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PAX take-aways

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OK guys, if we put our collective heads together, what did you take away from the PAX East twitch? Heres what I heard Hicks say....

For .60

1. No new weapons

2. No new vehicles

3. Vehicles are still broke

4. No loot on zombies

5. FAL will accept optics

6. Guns can spawn with attachments

7. Camo building will not spawn loot

8. Burnt out vehicles will not spawn loot

9. No Tisy military base

10. No new audio

11. Persistence will remain 8 days.



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Zombies can now hurdle fences.   Not sure about climbing ladders.   But seriously...   @.@

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- reworked Tulga, Elektro and Cherno

- infected in many different looks (I don't know if they are confirmed for .60)

- new UI (and menu)

edit: and no eta for .60

Edited by c4p
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3 minutes ago, shinjuru said:

Zombies can now hurdle fences.   Not sure about climbing ladders.   But seriously...   @.@

I saw that. I thought it was pretty cool.

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I didn't watch that much of it, only about the first hour and that's all I really got a sense of.

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I thought Hicks said Tisy base was in, just no contamination?

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10 minutes ago, BeefBacon said:

I thought Hicks said Tisy base was in, just no contamination?

I may have misheard but while he was talking to Jam I thought he said there were no military locations added .  If I'm wrong I apologize.

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I thought it's exactly what was to be expected- renderer and ui.

Zombie animations are cool.

He said tisy would be put in in stages. Think there may be some buildings there atm or a more defined structure for where things will go but I'm not 100%.


I thought it looked good and fluid.

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The zombies looked nice. Ignoring the grey ones, of course, it was pretty cool to see them vaulting over stuff. Combine that with the animation they showcased of a zombie knocking down a door and it seems that zombies will become a lot more manoeuvrable.

Frame rate was hard to tell, but it looked pretty stable. There were a few massive frame drops but besides those incidents it looked like a pretty solid frame rate across the board.

The fog was nice, but I would have loved to have seen how it looked from a hilltop. A lot of people seemed to think it was just a lower view distance, but really the fog is volumetric. Lower altitudes have a layer of fog. The coast is the lowest (I assume) so it has a lot of fog. Awesome, and it looked lovely, but it should have been shown off.

UI is okay. It doesn't seem all that different from before, it's just got a new skin. It doesn't make very good use of space, so hopefully it's not by any means final. The hotbar colours were a little bit garish.

Random items in containers and random weapon attachments is a good.

No new weapons is disappointing. I've never found a FAL or an VSS or anything even remotely fancy, but it's cool knowing those weapons are out there. Hardly the end of the world, though.

Carrying backpacks (and seemingly any item) in hands is good.


It seems a lot of new features are dependent on things like the player controller. When these foundational features are in, I expect we'll see a lot of things like diseases, new animal AI, stamina and so on. I get the impression that a big hurdle has been passed, so .61 might see more tangible progress.

Maybe we'll see .60 next week. Maybe.

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21 minutes ago, igor-vk said:

A lot less than we expected  :(

Personally, it's a lot more than I expected, as Hicks had said " Only the renderer is confirmed for 0.60".

I didn't expect more, so I'm really glad Cherno, Elektro and Tulga got their updates, and the new loot system looks far more interesting.

We NEED the new player controller for all new animations, interactions with the environment and most new mechanics. 

Didn't watch the stream, but from what has been shared, I look forward to 0.60 experimental.

Edited by odin_lowe
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13 minutes ago, BeefBacon said:

The zombies looked nice. Ignoring the grey ones, of course, it was pretty cool to see them vaulting over stuff. Combine that with the animation they showcased of a zombie knocking down a door and it seems that zombies will become a lot more manoeuvrable.

Frame rate was hard to tell, but it looked pretty stable. There were a few massive frame drops but besides those incidents it looked like a pretty solid frame rate across the board.

The fog was nice, but I would have loved to have seen how it looked from a hilltop. A lot of people seemed to think it was just a lower view distance, but really the fog is volumetric. Lower altitudes have a layer of fog. The coast is the lowest (I assume) so it has a lot of fog. Awesome, and it looked lovely, but it should have been shown off.

UI is okay. It doesn't seem all that different from before, it's just got a new skin. It doesn't make very good use of space, so hopefully it's not by any means final. The hotbar colours were a little bit garish.

Random items in containers and random weapon attachments is a good.

No new weapons is disappointing. I've never found a FAL or an VSS or anything even remotely fancy, but it's cool knowing those weapons are out there. Hardly the end of the world, though.

Carrying backpacks (and seemingly any item) in hands is good.


It seems a lot of new features are dependent on things like the player controller. When these foundational features are in, I expect we'll see a lot of things like diseases, new animal AI, stamina and so on. I get the impression that a big hurdle has been passed, so .61 might see more tangible progress.

Maybe we'll see .60 next week. Maybe.

I would have liked it if they talked about *another* over-hyped thing.. dynamic weather.. and actually had the server show some... since they've talked about the simul-weather program for a while now.. how their implementing that into dayz.. for dynamic weather *rain/fog/snow?/blistering heat.. so clothing actually becomes an issue.. if you run up north wearing full ttsko.. you'll probably faint due to heat stroke... or freeze your ass off if you're running to elektro in the pooring rain wearing only a shirt and canvas pants.

the wall climbing zombies are nice and all.. and the *second* new UI is nice.. but apart from that.. I haven't seen that much 'wow' factor for 5-6 months of work (not knowing how the frames are going to be in stable/did they make the 75-100% improvement?)
for me personally all this stream did was create more confusion/questions then bring some light to the matter... let's be honest here.. (1/3-1/2) of the stuff they said 'could' be in the 0.60 build (after hyping it since january!) ->

DayZ - Predators Teaser Footage

door DayZDevTeam

4 months ago

 ^ this vid.. and it's not there at all.. and there are a number of other things that didn't make the cut.. 
I've watched over an hour of brain and that black dude.. playing dayz.. 'trying' to survive.. and almost dying of starvation/bleeding out.

but for the most part... MEH... dissapointment (again) so I'll check back in a month or 6 people :)

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Honestly, this patch is still probably the largest, and most important patch for DayZ, ever. I took notes while watching the stream and here is everything that I personally took away from it, good and bad:

First off, a list of everything that WILL BE in .60 Patch:

-New Renderer (Weather effects including fog & rain, lighting, water surfaces and improved overall fps peformance and optimization)
-New zombie skins & animations (jumping over obstacles)
-New UI
-Weapons have random chance to spawn attachments and magazines.
-Central Loot economy re-done
-Electro City remodel
-Cherno City remodel
-Tulga remodel
-Items can spawn inside items that have empty space (ie backpacks, pants, etc.)
-Able to carry your backpack
-M4 and AK101 are spawning in this patch. Not really "new" weapons but did not have them in .59
-Manual bolt cycling (great for snipers)
-More Chickens

A lot of the perceived FPS drops were actually drops in the stream itself. If you watch the TV monitors when a drop happens, you can tell that everything freezes at the same time. If it was just an FPS drop, only the game itself would stutter. There was actually very few FPS drops, even in Electro. I can't wait to see for myself what FPS gains there are

My biggest question is about the new military base. I thought Hicks said in the first 30 mins or so of the stream that the military base itself WOULD be there .60, but not the infected area which requires a biohazard suit to enter. I wonder if the military base will actually be implemented in this patch or not?

Here are some things that are confirmed WILL NOT be in .60 patch:

-No new vehicles, or improvements on network performance when vehicles are near each other.
-Items disapearing when you drop them will most likely be an going bug, possibly until release 1.0.
-No character aging, soft skills or new player controller in this patch
-No predator animals in the wilderness in this patch

Overall, I would say there is tangible progress and I can't wait to play on .60

Edited by JBURNS489
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Just to clarify Hicks said that there were no new guns in that version of .60 meaning that in later experimental patches for .60 guns maybe added.

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There aren't any truly new weapons, but the AK101 and M4 will be spawning. They are not spawning in .59. For me, and I am sure others, those are new because I have only played Dayz for 4 months. I have never played the mod either, so I have never seen nor used those weapons.

Edited by JBURNS489

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No dynamic infected spawn yet. :(

^This is so important.... Hicks said he thinks it will be ready for .61.

Infected vaulting over map objects and fences was awesome/terrifying.

No one here mentioned the other blocker we saw (the first being textures on infected not loading).

The lootsplosion in the bathroom of the brick building/construction office/foremans office.

The stream itself ended with 0 fanfare or sign off that I saw, with their internet tanking and them just shutting down.



Edited by ☣BioHaze☣
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14 hours ago, Tigermonk said:

I would have liked it if they talked about *another* over-hyped thing.. dynamic weather..

Hicks mentioned he hoped there'd be some rain. You'd have thought they'd use some sort of debug build to allow them to control the weather. I was watching the Mount and Blade Bannerlord gameplay footage a while back. In that they went along a set path where things were spawned ahead of time, so they weren't running around like headless chickens looking for something to show off. I feel as though maybe there should have been a script or something that meant it'd start raining an hour in, or that a fully working vehicle would spawn in Kamy or something, so they could get around quicker. Instead they just ran along the coast. When they got to Elektro and were able to show off the zombies that was really good, but most of it was just running. It would have been nice to see Cherno as well, but they had technical difficulties - plus... Jamjar? And the other one? Anthony? Whoever. They were sort of pissing about a bit. That's fine, but I think Hicks was probably very conscious of the time they had left - that last disconnect they had just before entering Cherno was horribly timed, so that was a shame.

The biggest thing I took away from it was the visual improvements, the steadier frame rate and - unexpectedly - the new zombie behaviour. I never thought zombies would actually be able to vault over obstacles. No longer will I be able to hide behind ankle-high obstructions to avoid ravenous zombies.

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8 minutes ago, BeefBacon said:

No longer will I be able to hide behind ankle-high obstructions to avoid ravenous zombies.

Much Sad..

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My PAX take-away was Astrogaming was pretty quiet until Brian showed and fired up Dayz.  It was nice to see Dayz still draws a crowd.  At the first sight of the new zombies everyone just looked at each other and smiled :)

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55 minutes ago, BeefBacon said:

I never thought zombies would actually be able to vault over obstacles. No longer will I be able to hide behind ankle-high obstructions to avoid ravenous zombies.

Actually this should be a thing. If there not zombies they have to be slightly smarter than your average shambler and even than if they were not super smart they should still be able to stumble over obsticles and pull themselves up and over easy objects to get to ppl. It also makes ppl have to utilize stealth tactics, suppressor's, improvised water bottle suppressor's and bows/crossbows more often. Its a good thing because those weapons and utility are barely used in game by players now except for RP elemental fun.

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When is plan for base building? I feel like having dejavu reporting similar loot bug issues compare to previous older versions of Dayz. ))


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On 25-4-2016 at 2:12 PM, ori42 said:

When is plan for base building? I feel like having dejavu reporting similar loot bug issues compare to previous older versions of Dayz. ))


base building will likely be added when easter and Xmas are on the same day... (ha-ha) no for real.. that might not be added until 0.65... you've seen how long this patch is taking.. I bet the base building (if they want to pull this off as big as they said in the last status update (look around on the forum) that'll take its sweet time.. so don't expect that anytime soon. 0.65 at the very least before we even remotely see that appearing

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