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Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

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  On 2/19/2015 at 9:42 PM, Barnabus said:

Battle eye keeps kicking people, not sure what that is, I logged in, battle eye updated, I let it do its thing then I was good to go.  Are people not letting battle eye update and just closing the window in frustration?

I'm wondering that too. Mine took ~2 minutes to update (surprised it took so long, honestly) and I'm wondering if they thought it was just frozen or stopped and closed the window. I was able to get into a server using the -connection launch parameter to manually join a server and got about an hour and a half of relatively unremarkable playtime in.


There was hardly anybody in the servers due to all the issues, so I didn't have to compete with anyone for loot nor did I run into anyone. I didn't have much time to play though, so I concentrated on traveling rather than gearing up. No map changes to either Willow Lake or Black Lake, I can confirm that. Didn't see or pick up any new items, and in particular I was looking around for potato seeds since they were included as files in 0.53.


It was kind of "meh" gameplay. No real issues, but nothing new either. I didn't get a chance to delve into anything like hunting which is a big part of this update, but I do have a loaded SKS if my character doesn't get wiped so maybe I'll give that a try tomorrow.


The lone issue I ran into was already mentioned earlier in this thread: hive switching. The first server I was able to get into was labeled as 1st/3rd Person in the menu, but was 1st Person once I got in. No problem, tried another server, it was as-labeled and all was okay. Played on that server for an hour and a half, watched many people come and go due to getting kicked by BattlEye but had no trouble myself. Suddenly got booted, "Session lost". No problem, I quit the game and restart it to let the -command launch parameter do its thing. I get the blue screen issue; I remove the launch parameter and I'm able to get to the main menu without issue. Re-add the launch parameter for the same server I was just playing in as a 3rd Person character aaaaaaand.... it's the 1st Person character from when I joined a different server earlier  :| Not sure what is causing that issue, but I won't have more time to play until tomorrow so I'll let the devs sort that out in the morning and hopefully we can join servers normally again.


Overall: not bad, not great. It was weird to play Experimental and not run into anyone  :P

Edited by Tatanko

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Tried out this build, couldn't connect. Downgraded back to stable and now my game wont launch at all! :(

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  On 2/19/2015 at 9:42 PM, Barnabus said:

Battle eye keeps kicking people, not sure what that is, I logged in, battle eye updated, I let it do its thing then I was good to go.  Are people not letting battle eye update and just closing the window in frustration?

For me there's no window to even close; I get kicked without ever seeing it.

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hmm 0.54...What about it. I downloaded that patch and started game. First thing which i saw was when serverlist was updating all game totally frozes... When i was finally able to click on filter and filter experimental servers, then when i clicked to Connect i got BattlEye popup :Client not responding...So i browse internet and found possibility to conect with starting parameter -connect=IP. I finally joined to server, but when i arrived to Cherno my textures totaly screwed up and i got 1fps... So i restarted game, joined to server and fps were good like 10 seconds. After that i got the same thing.. textures broke down a i got 1FPS... Never had this problem on stable. Is this know issue?

Edited by coromoro

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Let me preface this by saying that I was probably lucky.


I updated to 0.54 exp., took a tour through the new config menus and then tried to connect with a server. The first thing that I noticed was that even though I was on the exp. branch, the page was showing both stable and exp servers. I sorted the list by build number and tried to connect. No luck. I had a look at a promising candidate, got the IP address and port number and tried to manually connect. That didn't work, either. I went into the history tab and clicked on an old favorite. That prompted a BattleEye update. Once that update was complete, I merely clicked on "Play" and I connected to a server, straightaway.


I got an inland spawn and I found loot everywhere, but only one minor lootsplosion so far, in one of those small concession shacks. I think I was energized and hydrated by the time I left the fourth house. After about eight houses I had a raincoat, fire ax, an ammo assortment and a whole backpack full of food. I was surprised to see that not only do we have the new compass model, but the old ones are still spawning, too. I compared one of each model and they both liked the same direction for North. It's too soon to tell if they are accurate, or not because I still don't know where the hell I am. It's night time and after about fifteen minutes, I had to hop off, for a server restart. Apart from the new compass, which is hard to read, incidentally, I haven't seen anything else that I didn't find in 0.53.

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  On 2/20/2015 at 6:54 AM, coromoro said:

hmm 0.54...What about it. I downloaded that patch and started game. First thing which i saw was when serverlist was updating all game totally frozes... When i was finally able to click on filter and filter experimental servers, then when i clicked to Connect i got BattlEye popup :Client not responding...So i browse internet and found possibility to conect with starting parameter -connect=IP. I finally joined to server, but when i arrived to Cherno my textures totaly screwed up and i got 1fps... So i restarted game, joined to server and fps were good like 10 seconds. After that i got the same thing.. textures broke down a i got 1FPS... Never had this problem on stable. Is this know issue?



yes, coromoro, you aren't the only one with this problem. me personally, i didn't experience it at all but i saw it on stream and read about it on reddit.i guess in the meantime you'll have to play the waiting game xP

Edited by Big L

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Anyone know how to get Battleeye to update? It seems I can't test out any of the other proposed solutions before BE has updated, as it just kicks me before even joining a server.

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I managed to get in last night without many problems, but once i was in and after playing maybe 10min or so, it went on full potato mode, fps dropped to 1-7 and everything lookd like 1stGEN Lara Croft, hello there polygons. It happend 'bout 4-5 times and had to restart the game to fix it.


On the good//new stuff i got to notice during the 30-45min i've got to play:


-Bellpepper does have a % and you gotta eat it twice, no "eat all".

-You can stack 'plant material' (could you do it before?)

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I guess I was pretty lucky. I had initial problems connecting but i found I could connect if I went to server "details" and tried there. Then there was the BE update which at first was odd but once it was done I had no more problems though I did see plenty of people getting kicked throughout my play session. I didn't have any crazy graphics issues and the weirdest thing that happened to me overall was the functioning of my truck which like I say above at one point simply fell through the earth. The most exciting addition that again, I noted above, was the leather water container. I also had difficulty cooking fish but rabbit legs were just fine...

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It does seem like nothing but luck is currently determining who gets to join the exp servers. And judging by the extremely low server population, the chances of getting in are somewhat similar to the chances of winning in the lottery.

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  On 2/20/2015 at 12:37 PM, BadAsh said:

It does seem like nothing but luck is currently determining who gets to join the exp servers. And judging by the extremely low server population, the chances of getting in are somewhat similar to the chances of winning in the lottery.


The people playing experimental right now are all millionaires? Do they know?


Yesterday I thought there was an update coming in and it turns out it was just something for stable. Have the devs acknowledged the fact that the experimental version is fucked yet?

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  On 2/20/2015 at 5:27 PM, AnarchyBrownies said:

Have the devs acknowledged the fact that the experimental version is fucked yet?

Eugen only just very recently acknowledged it. Not sure how he wasn't aware of it  :| These guys are on social media all the time, this is uncharacteristically out-of-touch for them. My guess is they were too busy worrying about the Stable branch, which would be more of a priority for them since it affects more people.





EDIT: By the way, the -connect=[iP address : port #] launch parameter is how I was able to get into a server and play Experimental last night. Just putting that out there for anyone who wants to give it a try. Semi-vague instructions were posted here:




You'll need to get the IP of an Experimental server via Details on the server list prior to doing this though, and this method works via start-up so once you grab an IP you'll have to back out of the game entirely, enter the launch parameter, and restart the game.

Edited by Tatanko
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I just added details to the remote tab AND refreshed the remote tab to show the servers in the list and was able to join and play without problems.


No launch parameters needed.


Using the garden hoe, if you continue to hold the hoe after swinging it and walk around, the swinging sound will play even when not swinging.


Putting the hoe away stopped the sound glitch.


Need more tea before I play again, it's brutally cold in old New York today....

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hey there, after switching back to experimental today the game crashes everytime as soon as i try connecting to a server. the strange thing is that i cant use my mouse afterwards. i need to use the keyboard to select the task and end it. this counts for every programm while dayz is inactive in the background. anyone else??

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  On 2/20/2015 at 7:51 PM, ello said:

hey there, after switching back to experimental today the game crashes everytime as soon as i try connecting to a server. the strange thing is that i cant use my mouse afterwards. i need to use the keyboard to select the task and end it. this counts for every programm while dayz is inactive in the background. anyone else?

Everyone. ^_^


Anyway just had another BE update when connecting to experimental server. So now on the  game restarts every time Battleye update is needed? Or is it a "bug"?



Same trick still works btw. If i want to join experimental server. First go to Remote tab on your server browser ---> Click OK. (no need to type anything) ----> go back to exp.server list in your favorite tab or where ever you have them ----> click the server you wanna join ---> click connect and it should now connect normaly without game crash.

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So thought id give it a try, can only find 2 servers at the moment both empty and the main menu & server browser is so laggy for me at the moment, if i click anything in server list like mode/version/players takes about 10 seconds to come into effect, this is my first time trying experimental can i remove it?

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Swam to an island with a castle on it.


Communications tower had repeater and crossbow.


The game is running well in general for me.


I had a glitch moving a canteen from jacket to backpack that produced a dupe that was sort of tied to the original item.


I double click the original and the dupe disappeared and then I was able to move the item.


I'm pretty sure I saw a similar bug in the last couple patches as well.

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  On 2/20/2015 at 8:06 PM, A_Irish_Fella said:

So thought id give it a try, can only find 2 servers at the moment both empty and the main menu & server browser is so laggy for me at the moment, if i click anything in server list like mode/version/players takes about 10 seconds to come into effect, this is my first time trying experimental can i remove it?


The new ui/browser seems very buggy right now, no way to remove it


Topic merged

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  On 2/20/2015 at 8:22 PM, A_Irish_Fella said:

ah ok, so is there any servers at the minute for 0.54, also is there really no loot?


Was playing earlier today, saw plenty of servers and loot, not many players though.

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Folks I have seen in twitch + myself have been unable to sign on to experimental. That might be why there are so few players. 

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  On 2/20/2015 at 8:30 PM, PugBlue said:

Folks I have seen in twitch + myself have been unable to sign on to experimental. That might be why there are so few players. 


Yup, theres certainly issues, i had to delete my battleye folder for it to reinstall correctly and connect directly to servers with a launch parameter


-connect="server ip address"


Edit: just joining again and getting another BattlEye update, anyone else?

Edited by Fluxley

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  On 2/20/2015 at 8:50 PM, Fluxley said:

Yup, theres certainly issues, i had to delete my battleye folder for it to reinstall correctly and connect directly to servers with a launch parameter


-connect="server ip address"


Edit: just joining again and getting another BattlEye update, anyone else?

Yes there was another update.

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  On 2/20/2015 at 8:15 PM, BioHaze said:

Swam to an island with a castle on it.


Communications tower had repeater and crossbow.


The game is running well in general for me.


I had a glitch moving a canteen from jacket to backpack that produced a dupe that was sort of tied to the original item.


I double click the original and the dupe disappeared and then I was able to move the item.


I'm pretty sure I saw a similar bug in the last couple patches as well.

That bug has been in for a bit now. It has to do with the clothing not "refreshing" what's in its inventory after you move something. Rest assured, the item is where you moved it, but if you interact with it where it was, it will affect it in its new location as well. The only guaranteed remedy I know of is to force a refresh of that clothing's inventory by dropping it to the ground and picking it back up. You can also sometimes force a refresh by moving a new item to a known empty tile in that piece of clothing (where you should see the item you moved previously "disappear" from its old location).


  On 2/20/2015 at 8:29 PM, Fluxley said:

Was playing earlier today, saw plenty of servers and loot, not many players though.

When it's this hard to get in, are you surprised? ;) I had a server all to myself last night for almost an hour!

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