Asmondian 372 Posted May 28, 2021 (edited) This is just a new list of +45 QoL (Quality of Life) improvements and/or small tweaks for the game that I think could provide an overall better experience in the next updates. The idea is to come up with achievable and easy to implement suggestions that involve small changes and tweaks within the current content of the game. Yes, these are not massive changes to the gamelpay and that is precisely the idea. At this stage of the DayZ development, suggesting extremely elaborate ideas or new features conspire against the possibility that they can be ever implemented. Keep it small, keep it simple and aim for an impact on the daily gameplay because no one is going to reinvent the wheel at this stage. In the past, many of these suggestions have been considered and incorporated into the game so I decided to try again. At the end of this thread you will find a list of those suggestions that were later incorporated into the game (which is not to say that it happened because I suggested it of course). OTHER SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS PART 1: SUGGESTIONS PART 2: SUGGESTIONS PART 3: SUGGESTIONS PART 4: SUGGESTIONS PART 5: SUGGESTIONS PART 6: HERE ARE MY QOL SUGGESTIONS 1) Gasoline Canisters | Make them explode when fired Self-explanatory. It is an element that would add a lot of fun to the gameplay without meaning a significant change or even a new technology. Simply by adding the attributes of the grenades could be achieved perfectly. No fire effect involved, just an explosion like a grenade or a gasoline station. If one wants a more realistic approach we could limit it to the impact with tracer bullets, although I understand that there are certain limitations of realism to this, would still be an attractive element for the gameplay while being quite simple to implement. 2) Glasses/Masks and god rays | Realistic functioning, color tints We can all check its implementation in several community servers thanks to Mandibull (DayOne). Would give the glasses a real use beyond the merely aesthetic element and could also be applied to different helmets and masks with different degrees of protection (reduction) of the god rays. For example: Sunglasses reduces 90% of the glare. Motorbike 100%. Gasmask 50%, Combat Helmet with visor 80%, and so. 3) Catch water from rain | Being able to catch it with canteens and pots Another feature that was once part of the game and is now present in several community servers thanks to modding, the possibility of collecting rainwater by using a canteen or cooking pot and looking at the sky is something we need to have back into the game. The main concept is even already there (we look at the ground when we want to empty a bottle), so it shouldn’t be difficult to implement in Vanilla. Im aware that DUG (DayZ Underground) and other servers have already implemented this idea as a mod with perfect performance. 4) Police cars wrecks in PD´s | Re-signifying Police Stations Almost every police station on the map (Chernarus) has a completely empty parking lot and the absence of any kind of interesting loot within them means that they only serve as a "point of reference" within a city. By incorporating several destroyed police cars with loot in their parking lot, this would give more life to PD´s and its surroundings. This element is one of the most attractive in community maps such as Esseker, giving more dynamism and interest to the PDs. 5) Grenades attached to vests | Chance of explosion Allowing grenades to explode if they get shot while having them on your vest would be a very fun element to the gameplay. Even the infected could eventually spawn with grenades on their vests, and you could get rid of an infected horde by shooting the one carrying the explosive. Why would anyone wear grenades in their vest if they are at risk of exploding then? First, maybe that's their objective when rushing a camo building full of people. Second, the impact area would be extremely limited anyway. Third, remember that in vests like the plate carrier the grenade position is to the side. 6) More camouflages for items | Barrels, Vehicles, Wooden crates Hidden bases in the forest was an amazing thing back in the day. Your travels through remote locations were more enjoyable because you always knew that something could be hidden around. Now, since tents can´t be carry anymore in your back anymore and vehicles are not really a safe option, people just limit themselves to use the (IMO) extremely OP underground stashes as their main storage alternative. This is unbalanced and uninteresting for hidden loot dynamics. By allowing players to use camo net as an attachment for barrels and vehicles - just like it happens with the tents - you can provide with a more balanced method to hide stuff in remote locations, incentivizing other players to search for them. 7) Leaning | Allow to keep the position with a double tap Quite simple idea, by double tap Q or E (PC), the player keeps the tilt position until he/she presses any other key or moves. It is something that is quite required in pvp scenarios and that has taken place in the past. Should not be difficult to implement. 8 ) Backpacks in vehicles | Disable them from the player model There is currently an issue when multiple players get inside a vehicle: if the player in the front seat have a backpack, that clips through the back of the seat and prevents the player to enter the seat behind (The contextual menu just won´t show up because of the backpack obstruction). While the clipping issue it’s also something that need to be fixed, the bigger problem here is the impossibility of accessing the back seat. Maybe by removing the backpacks from the players just like the game does with the items in hands you can prevent both issues at the same time. In older versions of the game the model (and its equipment) was adapted when entering the car, I don't see why this cannot be repeated nowadays. 9) Down Jacket | Add it to Chernarus, vanilla. Along with the old Tactical Vest, the Dawn Jacket is one of the most memorable pieces of clothing for veteran players of DayZ. It was already incorporated by Sumrak in Namalsk so I think it would be appropriate to incorporate it now in Chernarus too. It is an aesthetic change but it definitely going to be worth it. Its insulation value would have to be considered, but in any case, it would be a good item for northern Chernarus as a high tier civilian item that protects from the cold and offers a large amount of inventory slots. Either way, I'm one of those who thinks we need more civilian high tier clothing and less militarized survivors everywhere. 10) Wet items/weapons | Possibility of malfunction The number of "submarine bases" in the current build of the game is incredible. They are hard to find and there are almost no consequences for hidden items inside. it would be nice to implement an extra impairment to the wetting feature to balance this. In the case of weapons, for example, the possibility of malfunction with the same reasoning when it comes to rain. 11) Weapons Fire Mode | Sound effect and/or weapon representation Speaking about guns, by adding a simple “click” sound as a reference you could know that you are actually changing the fire mode without the need of any type of HUD. It would definitely be a great alternative if you could actually see this change reflected in the gun model (you can “inspect” your rifle by entering in the throwing stance with a SMG, a rifle or a AR) but, in the meanwhile, a simple sound effect should do the trick. 12) Remove the crosshair | Or replace it with a simple dot One of the most anticlimactic and inaccurate aspects of the game is the crosshair. I honestly don't know what it's for. Its design is invasive and looks like a placeholder, yet it has been there for years. Yes, I am aware that it can be disabled, but the idea is to go back to the old, classic point the default experience of the game. Yes, I am aware that the game allows you to disable crosshair any time and that hardcore servers do not have it at all (I never play with the crosshair on, even non-hardcore servers). But I'm talking about a design idea (as in EFT) where it is the developer who sets the tone - hardcore in this case - and not the discressionality of the end user. 13) Military Tents | Carry as a backpack Since this was removed from the game, the "nomadic" bases in the middle of the forest that kept players alert and roaming the entire map have been replaced by mega-bases in the middle of cities full of walls and barbed wire. Bring back the possibility of carrying a tent on your back (replacing the backpack slot) to increase the chances of bases in remote locations and stop centralizing the dispersion of players on the map. 14) Flash Grenades | More range, more “blindness” time. This will probably be a reason for adjustments in the future, but in the current version (1.12) flash grenades have an extremely small range and their effect lasts quite short. Increasing their range to at least 4 meters and extending their effect to 12 seconds would give real utility to an item that is very interesting for gameplay. 15) Attached Radios | Key binds for using them Just like with the Head Torch or the NV googles, you should be able to turn on/off and change the frequency of the radios when those are attached to your backpack by using a default key. Radios are one of the most interesting items in the game but its implementation conspires against the idea of enhancing their use. They need to be practical and handy. I even think Ammo (Modder, part of the DayZ Underground team) has implemented the possibility of interacting with the radio attached to your backpack/vest by moving your head down and looking at it without items in your hands. 16) Bleeding | Severity according to origin and not just to quantity Nowadays you can bleed to death in a very short time if you have two cuts from slipping down a flight of stairs. The game does not discriminate whether the wound was caused by a fireman's axe or a scrape on your foot against the concrete. The idea is to divide the bleeding into three types (mild, moderate, severe) and not simply by quantity. In this sense, 3 light wounds will cause you to lose a tiny percentage of blood while a severe wound will cause you to lose a lot of blood. The distinction could be given in: Minor wound = Infected, cuts. Moderate wound = Low calibers, one-handed melee. Severe wound = Shots, two-handed melee, predators. 17) Diseases Indicator | Different diseases symbols (Alternative Blood Test Kit) We definitely need to have different icons for the multiple kind of diseases, especially for new players. The global bacteria icon it’s just not intuitive enough and not very helpful for the learning curve of the game. It would be also a good idea being able to use the test kits on you not only to identify your blood type but also to assign a new symbol to properly represent the disease you have (Example: you have cholera with the global bacteria icon, after you use a blood test kit, the bacteria icon changes to a more representative icon). A new medical item could even be added to the game for this purpose. While I love that a game has a difficult and challenging learning curve, in the case of DayZ and diseases, I think the difficulty in diagnosing for new players comes from a poor design and not from a real intention of complexity. There is almost no way - for a new player - to differentiate Salmonella from Cholera or Poisoning without using elements outside the game (guides/charts), and this is a huge mistake. The learning curve has to be complex, but progressive and possible, never frustrating or almost impossible. 18) ADS transition | Make it slower / smoother The current transition from hip fire (Raised weapon) to ADS is extremely fast. You get to your sight view almost immediately and there is also an exploit to make it even faster. This not only makes the game feel casual and arcade-like, but also conspires against the original idea of "warning" the other player about your future intentions through your movement (thus enhancing interaction). This need to change. I think this movement/transition should be much slower, as many other games have applied. Just check EFT (a pvp focused game) transition from hip fire to ADS. It’s even slower than DayZ but it feels so much realistic and smooth. Please remember, I am talking about the transition between the raised gun (hipfire) and ADS, not the gun at rest and hipfire. Those are very different things. I insist on the example of EFT where it is a clearly focused on pvp kind of game and where the implementation of weapon handling is smoother and softer than in DayZ SA without lossing any combat speed at all. 19) 3d Map item | Check the map without a full interface This is already a thing is most community servers and its completely amazing. The fact that you can check a map outside the “full screen map” it’s one of the most immersive approach that can be made with them. I would love to see that in the vanilla game as well, both for the map and notes. I know that, in the case of the map, it’s a unique 3d model so it may be impossible to make with notes but maybe there is a way around. I’m not saying to replace the “full screen map”, but to provide a hit/hold option to choose between both alternatives. 20) Longer beards | Synonymous with survival Suggestions #26 and #27 are purely aesthetic I know, however, I sincerely believe they would add a lot to the game. Especially considering that DayZ currently lacks one of the most important elements for a survival game IMO: The possibility of appreciating/keeping your character and their survival by something more than just his gear. There is no evolution, no passive skills, no expertise, no progress… just gear. So until any of this stuff became a thing, aesthetics is probably the only thing that individualizes us and makes us value our character. Longer beards (even longer than image four), white hair or even particular features after having survived for a long time would be an interesting element. 21) Shave head | Alternative aesthetics, individuality And if we consider longer hair, we must also consider the opposite alternative: to be able to have a bald character. Since we can shave our beard, it should also be possible to shave our head, even in female characters. It would be a hygienic guideline, it would complement better avoiding clipping with some objects and it would look completely badass. 22) Binoculars | Faster use and One Click action Every time we use this item the character takes too long until we can see through them. Its use is unresponsive and anticlimactic. The movement has to be more agile and, at the same time, offer the possibility to make a simple click to keep the binoculars in use (as it happens with the Scopes) instead of having to hold LMB all the time. There is currently no incentive to use binoculars over any other item that allows us to see at a distance (Scope in hand, rangefinder, scope on weapon). Its size is too big (3x3), you can't attach to any slot to save that space and the speed of use is still incredibly slow. 23) Inventory Sounds | Add sounds and fix soundless exploit Adding a very subtle noise to each item (or category of items) when managing our inventory would be very welcome to players. But more importantly, correcting - adding a sound - to when we drop an item, mainly weapons, on the ground and then pick them up to make no sound at all. This "exploit" is one of the most used in PVP situations where one can pull out a weapon without warning the enemy of its presence. I think Inclement Dab (modder) has even developed a good concept of this as a mod. 24) Gas Canisters | Explode when shot with smal flashbang and/or smoke effect The simple fact of being able to use this item as a sort of small flashbang / smoke effect when shooting it would open the door to very good in-game sequences. A player could throw it and then shoot it to blind the enemy for a few seconds. The technology is already there, so I think it would be simple to implement. Just as an example, this was already implemented as a mod in several servers. Example. 25) Underground stashes | Bigger dirt pile and multiple stashes restriction Nowadays you can bury multiple objects in an extremely small and limited space of land. While this already has its penalty (since you can't choose which one to dig up first), as a matter of balance, it would be good to find a way to limit this from becoming possible by restricting the possibility of creating an underground stash on top of an existing stash. Im not talking about a global undergroun stashes restriction or limit, just avoid putting 10 underground stashes in the same pile of dirt. In addition to this, the remaining dirt pile after you hide something underground should be bigger in size to prevent multiple exploits and again, turn this hidden method into a more balanced and less overpowered one. The reasoning is always the same: for every asset, there must be a liability and this improves the balance within the game. I insist that underground stashes are completely unbalanced storage methods with their current implementation and in some cases - mostly exploits - they become literally impossible to find. 26) Precise positioning | Long torches and other items Quite simple suggestion, it simply allows to place the long torches on the ground with the precise positioning. The same could apply to sharpened sticks with food at their ends. 27) Russian Roulette | A way to implement it Completely unnecessary but very interesting for the gameplay, a good way to implement it would be to hold right click and then hold the R key (default reload) to spin the drum. This can obviously be a lot more complicated according to the current implementation of the Revolver, but I'm sure they will find a way to incorporate it again. 28) Skin and quarter chickens | Increase the interaction area Quite frustrating during the gameplay and I think with a fairly simple solution, every time we want to butcher a chicken, when we use the knives to look for worms or even when we do it in the middle of the asphalt, the interaction area is so small that, even with the crosshair activated, it becomes complex to find the exact pixel where we get the action. The idea is to increase the interaction area for this action in the case of chickens and small animals in the future. Another way to correct this is with the possibility of transporting the chicken as an item and then being able to combine it in your hands with a knife or any other tool you wish to butcher it. It would even be a good alternative for when, in hardcore servers, you find a chicken and kill it with your fists but you don't have any melee to cut it. You could carry it (as you do with fish) until you "prepare" it. 29) Bleeding | HUD-free screen representation You can see this all the time in almost every Dayz stream/gameplay while playing on hardcore servers. People trying to play without the HUD but, after they got shoot/attacked, they need to open their inventory – or enabling the HUD - just to check if they are bleeding or not. This is extremely anticlimactic! I know that your screen will eventually became black and white over time and that there is a “cut sound” when you recieve a wound, but it’s just impossible to hear it in the rush of a battle and for the time your screen goes black and white by multiple cuts it’s probably already too late. By adding a more representative/noticeable sound effect (like some hearbeat for example, being even realistic since your heart will beat stronger when you lose blood to compensate) or a screen effect (like a continuous red coloring on the edges of the screen or just a red “flash” when you receive the cut) you can provide with enough non-invasive information to the player to avoid having to always rely on the HUD. Alterantive 1: Heartbeat Alterantive 2: Screen Effect 30) Epinephrine | Avoid fainting in flashing red blood One of the most characteristic features of a survival game is the possibility of overcoming death or near death. But when we are blinking blood this becomes almost impossible. The fact that the infected don't attack us when we are unconscious is a step forward but I think we need the epinephrine also to avoid regular blackouts when our blood is flickering. This would at least give us the possibility of hiding until we recover normal levels or receive a blood transfusion. 