Parazight 1606 Posted May 31, 2015 You must be really slow. :P Though it might not happen it's still interesting to know how people feel about it. However, there is no reason to remove third person. Peeking can be fixed by other means.It's true, I can be really slow. Personally, I play and enjoy both. 1PP and 3PP. I can't imagine the game will attract more consumers if they remove 3pp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted May 31, 2015 wow ! " most are just blowing hot air " ? lmfao - are you real ? Has rust's player counts dropped since it removed TPV ? No it actually more than tripled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted May 31, 2015 Has rust's player counts dropped since it removed TPV ?No it actually more than tripled.No it didn't.,221100,295110,251570#6m Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted May 31, 2015 No it didn't.,221100,295110,251570#6m Fine they doubled since the TPV removal in late Feb. Not saying that was the sole reason for the increase but it just goes to show that removing TPV will have little to no impact on the player numbers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted May 31, 2015 (edited) Fine they doubled since the TPV removal in late Feb.Not saying that was the sole reason for the increase but it just goes to show that removing TPV will have little to no impact on the player numbers.Not that either. Hover over the chart for specific dates. I am a Rust player, dude. 600 hours. The numbers dropped from Feb 1st and only improved when rock bases became viable, performance increased, new features were added and a good raiding balance was achieved. Then Garry added ladders and the numbers dropped again, probably because it is too easy raid and too hard to protect your base. Edited May 31, 2015 by scriptfactory Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THESTANAG 0 Posted June 1, 2015 People who don't like third person just can't adapt to the advanced tactics required, then claim there are no tactics involved and that it's unfair. I'm sure there's no strategy involved in any RTS game because they all have bird's eye views right? It's about playing that extra step ahead of your opponent, given the extra information you have. Advantages are created due to positioning, regardless of the camera. But it's easier to cry and wish the game would change for you, so you don't have to. Learn to play. The most intelligent response on this subject yet. Beans for you sir. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted June 1, 2015 (edited) People who don't like third person just can't adapt to the advanced tactics required, then claim there are no tactics involved and that it's unfair. I'm sure there's no strategy involved in any RTS game because they all have bird's eye views right? It's about playing that extra step ahead of your opponent, given the extra information you have. Advantages are created due to positioning, regardless of the camera. But it's easier to cry and wish the game would change for you, so you don't have to. Learn to play. Right Bororm! - and.. hey .. considering real life warfare, with incrusted multimedia and monitoring, eyes in the sky, digital intelligent area control systems, full live feed front line, and mobile battle awareness and command computers .. where's the skill in that ? All that stuff just lowers the tone sooo much.And didn't the POPE ban crossbows back around CE 1300 ? Maybe we should take all the guns out of the game too.. these modern weapons just make everything toooo easy. Go for 1pp with spades and knuckledusters only. .. more gritty, right? Checking out Youtube I was looking at all the fights on staircases (a classic DayZ situation). There are MANY of them.. fairly exciting, or very exciting, pretty skilled.. highly interestingBut I couldn't find ANY in 1st person only...I don't know why - I guess there must be a reason? anybody know ? Edited June 1, 2015 by pilgrim 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted June 1, 2015 anybody know ? Perhaps because 1PP is so hardcore and so strategic that no one notices when someone is about to ambush them. All of that strategy just explodes in your face because you don't notice other people following you. ... 1PP vs 3PP is honestly the worst debate. It really brings out the most horrible aspects of the DayZ community. I hate it and wish the developers would just focus on other shit. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evil Minion 943 Posted June 1, 2015 Perhaps because 1PP is so hardcore and so strategic that no one notices when someone is about to ambush them. All of that strategy just explodes in your face because you don't notice other people following you.Are you sure you are talking abot first person here? Because last time I checked third person was the mode where you could ambush or follow people without them even having the slightest chance of noticing you. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted June 1, 2015 Are you sure you are talking abot first person here? Because last time I checked third person was the mode where you could ambush or follow people without them even having the slightest chance of noticing you.Quite sure. I play exclusively as a lone wolf hunter on pub servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeefBacon 1185 Posted June 1, 2015 I've never seen a good excuse to keep 3pp in. It all boils down to the fact that people need to peek over walls. They can't handle playing without that crutch. 