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Exp Update: 0.57128035*

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New school is pretty nice.

Useable basketballs and footballs please.

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I was playing on 3pp I believe US South Central2 0-1 or something like that and I was at the northeast airfield when I ran into a player who attacked me and as I ran

he started saying racist things like "Run, N*gger run" and a few other things before I finally died from blood loss. I've lost about 3 tents during my play session on 2

different servers. One I lost after hopping a fence, the second I lost after pressing the X on our hands to drop it so I can drink something, and then the third one I lost

happened after a server restart which sucked.

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Large stone, can only repair badly damaged to damaged.

I don't think it needs to be a large stone. I use small stones all the time to repair axes and hatchets. I didn't think you could even repair anything but those... did that change?  :huh:

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I don't think it needs to be a large stone. I use small stones all the time to repair axes and hatchets. I didn't think you could even repair anything but those... did that change?  :huh:


I'm a little foggy on it as I've not really tried it in a long time (like, maybe just after it was added), but I seem to remember being able to repair any blade with the large stone, but only from badly damaged to damaged. I also was unable to use a smaller one, if I recall correctly, on things like kitchen knives, etc. That's probably changed since though. Again, I've not tried it in a long time, so yeah. :P

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I don't think it needs to be a large stone. I use small stones all the time to repair axes and hatchets. I didn't think you could even repair anything but those... did that change?  :huh:

Same here. I'm sure that I've used small stones on axes, but I never tried to repair a knife before. The combat knife can save you two inventory slots, so I was trying to hold on to it. I'll try again later tonight, or tomorrow morning and report on the results. 

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I've used small stone to repair since there have been small stones I think. It just rarely comes up anymore. Back when heat comfort was first added and it was december conditions before you could search for sticks (how's that for how far the game has come in recent months?) was the crazy time of blade dulling. Very rarely now I'll repair a hatchet but I often find another pristine one before the sharpening needs to occur.

Edited by Ebrim
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I've used small stone to repair since there have been small stones I think. It just rarely comes up anymore. Back when heat comfort was first added and it was december conditions before you could search for sticks (how's that for how far the game has come in recent months?) was the crazy time of blade dulling. Very rarely now I'll repair a hatchet but I often find another pristine one before the sharpening needs to occur.


Yeah, part of me, from a realism standpoint, thinks that tools like that should be fairly plentiful... But then the rest of me wants to have to do the maintenance and all that (though, of course, it needs a lot of refinement - there should be ways to restore tools back to pretty much perfect condition and there should be more of a reason to do so). Really depends on how long ago the apocalypse happened. I'd like to see some concrete story from the devs, personally, just to contextualize everything.

Edited by Beizs
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OK, stop right there. Where did this "fox incident" occur?


Pictures, or it didn't happen!








Tried to throw it some chicken guts to see if we could make friends.... it ran away :(


Just north/west  of Polana

Edited by HarryPotter
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Tried to throw it some chicken guts to see if we could make friends.... it ran away :(


Just north of Polana

Well done, sir!

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Wonder if you can craft stuff with its fur?

I was just thinking that myself. It would look very snazzy!

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Some nice gloves or a hat :)


Here I am, hoping that they'll lead to dogs and nice little pets, and you monsters want to skin it!  :P

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And eat it ;)

The word on the street is that vegetarians taste better.  AFAIK the only animal hunted in North America, whose meat is routinely wasted, is the Mountain Lion.  Even bear is a little hard to handle for people used to eating factory farmed meats and heavily processed foods.  I'd sooner eat earthworm and pumpkin casserole, than anything of the genus Canis or Felis.


Yeah, part of me, from a realism standpoint, thinks that tools like that should be fairly plentiful... But then the rest of me wants to have to do the maintenance and all that (though, of course, it needs a lot of refinement - there should be ways to restore tools back to pretty much perfect condition and there should be more of a reason to do so). Really depends on how long ago the apocalypse happened. I'd like to see some concrete story from the devs, personally, just to contextualize everything.

I have been waiting for a file to be added for quite some time.  It makes more sense to sharpen an axe on the corner of a stone building, than to use a small stone as it is currently done.  If they go down that road of having tools to maintain other tools, the file would be a viable currency.  Of course, a primitive file can be made by hammering a cold chisel into a bar of steel repeatedly, and hardening the steel when the etching is done.


