Bootlegbosco 22 Posted December 1, 2015 He talked about this a few posts up. Well that sucks, not that he answered the question already but his answer. Music would add so much to this game IMO. And people could have the option to turn it off. I play the game sometimes with the music from the mod playing in the background and have been looking forward to the addition of music/sfx for waaaay to long. I can honestly say I am disappointed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted December 1, 2015 Well that sucks, not that he answered the question already but his answer. Music would add so much to this game IMO. And people could have the option to turn it off. I play the game sometimes with the music from the mod playing in the background and have been looking forward to the addition of music/sfx for waaaay to long. I can honestly say I am disappointed. Honestly, I think it should have been obvious that music wasn't in the cards. Nothing is more immersion breaking than cellos creeping up out of the mist. We can save that for Resident Evil I think. Anyway, I want to hear EVERY leaf rustle and gravelly footstep. So far as SFX is concerned I would imagine we are getting an entirely new world of sound when the new audio module is merged in. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tomtrustworthy 35 Posted December 1, 2015 Well that sucks, not that he answered the question already but his answer. Music would add so much to this game IMO. And people could have the option to turn it off. I play the game sometimes with the music from the mod playing in the background and have been looking forward to the addition of music/sfx for waaaay to long. I can honestly say I am disappointed. I played the mod but only for a couple minutes just recently. How did the music function in the game? Was it just always playing or would it change as you played to match the intensity? If it just played on a loop, you could just do the same right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bcharlez 2 Posted December 1, 2015 (edited) Hi Hicks I have a question: Will body armour in DayZ ever function realistically (as DayZ is aiming for simulation), or is it down to the modders? The reason I say this, is because firstly: armour such as helmets and plate carriers (assuming they have metal plates in them) should be able to indefinitely absorb low caliber bullets, such as .22, and currently they become ruined after a few shots which realistically would only scratch them. Secondly, a "bounce" mechanic would be realistic - if a bullet hits your helmet at too high of an angle (ie: the top of your head is poking just out of cover and the bullet hits the very top where the armour is at the highest angle), the bullet would ricochet and do little/no damage (perhaps some shock). This could well also apply to chest plates; if you hit someone's chest armour at an angle, it should do nothing and just ricochet. These ideas would add a whole new level to PvP in game, while also being realistic and increasing the value of high-grade military gear. Perhaps even separating metal plates from the plate carrier and making them extra rare to balance them or something similar. Thanks. These things are already in the game. Check the following videos from WOBO: Edited December 1, 2015 by bcharlez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whale 1 Posted December 1, 2015 (edited) These things are already in the game. Check the following videos from WOBO: I have seen these videos, and Wobo doesn't talk about armour ricochet potential, because there is none, only on certain world objects.Also, armour degrading every time it's hit by something that should realistically not do any damage is shown in the video, and my post covers how this shouldn't be the case.In addition, I have no problem with the damage system, I think it's actually really good. Edited December 1, 2015 by WH4LE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emuthreat 2837 Posted December 1, 2015 60 minute clean up on non base building type objects is fully intended. The economy needs to keep rotating to keep fresh.This is garbage! When trying to get a vehicle put together, even with a partner, it is difficult to organize all the parts; this is severely compounded by items not persisting in the world for long enough to arrange for temporary storage and transport them on foot. When I can't run back to Kabanino from Rogovo and pick up a sedan tire that I passed 40 minutes ago, because it has despawned and turned into a can of black spraypaint, I get furious with the game. This type of thing is immersion-breaking in the way that it makes you stop what you are doing and realize that a malformed game mechanic just rudely interrupted your experience. How much hope is there for these types of things getting more balanced-out as the game progresses? To phrase that question more precisely, how much flexibility is being incorporated into CLE cleanup practices regarding regions, various different item categories, and how complex are item tags? For instance, is it possible for items to "perceive" if a player has come within 5 meters of them, and then have their cleanup clock modified based on the type of item and possibly the region/terrain in which it is located or placed? It is very distracting when looting a town, and I cannot run to a barrel in the treeline to make room for an item, without knowing whether it will still be there, based on how long ago it had originally spawned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sellingthewind 5 Posted December 1, 2015 I am sorry if I am too late to the party. I thought it was cool the first few times when the infected made the swinging sounds. Is this going to be a permanent sound effect? I do not think this sound fits the infected, but would like to hear your thoughts mr.Hicks. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterWu 0 Posted December 1, 2015 (edited) Hey, I have some questions. 1. Can you maybe tell something about the progress of the megaphone?2. I would love to see an option that a player can handcuff himself. I think one could make interesting hold ups on an 1on1 situation: The "attacker player" may drop some handcuffs/rope/duct tape on the floor and asks his victim nicely (while pointing a gun at him) to handcuff himself. This way, the attacker player is safe to arrest his victim. Currently, the attacker can be easily knocked out, while trying to handcuff someone. Any chances for this? It may reduce KOS. What do you think?3. On a scale between 1-10 (1 = little where you want the Zombie A.I. to be; 10 = pretty much where you want the Zombie A.I. to be). Which number would you currently assign? Edited December 1, 2015 by misterWu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aavil 1 Posted December 1, 2015 Generally I've got one question. Everything else you do it well and I trust you.Then Dean had hope for Linux native client. After so much time and no information about porting, do you, guys, still want to do it?If yes, is it long term task similar to PS port?Cheers! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coheed_IV 381 Posted December 1, 2015 (edited) Thanks for answering questions! I have one. Sometime back it was said that you were investigating the possiblity of using seperated hands. So something like dual weilding pistols might fall under that. But more importantly, how is crafting going to work? 1) Will we be able to hold a stick in left and rags in right, then craft splint with both hands? 2) Or will we be placing the stick on the ground, and then holding rags in hands to craft splint? 3) Will there be new stances like kneeling when crafting or similar to A3 military stances, but survial specific? 3) Does the console controller come into play when designing these mechanics and UI? 4) Will we always be picking up items with no physical representation in game (ie. dragging from vacinity with no picking up item or item disappearing when using aciton) ? Edited December 2, 2015 by Coheed_IV Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bororm 1156 Posted December 2, 2015 Dear Brian Hicks,When are you guys going to get rid of the floating crosshair, or at least reduce its effectiveness for aiming, or alternatively make it a server option instead? The game has turned into a hipfiring arcadey shooter. Sincerely,Bororm P.S.Still waiting on pulling chickens out of chicken coops. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted December 2, 2015 1) Its been considered - (Fake death) however to be honest, I wouldn't classify it a top priority. As far as imitating the walk / stumble of an infected - unlike something like The Walking Dead or Shaun of the Dead - our infected just aren't that gullible ;)2) Yup! We've mentioned this before. Definitely going to include boats, as well as fixed wing aircraft!3) We just don't think the TOH flight model/controls work for DayZ. We'd like it to be a little more complex than Arma 2 - but not too much. We're already increasing the barrier to entry via required parts and operational fluids.4) We've actually been looking at this internally - we would definitely like to allow this, its going to have to be relooked at when some of the major engine work gets merged in towards the begining of next year. Keep your eyes peeled on the SRs.5) Player faces getting dirty is something we looked at for lifespan (especially for characters that cannot grow beards like females) - we're more than likely going to end up talking in more detail about this when said major engine changes begin to be merged over and our toolset expands.6) Definitively no. Sleep seemed like an interesting idea - but it just put the player in too many situations we weren't comfortable with. That said, Enforce Script should EASILY allow modders to do just that!7) I hope you understand when I say I don't want to talk about the electricity system -right now-. Peter and the design team have put a lot of work into it, and I'd like to let them talk about it when they have something to show you all.8) Honestly - I don't expect to see such a sharp change to animations and behavior for infected like that at this point. The focus is optimization in server cost, navmesh compliance, expanding the models, allowing them to be looted/etc, and generally just improving their existing behavior.9) I can safely say I have not considered a soccer ball.10) We definitely are interested in, and working on expanding the wound/damage repair mechanics when it comes to player damage, limbs, bleeding and so on. Some of those changes are still somewhat fluid as the design team is working on them - and waiting on accompanying tech to make it to the