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Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

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  On 2/25/2015 at 6:05 PM, trtk said:


- Weapon degradation.
- Suppressor degradation.
Why? Stupid worrisome mechanics that no one wanted.



Speak for yourself. You can destroy a supressor very easily if you don't know what you are doing, and just carry a weapon repair kit around and you'll be fine.

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  On 2/26/2015 at 3:36 PM, trujuice said:

As software engineer myself I had this up in my office years ago and this release just made me think of it again. I know the dev team is working hard but I couldn't resist a good laugh.



Yeah its good you are understanding, and know the process. Right out of school I was a "STE", software tester for game lol It didn't pay much but it was a fun job haha lots of fun. Honestly games alpha stage are normally worse, and even more buggy. Man theres going to be problems though. Its pretty stable considering, although I have held off on this patch until word of a hot fix.  I think some gamers do not, and expect every thing to be prefect in a early access. I say to them be patient.


Anyways I kind of wondering if they will come up with a maybe a hot fix today. I HOPE they will get our attachments back, and fix the memory leaks. God speed to them :thumbsup:

Edited by CJFlint

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Is anyone working on a workaround with the perfect "temp" video settings other then launch stuff added in steam?


I know some of the other threads have older "best specs" but is anyone that we know of working on testing all the settings out again?


Ill do my best to find out what works and what brings back my 100fps settings with a drop to 50fps in the big cities, without losing quality too much.




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  On 2/26/2015 at 1:02 PM, lucianpin said:

By the way I have 8 GB RAM and no page file, but never had problems and there is enough memory for windows to cache game files as well, but last night it was horrible


Its not System RAM leak, its video memory leak (by the looks of it anyway!)

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  On 2/26/2015 at 5:05 PM, FIRMSneakydude said:

Is anyone working on a workaround with the perfect "temp" video settings other then launch stuff added in steam?


Ill advance a guess that the critical parameters causing the problem (but increasing FPS) is the : -maxVRAM=

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  On 2/26/2015 at 5:10 PM, zeroy99 said:

Ill advance a guess that the critical parameters causing the problem (but increasing FPS) is the : -maxVRAM=

Have you put in the -maxVram= into the startup and tested it? seems inside the game it shows auto, and 2048 which mine is a 2gb card.


What parameters have you tested and it works?

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Already sent a bug report but I was curious to know if anyone else has this issue.  My friend constantly gets the "receiving" screen after a few minutes of play.  Sometimes he can get back into the game, other times he has to close completely.  He uses no startup parameters. The only remedy we've discovered is verifying the integrity of the game cache.  This seems to fix it temporarily, but it always comes back.  He has a pretty decent setup (i5-4670k, 8gb, 7790) so we are unsure what is causing it.  We considered a hardware issue but this only started happening when .54 was installed.  Any help would be appreciated.





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  On 2/26/2015 at 6:36 PM, Snarky said:


That depends on the caliber you use it with. I think you can fire 5 or 6 shots with .357, a Mosin will ruin it with one though-

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  On 2/26/2015 at 6:38 PM, derick2589 said:

Already sent a bug report but I was curious to know if anyone else has this issue.  My friend constantly gets the "receiving" screen after a few minutes of play.  Sometimes he can get back into the game, other times he has to close completely.  He uses no startup parameters. The only remedy we've discovered is verifying the integrity of the game cache.  This seems to fix it temporarily, but it always comes back.  He has a pretty decent setup (i5-4670k, 8gb, 7790) so we are unsure what is causing it.  We considered a hardware issue but this only started happening when .54 was installed.  Any help would be appreciated.







Hej, have exactly the same problem, and also started with 0.54. Not using launch parameters either.

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Experimental Elitists, assemble! We have one last effort to put forth for 0.54! :)

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Found an Atlas Bipod in a Hanger at BAF.  Welcome back bipod, I missed you.

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Any news if we're gonna get our private hive toons back? I don't really mind for the gear lost, but I'd start over some characters right away if we're not gonna get any back.


Apart from that and the memory leak crashes (once every 40-60 mins for me) , I didn't encounter any invisible zombies, and the old bug related to desync with the zombies hitting you where your "old location" was (ie: hitting you inside a house while you're already running out) hasn't happened to me yet. I've tested aggroing zombies and getting inside buildings, running around inside for a bit and getting outside to see if they would hit me server side while I'm outside client side, and it never happened so I'm pretty happy it's getting better on this side. :thumbsup:


The crash sites fixed on persistence is very welcomed too.

  Reveal hidden contents



Double time!


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  On 2/26/2015 at 9:31 PM, Odin Lowe said:

I didn't encounter any invisible zombies, and the old bug related to desync with the zombies hitting you where your "old location" was (ie: hitting you inside a house while you're already running out) hasn't happened to me yet.

Still happens to me, but only on steep hills for some reason. Zombies will get stuck "hitting" the air in one spot on a hill, and when I approach them to make the kill, as soon as I get within 10m or so their random hitting starts to do damage to me even if I'm still 10m away and they are facing the other direction. Hills are the only time/place that has happened to me on 0.54 though. Not sure what would cause that issue on a hill specifically and not anywhere else  :huh:

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I like that they finally re-added the ATLAS Bipod but i don't understand why we aren't able to put it on the weapon that would benefit from it the most, the mosin. It's nice and all that you can put it on the AKM and such but like i said prior, the mosin would benefit from it so much more than and automatic weapon.

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  On 2/26/2015 at 9:53 PM, XvParagonvX said:

I like that they finally re-added the ATLAS Bipod but i don't understand why we aren't able to put it on the weapon that would benefit from it the most, the mosin. It's nice and all that you can put it on the AKM and such but like i said prior, the mosin would benefit from it so much more than and automatic weapon.

There isn't really any way of attaching it, that's why the Mosin isn't able to use it. I know they allowed its use on the Mosin a long while ago, but that was technically not feasible if the game is grounded in reality. All of the weapons you are now able to use it with either include or are able to have a rail attachment of some sort that the bipod attaches to. The Mosin has no such provisions for underside attachments. If they were striving for accuracy, they would need to add a Mosin-specific bipod or at least some sort of second bipod that doesn't attach to a rail.

Edited by Tatanko
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  On 2/26/2015 at 9:44 PM, Tatanko said:

Still happens to me, but only on steep hills for some reason. Zombies will get stuck "hitting" the air in one spot on a hill, and when I approach them to make the kill, as soon as I get within 10m or so their random hitting starts to do damage to me even if I'm still 10m away and they are facing the other direction. Hills are the only time/place that has happened to me on 0.54 though. Not sure what would cause that issue on a hill specifically and not anywhere else  :huh:

That's pretty weird. Never had that happen to me before. Pretty scary stuff if you think about it, does this mean server side that your character is standing still on the hill? Is this visible to other players too? Netcode and synchronizing related bugs are dreadful. 

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  On 2/26/2015 at 9:53 PM, XvParagonvX said:

I like that they finally re-added the ATLAS Bipod but i don't understand why we aren't able to put it on the weapon that would benefit from it the most, the mosin. It's nice and all that you can put it on the AKM and such but like i said prior, the mosin would benefit from it so much more than and automatic weapon.

When they removed the ability to add the bipod to the mosin, the compensator had just been added and together, didn't add anything to the accuracy, code wise or in real time. If they re-add the ability, it should be either the bipod, or the compensator as it would only be esthetic. 

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Im having a desync issue(i guess). I got 0 desync and like 100 ping, but for some reason the zombies keep teleporting and same as players.

That happened just after the update, just me?

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  On 2/26/2015 at 10:11 PM, Odin Lowe said:

That's pretty weird. Never had that happen to me before. Pretty scary stuff if you think about it, does this mean server side that your character is standing still on the hill? Is this visible to other players too? Netcode and synchronizing related bugs are dreadful. 

That has to be what it is. It's extremely similar to how zombies would get stuck outside a building because your character wasn't "really" inside the building. Unfortunately this only seems to happen when no one else is around to witness it :p

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sry...false thread...it's late here :blush:

Edited by xCAPx

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Just got murdered while vomiting , that's a first ! :0 ... I was all black on black , sleek as the night with a silenced cr75 and three mags , an sks loaded like a big dawg, and a revolver just for shits and giggles ... I was murdered right after I accidentally hit "drink all" while holding a gas canister , somehow the animation got glitched and wouldn't cancel ! Lol so I now found out that gasoline makes you puke about ten seconds after , and wouldn't it just be my lawling all over the place luck that an Asian character , the same as mine but not in spirit , would come around the corner and axe me in the face Lol!!

I was searching for my abandoned truck near pavlovo when this unfortunate turn of events struck me , but I'm back at it on the coast ready to experience and churn out a new story

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im getting this crash about every 20 mins, anyone managed to get yours to stop doing it?


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Anyone else expreince extreme lagg I know my heli hunter buddy's have. BTW love this patch found a trumpet and a few more thing oddly I lost all my akm attachment so now my akm looks like an ak 74 with a drum mag.

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