I would be very impressed if they added a craftable forge and leather bellows to make this possible; even more so if we could two-man carry a generator from a truck into one of the machine shops to power one of the lathes.  A milling machine would be vastly more useful, but a round file could be quickly crafted with a lathe; though cutting lengthwise it into easily usable sections would require a bandsaw and considerable skill, or a hacksaw and even more considerable patience (also, a finished file to sharpen the hacksaw a few times).  

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We need zucchini back, we need potatoes back, we need rain back. :(


Also, I'd love to be able to grow some eggplant...

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I have been waiting for a file to be added for quite some time. It makes more sense to sharpen an axe on the corner of a stone building, than to use a small stone as it is currently done. If they go down that road of having tools to maintain other tools, the file would be a viable currency. Of course, a primitive file can be made by hammering a cold chisel into a bar of steel repeatedly, and hardening the steel when the etching is done.

Techniqually, a sharpening stone or whet stone would be more effective in maintaining any kind of blade if it's a hunting knife or splitting axe. I could defimatly see the devs adding something like a consumable item similar to the sawing kits where it can only be used X amount of times before being used up. The thing I wish they would change is how much a blade's condition improves by; it should just be more than simply taking a blade from badly damaged to just damaged. The game's still a long way from gold and even beta. So who knows.

Just reporting in.

I was on US Central 0-1 a while ago and noticed a lot of audio sounds playing of runnimg footsteps and cracking twigs. Usually when I hear that I know it's a good indication that there's other players nearby. The sound was playing continuously so I thought someone was trailing me and so I circuled around and got set up to ambush who ever it was. No one appeared and I didn't see anyone else nearby. So I waa wondering if anyone else has noticed this and if it could be a bug?

Edit: Evem when I stopped and wasn't moving. I could still hear the audio playing.

Edited by JTKnight

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If anyone comes across any map changes, send me a PM please :)

 Not sure if it was this patch or last, but a fire station was added to Berezino.

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I found a plain green hunting jacket which mentions camo in the description but has no camo...



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So from my experience, I sorta dislike the new loot system's configuration. They tried to eliminate lootsplosions, but then I find lootsplosions of clothes only in the smallest, dumbest places. Also, I am still finding weird items in random places (Amphibian S in a civi barrack, in Chernaya Polana). Not sure if the randomized loot is intended, but I sort of like the mild surprise. Other than that, every item remotely useful has disappeared into the wide blue yonder, so GL making it out of Berezino.


I purposely got myself infected with Cholera, and have only one description: OP. Your only hope for survival is to carry lots of water bottles, or if you are on experimental and can't find jack S**t outside of sweaters, tie yourself permanently to a well for up to 10 IRL HOURS. Took me two hours to get though the first stage alone, which wasn't too bad to move around. Once I hit second stage, I dropped from full hydration to dehydration red in an extremely short time, in which I have lost all my blood and have been tethered to a well for hours. You lose hydration so fast that you get stuck in an endless hydrate-vomit-hydrate-vomit-die of starvation cuz you have NO FOOD. I have stayed alive only because the gods blessed me with enough stuff to farm pumpkins, but even on the fast blood regen rate I am only staying neutral bood. Became the most boring game ever, and it still isn't over, just got tired of farming and drinking to oblivion.


Sorry for the rant.

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Techniqually, a sharpening stone or whet stone would be more effective in maintaining any kind of blade if it's a hunting knife or splitting axe. 

You're halfway there.  Even though I take a whetstone to certain axes just for kicks, a plain rasp file and some oil is more than adequate for keeping an axe in pristine condition for many years of service.  Sharpening a knife though, with a plain old stone from a stream, should not get it beyond damaged condition.

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This month experimental has turned into, "A Christmas Carol".


Eugen said we would be visited by 3 ghosts (builds) before stable release next week.


We've been visited by one, "The build of infections past".


Soon, we'll be visited by the next 2 builds, each less ghastly than the last hopefully.


I just wonder what day the next visit is on....


Will we see another build tomorrow or are the next 2 for next week...?

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