main branch - so, patience.11) Yes - and infact, the DayZ Flies will eventually make a return. It has not been a focus so far, but most certainly yes. We want the decay of corpses to feel organic and not just blink out of existence.12) Simply put - because we haven't expanded that area of resource management just yet ;)13) It behaved this way for a great deal of time - if it does not now, then it needs to be written up as a bug!14) No actually, we haven't looked at changing the control scheme -in that way-. I'm currently happy with the existing method of zooming in / zooming out. That could change however, as we're still in development.15) I honestly do not expect so, no sir.16) Peter and I both would love to be able to do this - but we'll have to wait to see if it is possible on the new animation system and paired player controller.Thank you so much Brian. Some of those question haven't had a proper answer for months if not years :) That's why they got stacked so numerous in Russian community (yes I collect most interesting of them and wait for a chance to ask the team). We have another 20-30 pending. I'll be releasing them in small doses. I appreciate your work and value your time, so I won't make another wall of text next time, because I fear you just get tired of such massive Q&A and run away :) No one wants it. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhiteZero 72 Posted December 2, 2015 (edited) 7) Right now we don't have plans (within 1.0) to look at this, that said - development of DayZ is planned to continue for at least five years past 1.0 so the sky is the limit! Hicks, I gotta ask, when did it go from "at least 10 years" of continued development to "at least 5 years?" Edited December 2, 2015 by WhiteZero Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackberrygoo 1416 Posted December 2, 2015 (edited) Hicks, I gotta ask, when did it go from "at least 10 years" of continued development to "at least 5 years?" Probably when they realized ten years is a ridiculous amount of time to work on one game lol.... They could easily stop after 5 years (after 1.0 release) as long as a sequel was in the works ... I can't wait to see how it turns out , we all know this is gonna be a hit considering the amount of people that are so passionate about the game coming through the forums alone (positive or negative) .. Just imagine this game still being worked on ten years after release ; the most in-depth , ridiculously detailed, freest open world zombie game ever (most likely with virtual reality support at this point ). I'm gonna go ahead and say five extra years is plenty . Edited December 2, 2015 by Grapefruit kush 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vasyaka 3 Posted December 2, 2015 (edited) Brian, can I ask you 2 questions?1. be night of the dark? without the possibility of increasing brightness.that was the need for torches, lamps and other lighting products.2. whether the cold days? been meaning to look for warm clothes, jackets, sweaters and hats? Maybe it planned the change of seasons?Thank you!!! Edited December 2, 2015 by vasyaka Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barnabus 1708 Posted December 2, 2015 (edited) 1) Nope - we're still testing!But, but, we needs love. :blush: Pretend we is from Mizzou and need a "Safe Space" Edited December 2, 2015 by Barnabus 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted December 2, 2015 i also wanted to ask a more general question: i expect that all buildings could be refered to "objects" from a "class" building or maybe even different "classes" (military building, civil building etc.). However, the same type of building all over the map is existing once within the game files as blueprint or "class".I would now also expect all these static objects within these buildings (beds, tables, closets, etc.) to be part of these blueprints as well. based on that assumption:would changing the position of a table1 in class building then also change the positions of tableX in all objects buildingX ? So e.g. all front desks in all hospitals and/or hotels have a too narrow space to get behind them easily. Could this minor issue therefore be changed by just changing the position in their blueprints? sorry for all you programmers out there if that seems to be a bit of a rubbish ;) but i hope i could get across the gist of my question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted December 2, 2015 (edited) Hicks, I gotta ask, when did it go from "at least 10 years" of continued development to "at least 5 years?" years to v1.0 and 5 years past v1.0 is 10 years :D OK seriously. The 10 years is likely high optimistic scope and the 5 years is the realistic "minimum" scope. You can hear HIcks saying in the RTX video @27:10 that he believes DayZ will remain relevant because of modding for at least 5 years if not 10. 10 years is likely a plan also and 5 years is likely more official. Edited December 2, 2015 by St. Jimmy 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bootlegbosco 22 Posted December 2, 2015 Honestly, I think it should have been obvious that music wasn't in the cards. Nothing is more immersion breaking than cellos creeping up out of the mist. We can save that for Resident Evil I think. Anyway, I want to hear EVERY leaf rustle and gravelly footstep. So far as SFX is concerned I would imagine we are getting an entirely new world of sound when the new audio module is merged in. You can't say it was obviously not in the cards when they have a music bar in the audio settings :P Also if there is better sounds added in that will be great. All I can say is walking around at night in the mod with the music going kept me on my toes more than anything. I really enjoyed it. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Komalt 27 Posted December 2, 2015 Another question. Early on in the development process Dean "Rocket" Hall was adamantly saying how diseases would play a big part in the game. Such as diseases being more prevalent in cities and viruses spreading through player contact and even human waste being a factor. I know getting sick from water will be possible but I'm wondering if this vision of a more hospitable hardcore take on diseases like described by Dean Hall is still considered for development? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hicks_206 (DayZ) 4297 Posted December 5, 2015 Hi Hicks, thanks for another QA. First off, I'd like to say, amazing work with the recent 0.59 experimental builds. I logged 400 hours between 12/13 release and 4/14. I'm coming back from a long break since then and it's nice to see how far CLE, persistence, zombies, vehicles, and desync have come. I could ask a million questions, but right now my main ones follow: 1) Despite how great of an experience the current 0.59 exp is, the extended night-time and accelerated day-time really detracts from it in my opinion. Will you be tuning the day/night cycle for experimental any time soon? Why not 1 hr real time = 2 hr game time, so that a 12 hr session mimics a full day in-game? 2) Will the 12 hr up-time we see in 0.59 experimental be enforced in stable when it gets pushed, or will it be dependent on the admins' choice for that server, similar to time acceleration? The constant restarts really break immersion and I didn't notice much of a performance hit with the 12 hr duration in experimental. 3) Are there any plans for giving players a queueing system for entering a server that is filled? And when are 75-man servers making a return? Edit: I just realized this question was asked in your QA last time and you said: Any updates since then on the development of the queuing system? If not 0.59 stable can we hope for something in 0.60 exp? 4) As is currently stands, the throwing physics in-game consists of a mixture of old and new tech, which still results in a very crude placeholder system. When will we see a newer more robust system taking over the legacy stuff? It is still near impossible to tell where an object lands when you throw it with the current system. 5) How is work going on the updated ambient sfx? When can we expect to see this implemented? Will this include a fix for hearing the ocean from across the map? 6) What is the current vs planned status for randomizing door states, gun conditions, and chance of ammo spawning with guns? 7) We saw a sneak peak of the motorbike recently. Any plans for the return of the non-motorized bicycle from the mod? What about skateboards, scooters (motorized or not), or other small mounted methods of getting around? When boats come in, will there be motorized AND non-motorized options? 8) How would you like the idea of players being able to man a handcar on the railroads for an alternative means of getting around the map? I think it's time we put the tracks to good use! 9) How is internal work on the new ui and server browser going? When can we expect to see more updates on those from the design team? The performance enhancement is great but functionality-wise and aesthetically they are still very lacking. 10) Currently you can fall off of a set of stairs, hurt your leg and foot, and ruin your pants (and everything inside of the pants) and shoes. Are there any plans for distinguishing between fall damage and weapon damage? I understand the leg and foot hurting if you fall, but I don't think it should always result in ruined pants and shoes. 11) Any chance to get a spawning system that lets you choose a region but still adds randomness to where in that region you spawn? It's god awful trying to meet up with newbie friends now. I feel like you can give players some control over where they spawn and still not entirely sacrifice the random nature of exactly where. 12) On that note, are there any plans for expanding upon the current armband technique for improvised buddy systems in-game to keep track of friends or represent your clan? 13) Any news on player-controlled regions and how that would affect spawning? 14) Right now, the current player migration behavior being instilled is spawning on the east/south-east coast and heading inland towards the northwest. Does the team have any plans for re-incentivizing visiting the northeast ? Any plans to spruce up the lackluster east coast so it's not just a marathon sprint to Berezino or Elektro? 15) Any plans for implementing player mental states like in Project Zomboid? I'd be interested in seeing a player need to sleep, have interactions with others, smoke cigarettes, or play mini-games like darts to retain sanity. Edit: I saw a question about sleep being answered with a NO from you: I am interested to hear your thoughts on those other things, however. Mental states like panic might make your heart beat fast and have high chance to faint or something in a fight, or reduced player interaction maybe making you hallucinate. 