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Exp Update: 0.57128035*

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As an anthropologist I cannot discount "magic" either.  He's the Voodoo God of DayZ.


I second that notion. Thank you Eugen for Being the man and giving us steady progress(If he sees this that is).


I think is not good for him. he works too much and remember its friday, time for girls and so on, not for sitting in the office.

last saturday it was the same, this way to work will not last long, burnout is looking over horizont

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I think is not good for him. he works too much and remember its friday, time for girls and so on, not for sitting in the office.

last saturday it was the same, this way to work will not last long, burnout is looking over horizont


I definitely agree with this, there is certainly such a thing as too much work, too much of anything really. I just hope he finds a way to do this own thing in his free time.

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I definitely agree with this, there is certainly such a thing as too much work, too much of anything really. I just hope he finds a way to do this own thing in his free time.


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I guess they have flexible working time. Not even dayz is worth 18 hours work day.

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I guess Hicks thinks this will come out pretty late tonight their time.




So, if you ain't the patient type you should be kicked in the ovaries, get the sand outta your vagina.


and this too


Edited by Barnabus
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I guess Hicks thinks this will come out pretty late tonight their time.




So, if you ain't the patient type you should be kicked in the ovaries, get the sand outta your vagina.


and this too


I'm curious by how he worded that.Does that mean zeds will be back in and they need to do performance tests possibly?That way they can crunch the numbers on a massive scale and see what else needs to be done or see if anything slipped by the team and needs to be tweaked or fixed(game breaking bugs).Because that seems pretty important to me


On another note anyone try melee-ing a chicken with an pick ax or ax? It seems i cant hit one after chasing one around for about 15 minutes.Pull my fists out one shot the chicken....Netherless to say i had hen for lunch

Edited by Scarcifer
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I'm curious by how he worded that.Does that mean zombies will be back in and they need to do performance tests possibly?That way they can crunch the numbers on a massive scale and see what else needs to be done or see if anything slipped by the team and needs to be tweaked or fixed(game breaking bugs).Because that seems pretty important to me


On another note anyone try melee-ing a chicken with an pick ax or ax? It seems i cant hit one after chasing one around for about 15 minutes.Pull my fists out one shot the chicken....Netherless to say i had hen for lunch


I very much doubt it.  DEVS said there would be no infected in stable 0.57 in order to remove them from the tests.  So i'd be very surprised if they were in exp 0.57.


Things always change though.

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I betting Eugen just likes the punishment. Regardless, they've all been getting down and dirty over the last month. The thanks are well deserved. :thumbsup:

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I very much doubt it.  DEVS said there would be no infected in stable 0.57 in order to remove them from the tests.  So i'd be very surprised if they were in exp 0.57.


Things always change though.

Yeah i know realistically probably not, but you never know... They do like to have some surprises; maybe they came across-ed whatever was breaking them.  

Edited by Scarcifer

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Well, enough hanging with all you hairy grip muldoons, I am taking the dogs to the park while we wait for the update.  See you on the other side of this one.

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I wonder if there will be a wipe. I just managed to gather up my dream set today. Fresh start/early game is usually pretty damn fun, but for the first time ever I'm kinda dreading it. I just want to play with my sporter whilst looking cool :D I usually go for a more hoboish look, but I'll have to start getting used to pristine clothing with damaged clothing having more drawbacks in the future.

I guess I should just play the game and enjoy any stuff that comes by. My .56/.57 exp has been kinda grindy, because I have been hunting for very specific gear :D

Edited by Sister Ray

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Hey folkl. I was thinking that we desparately need to create our own unofficial change log!!!!


Maybe because they like to give surprises, or maybe cause they don't like to make promises, for whatever reason, the devs don't give to us viable changelogs.


It is possible to read through this entire thread and learn a few things, and also to look at some of the DayZ news sites and twwitter/dev feeds, but all the information is scattered and less than accessible.


If someone is up for the task, please make a new thread called Unofficial Experimental Changelog Thread or something like that. Everyone can either PM or post discovered changes and updates to the OP and hoopefully they can edit the OP and add in the relevant changes.


I'll make things easy by starting off a changelog  here in this post. If I miss anything, please PM me what I have missed. The goal here is to capture the current differences between playing on .55 (stable) and .57 (experimental).






Hand Drill made craftable from oak wood and a stick. Provides one time use fire by friction to replace matches for fire lighting.


Long Wooden Stick can be gathered from most trees with knife variant. Supplements ashwood stick functionality for crafting bows, fishing rods, and cooking meat on a stick.


Oil Barrel can be found and used as a large placable workd object used for storage and other functions. Can be used to dye clothing, create garden lime, tan leather with greater efficiency, and probably much much more!


SVD is a sniper rifle that can be found at military sites. It's a very bad assed gun.


VSS Vintores another bad ass gun. This one is an assault rifle.


UMP 45 yet another bad ass gun. This one is an SMG.


Mauser C96 Red 9 is a continuation of gun badassery. This one is a pistol.


IZH-18 Rifle... When will it end?... Can have shortened barrel with hacksaw for all your sawed off needs...


Hunting Scope a 12x scope that can fit on most long rifles.


Mess tin. A tactical tin container with dinnerware and a skillet. (I have not seen this in game yet)


Radios can be found which can connect to the radio and play loud sounds and music for all to hear. (I have not found one of these either)


Candle can be found and apparantly turned on. (I know nothing about it beyond that)


Clothes... Medical scrubs and a whole host of jackets and hunting clothes can be found.


Kashtan 2.8x Scope for AK variant rcan now be found.


Butane Canister can be found, probably blown up in a fire too. Purpose unknown.






You can get food poisoning from eating raw or overcooked food again.


You can cook food over the open fire.


You can sprain your ankle


Objects take damage in the world now if struck (or shot?), and not just when they are on your person.






Foxes have been spotted, nobody is sure what they say just yet.


North Berezino updated, a School added which is complete with basketball courts and everything!


Stary Sobor updates include military tents and a survivor zone (clearly a failed one)


A few random other changes like new buildings and a W.I.P town have been added as well






I know I'm probably missing a bunch of crap here, so please PM me if you know of something that I missed. Also to anyone willing to make a dedicated threat and to maintain it, feel free to copy paste whatever you want, unacredited.

Edited by FlimFlamm
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I think is not good for him. he works too much and remember its friday, time for girls and so on, not for sitting in the office.

last saturday it was the same, this way to work will not last long, burnout is looking over horizont


Two things:


1) This is completely normal for developers. I don't like to see them slaving away until 2 AM like they did with the first EXP 0.56 push either, but it really is pretty normal for guys to work 16 hour days in the industry.


2) At least from my point of view and experience, when you are truly passionate about something, the clock disappears. When I was designing my first board game, I didn't sleep but maybe 4 hours in 3 days and I didn't feel burned out. I was high on flow and creativity. I imagine that happens to them some too.

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Two things:


1) This is completely normal for developers. I don't like to see them slaving away until 2 AM like they did with the first EXP 0.56 push either, but it really is pretty normal for guys to work 16 hour days in the industry.


2) At least from my point of view and experience, when you are truly passionate about something, the clock disappears. When I was designing my first board game, I didn't sleep but maybe 4 hours in 3 days and I didn't feel burned out. I was high on flow and creativity. I imagine that happens to them some too.

It's not they are not getting paid good as developers...on the other hand, if they constantly required their guys to over 16 hours, and they are behind schedule, maybe they ought to hired more people before those guys burned out and quit as well...


Didn't Matt Lightfoot left BA as well? Not saying he is burn out

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Wonder if you can craft stuff with its fur?

You can, gave me 1 pelt and made 1 tanned leather out of it. Made a water pouch, this was in .56 though. Saw another first day of .57 but I lost it :( . Also, saw two deer first day around the middle of the map. Haven't seen anything way up north which sucks

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You can, gave me 1 pelt and made 1 tanned leather out of it. Made a water pouch, this was in .56 though. Saw another first day of .57 but I lost it :( . Also, saw two deer first day around the middle of the map. Haven't seen anything way up north which sucks


They must not have added any spawn points for animal AI up north yet. It's a real bummer  :(

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They must not have added any spawn points for animal AI up north yet. It's a real bummer :(

Yeah I would be really surprised if this wasn't true. I've spent pretty much all my time in .56 and .57 without ever going south of novo, ratnoe, severograd etc and haven't seen any wildlife at all. Although, usually within 30 minutes of getting up top I have plenty of fishing and trapping supplies so my pack is usually too full to even carry wild meat. Would still be fun though

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Yeah I would be really surprised if this wasn't true. I've spent pretty much all my time in .56 and .57 without ever going south of novo, ratnoe, severograd etc and haven't seen any wildlife at all. Although, usually within 30 minutes of getting up top I have plenty of fishing and trapping supplies so my pack is usually too full to even carry wild meat. Would still be fun though


That's funny, I've been making loops where I head up north to get supplies and then loop back down to the center or west.

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That's funny, I've been making loops where I head up north to get supplies and then loop back down to the center or west.

Yeah, me too. North is for canned beans, south is for animal meat and pelts.


I think the northernmost spawn points for animals are areas around Ratnoe and Severograd. I might have seen some around Cernaya Polana, but I'm not 100% certain I remember right.

Edited by Sister Ray
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Radios can be found which can connect to the radio and play loud sounds and music for all to hear. (I have not found one of these either)



I can confirm the radio, I have found two of them, both damaged and both at wrecked police cars.  Could not get them to work though.  Takes up 2x2 spaces.

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Radios reminded me of walkie-talkies. Has anyone tested them recently? A good while back they were supposed to get a range buff so that they'd be more useful. Haven't heard anything from it since...

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I can confirm the radio, I have found two of them, both damaged and both at wrecked police cars.  Could not get them to work though.  Takes up 2x2 spaces.


Did you add a battery?

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I think the northernmost spawn points for animals are areas around Ratnoe and Severograd. I might have seen some around Cernaya Polana, but I'm not 100% certain I remember right.


I definitely saw a pig and a chicken between Vavilovo and Sinistok two days ago. I thought the pig was a ghillie asshole from 100 meters away because I saw something moving and then it laid down. I must've watched it through the grass for 5 minutes before I realized it was a pig. 


I've seen animals in that area on Stable too. I think they must spawn somewhere around there because it is happening with a bit too much frequency across multiple builds.

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I definitely saw a pig and a chicken between Vavilovo and Sinistok two days ago. I thought the pig was a ghillie asshole from 100 meters away because I saw something moving and then it laid down. I must've watched it through the grass for 5 minutes before I realized it was a pig. 


I've seen animals in that area on Stable too. I think they must spawn somewhere around there because it is happening with a bit too much frequency across multiple builds.

Yeah, I've seen some animals there too. Not in a while, though, but perhaps I've been just unlucky.

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