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About billyangstadt

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  1. billyangstadt

    My plea regarding modding and the release of server files

    Not at all, but the modding that this game will face will eliminate the core survival mechanics, and turn it into a casual shooter. No more fishing, fires, farming, etc.
  2. billyangstadt

    My plea regarding modding and the release of server files

    Why wouldn't the devs just release an engine, and thats it? Why spend all of this time/effort/money to make a game that modders will just chop up anyway? If the true DayZ experience doesn't appeal to a player, then don't play that game. It's disheartening seeing great games get chopped up at the expense of fast paced gameplay and ease.
  3. The release of the files to modders will inevitably turn this game into yet ANOTHER casual looter shooter. DayZ has set the standard in terms of survival, and harsh environments. The release of server files will lead to full militarized servers, 24/7 day, no weather, and SVD's spawning in supermarkets. For those that are going to say, "if the survival community is so strong, then there will be plenty of population in those servers. This is what the community wants", I don't want to get started on that topic. This game has incredible survival mechanics, and its going to break my heart to see it crapped on when modders remove all harsh elements in lieu of fast paced gameplay for Twitch streamers. Yes, modders would potentially introduce some great scripts or items toward survival, but the mass majority, as history has shown, will introduce modern guns and vehicles which have no place in DayZ. (Remember how ridiculous the Lamborghini Aventadors looked in Cherno?) Although I'm sure that I'm about to be roasted, I'd kindly ask the devs to reconsider their position on releasing server files. I'd rather play the game with the current population, in it's current state, than to watch it get stepped on. For those who will presumably tell me "Go play another game", I will say the same to you. DayZ is unique, the game you want is a dime a dozen.
  4. billyangstadt

    Players dwindling

    I think the genre in general is starting to fade. I don't think it's anything DayZ is doing right or wrong, it's just that there are so many cookie cutter games out there just like it.
  5. By default, my ui is very small and resolution is stretched. I set everything, do the necessary restart..and back to same This is stable .58
  6. billyangstadt

    is .58 stable playable?

    Awesome info man. I may aswell horde on exp.
  7. billyangstadt

    is .58 stable playable?

    I'm primarily just wanting to start a base and start hording. Is anything disabled? Persistence? Etc. Thanks
  8. Just remember, they said trucks and parts were going to be super rare that only a small amount of people and a large clan would be able to get one running, look how that went on .58 Just remember how trees rendered from the air, no matter how good you hide that barrel against the trunk, they're going to see that yellow barrel from a mile away.
  9. It's going to be a military base aswell? As if the Little Bird isn't going to make hiding camps near impossible with how trees render above (Or dont), may as well add another high point of interest in one of the only areas left to set up camp. We're going to be reduced to a barrel or two, if we're lucky? I like the idea of the little bird, just not until the new renderer comes and we have a larger map.
  10. billyangstadt

    Rocket's contribution

    Here's my theory. I think Rocket had a vision for what DayZ should be, but others..including the studio didn't want DayZ to go that direction. I feel that he wanted to make the game brutally hard, almost sim level. Doing this would obviously detour new players and drive away the some existing players, so I'm sure he got a lot of push back from the studio. So many people are making him out to be a bad guy that abandoned the project, but I think he chose to part ways for the above reason.
  11. Server hopper detected. I appreciate you being such an easy loot pinata.
  12. Tonight was the first time I killed someone and felt bad. Was camped in the officer tents when I heard a truck drive up. guy comes in...dead. Then I realized he was probably a regular on that server if he had a working truck.
  13. billyangstadt

    Regional loot?

    Players spawn on the east and loot, thus no guns there.
  14. billyangstadt

    Came across a player's barrel

    I've found a few, but feel bad when they have basic gear and a large talon pack. I mostly leave it unless it's military loot.
  15. billyangstadt

    Hunting Scope for What Gun?
