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Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

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So, 0.60.133516 was just released on Stable branch. This does mean that all character/persistence data from 0.59 has been wiped (as with every Stable update), but we hope you'll enjoy 0.60 of course!

Known issues for 0.60:

  • Status indicators not updating properly (problem was found server-side, should be fixed now)
  • Vehicles suddenly stop moving when in close proximity to each other
  • Throwing items can cause the character to fall over
  • Alpha to coverage settings can cause visual bugs on trees and grass
  • Ammo inside the chamber of firearms disappear after repainting (not new in 0.60, but many duplicate bug reports appeared on the feedback tracker)

As always, please do file all those bugs that you find on the Feedback Tracker

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Is rangefinder showing 7m bug fixed? And that annoying scope borders bug?

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When do you release the patchnotes? :) I am co-leader of the biggest dayz community on facebook in germany, and they are so hyped for patchlogs and news about 0.60! I can't describe that.

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  On 6/15/2016 at 7:19 PM, rollingkaspi3000 said:

When do you release the patchnotes? :) I am co-leader of the biggest dayz community on facebook in germany, and they are so hyped for patchlogs and news about 0.60! I can't describe that.

Ask @Tatanko, he will make unofficial change log

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  On 6/15/2016 at 7:26 PM, igor-vk said:

Ask @Tatanko, he will make unofficial change log

Thanks for your answer, i know him already :) i hope that the official ones are coming soon, the unofficials are already put on my website. :)

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Why are ALL of the .60 servers password-protected?

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Does anyone know why Fragnet servers are still not updated to .60? The service is still disabled.

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yayyyyyy *uninstalls all other games, calls off work sick*

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Wooo, sweet!

Great work devs!

I'm super psyched for .61 experimental too!

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I'm getting worse FPS in the wilderness. Anyone else experiencing this? I don't think I dropped below 38FPS in big cities. Most of the time I was in the 50s or topping out at 60. In the wilderness I'm going as low as 22, where it becomes noticeable.

Just wondering if anyone had any ideas why or if they were experiencing the same thing.

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Me and my friend are both getting way worse FPS then on .59. My computer isn't the best but it's definitely not bad (costed around 1k) and his is a higher end computer that he had built for him (costed him about 3k). Anyone else having this problem? I've actually had to lower my settings even more then .59 and still have way worse FPS. Not to mention I lagged my way through 3 or 4 cities and only found 1 can of food which is pretty BS lol

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  On 6/15/2016 at 8:09 PM, lust said:

I am getting an error when I try to launch with the new update... :c
What do I do?


Well, first update graphic drivers and windows drivers - try to re-install dayz it might fix it -

also post your pc spec. 

Edited by ori42

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Hi everyone! I don't understand why I can't join a public server because all of them needs passwords. What I have to do? Thanks for help

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Frustratingly, it would seem as though the small handful of currently-available servers are password-protected. Yeouch! Hope that gets sorted out soon.

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is there a way to turn down the color saturation?  everything looks like illustrations in a childrens' book.

and I'm getting only 20-30 fps.  wasn't his new renderer supposed to give better performance?  the 20-30 I have now is with lower settings than I used in .59.

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  On 6/15/2016 at 10:05 PM, Alex94cz said:

Hi everyone! I don't understand why I can't join a public server because all of them needs passwords. What I have to do? Thanks for help

hi there a public branch server shouldn`t require a pw. 

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  On 6/15/2016 at 10:27 PM, ori42 said:

hi there a public branch server shouldn`t require a pw. 

That's... sort of a useless comment, since it still stands that public branch servers are currently password-protected.

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SOS!!! I cant seem to see my hunger status, thirst status or my ranging! It just doesnt show up in my inventory and when I press page up/down. Please help!

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Thanks for answers. do you know how long we have to wait to have servers without password?

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  On 6/15/2016 at 10:05 PM, Alex94cz said:

Hi everyone! I don't understand why I can't join a public server because all of them needs passwords. What I have to do? Thanks for help

While in the server browser, click the Filter button at the bottom of the screen. Find the option that says "Show passworded only" and make sure that box is not checked... if it is checked, uncheck it.

Edited by Tatanko

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yeah the new server filters make no sense.  there's an option to only see the passworded ones (can't think of a circumstance where that would be useful to anyone) but no option to filter OUT the ones you can't enter (useful for everyone).

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