1pp has its flaws, sure, but I don't see Counter-Strike or Red Orchestra players whining about how their FoV is too low, or how they don't have realistic awareness or that 1pp disorientates them. Obviously these aren't great comparisons since the structure of DayZ (you die you start again) is so different to CS and RO, but it makes no sense for a game claiming a basis in realism and authenticity to have an option where you can view the world from the eyes of an invisible drone hovering a couple of meters over your shoulder. I'd be fully in favour of a system that occludes objects that the players wouldn't be able to see in 1pp so that people can play 3pp without being able to peek over walls. People get to play in 3pp and many of the issues that people like myself have with 3pp would be negated. Everybody wins. Except people who like to wall peek. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THESTANAG 0 Posted June 1, 2015 I've never seen a good excuse to keep 3pp in. It all boils down to the fact that people need to peek over walls. They can't handle playing without that crutch. How is peeking over a wall a crutch? This argument that peelking over a wall is a crutch assumes the game imitates real life... which DayZ clearly does not as it contains..... wait for it... ZOMBIES. I mean it's a video game for crying out loud. And as others have stated 3rd person imitates real-life more than 1pp does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THESTANAG 0 Posted June 1, 2015 Are you sure you are talking abot first person here? Because last time I checked third person was the mode where you could ambush or follow people without them even having the slightest chance of noticing you. I have no trouble spotting people following me in 3rd person. We can turn around and look behind us while carrying any backpack ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
8bit_Survivor 93 Posted June 1, 2015 How is peeking over a wall a crutch? This argument that peelking over a wall is a crutch assumes the game imitates real life... which DayZ clearly does not as it contains..... wait for it... ZOMBIES.I mean it's a video game for crying out loud. And as others have stated 3rd person imitates real-life more than 1pp does.Statements like these do not help the case of 3PP advocates, it defies logic and reason. 1 - Imitating reality, as it was previously used, does not mean that it is a replication of the world we live in. Imitating reality or simulation is an attempt to imitate a living persons perspective and abilities within a predefined game world.Not necessarily our world.2 - 3PP is considered a crutch because you are able to use it to gain situational awareness without risk. For instance, when I am in a major city I will run into a corner with walls on two sides of me, alter the camera and get a 360 view of my surroundings. This includes objects being obstructed by walls or bushes. Even if those obstructions are taller than I am and would norally obstruct my vision. To be able to gain that important information in 1PP would require much more work and risk. This causes you to choose for yourself whether the reward outweighs the risk(something the devs talk about regularly, most recently as it pertains to firing your weapon).3 - 3PP in now way imitates real life more than 1PP. Saying this only hurts those of us who are presenting legitimate arguments for the inclusion of 3PP in this survival simulation called DayZ. Situational awareness that is more like what you experience in real life? Perhaps but you can remedy this in 1PP with a combination of FoV and using Alt to look around. My personal keybinding for this is MouseButton#4. Easier to use on the fly when I play 1PP, which is probably 25% of the time if that. TBH, even when I play 3PP I usually loot buildings in 1PP. 3PP fluctuates with ceiling height to much for me and I can become disoriented(in game not IRL). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellcat420 212 Posted June 1, 2015 I wouldn't mind, since I play on 1pp servers, and it would be quite entertaining to see the great flood of etears inundate the forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeefBacon 1185 Posted June 1, 2015 I mean it's a video game for crying out loud. And as others have stated 3rd person imitates real-life more than 1pp does. How so? It provides peripheral vision maybe a meter to your left and right, sure, but it also allows you to see the back of your head. So real. Wow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted June 1, 2015 I mean it's a video game for crying out loud. And as others have stated 3rd person imitates real-life more than 1pp does. This is not true and I say this because: 1. overall tactics and various combat situations deviate less from real life in 1st person than they do in 3rd person (suppressive fire, vehicles, cover and concealment, etc)2. as someone else mentioned, at worst, 1pp is like your char is wearing a peripheral vision-restricting face mask, whereas 3pp is like wearing the same mask, only with it and your eyes floating 2m behind your head 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wooly-back-jack 294 Posted June 1, 2015 would be fun to implement at some point in 1pp maybe like a non tunnel vision effect, (maybe when there's an obvious noise like a zed aggroing close by or a nublet running towards you in a yellow raincoat with a garden hoe raised) is for a split second either your head turns, or your pov widens to get the peripheral vision warning in a horror movie type way, just for a split second. I'm finding it hard to put into words but I'm sure at least one of you know what I mean, not enough to save you, but enough to make you poo a little bit before you die. Probably unlikely to ever happen and may cause massive lag in trying lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bororm 1156 Posted June 2, 2015 Perhaps because 1PP is so hardcore and so strategic that no one notices when someone is about to ambush them. All of that strategy just explodes in your face because you don't notice other people following you. ... 1PP vs 3PP is honestly the worst debate. It really brings out the most horrible aspects of the DayZ community. I hate it and wish the developers would just focus on other shit. I think the topic should be banned from this forum honestly. They give temp bans for things a lot less stupid, and ban discussion on things like hacking which are a lot more productive than this. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted June 2, 2015 (edited) " 3rd person imitates real-life more than 1pp does " This is not true and I say this because: 1. overall tactics and various combat situations deviate less from real life in 1st person than they do in 3rd person (suppressive fire, vehicles, cover and concealment, etc)2. as someone else mentioned, at worst, 1pp is like your char is wearing a peripheral vision-restricting face mask, whereas 3pp is like wearing the same mask, only with it and your eyes floating 2m behind your head I play 1PP too, I enjoy it, and I used to play DOOM in 1PP too hmm - cover and concealment - is a good exampleIn 1PP it is impossible to know if you are covered or concealed. To test this crawl under a bush in the game and try it.In real life everyone has knowledge of where their arms and legs are, and can estimate with accuracy how much they are under cover.If you take cover on the edge of a wood in 1PP, then look at yourself in 3PP you will see you are squatting 80% outside the cover on an open flat lawn.- in Real Life you should KNOW this without having to check- but now in the game you want to make it impossible to check ? This does not make the game a better 'imitation'but in other situations 1PP is more "realistic" than 3PP. I switch around often in-game. But I can only do this on 1PP/3PP servers. For me the choice gives the best imitation of RealLife.I think the key word is "imitates" ..I can play DayZ from a wheelchair, or - in fact, this month with a broken collarbone IRL - I still find it "realistic" even if in real life I can't do any of that stuff ATMI enjoy playing.If I was finding cover in the real world and taking fire, I wouldn't enjoy it at all.It was fun to discuss with the <doh, we=have=both=eyes=in=front=of=our=face"=end-of-story=> players.But the argument goes nowhere, And there are not thousands of those 1PP players, unfortunately. Dedicated 1PP players are a small minority.The argument about which is most realistic, and why, will go on for ever.And the argument about which is best gameplay.It's a religion, right ?I can see both points of view and I know that both have "simulation" advantages and disadvantages.I guess that makes me a very tiny minority ?There is no point trying to impose one rule on all players when both versions already exist, to give everyone what they want.To me this is already a perfect solution.In the future, the dedicated 1PP players might work on the 1PP game, to make it even more attractive ?Then they'd win the mass player base they want ?.. and need so badly ? - wow sorry to be so boring; i understand Gews POV.For "realism" and gameplay what we should all be discussing and worrying about right NOW is Edited June 2, 2015 by pilgrim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZomboWTF 527 Posted June 2, 2015 How so? It provides peripheral vision maybe a meter to your left and right, sure, but it also allows you to see the back of your head. So real. Wow.yup, also you can see as if you were about 3 meters tall, peek around corners without people seeing it and lay prone in grass while having perfect view behind, in front and to the sides despite the grass being right in front of your eyes... seriously, if all servers would be 1pp only i would enjoy that, all the stalker games were 1pp view only as well, unless you wanted to die horribly, and it made for great atmosphere combined with your body limiting your movement and generally a realistic feeling about how/where you could move the bad thing is that DayZ has way to bad performance and headbob despite it being turned off that gives me headaches when playing 1pp to long would love it, but they would have to optimize the game first (so maybe in beta) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted June 2, 2015 ..//..lay prone in grass while having perfect view behind, in front and to the sides despite the grass being right in front of your eyes.....//.. Well in this game there is NOT any grass right in front of your eyes - you just THINK there isAnyone standing 20 yards away can see you laying out there on a perfectly flat cut lawn, looking damn silly But we had ALL this argument beforego your own way friend Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted June 2, 2015 Oh look, more people prefer 1pp. I wasn't expecting that lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites