PU-scope looks rly cool on it! I have two ammo loaders and a compensator too + lots of ammo. And the 9mm ammo I had for the MP5, I can still use for P1 and moreso CR75. What a fucking crazy day! I haven't played Dayz like this since the mod. Must have been 18 hours or near it today - which is almost completely insane. ;)

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No issues with barrels either... had a couple for a few days now.


Oh and the sickness and puking. it tends to get better with age... :)



I have five barrels near each other and none have gone missing. Four of them have been up 2 days and longer. Backpacks are also still on the ground + full. 


I overcame sickness, puked only once (while driving the truck, heh) and had to drink much more than eat; I ate about a whole pack of rice and six cans, before the sickness wore off.

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I was at nw and logged in to a server and my ak in my hands I was double carrying was devoid of all attachments. I reloged to see what would happen and it was gone. Wonder what happened to it.

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The dreaded "bit bucket"...


I was at nw and logged in to a server and my ak in my hands I was double carrying was devoid of all attachments. I reloged to see what would happen and it was gone. Wonder what happened to it.

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I have five barrels near each other and none have gone missing. Four of them have been up 2 days and longer. Backpacks are also still on the ground + full. 

It might be one of two things happened to you - either a trucker found your camp and loaded up one barrel and gear and came back for the rest (probably with friend). Or someone just relocated your stuff to somewhere in the vicinity where you would not expect to find it right away. I know, I'd do that - especially if there is any chance he found another barrel. Because then it's easy to move your stuff. Did you hide them well? Are you near a town or a road? So far persistence seems to work for me.


I overcame sickness, puked only once (while driving the truck, heh) and had to drink much more than eat; I ate about a whole pack of rice and six cans, before the sickness wore off. I drove to Gorka, hoping to find charcoal at the hostpital and a silencer, or a compensator for the MP5. Instead, I found antibiotics only, a new CR75, a mosin and a crossbow. I managed to lose the MP5  - which was one of the main reasons for me to go to Gorka - but instead I returned with 3 new arms. You wicked game!!!


I completely forgot the Hunting Scope doesn't work on the Mosin anymore. I tried getting it on there without success.- but man the PU-scope looks rly cool on it! I have two ammo loaders and a compensator too + lots of ammo. And the 9mm ammo I had for the MP5, I can still use for P1 and moreso CR75. What a fucking crazy day! I haven't played Dayz like this since the mod. Must have been 18 hours or near it today - which is almost completely insane. ;)


Yea, I play on the Southeast 04 server, which was one of the 5 or so servers that disappeared for a few days. I'm wondering if they wiped them?


Yea, I hid it very well right against the bark of a tree, surrounded by 3 others trees forming a triangle about 2 meters apart. Even at a distance when the leaves didn't render, you couldnt see it.


That, and I've never seen more than 10 people on the server so I highly doubt it could have been found or that anyone even tried.

Edited by DanicaHamlin

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2000 hrs in-game played, 500th post...all on the same day, beautiful!


Congrats, how long have you been playing. At my four hours a day average I'm still almost a year away from 2k hours.

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Jan. 2nd 2014.  Half thought about loading up the flare gun and standing in the middle of NWAF, ya know, just for fun...


Congrats, how long have you been playing. At my four hours a day average I'm still almost a year away from 2k hours.

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2000 hrs in-game played, 500th post...all on the same day,  beautiful!



What is it you did all that time in the game exactly ?  :P

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Whelp, I've become an expert at running though the woods, that and I can mark direction based on constellations, and I can save my butt when necessary. Still much left to do though!


What is it you did all that time in the game exactly ?   :P

Edited by Super_Duty

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Does the stuff they're working for the push to stable also touch on the problem that every other item cannot be picked up? With this problem not fixed I really can't see this as a stable candidate. The loot distribution seems to be very nice, but not if half of it can't be picked up....

Someone mentioned closing the doors around you and I found several items that wouldn't move no matter what I did and tried the door thing and boom, everything came up.

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This gun glitch is just horrible. Buddy got killed because it happened about 6 times in a row ( he had an m4 ) as the guy was passing near him ( we were in a fire fight ). Unfortunately I didn't even get to engage because we flipped the truck, I got out too early I guess and got killed by the truck. I got out okay, took cover behind it, my guy groaned, screen went gray and i went unconscious heh. Don't believe I got shot.


But yea wow. I counted at least 5 times in a row that it happened back to back while at NWAF. Not sure if anyone ever narrowed it down what to be causing it but it does happen simultaneously with other players near me.


It makes it to where I don't even want to carry an SMG if I have a rifle on my shoulder. He doesn't want to put the SMG back in the inventory where he has room, he wants to try and shoulder it and it ends up lost on the ground somewhere.

Edited by Creamy Cowboy
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It makes it to where I don't even want to carry an SMG if I have a rifle on my shoulder. He doesn't want to put the SMG back in the inventory where he has room, he wants to try and shoulder it and it ends up lost on the ground somewhere.


I know, right?! It's not even getting dropped on the ground at most times, but simply vanishes for me. Do you also still often see the item in your hotkeys, but cannot select it? On the character screen (after logout), I often find myself holding a bag of rice, water bottle or a knife (whatever: it seems random) and look, as if I'm holding it with both hands. If you use the knife to chop off branches, it also disappeared (despite having space in my inventory for it). It's also annoying that whenever I chop wood, I pick up a long stick and place my axe on the ground. At least I could always pick that up again. Pistols and rifles were almost always gone after the glitch.  

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@S3ven ok here is how it ended.. I lit up another fire and died instantly. server restart. buddy stripped me.. I hope backpack and gun will still be there at least.

Edited by jayfkay
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I so want this game to succeed. What makes me question it, is not the state of development, but the randomness of the bugs. For example: I was able to talk to everyone today and everybody (well, err only two people really) heard me. Yesterday that guy I held at gunpoint did either not hear me, or I did not hear him. Either that or he ignored my instructions, both in writing (chat) and talking about what to press, in order to communicate. There is a slim chance, he did not understand me, but somehow it seemed, like he just didn't hear or read anything; standing there clueless for five minutes...





I used to have this problem and it was in fact something on my end that was causing it. In this case, I suspect it was probably on his end since you have voice working. I thought they'd have fixed it by now- (so correct me if I'm wrong) but one bug that affected me while I was playing originally was the fact that the mic on my laptop was busted and it was showing 0 devices connected. Even disabled devices- nothing... It was literally just not appearing anywhere. As a result, I couldn't see people typing to me and I couldn't hear them- but they could see my typing. I could hear all game sounds and see the warning messages / status messages etc... but no in game voice or typing chat. 


Don't get me wrong- I do understand the frustration... But state of development and randomness of bugs (to me) is hand in hand. I'm more concerned with the direction it's headed with the propagation of pvp and whether or not the intention is to eventually shake out that play style (overall) through enhancing survival development or just let it ride as it is. I haven't met a geared character that we didn't end up having to kill or that didn't eventually kill us in months. 

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2000 hrs in-game played, 500th post...all on the same day,  beautiful!

Congrats on the milestones! Perhaps I should do less talking and more playing since I have more posts than play time :p

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Ran across this guy an hour or so ago... he was relentless in his chase.  Third one today btw.  Oh and I let them be, for others to admire.



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I'm so ready for this to hit stable branch it's not even funny lol ... I really hope it hits tomorrow , I got the next two dayz off ... But regardless tonight after work I'll get in my last play sesh (hopefully) with my two experimental characters (they've been alive since the last character wipe )!

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@S3ven ok here is how it ended.. I lit up another fire and died instantly. server restart. buddy stripped me.. I hope backpack and gun will still be there at least.

Sounds like what happened to me. Maybe the devs added a "0'" too much to blood loss, or the speed of hypothermia is too high. Once you have it, you are already dead. Good thing you have a mate to pick up your stuff. Mine are in "Sommerferien" (vacations).


I did some more exploration today, mainly to see if anything completely different spawns far up north. And to find a winchester or CR527; had no luck there. I checked out the new miltary barracks but found nothing good. On the way north I found my first - and so far only - loot explosion inside a small shag:




Everything there to start a truck + some more. If you wanna check this location on your server, it is at 095 - 093 west of "Pass Oreshka"; would be interesting to hear if this happens on more than one server, bc I saw no loot like that elsewhere. 


I was quite surprised when the truck ran outta gas today - in the middle of Svetlojarsk. With the fuel gauge being at 0 all the time, I imagined fuel consumption is disabled. I spend lots of time searching for a jerry can and realized they must be the rarest item out there at the moment. Or maybe they only spawn deep south, because I have not seen one to date.


Weird thing happened. I lost one CR75 with silencer due to a glitch in the military barracks. I had another one, but no silencer. When I found one in Svetlojarsk's police station and equpped it on another CR75 I was carrying, the crossbow spawned onto my back. The crossbow I had left inside the truck before, because I thought I might find another rifle, while hunting for fuel. Since I couldn't find fuel and my crossbow was back, I just left the truck for good, after searching 3 cities and 2 gas stations for jerrycans without any luck. I know I could just use any other canister, but honestly, I'm not gonna go through that hassle for a truck. 


Did the small protector cases change? They used to take up 4 inventory slots, now they take up 6. I used to like this "Tardis" effect of being bigger on the inside. What is their advantage now? That your rice doesn't get wet, if you have no waterproof backpack? 


I think jerrycans should spawn at gas stations and probably at garages and sometimes barns.

Edited by S3V3N
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