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Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

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Just figured I'd let you guys know of the added benefit of using the '-connect' command in your launch options and that is that the game will auto retry if it fails to update BE. You also get to bypass the entire FE and won't have to click through the disclaimer over and over and over again. What will happen is the game will boot up > you will see that it is joining a server > The game will then minimize and you will see a dos window for BE's updating process > Now you can just browse the web or whatever and the game will auto launch = If BE updated you get into the server or if it didn't, the process just loops(no input needed from you)


For me, it took 2 loops before I was in. I feel pretty confident that if we all did this we could fill one of these servers up in no time, making it a little more entertaining for the lot of us.

Edited by JubeiDOK
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^I can't say I don't like that it skips the main menu screen but once I got on the 1pp server using the, Remote entry > Refresh > Connect method, I can launch from the ubiquitous "Play" button at the menu without error (so far). So I'm sticking with it for now....


I also haven't noticed any text regarding BE updates people are talking about but I guess it's possible that I happened to not be looking at the screen when they came up.

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Having a lot of fun playing at night. Just got another 3 or 4 hours in, and at one point was sharing a server with only one other person: good ol' Barnabus :)


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More pictures from my afternoon (evening in the game!) in Southwest 0-3:



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I like the new sounds for swinging melee, and the new animal sounds too.


I don't know if anyone noticed, but with the new particle effects being gradually added, there seems to be lots of pollen flying around, and, an occasional fly with it's sound effect. The first few times I only heard the sound effect, but eventually I saw it too.  :D 


:thumbsup:  Hearing and seeing insects adds a lot to the environment and immersion for me.

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Finally got in the game, was all alone on a UK 3pps-server.

First impressions: 


The startscreen seems quite slow,i thought the game had crashed when it had not. When clicking a button there could be more feedback on what the client does (trying to connect), in my opinion that blinking of the activated button is hard to see (more delta or changing colour f.eks.).


Green peppers take 2 bites now, but there's no "eat all"-option.


Did they fix the issues with compasses or was it just luck? I tried both classic and new compass and they seemed to work when compared to the sun+time of day. 


Are there any crafting recipes for animal lard yet? I tried to use it with rags, bandages, boots and knives but without success, only option i see is to eat it.


I was quite dissapointed to see that the waterskinn needs 2 slots and holds only half a liter of liquid, imho it should be 0.5 liter and 1 slot or  2 slots and at least 0.75liter.  

Edited by Bruderlos

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  On 2/21/2015 at 10:46 PM, Bruderlos said:

Are there any crafting recipes for animal lard yet?

I don't believe so, but I can confirm that you should be able to eat it without any ill effects.

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Put in several hours. 


1.  As noted trucks have a vertical light bar that is visible for some distance.  On one hill top could locate 3 trucks.  They are not operable.

2.  The phantom footsteps from behind that was fixed in the stable .53 build are not back but the gear rattle is.  I know what is being attempted...not sure I like it or that it feels real.  Just not sure. 

3.  What is with loot distribution?  I would say on a 50 slot server that I wasn't finding anything because others had got there before me.  However only one or two players came and left and the server reset.  Besides the prison storage rooms are well stocked.  Magazines are in real short supply.  And butt stocks for all AK's are not to be had or is ammo for an SKS or Mosin.  And after checking a half dozen fire stations I never did find a fire axe which is truly strange.  Low server populations may be due to this as much as difficulties connecting. 

4.  Had 3 CTD caused by Battleye another player told me which I'm sure the server logs will show. I very seldom experience this problem.

5.  My ping was great and desync was never a problem.

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Snuck into a town and climbed the fire station I took a look around hoping to see at least a single infected to snipe and to my delight I find I am surrounded by a nice longhorn vs infected shooting gallery!


I haven't sniped zombies like that in a long time; was great fun.


After killing all I could from this vantage point I cleared the rest of the town with my magnum and looted without care.


From the top of the fire station, the sound of the longhorn was not drawing aggro but I think that was just luck based on the distance of my surrounding targets.


However, Magnum fire had no problems drawing aggro from the ground floor of a residential building and I ended up with a pile of infected at the door before I left.

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I haven't found any particular use for animal lard yet either and I was hoping that plant matter would now be good as fertilizer, not yet the case. I'll have to try just eating the lard.

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- I don't like the new sever menu. It's smaller so it's harder to read, why not keep it full screen. In fact I think it looks weird to have a small box instead of full screen. Also the server menu is extremely laggy, doesn't respond for at least 5 secs.


-Actually couldn't even play because every time I selected a server, that had people in it, the game would stop responding. To the point that Task Manager couldn't even close it and I had to sign out and sign back in.


My  computer is a beast so I don't think that is a problem. Anyone have any similar issues lately?

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Still no luck getting into any of the experimental servers. I keep getting 'Connection failed'.

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  On 2/22/2015 at 1:39 PM, Lorax said:


-Actually couldn't even play because every time I selected a server, that had people in it, the game would stop responding. To the point that Task Manager couldn't even close it and I had to sign out and sign back in.


My  computer is a beast so I don't think that is a problem. Anyone have any similar issues lately?

I've decided to check out Experimental for the first time this morning and after updating and launching the game, while I'm selecting a server, every time I hit the connect button, the game instantly freezes. Task manager couldn't close the game either and even task manager wouldn't respond. I ended up hitting control - alt - delete and signing out of windows and back in to end the program. Had to do this all four times I tried so far. I think I'll go back to stable until another time.

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  On 2/22/2015 at 5:03 AM, BioHaze said:

Snuck into a town and climbed the fire station I took a look around hoping to see at least a single infected to snipe and to my delight I find I am surrounded by a nice longhorn vs infected shooting gallery!

Longhorn <3


I finally found one last night. Now I'm carrying an SKS, a 1911, a Longhorn, and a Flaregun. I am prepared for ANY situation :) I've made the the SKS/Longhorn/Flaregun my standard loadout now since 0.53, it's just too perfect.


  On 2/22/2015 at 12:55 PM, Ebrim said:

I haven't found any particular use for animal lard yet either and I was hoping that plant matter would now be good as fertilizer, not yet the case. I'll have to try just eating the lard.

  On 2/22/2015 at 4:25 AM, LordBlackwolf said:

As far as I know of animal lard is for cooking. 

Animal lard can be eaten directly with no ill-effects from what I've observed. I'm sure their eventual intention is for cooking or other survival purposes, though. I had been pushing for some sort of fat to be included in the game, and this is the perfect way to solve that problem because it has many different uses.


  On 2/22/2015 at 1:39 PM, Lorax said:

- I don't like the new sever menu. It's smaller so it's harder to read, why not keep it full screen. In fact I think it looks weird to have a small box instead of full screen. Also the server menu is extremely laggy, doesn't respond for at least 5 secs.


-Actually couldn't even play because every time I selected a server, that had people in it, the game would stop responding. To the point that Task Manager couldn't even close it and I had to sign out and sign back in.


My  computer is a beast so I don't think that is a problem. Anyone have any similar issues lately?

  On 2/22/2015 at 4:21 PM, Sacha said:

Still no luck getting into any of the experimental servers. I keep getting 'Connection failed'.

  On 2/22/2015 at 4:23 PM, Foxhunt said:

I've decided to check out Experimental for the first time this morning and after updating and launching the game, while I'm selecting a server, every time I hit the connect button, the game instantly freezes. Task manager couldn't close the game either and even task manager wouldn't respond. I ended up hitting control - alt - delete and signing out of windows and back in to end the program. Had to do this all four times I tried so far. I think I'll go back to stable until another time.

Are any of you familiar with the launch parameters for connecting directly to a server? I'll quote myself below on this subject:




By the way, the -connect=[iP address : port #] launch parameter is how I was able to get into a server and play Experimental last night. Just putting that out there for anyone who wants to give it a try. Semi-vague instructions were posted here:




You'll need to get the IP of an Experimental server via Details on the server list prior to doing this though, and this method works via start-up so once you grab an IP you'll have to back out of the game entirely, enter the launch parameter, and restart the game.


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I am not able to connect to a 0.54 server when i click on it or if i click the connect button ?

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  On 2/22/2015 at 6:00 PM, Tatanko said:

Longhorn <3


I finally found one last night. Now I'm carrying an SKS, a 1911, a Longhorn, and a Flaregun. I am prepared for ANY situation :) I've made the the SKS/Longhorn/Flaregun my standard loadout now since 0.53, it's just too perfect.




I keep finding myself carrying a longhorn; it's so multi purpose.


Currently carrying Repeater and Magnum as well and having no trouble finding rounds.


Thanks to working smoke trails I found a heli spawn!


300 round box, mags, mags, mags.


Black skull, black M65 (damaged).


2 range finders, a chem light, a green ballistics helmet.


....and 2 pistol grip MP-133's, no assault rifles.  :(


All this ammo and mags, no rifle to jam them in.


Here are some glamor shots.


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Edited by BioHaze
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  On 2/22/2015 at 4:21 PM, Sacha said:

Still no luck getting into any of the experimental servers. I keep getting 'Connection failed'.

The way I do it is:


Go to your server list (or your favorites if you added the experimental servers there) and select the server you want to join. Click on "details" to get the IP address including the port. Then, go to "remote" and enter the ID address including the port all in the "server IP" field. (Ex:  Click "ok", and then hit "refresh". The server you entered should appear now. All you have to do is select it and hit "connect". Works every time for me.



I was able to see the new animal AI, which is a good step forward in the right direction. It's still a work in progress as animals gets stuck running around in circles very often.


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Overall I had a good time. Expect crashes do to memory leaks every 40 mins or so, and the attachments for weapons not showing at all. FPS wise, I didn't experience bad frame drops or what people have been reporting about the lag in the menu.


Random shots of experimental 0.54

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I was able to finally catch a blowing leaf in a screenshot! :lol:  Pollen, leaves and flies are the current new particle effects for the environment.

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Edit: Forgot to add. The RGD-5 nade is back.

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Edited by Odin Lowe
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  On 2/21/2015 at 1:07 PM, Buddy cASSino said:

Can confirm new AI for deer (snip)


yes, indeed. but it's...uhmmm...let's say...unreliable! occasionally they are slightly too trustful. :D


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Edited by Big L
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I'm only finding 2 experimental servers up at the moment.


A 3rd person East and a UK server.


Maybe servers are down for update....

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I am not able to connect to any exp servers, i double click the server and nothing happens, or if i click the connect button nothing happens, so i hope the new update will fix this, i am kind of disapointed in the dayz dev team breaking things when really they trying to add new things..its not like them at all todo things like this..

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  On 2/21/2015 at 2:35 PM, BioHaze said:


If you found a V3S sitting with it's lights on it might have been me.


Or me, though usually I'll just shoot the shit of the V3S's I find out of frustration now.

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After playing for a while now, I must say, it does feel like a much smoother experience. Especially getting on and off ladders. Other than that though, nothing new. Zombies are still too few and have all the same behavior. Sometimes you can lock them out/in a house, sometimes you can't. My best guess there is if they AI has already calculated it's path into the house before you've taken that path away, it is allowed to pass through the door or something like that. Pulling out, putting away and switching weapons seems a lot more reliable now. I had what I felt was a pretty balanced run, didn't get everything I needed all in one town, but instead gradually built up my inventory over the course of 4 towns; Prig, Psta, Mogi and then Novy. No loot explosions and the towns had loot in some houses and some without, but never all one way or the other. Should be interesting to see how it holds up once we get these servers full.

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.54.126628 preloaded.


Now just the single 3rd person server with 9 players holding out on older version of Exp.


Go little servers, go!

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