16) When will things like flu and accompanying symptoms like fever/chills join the two diseases currently in the game? Cheers! 1) Settings on accelerated time are functional - per server settings are really up to the admins.2) When it comes to community run servers - they run whatever they want to ;) Officials should be running a moderately accelerated setting that allows for folks to experience both day and night during a standard play session.3) Looks like you found that answer ;) As well - existing issues with server perf drops during player connections should be resolved when the queuing system is put in place.4) This is really dependant upon the engine team completing the feature set of the new physics within the title - once we have parity, they can start shutting off the legacy usages - and thus the server can stop trying to operate both systems.5) Last I spoke with our Audio Designer on this - he was actually beginning to prep for replacement of the original ambiance - he just didn't want to do it right before we pushed .596) Door states should persist - however weapon spawning randomization is next up on the task list for the portion of the programming team responsible for the CLE and associated systems. Regional control was a priority first, and then more than likely - a deployable servlet package that can be used for mods.7) There are no plans for skateboards or scooters. The bicycle is actually damn near complete right now! Of course boats will be coming as well, but we haven't shown just yet what variants we'll be using.8) I don't think thats within what we're aiming to do. <39) I feel like a broken record. Of course it is not visually pleasing - as there is little to no design or skinning work done. You're looking at something so very much WIP you actually have to opt in via a not exactly well known start up switch. The only thing its ready for test wise is major issues such as client crashes, etc - Once it is the default UI we can start looking at being concerned with how it looks. 10) We've actually spoken about this in moderate detail several times before. The damage system and player controller both are being replaced - and thus will have a major impact on how things such as this are handled. Including proper falling support rather than just dropping straight down like a board and breaking your bones in the process.11) We currently have no plans to replace the existing randomization of spawn with a selectable one.12) Within the scope of the initial 1.0 - probably not. That said, past the base game - there is a lot of room for refinement, and iteration - just like has occured for Arma 2 and 3.13) This is definitely something that has been on my mind - and we haven't had time to address it yet. Exactly where we end up with this depends on Peter and I sitting down and coming to an agreement. So, I don't have anything new to tell you on this right now - however, keep your ears peeled.14) Sprinting to those towns is -entirely- optional, not required at all. If players want to do that, they do it - but the supplies available there are not much different than any other near-spawn region town. If anything, the incentive is to head inland.16) Further expanding systems that are already at their initial implementation (such as diseases and transfer) will be stuff handled later on - towards the beta phase. Once a base feature is implemented, we try not to spend too much time working on it during this phase - and move on the the next. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espa 711 Posted December 5, 2015 Snipysnip Hey there Hicks! Good answers! Lots of good stuff to look forward to! I'm rather new to this scene, but I've posted a rather extensive suggestion list of certain improvements and such. I would LOVE to get an admin's idea on such things! If I'm way off base or right on the money would be lovely to know hehe. If you find time, look it over and leave it a comment if you see some lovelies :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ime42 0 Posted December 8, 2015 (edited) Any suggestions about publish server statistic? what we can to publish and what we cant? Edited December 8, 2015 by ime42 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alheira 4 Posted December 9, 2015 (edited) Hi Hicks, I'd just like to say hi and like many others before me thank you for taking your time with us, I just have one question you answered but i'd like to know more of. 14) Sprinting to those towns is -entirely- optional, not required at all. If players want to do that, they do it - but the supplies available there are not much different than any other near-spawn region town. If anything, the incentive is to head inland. The question was 14) Right now, the current player migration behavior being instilled is spawning on the east/south-east coast and heading inland towards the northwest. Does the team have any plans for re-incentivizing visiting the northeast ? Any plans to spruce up the lackluster east coast so it's not just a marathon sprint to Berezino or Elektro? To bold out, are there any plans to revitalize the northeast? Edited December 9, 2015 by dronecaptn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites