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What you want most in .60? (Choose two. Discuss why.)


73 members have voted

  1. 1. What you want most in .60? (Choose two. Discuss why.)

    • Enhanced Ambience
    • Updated Infected/Dense Populations
    • Nonlethal weaponry
    • Predatory Animals/Larger animal population
    • Vehicles-Aerial/Boats/Bikes
    • Diverse weather effects
    • Object Manipulation/Base-Building

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Just a fun discussion to have :)


I personally want Enhanced Ambience and Updated Infected/Dense populations.

Edited by Espa

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Vehicles and weather.. I'm more of an environmental kidn of guy.

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Vehicles and weather.. I'm more of an environmental kidn of guy.


More rain and muddy impassible roads, please



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Dense population of infected which is a must in the game and more weather effects like snow, storm, flood, extreme cold.

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A wider variety of weather would be nice, I feel like I'm the only one who misses the rain. There was also a post awhile ago that showed a bunch of screen shots from an exp server that was running a very dense fog, I'd love to see this fog happen!

And wider spread infected would be great, I miss running into the little fellas in far off little towns. Denser populations in cities would be nice too.

But honestly if I could only pick one it'd be weather, blue sky's just don't cut it for me haha.

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At time of voting for me, there were 17 votes made.  Not sure if this is total picks or 17 people having voted.  But it was 17 selections across all options.  That suggests someone out there (at least) didn't vote for two, making this a slightly biased poll (to get all statis-sticky)


Picked Vehicles and Zombies. 

Vehicles because i feel you need to work for them, they're fragile, and are easily pilliaged.

Zombies, because it's DayZ.


Ambience i don't really understand.  Is this sound, or just general 'immersion'?  Not really sure so can't vote.  probably wouldn't.

Nonlethal weaponry: there's already a bit there... 0 votes so far though wow.  I feel comfortable with the majority of melee weaponary, although perhaps tweaks to be made for some?

Predatory animals i don't really feel the need to rush.  I know it's coming, and there's too much broken fodder in this game at the moment to poke fun at.  When its done or near to.

Diverse weather effects would be cool, but i think the majority of servers i play on mess with the weather effects anyway.  Not sure if this can be done, or just the consequence of not having it implemented, but every server i play on is just straight up blue skies and corpses.

Edited by q.S Sachiel

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First and foremost I'm a PvE guy, so I voted for weather and predatory animals. Zeds are a close third.

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I Absolutely love weather effects. Rain, thunder, fog, and *crossing fingers* snow, would be amazing. And of course more zombies would be nice.

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I see that weathers creeping up the poles, forget trump, diversified weather 2016!

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Cocaine and hookers wrong forum


Updated Infected/Dense Populations - it's boring without zeds



Diverse weather effects - let's get some survival going

Edited by General Zod

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Need zombies


Need hunting animals (game hunting animals)



'scuse me saying this, but:

a ) Putting "Predatory animals/Larger animal population"  together in one vote is like  putting together  "More Zombie and more Fish"


b ) Please explain what "Enhanced Ambiance" means? 


Does "Enhanced Ambiance" mean including a Motown Soundtrack? Or does it mean you can hide behind car tires and they cause bullet deflection to reduce player hits? Or does it mean grass and tall herbs will never look like a mowed lawn at 70 meters?


Or does it mean incorporating the Creative Labs EAX sound system, and using the EAGLE developer tool -  to create a detailed sound map overlay across the whole of Chernarus, including buildings (interior, exterior, doors, levels) and other in-play audio-effect obstacles (ascribing SQ values to each object instance, or creating larger but detailed "sound polygon areas") - to permit functional 360° audio with distance perception, muffling, occlusion and reflection, to provide players with an advanced (state of the art?) realistic 5.1 in-game audio experience  (which a lot of players want, but IMO would be a real pain in the neck for the BI Devs) ?



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I said predator animals and weather effects ! Gimme wolves please we've waited soooo long !

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Or does it mean incorporating the Creative Labs EAX sound system, and using the EAGLE developer tool -  to create a detailed sound map overlay across the whole of Chernarus, including buildings (interior, exterior, doors, levels) and other in-play audio-effect obstacles (ascribing SQ values to each object instance, or creating larger but detailed "sound polygon areas") - to permit functional 360° audio with distance perception, muffling, occlusion and reflection, to provide players with an advanced (state of the art?) realistic 5.1 in-game audio experience  (which a lot of players want, but IMO would be a real pain in the neck for the BI Devs) ?



Ambience means that^^ obviously.


For .60 I voted for zombies. But the in-game sounds need eventually to be something along the above lines, pain in the devs' necks or otherwise. Need.

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Animals and Z's.  Give us more to fear other than players.  Fewer players? Spawn more NPCs.  :thumbsup:


- Hoards of wolves

- Bears 

- Randomly mass-infected towns 


Idea Time!

Also, how about some more significant external NPCs that are move obvious and drive content.  Currently heli's just appear out of nowhere on restart.  What if a massive C130 circled the map smoking and then crashed down somewhere at random, creating a huge pillar of smoke?  


Players would see this from 1km away or more and be drawn to it to collect loot.  Perhaps only spawn it for 20 players or more on a server or increase the chance of spawning the more players are on a server.  It could have weapons, ammo, perhaps stuff like jeeps coming out the back.  Got to get to it quickly before other players do or before the fire from the crash ruins everything.  


Give us content drivers!

Edited by wacktopia
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I'm missing "base-building" on the list, so I voted non-lethal weaponry and weather. Weather isn't really hard to implement, since it's been functioning before. Getting more vehicles should wait, until they figured out the desync and other issues with vehicles when they are near each other. The amount of time fixing a car that glitched out stands in no proportion to the time I've been using it. Non-lethal weaponry will be fun. I just hope the tasers and the likes are smaller than the pistols, so people consider carrying them at all. Also tranq darts and dart/air rifles will give a new silenced option for takedown and possibly new meaning to some of the weapons that are already in the game.   

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Do we really need a helicopter in DayZ.  I mean, it would make the map feel like postage stamp...


If you're going to put in vehicles think of the pedal bike and the canoe....

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Didn't see "Optimization" on the list. So I choose Vehicles. Still wondering when my beautiful Hilux will be implemented. Hopefully the new renderer will actually fix FPS in cities like they promised. I should be getting well over 60fps in cities and my PC can barely manage 15. 

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Weather for me, and 'ambience' as a proxy for optimisation.


On the first point, it's winter, but the seasons in Chernarus never seem to change. While it thunders occasionally, it certainly doesn't rain much, and I'm constantly overheating because I'm wearing a jacket and t-shirt in winter....can't be right.


I know optimisation will come in Beta, etc, but the experience of much new content (and much of it far from perfect) while this seriously offputting fps issue goes on is not a very comfortable one.

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Need zombies


Need hunting animals (game hunting animals)



'scuse me saying this, but:

a ) Putting "Predatory animals/Larger animal population"  together in one vote is like  putting together  "More Zombie and more Fish"


b ) Please explain what "Enhanced Ambiance" means? 


Does "Enhanced Ambiance" mean including a Motown Soundtrack? Or does it mean you can hide behind car tires and they cause bullet deflection to reduce player hits? Or does it mean grass and tall herbs will never look like a mowed lawn at 70 meters?


Or does it mean incorporating the Creative Labs EAX sound system, and using the EAGLE developer tool -  to create a detailed sound map overlay across the whole of Chernarus, including buildings (interior, exterior, doors, levels) and other in-play audio-effect obstacles (ascribing SQ values to each object instance, or creating larger but detailed "sound polygon areas") - to permit functional 360° audio with distance perception, muffling, occlusion and reflection, to provide players with an advanced (state of the art?) realistic 5.1 in-game audio experience  (which a lot of players want, but IMO would be a real pain in the neck for the BI Devs) ?




Hehe definitely some Motown in there.


But seriously, what I mean is updated forest sounds, night sounds, Zombie vocalizations, different gun sounds - in and outside of buildings, as well as from distances/location.


I mention the last part explicitly because it would really help to be able to tell from what location a gun can be heard with most accuracy. Then we could more easily pick out those who are firing and fire back - Or at least track others.

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