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About ErichZann

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. ErichZann

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    So, didnt play in a while: Now after 3 weeks, is this 0.59 the big throw that was announced, with all the "behind the curtain" improvements? Before the patch it was always reasoned that it takes so long to come out because so many fundamental parts of the game will be changed, are there big graspable changes?
  2. ErichZann

    pre .59 hype

    The problem is, it won't. If you dont believe me, I can't prove it of course, but just wait a few years more and you will see. Best regards
  3. ErichZann

    pre .59 hype

    Yeah sure. And if not then, then .60... or .61.... or .62.... lets wait a year or two, hope will die at some point.
  4. ErichZann

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    People wrote things like this a year ago, and people will write it a year from now, always hoping that something great happens to the game...
  5. ErichZann

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Wow, one month of 0.58 "stable", without zombies, bad performance etc, and not even a new experimental yet...
  6. ErichZann

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Exactly.... They always say they work so much on the performance, and now they even almost removed all zombies because they are so bad for performance, and still the performance is horrible... good job guys.. I lost all hope this is every gonna work really well.
  7. ErichZann

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    You literally did not miss a single thing, maybe come back next year or so...
  8. ErichZann

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Hm ok thanks for the info, sounds like some good stuff at least. Will give it a try when it comes out... Just sad that they broke it day before planned release, server crashes, people reporting massive FPS drops... Well we'll see...
  9. ErichZann

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    This is ridiculous, the DayZ development has really totally stalled over the last months, even worse than earlier. And .58 is another letdown, of all the major problems of the game, persistance is the only one being really adressed.... In the tweet he says that (12 hour uptime, and persistence) is the major improvment of this update... great...
  10. ErichZann

    When they actually add zombies to this game...

    Yeah, or rather work not so much in progress really
  11. ErichZann

    Developer Appreciation

    Q1 2015 Basic vehiclesAdvanced loot distributionNew rendererNew Zombie AIBasic stealth system (zombies and animals)DiseasesImproved cooking and horticultureAdvanced anti-hack system (Dynamic BattlEye) Q2 2015Advanced vehicles (repair and modifications)Advanced animals (life cycle, group behavior)Player statisticsNew UIPlayer staminaDynamic eventsWorld containersNew physics system Well, what we kind of have is basic vehicles, kind of new zombie AI (not really good though.......), and some kind of new UI (neither good nor specially different so far...). So... yeah....
  12. ErichZann

    DayZ confirmed for xbox one at E3?

    Well, looking at how the development is going and considering how many unsolved issues there always will be with DayZ (even if many say otherwise..), I am sure there will never be a console version. Of course I can't prove that now, but you'll see in time... Not even sure we will ever get a really good stable PC version anyway.
  13. ErichZann

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    sounds great...... :wacko:
  14. ErichZann

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Plan to wait longer than .58.....
  15. The whole melee system is just really bad at the moment (has always been), and I dont understand why so many people assume that we want to have it easier when we complain about it? It can be difficult, but it should not suck ass like it does now. I get the feeling that some people like to have a really bad and broken game, just because that makes the game hard aswell.. Here is a secret: there are good AND hard games... With a baseball bat? Hell yeah. With big pipe or wrench? Yeah.