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First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

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Exactly my point. Better call him names. Doesn't solve anything but feels good.


Actually he is at fault for aggravating the situation deliberately and should be dealt with by the forum mods. When people consistently ignore other peoples arguments or use circular logic, the mods should tell them they can't participate in the conversation anymore for the sake of the sanity of the reasonable people trying to explain it to them again over and over.

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So, I look on twitter after seeing Hick's post, Remembering back to him saying he'd like public servers to be 1pp only, and private to be 1pp or 3rd pp depending on the " Admin "..

So, on Hick's twitter it's a dick beating contest atm how 1pp is king, and so on. But honestly, I can't comprehend why people feel that others shouldn't be aloud to enjoy the game they want to. 

I mean, Let's take a look at the server list, The majority of servers are 3rdpp, People love bashing 3pp, saying 1pp is better, so on, But I scroll through the list and see no one on 1pp only servers.

Don't get me wrong, But this dick measuring contest seems to be getting out of hand, DayZ is in a rough patch at the moment, and what's the point in pushing your primary player base away?

There's plenty of mid ground, 1pp only Public servers Is not the answer in my opinion. 50% 1pp, 50% 3rdpp.

I enjoy both 1pp and 3rdpp so don't go banging on about how this post is just because I don't want it because I dislike it. I just don;t see the point in doing something that could damage the player base permanently, When it's at the lowest it's been.

My 2 cents worth..  

Edited by Preach
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Don't get me wrong, But this dick measuring contest seems to be getting out of hand


too right, keep it firmly in hand lad..... FIRMLY

Edited by MunchyUK
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It is my belief that people don't play 1pp because it is harder or they are simply afraid. And since the onus is so heavy on KoS, 3pp will win out due to the myriad of strategic advantages. As for the player base, that hasn't really been established yet and I think the devs implementing certain restrictions will push their desired target audience to the vanilla game.


In my oppinion 3pp ruins the experience of the desperate fight for survival and horror aspects of the game and turns it into a treasure hunt battle royale with dumb bot AI to inconvenience you. Both types are fun games but the former offers a more rich and rewarding personal experience. Especially if player interaction is a factor. 

Edited by Konfucious K
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The game has far too many other problems. Also, having 1pp and 3pp servers renders this whole debate kind of not worth having.

But in all honesty, 1pp is more realistic. I think 3pp is the arcade mode in DayZ.

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So, I look on twitter after seeing Hick's post, Remembering back to him saying he'd like public servers to be 1pp only, and private to be 1pp or 3rd pp depending on the " Admin "..


That is entirely wrong.

Hicks said he wanted the 'official' servers to be 1pp only. In short, the 4 or 5 servers that the server providers are required to maintain will be 1pp only with any other public shard server rented by individuals being either 1pp or 3pp as the owner wishes.

His idea would at most mean about 20 extra 1pp servers available not limiting 3pp to private shards.


Lack of comprehension, adequate research or awareness is one of the big issues faced by this community, too many people get their panties in a twist because they have misunderstood what was said (either through poor wording by devs or through their own misconception). Go back to the original tweet by Hicks and you will see he mentions 'official' servers and not 'all public', it suddenly becomes a non-issue.

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they should allow 3pp but it should be a close-high locked reverse camera so u can just check what you look like and if you are in cover.

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Maybe people would start playing 1pp if they actually moved it to the eye level rather than shoulder? I'm peeking from a window and it blocks half of my vision, are we playing adults at this game or 6 year olds?


Also, we should be able to control the height of our heads, so that I can like bend my neck a bit down and peek more carefully. Just like in ARMA 3, there are a couple of stances you can switch while peeking.


With this current 1pp build the devs can do whatever they want, people will not play 1pp anyway. If they want people to play 1pp they should improve it first.


P.S I like to play 1pp

Edited by Yazar8
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Hello there


For some reason I can't find the old 1st vs 3rd thread, so I can't merge this.


So, it stays for now.


This is an emotive subject, so keep it well mannered and we won't have to hand out any infraction points.


Remember: attack the argument not the person.





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Hello there


For some reason I can't find the old 1st vs 3rd thread, so I can't merge this.


So, it stays for now.


This is an emotive subject, so keep it well mannered and we won't have to hand out any infraction points.


Remember: attack the argument not the person.





Is this the thread you were looking for?  https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/229725-poll-official-servers-1pp-only/?hl=%20first%20%20versus%20%20third

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So let's bring the fight also in here?


Is the fight still going on because people think that official servers = all public servers?

Edited by St. Jimmy
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So, I look on twitter after seeing Hick's post, Remembering back to him saying he'd like public servers to be 1pp only, and private to be 1pp or 3rd pp depending on the " Admin "..

So, on Hick's twitter it's a dick beating contest atm how 1pp is king, and so on. But honestly, I can't comprehend why people feel that others shouldn't be aloud to enjoy the game they want to. 

I mean, Let's take a look at the server list, The majority of servers are 3rdpp, People love bashing 3pp, saying 1pp is better, so on, But I scroll through the list and see no one on 1pp only servers.

Don't get me wrong, But this dick measuring contest seems to be getting out of hand, DayZ is in a rough patch at the moment, and what's the point in pushing your primary player base away?

There's plenty of mid ground, 1pp only Public servers Is not the answer in my opinion. 50% 1pp, 50% 3rdpp.

I enjoy both 1pp and 3rdpp so don't go banging on about how this post is just because I don't want it because I dislike it. I just don;t see the point in doing something that could damage the player base permanently, When it's at the lowest it's been.

My 2 cents worth..  

I played 3PP servers up until last night when they did the whole 1PP only thing, so I had a crack at pure 1PP and I have to say - it was way better (in my opinion). Put as simply as possible: it's more realistic (immersive, if you will).


So why did I play 3PP before? Well, I'm a casual player and there are way more 3PP servers, in general (especially public ones on stable). So I just gravitated that way so I could get in to a well populated server easily. At first, I hardly used 3PP as 1PP just felt right and 3PP felt... silly / superfluous. As time went on I got more into the game and read on forums about peeking over walls etc, also watched Youtube videos and so started using 3PP to try to get killed less (I'm not normally a KOS guy, but happy to get into a ruckus). Basically - I followed the crowd.


Many of the best experiences in life are borne of constraints (music production before digital, free-running, certain low budget films, certain art created under oppressive regimes, etc etc). In the context of computer games - part of the developers job is to artifically create and enforce those constraints (same with other software in some ways I guess) for the benefit of their customers. Lots of people would have M4s spawn all over the place, doesn't mean it's a good idea.


I'm losing my train of thought. Maybe mods are the place for 3PP.


TL:DR; would have been best if 3PP never existed then we'd all never have tasted the forbidden fruit.

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It is my belief that people don't play 1pp because it is harder or they are simply afraid.


In my oppinion 3pp ruins the experience of the desperate fight for survival and horror aspects of the game



90 degree view is just simply boring when you run 30+ mins. in wasteland alone and in same time 3pp is beautiful eye candy. Graphic details of this game are just too good to hide.

OBV when i want to PvP i choose 1pp because its much more fun and lot more intensive, but mostly then i choose arma series instead.


If you want ppl to prefer 1pp then there should be some kind of advantages. Like sunglasses and NVGs could work only in 1pp, removing reticle when hip firing etc.

Forcing dont work, rewarding do.

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Remember: attack the argument not the person.






I hate you.  you smell bad and your mom dresses you funny.





and I vote for choice, just because choice lets me run 2 characters.  I wouldn't mind if they were both 1pp though.

Edited by Red_Ensign
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So, I look on twitter after seeing Hick's post, Remembering back to him saying he'd like public servers to be 1pp only, and private to be 1pp or 3rd pp depending on the " Admin "..

So, on Hick's twitter it's a dick beating contest atm how 1pp is king, and so on. But honestly, I can't comprehend why people feel that others shouldn't be aloud to enjoy the game they want to. 

I mean, Let's take a look at the server list, The majority of servers are 3rdpp, People love bashing 3pp, saying 1pp is better, so on, But I scroll through the list and see no one on 1pp only servers.

Don't get me wrong, But this dick measuring contest seems to be getting out of hand, DayZ is in a rough patch at the moment, and what's the point in pushing your primary player base away?

There's plenty of mid ground, 1pp only Public servers Is not the answer in my opinion. 50% 1pp, 50% 3rdpp.

I enjoy both 1pp and 3rdpp so don't go banging on about how this post is just because I don't want it because I dislike it. I just don;t see the point in doing something that could damage the player base permanently, When it's at the lowest it's been.

My 2 cents worth..  

Because 3pp servers are stealing people away from 1pp.

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Because 3pp servers are stealing people away from 1pp.

But if 3pp servers are stealing people from 1pp servers then that means that they prefer 3pp to begin with...

I use 1pp in cities and combat and use 3pp for running/cutting trees and setting up my camp. I use it when I play DayZRP too since I always feel like I'm watching a movie.

Short story I prefer 1st but play on all. So why does everyone keep bitchin?

Go play a 1pp server if it's so supreme, don't go on 3pp servers.

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That is entirely wrong.

Hicks said he wanted the 'official' servers to be 1pp only. In short, the 4 or 5 servers that the server providers are required to maintain will be 1pp only with any other public shard server rented by individuals being either 1pp or 3pp as the owner wishes.

His idea would at most mean about 20 extra 1pp servers available not limiting 3pp to private shards.


Lack of comprehension, adequate research or awareness is one of the big issues faced by this community, too many people get their panties in a twist because they have misunderstood what was said (either through poor wording by devs or through their own misconception). Go back to the original tweet by Hicks and you will see he mentions 'official' servers and not 'all public', it suddenly becomes a non-issue.

You callin me fat???

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I enjoy both 1pp and 3pp, the thing for me is I can only tolerate 1pp so long. It seems to be a combination of screen sway and head bobbing, it makes me physically ill after so long, maybe an hour...2 if I'm lucky. It also boils down to having a choice, if Dayz were 1pp only then you will cut of some of the player base, same goes for 3pp only.

I can't say one is better than the other and there are too many strong opinions on this subject much like other aspects of the game that you will never get people to see eye to eye on. No ones opinion is right or wrong, just play the damn game how you want to play

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It is my belief that people don't play 1pp because it is harder or they are simply afraid. And since the onus is so heavy on KoS, 3pp will win out due to the myriad of strategic advantages. As for the player base, that hasn't really been established yet and I think the devs implementing certain restrictions will push their desired target audience to the vanilla game.


In my oppinion 3pp ruins the experience of the desperate fight for survival and horror aspects of the game and turns it into a treasure hunt battle royale with dumb bot AI to inconvenience you. Both types are fun games but the former offers a more rich and rewarding personal experience. Especially if player interaction is a factor. 

Some have headaches from 1pp, and the twisting of the camera. So its not harder, its a problem with some of these views in game.

There are more then us then you think.

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I enjoy both 1pp and 3pp, the thing for me is I can only tolerate 1pp so long. It seems to be a combination of screen sway and head bobbing, it makes me physically ill after so long, maybe an hour...2 if I'm lucky. It also boils down to having a choice, if Dayz were 1pp only then you will cut of some of the player base, same goes for 3pp only.

I can't say one is better than the other and there are too many strong opinions on this subject much like other aspects of the game that you will never get people to see eye to eye on. No ones opinion is right or wrong, just play the damn game how you want to play

Turn off head bob completely. Also the screen sway you are facing the same issues as many of us. Why we have to switch to 25% FOV or greater in 3pp.

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Hello there


For some reason I can't find the old 1st vs 3rd thread, so I can't merge this.


So, it stays for now.


This is an emotive subject, so keep it well mannered and we won't have to hand out any infraction points.


Remember: attack the argument not the person.





I really wish you could find that thread, these 1pp and 3pp threads needs to die. Someone new pops into Dayz they start a whole new thread up over and over... for months i have repeated the same things over, not everyone wants 3pp, or 1pp so stop trying to shove it in our faces. Some of us have no gawd damn choices, we get headaches.


If hicks or anyone else on the dev team, doesn't get it with 3pp 25% fov helps us play a tad longer, then come on over ill setup shop and show you. Ill even buy you steak dinner.


Flaws = Houses too low is a tad problem. Sunk in when most houses have 8 foot clearances.

Flaws = Possible spin in 1pp, unknown at this time.

Flaws = Possible sound, unknown at this time.



There is also another reason why players like 3pp that you haven't even looked at..... Its the fact they like to see their characters gear. Inventory is a big deal, as you had just searched for a long time.


Is it me? but being 45 i tend to understand this stuff better. Young and older have Headache issues, in many games. Sometimes its sound other times its video, and both.


We also don't like to crowd our ears too much, and open end headsets.


I am just saying, i dont really care what others think, if we have problems and the dev team changes everything to suit 1pp only. We will simply leave the game. Its not just 1 or 2 its quite a few of us.


So yes i agree these threads need to be stickies so people can get the full understanding why 1pp, and 3pp are enjoyed by different people.

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Lots of people (like stinkenheim mentioned) don't realize tht this means only the public servers hosted by the hosters themselves (so all the people that buy public servers will have the option for 3PP , just like the private server people). This IS a non-issue when you comprehend it correctly !

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Lol, 1PP people are the republicans of the DayZ world. "1pp or nothing!".


3pp players are more than happy to let you people play the way you want.

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