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Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

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  On 2/19/2015 at 8:33 AM, kichilron said:

if you have anything you need to talk about and can't speak English, feel free to PM:



Offtopic: I worry, Mikhail will dislike you after finding out that you send russian trolls without open-mind to him :D



Servers are up. Can anyone connect?

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nope, not able to connect. "you were kicked off the game. Battle Eye: Client not responding"  is all i get :(

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  On 2/19/2015 at 10:58 AM, PaniXx said:


Servers are up. Can anyone connect?

Battleye not responding says to me, all servers are empty.

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first i only got the "BE: Client not responding" message


then i went to the "remote" tab and tried to joined via IP....i seeemed to get in, saw the coast for one second then again a red error message saying smth like: "BE not up-to-date, Update will be downloaded now"  (but nothing happened)


then i manually updated BE and now the game freezes completely whenever i hit connect.  <_<

Edited by Big L

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  On 2/19/2015 at 9:41 AM, ErichZann said:

So no sign of the new renderer? sad... One chance left then to introduce it in Q1 i guess

Do not come in here and start this crap. Just don't. You don't understand their process for implementing the new renderer, that much is clear, so please refrain from making uneducated comments about it. You also don't understand how Experimental works if you think this exact build of the game is going straight to Stable.

Edited by Tatanko
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You need to take a chill pill.

  On 2/19/2015 at 12:25 PM, Tatanko said:

Do not come in here and start this crap. Just don't. You don't understand their process for implementing the new renderer, that much is clear, so please refrain from making uneducated comments about it. You also don't understand how Experimental works if you think this exact build of the game is going straight to Stable.



I cant wait to get in tonight, i hope the servers are up and working by then.

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  On 2/19/2015 at 12:29 PM, BrainlessZombie said:

You need to take a chill pill.



I cant wait to get in tonight, i hope the servers are up and working by then.

Lol you click a button to get in and your computer detonates into a million pieces. "THANKS DAYZ FOR COMPLETELY DESTROYING MY COMPUTER!" *THUMBS UP!* 83

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  On 2/19/2015 at 12:29 PM, BrainlessZombie said:

You need to take a chill pill.

No, I don't. Having the Experimental discussion thread turn into a whine-fest about the development process is getting old, and I'd like to nip this one in the bud.

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  On 2/19/2015 at 12:11 PM, Big L said:

first i only got the "BE: Client not responding" message


then i went to the "remote" tab and tried to joined via IP....i seeemed to get in, saw the coast for one second then again a red error message saying smth like: "BE not up-to-date, Update will be downloaded now"  (but nothing happened)


then i manually updated BE and now the game freezes completely whenever i hit connect.  <_<



Manually downgrading BE at least fixed the freezing upon "Connect".


Removing my startup parameters made the new interface working (no more stuttering, no more memory failure message by windows on 1st startup).


However, there´s still no way connecting on any EXP servers.

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Calm it down please.


Report any off topic behaviour.


We deal with these things, it's what we are here for.



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going to the "remote" tab in the server browser and entering the IP and port manually after writing them down from the "server details" window  let's me join successfully every Exp server so far.


good luck!

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Seems everyone has "his" succesful method to join a server.


-Pressing "Connect" from the server details froze my game

-Remote did absolutely nothing ( I've hit "OK" and the window just dissapeared )

-Pressing "Connect" on the main server browser window worked on first try without a problem.


Had a bit of a hard time to find servers at all. Took me several refreshes to bring up one ( US-Southcentral ) and after refreshing another couple of times, finally UK0-13 and UK0-17 popped up. Filtering didn't help, BUT that was always the problem for me. I always needed 5 - 7 refreshes to bring up EU servers.

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Kept experiencing the same freeze upon connect. Found a post on the loathed reddit (for good reason) and saw someone posted the launch parameter -connect=IP:Port ex. -connect= for southcentral 0-2 and I'm in. Kinda crazy though, it seems the 1st and the 1st/3rd are the same hive? My character carried over and then I experienced a memory issue/crash

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I found that opening details and connecting from there worked for me. Sadly server just went down (normal reset maybe). I love the little atmospherics so far.

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  On 2/19/2015 at 3:49 AM, halp said:

you could spam actions like we could spam drink water before 0.53


handy for picking up some hundreds of feathers in a matter of minutes.

Was a great time for practising bow.


Was quite handy for Pers:ON beachsites aswell (dem apples)

How ? I heard it was the F11 key but when ever i hit it my toon would go into the slow suicide  animation that took even longer than the actual get a drink animation.

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sorry, f11. Ill fix that.


I guess that you hit the "f" button too fast. If you press the action button as soon as your character starts doing the animation you will do a max of 2-5 actions.

You need to start doing a bit later(2seconds or so), when he/she starts falling on its knees. You dont need to see the avail. action as long as your dot is centered on the pipe.

I get around 10+ sips from the water pipe. Same goes for feathers, apples, stones.


To be honest i was only using the water drinking bug because my canteen and PET bottle bugged out aswell. /excuses

Apples were super handy for all the pers:ON servers where you will find nothing on the beach. /excuses

And the feathers..well..that was just an awesome way to save half an hr getting some 60 feathers in 5-6 animations.  /Guiltyyyyyy o/


Anyway, i think i read on reddit yday that this has been fixed. Edit; yep




[Fix] Suicide spam glitch no longer works. Sorry binge-drinkers


Edited by halp

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Wow, cannot get past the configuration page, need to back out to stable, make adjustments and hope it works.

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What is actually new in this update? I can't join servers, game freeze when I click on connect.

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  On 2/19/2015 at 4:40 PM, Ebrim said:

Natural water pouch!

It's able to be crafted now?

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  On 2/19/2015 at 4:42 PM, Tatanko said:

It's able to be crafted now?


Indeed it is, just one piece of tanned leather. That first rabbit is that much more valuable now. I was so excited I threw away my PET bottle.

Edited by Ebrim
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Why does battle eye update while a game is in progress? I was running down railroad tracks when it decided it all of a sudden wanted to update itself.

Edited by LordBlackwolf

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