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About odin_lowe

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    Kabukicho, Shinjuku

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  1. odin_lowe

    Post Your Gear So Far

  2. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Like every year, I post the Xmas tree of DayZ with my best wishes. So Merry Christmas to you all! Cheers!
  3. odin_lowe

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Mostly the CR and FNX, but sometimes the makarov too. I understand there's still lots of work, but there are some solutions out there at least. Anyway right now on experimental I use the MP5 suppressed, but the infected are a joke and acting pretty weird lately. Oh, and I fix my suppressors when they get to "badly damaged" with a gun cleaning kit, they then go back to "worn".
  4. odin_lowe

    Experimental Update 1.05

    I use suppressed pistol and they don't aggro as much as you say. The infected slowly make their way towards the shots, but only in a certain radius around you, not the entire town. Suppressed rifle is another deal though. There are currently mods that make them more efficient, so in the mean time we can use this workaround. Also this thread, and most threads, need to be cleaned. I miss the time when the mods were doing a fantastic job on the forums.
  5. odin_lowe

    Experimental Update 1.05

    for the time being, please devs, wait before you push this patch on stable, it's not ready yet. At all. Thank you.
  6. odin_lowe

    Experimental Update 1.05

    There used to be a good experimental crew back in the days....
  7. odin_lowe

    Night vision vision googles

    I've heard that keys are not yet programmed to turn the NVG on and off for consoles.
  8. odin_lowe

    Experimental Update 1.04.152166

    Naaaaahhh. Books and bows are priority. Don't care about physics. This is DayZ. After more than 3500 hours and playing the game since it first came out, books should come back first. In fact, everything we had before should make a comeback, like most of it making it's comeback through the modding community. I feel like Bohemia handed the biggest part of the job to the modders. Playing on modded servers is refreshing and makes the experience much more varied. It feels weird to see old items and mechanics making their way back into the game via the mods instead of the official branch. Still... First thing that should comeback is fishing.
  9. odin_lowe

    Does anyone use a portable radio set?

    Yep, it's kinda sad. I also use it to broadcast a post-apocalypse radio too. Lots of fun. Cheers!
  10. odin_lowe

    Does anyone use a portable radio set?

    I use it on The Village server, and The Colony too, but not much on public servers sadly... On the private server I mostly play the range was boosted to almost the entire map, which is great.
  11. odin_lowe

    Post Your Gear So Far

    It's been too long since my last post... No one posts anymore... :(
  12. odin_lowe

    Status Report - July 2019

    Dean Hall had already said it but a lot of us didn't understand, or didn't want it to be true, but Dean Hall said it : "This game concept is fundamentally flawed." - Dean Hall 2014 He was simply trying to warn us that the game would never get finished, at least not the way it was meant to. I love DayZ, but I'm sad it came to this.
  13. odin_lowe

    DayZ Battle Royale (survivor gamez)

    Survivor gameZ have been out since before PUBG and all of those... It's just being more fleshed out. Survivor gameZ have been held in DayZ since the mod, and when the stand alone came out in early access alpha. It's nothing new people, it's just more polished and with some publicity, which was done internally initially. Move along, move along...
  14. odin_lowe

    Add handcars maybe horses?

    They had announced horses along with companion dogs, but both have been scrapped. Maybe modders will make them in a few years...