31) North East Airfield | Bring it back to life Nobody can deny the huge amount of work and improvement of Chernarus (map) in general, but there are at least two locations that I think have resulted in changes for the worse: Myshikino tents and the Krasnostav airfield (also known as NEAF). I don't know if there are any future plans for this particular location, but I think that by adding an ATC, hangars and some barracks you could re-signify this airfield and enhance players to go through it. Nowadays it’s a completely empty space and a waste of what it was one of the greatest points of interest in Chernarus. 32) Apartment buildings | Is there a good reason why those are empty? Back in the “DayZ”, you went to those apartments to find civilian tents and clothing, but since some years ago, the apartments buildings in Chernarus are completely empty. People tend to camp and snipe from those creating some of the best PVP sequences but now it’s became just another dead space in the map. The fences positioning does not work properly inside there so it’s also quite hard to build bases or lock rooms in there. We already have the Namalsk experience where you can find supplies in those buildings bringing them back to life. Chernarus should copy this by adding civilian loot and tents in them. 33) Stealth | Add a slower stance/speed while crouching Stealth is an element that will gradually take more place in the game with the new modifications to the infected and the possibility of one tap them by attacking them from behind. However, in the crouched position, one cannot switch between a light step and a slow step by pressing the walk key. It would be very useful to be able to add an even slower step in this position by completing the three speeds in each of the stances (Standing, crouching, prone). 34) Burying Dry bags | Make them take damage with every bury/unbury Similar reasoning than with the wet items, Dry bags are quite easy to find along all the coast (Docks/containers) and people use them as a big storage method as a hidden underground stash. You can prevent this OP storage method by making them take some damage/worn every time you bury/unbury them. 35) Handcuffs | Make them unique/useful In my opinion, handcuffs are not getting the relevance that they should in a game that uses their features/items as the main source of stories and interactions. The fact that you can break them in a matter of seconds and without any tool involved absolutely kills their purpose. You shouldn’t be able to break free from handcuffs just by struggling. You would need the key or any other melee item (to avoid frustrating scenarios) to set you free. This will open a huge window for really cool interactions. In addition to this, the suggestion #20 (jogging while tied up) is key to make this feature not frustrating. 36) Communication Devices | Range, Multi-frequency concept and persistence We really need a change for radio concept to make these items useful again. Having 7 different frequencies and only a 5km range turns what could be a huge element of interaction into an absolutely dead item. I have suggested quite some time ago to increase their general range, around 10km for the personal radios (I remember an EXP build though where they were worldwide and people use them a lot), and that all communication devices should be multi-frequency, with a higher "sound gain" or lower “noise” when you are on the same frequency than the broadcaster. In the case of the Field transceiver and Zenith studio, there shouldn’t be such distinction so it can be heard perfectly along all frequencies. The argument against the multiple frequency idea could be a possible "loss of privacy". But let's be honest, almost no clan/squad uses in-game communications to talk to each other, not even on RP servers. Radios have been and always will be devices for meeting strangers, not regulars. The other part of the suggestion is about persistence. Just like with the construction lights, you should be able to place and power the Field transceiver with a power generator, making them persistence and enable for longer periods of time. I imagine a natural increase of the usage of this communication items at nighttime where people return to their shelters and turn on their radios while waiting for the sunlight. 37) Animal source items | We need more crafting recipies Animal-based items not only encourage hunting but also broaden the interest in animals for more than just food. There are several mods that have implemented very easy and logical items related to animals. From different backpacks using the different animal skins (as you can currently do with the Boar skin) in DayZ Underground, or clothes and helmets made from animal heads (DUG, DayOne, among others). I think it would be very interesting to have them or at least some similar complement. (Image from DUG). 38) Prone/Crouch F5 | Allow captors to access hostage inventory Currently you can only access a hostage's inventory after tying him up. Allowing access to their inventory by proximity when they press F5 and are crouched (where there is no possibility of movement for the hostage) would improve interaction and expand the number of possible scenarios. 39) Clothing status | Wet Textures representation It will probably involve a lot of work, but I think it is perfectly feasible and adds a lot to the idea of immersion and dispensability of the HUD. The idea that wet clothes have their representation in our character to be able to know their state without having to inspect them (as happens when they are damaged or worn). It is something that is present in different mods (WindstridesClothingPack by Windstride for example) and it really works perfectly being IMO the best clothing mod ever created so far. I think it's an element that would definitely have to have its place in vanilla at some point. 40) Melee combat | Blocking consistency The melee and mainly the block feature is probably one of the features in DayZ that has less consistency right now. You can "block" attacks from a fire axe with just your fists but you cannot block infected attacks with a shovel or any two-handed melee. And this also does not work as a pattern because sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. This needs a clear revision to make the system more consistent, dividing items into two categories (one-handed and two-handed) where one-handed melee attacks (e.g. a knife, and including fist to this category) can be defended by one-handed and two-handed melee, while two-handed melee attacks can only be defended by the latter. At the same time, it would be good to complement these categories with an exception: a heavy attack with a one-handed item can never be defended by a one-handed melee. There are many other considerations regarding the melee system but I think they deserve a separate thread. Likewise with the feature of dodging to the side. Since its implementation, I don't remember any situation where its use was justified. It is something worth rethinking. 41) Petrol lighter | Allows it to be used to illuminate Present in many mods (such as the Munghards Item pack for example), the possibility of lighting with the lighter by making it consume its uses would offer an excellent ambiance. Perhaps a little more difficult to implement and somewhat unnecessary but it is worth mentioning: something similar could be done with matches for a matter of seconds. I repeat, quite unnecessary. 42) Animal Meat | Initial heat value It would be interesting that human or animal meat has an initial temperature value (e.g. 30 degrees) that can be used for initial heating as we do with food or hot containers. Obviously with progressive heat dissipation. I think this would be excellent to incorporate. I recognize that this is perhaps a suggestion more for the Namalsk discord than for Chernarus, considering the impact of weather on the Namalsk Survival mod. 43) Helicopter Crash Sites | Radio Signal The idea is not new but with the incorporation of APSI and muon technology in Namalsk Survival, it has become much more feasible. In a nutshell: helicrash events should generate a radio signal (which could consist of a simple "beep" by proximity) that can be heard and tracked through the use of radios. This would not only give a new attraction to the event but would also encourage the use of this item which is an excellent element for survivor encounters. (Image from DayZ Wiki). 44) Weapon inspection | Pop-up menu when holding down key Once again, the idea is to avoid as much as possible the intrusion of the HUD inside the game for those of us who are looking for an immersive, agile and hardcore experience. Without adding too much (no new animations or new features), one could simply assign a key (or combination of keys) to the inspection of our weapon so that, when pressed, in the center of the screen we get the basic information of the weapon that is found below left when we play with the HUD activated (weapon status, ammo, fire mode, etc.). I think it would even be very easy to implement. 45) Grenades | Audio clue when they hit the ground Currently the only reference we have that someone has thrown a grenade is the warning offered by the removal of the security pin. But that also doesn't give us much reference as to whether or not he finally threw it. I think it would be very good and simple to add a "plonk" sound effect to the grenades (Example of what I'm talking about) to make things much more exciting and give an auditory cue to balance things and avoid unrealistic exploits. Even landmines have an "audio clue", even though in my opinion they should not have it. 46) Bandaging | Possibility of prone bandaging I understand that maybe there is a design intention to give more vulnerability when you bandage yourself for a matter of gameplay. First of all because you need to expose yourself to a crouch position to do so and, unlike other actions, you cannot move while performing the bandage animation. While I think that limiting movement during bending is a good idea to prevent the game from being too arcade (like in Rust, where you can bandage yourself running), I don't find many arguments to avoid being able to do it in the prone position. 47) Salmonella and Cholera | Full stomach symbol Many may not realize it, but until you acquire the knowledge that you have to take small bites and sips during Cholera or Salmonella, new players usually have a very frustrating experience. While I don't question the mechanics and I definitely want the game to be hard, one thing is to be a difficult experience and another thing is to be so unintuitive that forces players to resort to external sources (which should not happen in a game with a progressive learning curve). How could a fair middle ground be reached with this? If you noticed, when you eat/drink too much (without having Salmonella/Cholera) the “full stomach” symbol pops up alerting you to the possibility of vomiting. This does NOT happen before vomiting as a result of illness and eating/drinking. Thus, it would be good to add the “full stomach” notification also when one is close to vomiting from Salmonella and/or Cholera, giving a sufficient clue to the survivors how to survive the disease but without being completely explicit. 48) Fishing | Quick slot for changing bait It may be a minor suggestion (it is the idea after all), but the fact that one has to craft – with an animation included - each one of the improvised baits and you cannot just combine them quickly as it happens with batteries and scopes, grenades and vests, radios and backpacks, visor and combat helmet, among dozens of other items... it really unnecessary and tedious. That’s why I suggest to allow a quick slot to the bone hooks to be able to attach the worm to it just by a drag/drop action (like in many other recipes) without the need to perform a whole animation every time. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME Edited June 1, 2024 by Asmondian 8 5 13 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steam-76561198085562680 13 Posted May 28, 2021 Some of ideas are really nice! I totally agree that handcuffs should be improved (there's a key for handcuffs in the game which is useless because you can easily remove them without the key). Making hostages is quite useless now, because it's easy to remove handcuffs and hostages can not run, that makes impossible to make hostages during battles. It would be better to allow hostages to run, but make handcuffs unremovable (or almost unremovable, like allow to remove them in 10 minutes) without exact key (not every key). 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steam-76561198085562680 13 Posted May 28, 2021 About knifes, chances to survive without it are higher now in 1.12 because now there are many food which you can open without a knife or can opener (but it's impossible to eat potato without peeling it now, which is ridiculous). It would be nice to see bone stones, which are available without crafting, simply snatch a bone from a zombie like it was in Walking Dead series. Knifes are crucial for stealth killing, and stealth killing helps surviving especially at the beginning of the game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0 31 Posted May 28, 2021 Lord, there are so many cool and unrealized ideas. I think you can add to this list: Traces of blood remaining on the ground after a cut wound. Over time, they change color from red to brown. Interaction with a backpack with special animation. Items in the backpack are not visible if the backpack is on the back. Inertia for the character's body. Reducing the constant running speed of the character. Rework of the equipment system. For example: T-shirt (now without slots) can be worn under a field jacket. Interacting with the inventory activates some kind of small loop animation (the character is looking for things in his pockets). Notes and pencils. Is it really that hard? 😑 Weapon belts. So that the guns don't just stick out behind the character's back. HUD is changing when wearing gas masks, helmet with a vizor and other similar things. (may be darkened along the edges, the effect of steam drops) These are just the first ideas that come to mind. 5 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Just Caused 423 Posted May 28, 2021 Dude, I'd have them all. This thread is really well done. Unfortunately moderators never cared for player suggestions. 😞 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akula692008 45 Posted May 28, 2021 New crafting recipes: Cudgel (Craft from wood) Stone hammer Stone ax Stone pickaxe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McWendy 675 Posted May 28, 2021 More then 100 views... 1 like and 3 Bean's.... Come on guys this is one bad ass, well written summary of some very good QoL ideas. Take mine @Asmondian!! Nice work! Like at JC said. Lets have Them all. 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepoey 193 Posted May 28, 2021 17 hours ago, Asmondian said: This is just a new list of 50 QoL (Quality of Life) improvements and/or small tweaks for the game that I think could provide an overall better experience in the next updates. The idea is to come up with achievable and easy to implement suggestions that involve small changes and tweaks within the current content of the game. In the past, many of these suggestions have been considered and incorporated into the game so I decided to try again. At the end of this thread you will find a list of those suggestions that were later incorporated into the game (which is not to say that it happened because I suggested it of course). HERE ARE MY QOL SUGGESTIONS 1) Gasoline Canisters | Make them explode when fired Self-explanatory. It is an element that would add a lot of fun to the gameplay without meaning a significant change or even a new technology. Simply by adding the attributes of the grenades could be achieved perfectly. No fire effect involved, just an explosion like a grenade. 2) Glasses/Masks and god rays | Realistic functioning, color tints We can all check its implementation in several community servers thanks to Mandibull (DayOne). Would give the glasses a real use beyond the merely aesthetic element and could also be applied to different helmets and masks with different degrees of protection (reduction) of the god rays. For example: Sunglasses reduces 90% of the glare. Motorbike 100%. Gasmask 50%, Combat Helmet with visor 80%, and so. 3) Catch water from rain | Being able to catch it with canteens and pots Another feature that was once part of the game and is now present in several community servers thanks to modding, the possibility of collecting rainwater by using a canteen or cooking pot and looking at the sky is something we need to have back into the game. The concept is even already there (we look at the ground when we want to empty a bottle), so it shouldn’t be difficult to implement in Vanilla. 4) Police cars wrecks in PD´s | Re-signifying Police Stations Almost every police station on the map (Chernarus) has a completely empty parking lot and the absence of any kind of interesting loot within them means that they only serve as a "point of reference" within a city. By incorporating several destroyed police cars with loot in their parking lot, this would give more life to PD´s and its surroundings. 5) Grenades attached to vests | Chance of explosion Allowing grenades to explode if they get shot while having them on your vest would be a very fun element to the gameplay. Even the infected could eventually spawn with grenades on their vests, and you could get rid of an infected horde by shooting the one carrying the explosive. 6) More camouflages for items | Barrels, Vehicles, Wooden crates Hidden bases in the forest was an amazing thing back in the day. Your travels through remote locations were more enjoyable because you always knew that something could be hidden around. Now, since tents can´t be carry anymore in your back anymore and vehicles are not really a safe option, people just limit themselves to use the (IMO) extremely OP underground stashes as their main storage alternative. This is unbalanced and uninteresting for hidden loot dynamics. By allowing players to use camo net as an attachment for barrels and vehicles - just like it happens with the tents - you can provide with a more balanced method to hide stuff in remote locations, incentivizing other players to search for them. 7) Leaning | Allow to keep the position with a double tap Quite simple idea, by double tap Q or E (PC), the player keeps the tilt position until he/she presses any other key or moves. It is something that is quite required in pvp scenarios and that has taken place in the past. Should not be difficult to implement. 8 ) Backpacks in vehicles | Disable them from the player model There is currently an issue when multiple players get inside a vehicle: if the player in the front seat have a backpack, that clips through the back of the seat and prevents the player to enter the seat behind (The contextual menu just won´t show up because of the backpack obstruction). While the clipping issue it’s also something that need to be fixed, the bigger problem here is the impossibility of accessing the back seat. Maybe by removing the backpacks from the players just like the game does with the items in hands you can prevent both issues at the same time. 9) Down Jacket | Add it to Chernarus, vanilla. Along with the old Tactical Vest, the Dawn Jacket is one of the most memorable pieces of clothing for veteran players of DayZ. It was already incorporated by Sumrak in Namalsk so I think it would be appropriate to incorporate it now in Chernarus too. It is an aesthetic change but it definitely going to be worth it. 10) Wet items/weapons | Possibility of malfunction The number of "submarine bases" in the current build of the game is incredible. They are hard to find and there are almost no consequences for hidden items inside. it would be nice to implement an extra impairment to the wetting feature to balance this. In the case of weapons, for example, the possibility of malfunction with the same reasoning when it comes to rain. 11) Weapons Fire Mode | Sound effect and/or weapon representation Speaking about guns, by adding a simple “click” sound as a reference you could know that you are actually changing the fire mode without the need of any type of HUD. It would definitely be a great alternative if you could actually see this change reflected in the gun model (you can “inspect” your rifle by entering in the throwing stance with a SMG, a rifle or a AR) but, in the meanwhile, a simple sound effect should do the trick. 12) Smoke Grenades spoon | Add a working Spoon for the 1-M8 Right now, when you take out the pin of a 1-M8 smoke grenade it starts smoking right away in your hand. Just like the rest of the grenades with a spoon (With exception of the EGD-2 that doesn´t have one), make it to start smoking only when you release the spoon - when you throw it away – and not when you are actually holding it in your hand. That’s how they actually should work IRL. 13) Surviving without a knife | Tear up action / crafted bone knife As a fresh spawn, if you couldn't find food or a knife in your first 10 minutes of gameplay you are basically dead. No knife means that you can’t skin and quarter an animal (usually a chicken at spawn locations) and without canned/dry food around you just can´t overcome that scenario. I think it would be a good idea to add a “tear up” action that you could use with a chicken (or any other animal) to get at least the guts and bones from them, and maybe some low % of steaks. You can use the bones to craft a bone improvised knife by combining multiple bones. 14) Remove the crosshair | Or replace it with a simple dot One of the most anticlimactic and inaccurate aspects of the game is the crosshair. I honestly don't know what it's for. Its design is invasive and looks like a placeholder, yet it has been there for years. Yes, I am aware that it can be disabled, but the idea is to go back to the old, classic point the default experience of the game. 15) Military Tents | Carry as a backpack Since this was removed from the game, the "nomadic" bases in the middle of the forest that kept players alert and roaming the entire map have been replaced by mega-bases in the middle of cities full of walls and barbed wire. Bring back the possibility of carrying a tent on your back (replacing the backpack slot) to increase the chances of bases in remote locations and stop centralizing the dispersion of players on the map. 16) Flash Grenades | More range, more “blindness” time. This will probably be a reason for adjustments in the future, but in the current version (1.12) flash grenades have an extremely small range and their effect lasts quite short. Increasing their range to at least 4 meters and extending their effect to 12 seconds would give real utility to an item that is very interesting for gameplay. 17) Cooking with a long stick | Keep character’s position (One-click action) Turning the cooking with a long stick action "One click only" (Not holding LMB) and allowing players to keep the animation (Sitting, holding the stick in hands) while changing between steaks/meat/food it’s something that needs to be part of the game at some point. It’s frustrating (and very immersion killing) having to break the animation every time just to change the steak and then enter the sitting animation again, over and over. You should be able to keep that animation while you can still access to your inventory to change the baked meat to a new raw steak. 18) Attached Radios | Key binds for using them Just like with the Head Torch or the NV googles, you should be able to turn on/off and change the frequency of the radios when those are attached to your backpack by using a default key. Radios are one of the most interesting items in the game but its implementation conspires against the idea of enhancing their use. They need to be practical and handy. 19) Bleeding | Severity according to origin and not just to quantity Nowadays you can bleed to death in a very short time if you have two cuts from slipping down a flight of stairs. The game does not discriminate whether the wound was caused by a fireman's axe or a scrape on your foot against the concrete. The idea is to divide the bleeding into three types (mild, moderate, severe) and not simply by quantity. In this sense, 3 light wounds will cause you to lose a tiny percentage of blood while a severe wound will cause you to lose a lot of blood. The distinction could be given in: Minor wound = Infected, cuts. Moderate wound = Low calibers, one-handed melee. Severe wound = Shots, two-handed melee, predators. 20) Hostages | Allow players to jog while tied up The holdups were always a big part of the DayZ experience but, nowadays, they seem to be less and less frequent. Big part of that could be due the lack of “broken bones” features and non-lethal weapons/ammo. But I think there is also another reasons for that: restrained players are basically useless for themselves and their captors since they just can´t move fast enough. Because of that, you can´t take to another position and also, it’s extremely easy to break out of the ties. Allowing jogging while you are handcuffed would expand the interaction possibilities a lot in my opinion. 21) Dead players blood | Enable to extract blood from corpses (One-time action) By allowing players to extract blood from dead bodies (One-time action per corpse), you can make this feature – blood transfusions - worth again along with re-significate the blood test kits and blood compatibility system. It should be a one-time blood extraction per body and that could also reduce/change the dead body persistence / despawn time and its condition (decompose model) after you extract blood from it (also helping cleaning up the server, performance). I really think this could enhance a lot of PVE experiences and also the survival path. 22) Diseases Indicator | Different diseases symbols (Alternative Blood Test Kit) We definitely need to have different icons for the multiple kind of diseases, especially for new players. The global bacteria icon it’s just not intuitive enough and not very helpful for the learning curve of the game. It would be also a good idea being able to use the test kits on you not only to identify your blood type but also to assign a new symbol to properly represent the disease you have (Example: you have cholera with the global bacteria icon, after you use a blood test kit, the bacteria icon changes to a more representative icon). A new medical item could even be added to the game for this purpose. 23) Zeroing your weapon | Add a sound effect, prevent the need of any HUD You always need to enable the HUD just to calibrate your weapon and know the zeroing range (100m, 200m, etc.). This kills a big part of the immersion of playing without any HUD/Indicator. By adding a simple “click” sound effect, you can just go all the way down and then use that sound reference to identify the distance you want (Example: 2 "clicks" up, so your Winchester is now at 400m. All the way down and its back at 200m). The main idea behind this is to be able to avoid any kind of HUD element while playing DayZ. 24) ADS transition | Make it slower / smoother The current transition from hip fire (Raised weapon) to ADS is extremely fast. You get to your sight view almost immediately and there is also an exploit to make it even faster. This not only makes the game feel casual and arcade-like, but also conspires against the original idea of "warning" the other player about your future intentions through your movement (thus enhancing interaction). This need to change. I think this movement/transition should be much slower, as many other games have applied. Just check EFT (a pvp focused game) transition from hip fire to ADS. It’s even slower than DayZ but it feels so much realistic and smooth. 25) 3d Map item | Check the map without a full interface This is already a thing is most community servers and its completely amazing. The fact that you can check a map outside the “full screen map” it’s one of the most immersive approach that can be made with them. I would love to see that in the vanilla game as well, both for the map and notes. I know that, in the case of the map, it’s a unique 3d model so it may be impossible to make with notes but maybe there is a way around. I’m not saying to replace the “full screen map”, but to provide a hit/hold option to choose between both alternatives. 26) Longer beards | Synonymous with survival Suggestions #26 and #27 are purely aesthetic, however, I sincerely believe they would add a lot to the game. Especially considering that DayZ currently lacks one of the most important elements for a survival game: The possibility of appreciating/keeping your character and their survival by something more than just his gear. There is no evolution, no passive skills, no expertise, no progress… just gear. So until that is not a thing, aesthetics is the only thing that individualizes us and makes us value our character after gear. Longer beards or even particular features after having survived for a long time would be an interesting element. 27) Shave head | Alternative aesthetics, individuality And if we consider longer hair, we must also consider the opposite alternative: to be able to have a bald character. Since we can shave our beard, it should also be possible to shave our head, even in female characters. It would be a hygienic guideline, it would complement better avoiding clipping with some objects and it would look completely badass. 28) Binoculars | Faster use and One Click action Every time we use this item the character takes too long until we can see through them. Its use is unresponsive and anticlimactic. The movement has to be more agile and, at the same time, offer the possibility to make a simple click to keep the binoculars in use (as it happens with the Scopes) instead of having to hold LMB all the time. 29) Inventory Sounds | Add sounds and fix soundless exploit Adding a very subtle noise to each item (or category of items) when managing our inventory would be very welcome to players. But more importantly, correcting - adding a sound - to when we drop an item, mainly weapons, on the ground and then pick them up to make no sound at all. This "exploit" is one of the most used in PVP situations where one can pull out a weapon without warning the enemy of its presence. I think Inclement Dab (modder) has even developed a good concept of this as a mod. 30) Gas Canisters | Explode when shot with flashbang effect The simple fact of being able to use this item as a sort of flashbang when shooting it would open the door to very good in-game sequences. By simply assigning it the attributes of a flash, a player could throw it and then shoot it to blind the enemy for a few seconds. The technology is already there, so I think it would be simple to implement. 31) Underground stashes | Bigger dirt pile and multiple stashes restriction Nowadays you can bury multiple objects in an extremely small and limited space of land. While this already has its penalty (since you can't choose which one to dig up first), as a matter of balance, it would be good to find a way to limit this from becoming possible by restricting the possibility of creating an underground stash on top of an existing stash. In addition to this, the remaining dirt pile after you hide something underground should be bigger in size to prevent multiple exploits and again, turn this hidden method into a more balanced and less overpowered one. 32) Precise positioning | Long torches and other items Quite simple suggestion, it simply allows to place the long torches on the ground with the precise positioning. The same could apply to sharpened sticks with food at their ends. 33) Russian Roulette | A way to implement it Completely unnecessary but very interesting for the gameplay, a good way to implement it would be to hold right click and then hold the R key (default reload) to spin the drum. This can obviously be a lot more complicated according to the current implementation of the Revolver, but I'm sure they will find a way to incorporate it again. 34) Binoculars | Add attachment slot for belts and backpacks Add an attachment slot for binoculars for the belt and/or backpack so you can carry the binoculars in your waist/back. It’s an extremely immersive item but it lacks practicality right now because of its large size. It would be also great to change their size from 3x3 slots to 2x2 to enhance people carry them more often. 35) Skin and quarter chickens | Increase the interaction area Quite frustrating during the gameplay and I think with a fairly simple solution, every time we want to butcher a chicken, when we use the knives to look for worms or even when we do it in the middle of the asphalt, the interaction area is so small that, even with the crosshair activated, it becomes complex to find the exact pixel where we get the action. The idea is to increase the interaction area for this action in the case of chickens and small animals in the future. 36) Bleeding | HUD-free screen representation You can see this all the time in almost every Dayz stream/gameplay while playing on hardcore servers. People trying to play without the HUD but, after they got shoot/attacked, they need to open their inventory – or enabling the HUD - just to check if they are bleeding or not. This is extremely anticlimactic! I know that your screen will eventually became black and white over time and that there is a “cut sound”, but it’s just impossible to hear it in the rush of a battle and for the time your screen goes black and white by multiple cuts it’s probably already too late. By adding a more representative/noticeable sound effect (like some drip sound while you are bleeding or a different kind of moaning) or a screen effect (like a continuous red coloring on the edges of the screen or just a red “flash” when you receive the cut) you can provide with enough non-invasive information to the player to avoid having to always rely on the HUD. Something similar happened with the shock damage and it was very well received. 37) Epinephrine | Avoid fainting in flashing red blood One of the most characteristic features of a survival game is the possibility of overcoming death or near death. But when we are blinking blood this becomes almost impossible. The fact that the infected don't attack us when we are unconscious is a step forward but I think we need the epinephrine also to avoid regular blackouts when our blood is flickering. This would at least give us the possibility of hiding until we recover normal levels or receive a blood transfusion. 38) North East Airfield | Bring it back to life Nobody can deny the huge amount of work and improvement of Chernarus (map) in general, but there are at least two locations that I think have resulted in changes for the worse: Myshikino tents and the Krasnostav airfield (also known as NEAF). I don't know if there are any future plans for this particular location, but I think that by adding an ATC, hangars and some barracks you could re-signify this airfield and enhance players to go through it. Nowadays it’s a completely empty space and a waste of what it was one of the greatest points of interest in Chernarus. 39) Apartment buildings | Is there a good reason why those are empty? Back in the “DayZ”, you went to those apartments to find civilian tents and clothing, but since some years ago, the apartments buildings in Chernarus are completely empty. People tend to camp and snipe from those creating some of the best PVP sequences but now it’s became just another dead space in the map. The fences positioning does not work properly inside there so it’s also quite hard to build bases or lock rooms in there. We already have the Namalsk experience where you can find supplies in those buildings bringing them back to life. Chernarus should copy this by adding civilian loot and tents in them. 40) Stealth | Add a slower stance/speed while crouching Stealth is an element that will gradually take more place in the game with the new modifications to the infected and the possibility of one tap them by attacking them from behind. However, in the crouched position, one cannot switch between a light step and a slow step by pressing the walk key. It would be very useful to be able to add an even slower step in this position by completing the three speeds in each of the stances (Standing, crouching, prone). 41) Burying Dry bags | Make them take damage with every bury/unbury Similar reasoning than with the wet items, Dry bags are quite easy to find along all the coast (Docks/containers) and people use them as a big storage method as a hidden underground stash. You can prevent this OP storage method by making them take some damage/worn every time you bury/unbury them. 42) Handcuffs | Make them unique/useful In my opinion, handcuffs are not getting the relevance that they should in a game that uses their features/items as the main source of stories and interactions. The fact that you can break them in a matter of seconds and without any tool involved absolutely kills their purpose. You shouldn’t be able to break free from handcuffs just by struggling. You would need the key or any other melee item (to avoid frustrating scenarios) to set you free. This will open a huge window for really cool interactions. In addition to this, the suggestion #20 (jogging while tied up) is key to make this feature not frustrating. 43) Communication Devices | Range, Multi-frequency concept and persistence We really need a change for radio concept to make these items useful again. Having 7 different frequencies and only a 5km range turns what could be a huge element of interaction into an absolutely dead item. I have suggested quite some time ago to increase their general range, around 10km for the personal radios (I remember an EXP build though where they were worldwide and people use them a lot), and that all communication devices should be multi-frequency, with a higher "sound gain" or lower “noise” when you are on the same frequency than the broadcaster. In the case of the Field transceiver and Zenith studio, there shouldn’t be such distinction so it can be heard perfectly along all frequencies. The argument against the multiple frequency idea could be a possible "loss of privacy". But let's be honest, almost no clan/squad uses in-game communications to talk to each other, not even on RP servers. Radios have been and always will be devices for meeting strangers, not regulars. The other part of the suggestion is about persistence. Just like with the construction lights, you should be able to place and power the Field transceiver with a power generator, making them persistence and enable for longer periods of time. I imagine a natural increase of the usage of this communication items at nighttime where people return to their shelters and turn on their radios while waiting for the sunlight. 44) Animal source items | We need more crafting recipies Animal-based items not only encourage hunting but also broaden the interest in animals for more than just food. There are several mods that have implemented very easy and logical items related to animals. From different backpacks using the different animal skins (as you can currently do with the Boar skin) in DayZ Underground, or clothes and helmets made from animal heads (DUG, DayOne, among others). I think it would be very interesting to have them or at least some similar complement. (Image from DUG). 45) Prone/Crouch F5 | Allow captors to access hostage inventory Currently you can only access a hostage's inventory after tying him up. Allowing access to their inventory by proximity when they press F5 and are crouched (where there is no possibility of movement for the hostage) would improve interaction and expand the number of possible scenarios. 46) Clothing status | Wet Textures representation It will probably involve a lot of work, but I think it is perfectly feasible and adds a lot to the idea of immersion and dispensability of the HUD. The idea that wet clothes have their representation in our character to be able to know their state without having to inspect them (as happens when they are damaged or worn). It is something that is present in different mods (WindstridesClothingPack by Windstride for example) and it really works perfectly. I think it's an element that would definitely have to have its place in vanilla at some point. 47) Melee combat | Blocking consistency The melee and mainly the block feature is probably one of the features in DayZ that has less consistency right now. You can "block" attacks from a fire axe with just your fists but you cannot block infected attacks with a shovel or any two-handed melee. And this also does not work as a pattern because sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. This needs a clear revision to make the system more consistent, dividing items into two categories (one-handed and two-handed) where one-handed melee attacks (e.g. a knife, and including fist to this category) can be defended by one-handed and two-handed melee, while two-handed melee attacks can only be defended by the latter. At the same time, it would be good to complement these categories with an exception: a heavy attack with a one-handed item can never be defended by a one-handed melee. There are many other considerations regarding the melee system but I think they deserve a separate thread. 48) Petrol lighter | Allows it to be used to illuminate Present in many mods (such as the Munghards Item pack for example), the possibility of lighting with the lighter by making it consume its uses would offer an excellent ambiance. Perhaps a little more difficult to implement and somewhat unnecessary but it is worth mentioning: something similar could be done with matches for a matter of seconds. I repeat, quite unnecessary. 49) Animal Meat | Initial heat value It would be interesting that human or animal meat has an initial temperature value (e.g. 30 degrees) that can be used for initial heating as we do with food or hot containers. Obviously with progressive heat dissipation. I think this would be excellent to incorporate. 50) Helicopter Crash Sites | Radio Signal The idea is not new but with the incorporation of APSI and muon technology in Namalsk Survival, it has become much more feasible. In a nutshell: helicrash events should generate a radio signal (which could consist of a simple "beep" by proximity) that can be heard and tracked through the use of radios. This would not only give a new attraction to the event but would also encourage the use of this item which is an excellent element for survivor encounters. (Image from DayZ Wiki). [CONSIDERED] SUGGESTIONS Tripods size reduction Vehicle parts, different tools to repair/lock/disassemble Wooden crates rebalance, crafting and destruction Duct tape general nerf on weapons and gear Being able to reloading while running Improvised backpack, being able to break it down Weapons melee attack with buttstock Being able to muffle hostages voices Torch/flashlight wield modifications Alternative houses interiors Bloody hands Animation for picking items from the world VOIP, avoid cutting with an open inventory Hot items, dissipate their heat over time Saline Bags should offer hydration values Barbed Wire should cut instead of giving shock damage Blur the background while inside inventory Blur effect on scopes and weapons while aiming Infected should not attack unconscious players Negative impact (- hydration) on some of the dry foods Bear traps, landmines, locked doors should have their own persistence Fruits, vegetables and mushrooms, expand their properties ADS memory for weapons and weapon collision Reduce the Handheld Transceiver static sound Ability of turning on/off the head torch without having to take it in your hands Slot memory for items inside your inventory. Eject mag from weapon by assigning a hotkey. No jumping/climbing when players are low HP/Stamina "Hold" function for the default interact key "F" to take items from the world directly to your hands Allow to have a separated key for "Walking" and "Holding breath" Canteens should not always spawn with 100% Water THANKS FOR YOUR TIME YES TO ALL OF THIS 1 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DefectiveWater 542 Posted May 28, 2021 I like those suggestions a lot, along with the suggestions by @Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0 DayZ has always had a lot of potential, I hope BI realizes that soon enough and gives DayZ more love. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
helpthedeadwalk 179 Posted May 28, 2021 @Asmondian nice list! Would be nice to get an ACK from the dev team. 50 QOL improvements is a lot. What about some type of poll where we could prioritize. My list: 1) Gasoline Canisters | Make them explode when fired 4) Police cars wrecks in PD´s | Re-signifying Police Stations 10) Wet items/weapons | Possibility of malfunction 15) Military Tents | Carry as a backpack 22) Diseases Indicator | Different diseases symbols (Alternative Blood Test Kit) 31) Underground stashes | Bigger dirt pile and multiple stashes restriction 37) Epinephrine | Avoid fainting in flashing red blood 38) North East Airfield | Bring it back to life 39) Apartment buildings | Is there a good reason why those are empty? 41) Burying Dry bags | Make them take damage with every bury/unbury 50) Helicopter Crash Sites | Radio Signal 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drgullen 597 Posted May 28, 2021 @Kyiara Hire this man and put him in charge of DayZ 2. It would be the best open world apocalypse game ever. Just sayin'. 3 1 1 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derleth 1357 Posted May 28, 2021 (edited) 22 hours ago, Asmondian said: THANKS FOR YOUR TIME Great suggestions all of them, I truly hope the devs listen. Off the top of my head I have two things I'd like to add: * Layered clothing. When freezing to death I wouldn't throw away my shirt if I found a jacket - I'd wear the jacket over the shirt! I believe it could be pretty easily implemented by adding an "undergarment" slot where you'd only be able to put t-shirts, shirts, telnyashkas and similar clothes - and clothes worn in that slot would never be able to have any items in their inventory. (Yea, t-shirts shouldn't have any inventory slots in the first place...) * Light firearm melee attack. When low on stamina you can't use the firearm melee attack, and given how disruptive the weapon raise mechanic is this is extremely frustrating. So make it usable even when low on stamina - but with less damage caused and no knockback. Edited May 28, 2021 by Derleth 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZBA 66 Posted May 29, 2021 I agree with all of it and I want to add from me another one: Give us more freedom when build a base because now even one single pixel of other model block us from building gate / fence. Its frustrating. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Windstride 10 Posted May 29, 2021 Very well made topic, these suggestions are reallyy good, i'm gonna add an extra one to the list: Make dodging better and useful in combat, right now it's super spammable but super useless at the same time, i can't think of a single scenario where i would need to press the Dodge button in melee fight, the animation is so short in terms of the distance you travel when you dodge, and i understand that having new animations is difficult at the moment for the development team, so here's a suggestion, make the character invulnerable to melee/infected attacks for a very small window when you dodge, giving players the ability of timing their dodges to avoid attacks such as the "heavy-attack" from the infecteds, but to balance it, increase the cooldown of the dodge, so it's less spammable, and increase it's stamina consumption. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buakaw 274 Posted May 30, 2021 (edited) some good suggestions but 19) bleeding: I think this might already exist. I once lost like a thousand blood in no time after getting melee'd. 22) disease indicator: no thank you, we dont need an easy game to be easier. figuring out what symptoms you have and then finding a cure is part of the fun. this is a non-issue for anyone that played the game for a while. 