☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted May 27, 2015 If you think 3PP is going to stay the way it is, you're probably in for a rude surprise. 3PP is SAFE and it is EASY mode. Every time I go back into 3PP and hit that camera button, I'm disgusted. The view from you're silent invisible drone is laughable and the exploits that go with it are game breaking. DayZ is meant to be scary and cause you to think carefully about every move you make, the current 3PP negates a large part of that experience. Personally, I converted to 1PP during the mod and only go to 3PP when a build gets stale and I want to try to gear a new spawn. Once 3PP is fixed it will essentially level the entire game and I would even say that if there is no tactical advantage (this includes sight distance not just looking around corners or over walls!!) that making all servers 1PP/3PP and having a single hive would make sense. Sorry, not sorry but toy soldier view is really really ridiculous in DayZ and needs to go now. Immersion is a precious commodity in games and is rarely accentuated by a game. DayZ does this well but only really in 1PP, all the time. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cash81 506 Posted May 27, 2015 If you think 3PP is going to stay the way it is, you're probably in for a rude surprise. 3PP is SAFE and it is EASY mode. Every time I go back into 3PP and hit that camera button, I'm disgusted. The view from you're silent invisible drone is laughable and the exploits that go with it are game breaking. DayZ is meant to be scary and cause you to think carefully about every move you make, the current 3PP negates a large part of that experience. Personally, I converted to 1PP during the mod and only go to 3PP when a build gets stale and I want to try to gear a new spawn. Once 3PP is fixed it will essentially level the entire game and I would even say that if there is no tactical advantage (this includes sight distance not just looking around corners or over walls!!) that making all servers 1PP/3PP and having a single hive would make sense. Sorry, not sorry but toy soldier view is really really ridiculous in DayZ and needs to go now. Immersion is a precious commodity in games and is rarely accentuated by a game. DayZ does this well but only really in 1PP, all the time.According to your opinion. I still feel immersed while playing in 3pp as do many others. Luckily, there are 1pp only servers that cater to your play style which doesnt make you feel like you are at a disadvantage. All the more reason to have seperate view modes for everyone who enjoys something other than FPS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Girth Brooks 571 Posted May 27, 2015 I'm for the 3pp camera being adjusted, as I go between both view modes as I play. Being able to see without exposing your braincase to a bullet is pretty gimp. Also, right now Zs don't make noises as they should, and it makes 1pp a bit of a pain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted May 27, 2015 According to your opinion. I still feel immersed while playing in 3pp as do many others. Luckily, there are 1pp only servers that cater to your play style which doesnt make you feel like you are at a disadvantage. All the more reason to have seperate view modes for everyone who enjoys something other than FPS. You didn't understand the core of my statement and you're on my ignore list. Do me a favor, don't quote me or engage me in any way if you can help it, and try to ignore me as well. Most appreciated. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) I get that too when i join a cool Private server only to relize it's a 1pp server only.. I get it from shaking my head and wondering WHY..... anyone in there right mind would. Wow... I must say, having read your previous posts in other threads dealing with difficulty and wanting a hard game, the fact you play in 3rd person is really surprising. It turns DayZ into The sole argument presented for the removal of 3PP mode is that there is a PvP advantage given to campers. Based on this information I concluded that this must be the main motivation behind the push to get rid of 3PP-mode. People are complaining that it isn't fair. If I am wrong please let me know. You are wrong. I play 1st person for a number of reasons. 1. 3rd person rewards "camping" as it is much easier to set yourself up in a location where you can be hidden and still see all around you than it is to approach those positions. (this is the PVP advantage you were mentioning) 2. Promotes bad firefights. There is no such thing as "covering fire" or suppression in 3rd person. They simply sit in cover and can see what is happening without exposing themselves. This leads to a very dull battle where to win all you have to do is wait until the other player decides to move. In 1st person you can't be certain your opponent isn't moving without exposing yourself but maybe he is watching that spot for you to peek.... There is risk to gaining the information you need to properly fight and you can actually fire upon a position and keep that person from watching you move. 3. You can very quickly loot. Most of the time you don't have to climb all the way up a ladder or even ENTER a building to scan it since you can sweep a room through a window very easily with the wide swung camera. In first person you have to look around a bit more carefully. 4. Zombies are a joke. You get the periscope, but they don't. You can watch them from cover and then move when they have their backs turned. This is probably my biggest complaint as it is amazing how many time in 1st person you run into a zombie you didn't expect because you can't pre-scout an area with 3rd person. 5. Immersion. Seriously. The number of times I have jumped or nearly panicked because I COULDN'T see what was over a fence or around that corner or up those stairs until I was nearly face to face with it is amazing. 1st makes me feel less like I'm playing GTA and more like I'm the one the zombie is thumping on. Gear even becomes different with 1st person. Backpacks matter as you can't easily see over your shoulder with certain ones and in 1st you have to look over your shoulder a lot. A gun Ghillie wrap can actually be detrimental as it can block vision when you lay flat or with the gun on your back and again looking over your shoulder. Basically 1st person just makes DayZ feel more like a Horror Survival game and less like playing a late 90s MMO or console game. Edited May 27, 2015 by Mercules 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) <3 I usually don't feel compelled to bean your posts but rereading this one, :beans: . Man, this is part of the reason why shit music is heaped on tone deaf masses. Edited May 27, 2015 by BioHaze Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColdAtrophy 1850 Posted May 27, 2015 I feel like I am missing something. Reread the OP and then reread your statement that I first quoted when this interaction between us began. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hi Im Brad 57 Posted May 27, 2015 it would be beyond fucking stupid i dont see anyone that prefers third person saying that first person should be removed i dont see anyone that prefers third person saying first person needs to be changed i do not understand why people want third person to be removed so badly if you dont like it then dont fucking play on servers that have it on is it not that simple???????? can i get one good reason why third person should be removed other than "i dont like it because someone saw me from behind a wall" 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vfxtodd 125 Posted May 27, 2015 I mostly play 3rd person because I'm still relatively new to the game. Plus, as I've mentioned before there are plenty of games that play in 3rd person where the community isn't whining to have it removed. The other day I was playing DayZ and came across other players who were armed and fully geared. I was in 3rd person but still felt the rush of the encounter and not knowing what the outcome would be. We were in the woods outside of Green Mountain and I didn't hear anyone else running around. Suddenly, I rounded the wall near the main gate and I saw a player running away from a zombie that was chasing him. I look to my left and I saw another player aiming at me and "blam!" I was dead. Did I get mad? No, I laughed my ass off because of the adrenalin rush I experienced from the encounter. Exactly what I play DayZ for. Would playing in 1pp be scary-ER? Of course. But, I still enjoyed myself, despite getting knocked off. So, you think you're hot shit playing in 1pp? Great. Tell your mommy how awesome you are. But, leave it at that. Stick to the 1pp servers if it's SO important to you. And let the rest of play as we see fit. Simple really. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emuthreat 2837 Posted May 27, 2015 Well, it has been stated before that 3pp is here to stay, so this whole discussion is pretty much a moot point. Nevertheless, I'll toss a couple coins into this wishing well. Issue number one is performance. If 1pp were to be forced with the current lag, desynch, and framerates, it would likely render the game unplayable for many people. There are many major additions to the core engine that should help soften the edges of 1pp. Things like not being able to see or shoot something outside of a window, because you cannot situate your view at the necessary angle, or not being able to peek over low cover without exposing you entire upper body; these types of issues should be resolved with the new character controller they are working on. IMHO, the only 3pp fix that I think is necessary, would be to render the floating camera as an object following the character. A big, orange orb comes to mind. This way you cannot see others without risking revealing your own presence. Now it would seem odd at first, to see an orange orb floating along above a fence, but people will adapt; as they always do. As a bonus, the main theme of the backlash against this floating orange orb would be that it isn't realistic. I could then argue that it isn't realistic to sit in a bush in the corner of a walled yard, watching everthing that happens outside the wall. Maybe they should scrap both 1pp and 3pp, and try to force us all to play in the second person. Or is the second person perspective already provided by the monitor, that tells us what we are currently doing? You are looking at an apple under a bed. There is a growling noise outside your house. You are wondering if DayZ will work as a text adventure game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cash81 506 Posted May 28, 2015 To he who shall remain nameless, i understood the core of your post. Your entire post was your opinion as to what makes the game enjoyable and immersive to YOU. I posted that not everyone shares your opinion and some people enjoy 3pp for their own reasons and should not have their view removed. Why ruin one section's enjoyment when both parties can currently play they way they feel.I know you won't read this because I don't share your opinion and that means ignore. But maybe others would like both sides of a story and can appreciate other people's opinion even if they differ from theirs. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted May 28, 2015 DayZ Community (pre SA):"hey this is a good game, its an unrestrictive sandbox!"DayZ Community (post SA):"why does everyone treat this like a First Person Shooter?"DayZ Community (post SA):"we should force a FPS perspective". i am much confused :S people still buy 30c cones now that they're 50c+ but that doesn't mean that people wouldn't like to have 30c cones... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thefinn 12 Posted May 28, 2015 (edited) I would also laugh as I watched the outrage. I primarily play on 3PP, but I would still play and simply adjust if it was taken away. In the end 1PP is the perfect camera perspective for this type of game. 3PP seems to go against what I originally thought this game was setting out to be...an unforgiving and brutal survival anti-game. Even if 1PP was the original vision, I don't see BIS having the brass to take away 3PP at this point. Tend to agree with this, they just don't have the balls for it. Edited May 28, 2015 by AussieHunter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted May 28, 2015 The game is just so much more fun and immersive in 1pp than 3pp. Its sad that people defending 3pp just can't seem to see it. I voted for loving it but really feel that the 3pp mode needs to be there since its iconical for the Dayz franchise. And also for the kiddies learning to play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evil Minion 943 Posted May 28, 2015 Both have their place. And I would really appreaciate if people would simply stop asking for a third person removal as this actually hampers a constructive discussion about the peeking issue (because third person players feel threatened and go berserk). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
8bit_Survivor 93 Posted May 28, 2015 (edited) Both have their place. And I would really appreaciate if people would simply stop asking for a third person removal as this actually hampers a constructive discussion about the peeking issue (because third person players feel threatened and go berserk).As a 3PP player I have to say that I am not offended by this statement at all and find it to be a very accurate generalization when it comes to 3PP players reaction to 3PP removal discussions.People have a hard time looking at things objectively. This is alpha and I am approaching this experience with a 'what is best for the game' mindset...not 'what is best for me'. Which I think is why I am one of the few 3PP players that openly admit that the current 3PP camera is game breaking and 1PP just makes more sense.Also, I don't view 1PP as a FPS camera. I have played many games that are 1PP and not FPS. 1PP camera is used when devs are looking to fully immerse you in the world they have created. It is a camera perspective used in horror and simulation genres regularly. Of which DayZ is both. Edited May 28, 2015 by 8bit_Survivor 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reg Park 160 Posted May 28, 2015 i think once FPS is fixed, most players could adjust to it. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theevancat 94 Posted May 28, 2015 If they unjanked the damn camera then maybe I wouldn't mind. But for now I kind of think Arma engine first person isn't terrific. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Turbidblue 1 Posted May 28, 2015 I very much prefer 3PP. 1st person gives me motion sickness sooner or later and I think 3PP is more immersive. At least I have a hard time making a character if I can't actually see it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vfxtodd 125 Posted May 28, 2015 An orange orb floating over your character? Why not just have every player's character name floating above them in game? That's the only way to make it fair if you're "adjusting" for 3pp v 1pp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freethink 984 Posted May 28, 2015 I think we're too early in the engine's development to say. I prefer 1st person games and I've played most of the last few hundred hours in first but before that I played 3rd. When I think about it Dayz is probably the only 3rd person game I've ever played over a couple of hours such is my dislike of 3rd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IgnobleBasterd 161 Posted May 28, 2015 I would absolutely love and it would bring the game to a whole new level. The poll also crealy shows that 3pp should be removed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emuthreat 2837 Posted May 28, 2015 An orange orb floating over your character? Why not just have every player's character name floating above them in game? That's the only way to make it fair if you're "adjusting" for 3pp v 1pp.I was suggesting rendering the camera as an orange orb as a flippant exaggeration of the situation created by the camera. But honestly, as the game stands, doing so would eliminate the advantage of wall peeking. It was mostly to illustrate that if the "camera" can see you, you should also be able to see the camera. If the only fair soultion to the advantage genreated by a hovering camera that rotates around the player on a 2 meter radius is something as absurd as rendering it as an object following the player, then maybe the camera angle itsself is absurd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigbadchuck 97 Posted May 28, 2015 In true dayz forum fashion about now someone should say "go play COD or Battlefeild if you want 1st person only!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emuthreat 2837 Posted May 28, 2015 In true dayz forum fashion about now someone should say "go play COD or Battlefeild if you want 1st person only!"Wait a minute. You don't know how to switch the view to 3pp in COD? Noob. Come back when you finish primary school. 3pp COD is tha beez kneez. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites