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About thedoctorlome1

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. thedoctorlome1

    found YT channel that showcases upcoming dayz things

    ya after I posted I thought of that, but the saiga 12 seemed pretty legit
  2. https://www.youtube.com/user/TapakaHuLLIe/videos
  3. thedoctorlome1

    PAX take-aways

    Just to clarify Hicks said that there were no new guns in that version of .60 meaning that in later experimental patches for .60 guns maybe added.
  4. thedoctorlome1

    The horror aspect of Dayz

    Thx for all the feed back! But to be clear I am not talking about jump scares but instead the tone and feel of the game. At the moment things feel to happy and easy going, I mean its almost always sunny, the night is never dark, infected aren't scary, and to me it doesn't feel like there is a horror aspect in the game. I think a great example of horror in a survival game is stranded deep, and what I mean by this is that at day the sharks aren't that scary since they are easy to spot, but at night when you hear the music begin to play and your alone on your raft looking down at the pitch black ocean you get chills. This is something dayz needs, those pitch black nights, infected that can scare the player, and some more ambient sound.
  5. thedoctorlome1

    The horror aspect of Dayz

    true but I think there are ways that the devs could utilize night time, zombies, and other things to add the horror aspect to the game.
  6. thedoctorlome1

    The horror aspect of Dayz

    I know that there was another topic like this, but it turned into 3rd person vs 1st person. So what i'm asking is what would you like to see come into the game or be changed that would increase the horror aspect of the game?
  7. thedoctorlome1

    Police Corps, different weapons per area

    I believe when the regional loot spawning system comes into .60 that something like this might happen. Fingers Crossed!
  8. thedoctorlome1

    Zombie in Buidings on Roofs

    I don't about the spawning thing but hordes have been confirmed.
  9. thedoctorlome1

    "Dayz needs to be scarier"

    Came in thinking we could talk about things like how dark it should be at nighttime and such, but sadly you are just another one of those guys wanting 1st person only. JUST PLAY ON 1ST PERSON SERVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. thedoctorlome1

    Player stats shouldn't show players killed

    Okay it truly doesn't matter if a players killed stat is in the game. You guys are thinking to hard about it. Errrr it is a survival game, but it is also a shooter as seen in the countless guns they add to game, but also in the community's enjoyment in the pvp side of the game. The game is supposed to let you play however you like which means someone could kos and someone could build a farm, the game allows for all of it.
  11. thedoctorlome1

    Indoor zombies

    might come with new spawning system. Fingers crossed
  12. thedoctorlome1

    Supprise Map

    Ya Hicks has confirmed that the map makers from the mod have started working on bringing the maps to SA.
  13. thedoctorlome1

    Projected .60 patch notes

    New Renderer New Ui Civilian Van Dirt Bike New infected spawning system Saiga 12k Desert Eagle Chests Bug Fixes, Bug Fixes, Bug Fixes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel free to tell me about things you think will be added!
  14. thedoctorlome1


    A while back in a status report Hicks said the timer would be for 90 days, but would be change so that if the object is not interacted with in 7 days it despawns. The patch for this is likely coming in .60.
  15. thedoctorlome1

    Supprise Map

    The devs have said multiple times that vanilla Dayz will only have CH+