24) make ads slower: fuck you Edited May 30, 2021 by Buakaw 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted May 30, 2021 13 hours ago, Windstride said: Very well made topic, these suggestions are reallyy good, i'm gonna add an extra one to the list: Make dodging better and useful in combat, right now it's super spammable but super useless at the same time, i can't think of a single scenario where i would need to press the Dodge button in melee fight, the animation is so short in terms of the distance you travel when you dodge, and i understand that having new animations is difficult at the moment for the development team, so here's a suggestion, make the character invulnerable to melee/infected attacks for a very small window when you dodge, giving players the ability of timing their dodges to avoid attacks such as the "heavy-attack" from the infecteds, but to balance it, increase the cooldown of the dodge, so it's less spammable, and increase it's stamina consumption. Excellent point. Dodging is bad right now. I'm not sure about an invulnerability buff, but it should be addressed. Dodging is just not practical. I always thought that you should be able to move a further distance. Maybe it should cost less stamina. Maybe it should stun/slow the opponent. 27 minutes ago, Buakaw said: 24) make ads slower: fuck you Unlikely that you could draw an assault rifle, aim it, and be ready to unload automatic fire in real life as fast as you can in DayZ right now. Many of these suggestions are really good. A lot of easy QoL suggestions. No huge reworks asked for here. Great thread! Since we have a list of things going, I'd add tripwires, craftable burlap strips, and a no structure building zone within X meters of a raised flag. 😛 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buakaw 274 Posted May 30, 2021 16 minutes ago, Parazight said: Unlikely that you could draw an assault rifle, aim it, and be ready to unload automatic fire in real life as fast as you can in DayZ right now. drawing the weapon is an entirely different story. there is nothing wrong with the current ADS animation in my eyes. I have shot guns in service, handled guns for sport shooting and played with toy guns. Raising your gun and aiming that fast is absolutely doable. even faster is doable, too. slower ADSing will just A. make the game feel clunkier and B. give further advantage to a defending/holding player, of which they already naturally have plenty of and gained even more with the addition of bullet stun locks. in a game where you might lose hours/days of progress upon death I especially see no reason to slow ADS down. When your life is on the line you wont take long to raise the one tool that will guarantee your survival - unless you are sleep deprived and starving perhaps. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Masgel 48 Posted May 30, 2021 I can see the disease indicator actually working, BUT only if there's proper separation of 3PP softcore and 1PP hardcore playstyles, whenever that might be, with former getting the indicators for a more casual/learning experience. Speaking of which, I still think that casual and hardcore modes should be a lot more differentiated apart from a simple viewpoint. Now yes, it's gonna split the playerbase, but it will at least help with player numbers in general, not to mention people can transition from one to the other whenever they want. At the end of the day, DayZ is a game, not a lifestyle, no matter how much you might try to funny it up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amadieus 316 Posted May 30, 2021 Some good points in here. I agree with almost all of them. Not a fan of point 4 and 5 though. If grenades explode while wearing them on the vest, nobody would wear them there anymore. And I like how police cars function as the heli crash site right now. What BI should do is make the MP5 only spawn on police cars, like it was back at 0.62. Makes the car wrecks more interesting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PoweredByte 8 Posted May 30, 2021 really really good suggestions, but you kinda forgot Cars 😅 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xdc-the-doc 1 Posted May 30, 2021 Amazing list... all sound awesome to me. Can you please apply for a job with the team Asmondian???? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KommanderWar-94971bcb672f9055 26 Posted May 31, 2021 I think footprints would be an essential mechanic, and honestly it is not difficult to put footprints, unless the engine of this game is totally broken. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cookoff013 27 Posted June 3, 2021 i kinda agree with most, but there needs to be serious balance. some of my thoughts Tearing up chickens could be implimented, maybe have to wash hands twice? Radios are cool. Need more range. most radios can use repeater towers. There are lots in game. Dont like the dead player blood use, sounds tacky. Forget zeroing sound effects. Sounds naff. More stuff happening at appartments.. helicopter crash sites with a radio beep. really cool idea. i wanted to burn down bases with petrol and matches. alot of light and smoke, 2 jerry cans needed. metal iron inhibits burning. improvised trip wire + grenade, stun grenade or flaregun.. snare for players. maybe have a few random infected running around like wolves. Bird scarer bangers on a fuse. ignite, put down and wait 1minute for 30 seconds of loud bangs. to distract z or players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cookoff013 27 Posted June 4, 2021 (edited) On 5/30/2021 at 5:51 AM, Buakaw said: drawing the weapon is an entirely different story. there is nothing wrong with the current ADS animation in my eyes. I have shot guns in service, handled guns for sport shooting and played with toy guns. Raising your gun and aiming that fast is absolutely doable. even faster is doable, too. slower ADSing will just A. make the game feel clunkier and B. give further advantage to a defending/holding player, of which they already naturally have plenty of and gained even more with the addition of bullet stun locks. in a game where you might lose hours/days of progress upon death I especially see no reason to slow ADS down. When your life is on the line you wont take long to raise the one tool that will guarantee your survival - unless you are sleep deprived and starving perhaps. i have too. the only changes that keep cropping up are shotguns, it is frustrating. they should be the fastest handling guns ever. rifles are way different. the other part thats annoying are slugs, they are totally nerfed. shotgun "00" buckshot is a powerful short range cartridge. shotgun slugs should be even more devestating but maybe under 100m. shotgun slugs weigh 600 odd grains of weight, .223 weigh about 60 grains? both at different speeds though. shotgun slugs can take out extremely large game targets. the shock factor of slugs should be alot higher against body armor compared. so 50m for buckshot maximum, lethal up close, less lethal at 50-75m, medium shock damage at 50m +range. 100m for slugs maximum, lethal up close, and touch less lethal at 100m. high shock damage. i liked the 1.10 updates, because shotguns were about right. rifles are for 100yards +. i hope they increase the range of radios, it will give a little more interaction for lone survivors. there are radio towers and most radios use repeaters so range shouldnt be short. i also like the idea of a scan channel, when anyone speaks on the radio, anyone listening on scan, will hear white noise (scan channel function) , then they can change the radio to the exact frequency ! its not private, but thats radios. player interaction will be beneficial to the game. we`d have to turn off the radio before entering towns, to stop radio chatter / noise attracting infected. it would bring in "lone wolf", "squads", "survivors", to interactions. thats what the game is about, interactions, whether it is an M4 at 200m or a radio at 50km. having the ability to craft leather clothes wouldnt go a miss in days. Shoes should last longer. i liked the idea of using a shirt or tee shirt as an insulation having the ability to make bows and arrows, even for simple hunting and taking down infected. most of the suggestions can be very simply implemented. Edited June 4, 2021 by cookoff013 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derleth 1357 Posted June 4, 2021 (edited) On 5/30/2021 at 6:51 AM, Buakaw said: drawing the weapon is an entirely different story. there is nothing wrong with the current ADS animation in my eyes. I have shot guns in service, handled guns for sport shooting and played with toy guns. Raising your gun and aiming that fast is absolutely doable. even faster is doable, too. slower ADSing will just A. make the game feel clunkier and B. give further advantage to a defending/holding player, of which they already naturally have plenty of and gained even more with the addition of bullet stun locks. in a game where you might lose hours/days of progress upon death I especially see no reason to slow ADS down. When your life is on the line you wont take long to raise the one tool that will guarantee your survival - unless you are sleep deprived and starving perhaps. The point is not to make it frustratingly slow though, just to make weapon types matter. Currently there is little or no difference between raising a Mosin and an IJ70. Long guns are heavy and unwieldy, there needs to be more inertia to them. (Not just to ADS, the way players can spin around with a rifle raised is silly). You can definitely raise your rifle quickly - especially if carried half raised - but doing so and immediately getting off an accurate shot is another matter. So sure, let the ads animation be quick - but focusing in and getting control of the sway should be slower the longer/heavier the weapon is. Then you can get off a desperate and inaccurate shot in a clinch. Edited June 4, 2021 by Derleth 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites