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Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

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How to conect to UK/EU servers? I tried US servers and searching for beries last more than minute.

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What did the small client update do? 


Can you confirm that said update was pushed out to us?


I haven't seen a change in the version number but that doesn't mean we didn't get it necessarily....


I'm hoping we recover some server side performance or maybe get a little more integration for the new inventory matrix in the patches to come.


I'm also interested to see further progression for the infected all around.


My guess is we're testing gunfire aggro properties and maybe large group infected AI loads on the server in large cities and keeping the infected slower and weaker and possibly having respawn will likely give them the best cross section of data.


My experience in Novo yesterday seemed to bare a lot of this out.


I probably aggro'd (and mostly killed) maybe 30+ infected that I saw and plenty more were streaming in as I left the area.


That MP5 was badly damaged in very short order.

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Can you confirm that said update was pushed out to us?


I haven't seen a change in the version number but that doesn't mean we didn't get it necessarily....


Eugen stated "client" update. I also saw a change to the Experimental depot on SteamDB.

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still cant find any european servers, only US servers with 300+ ping

Edited by flygamer1

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^Hmm, ok.


I'm feeling thick or need more coffee.... why quotes around client there?


Have you personally seen any evidence of an update to your DayZ Exp?


Other than the update to the DB you saw I have no evidence that anything was changed....


I hate obsessing over these updates. Steam should have clearly viewable update history for all downloads even something like an experimental shard of an Alpha.


I feel like that's a really basic but useful feature that Steam somehow over looks.

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still cant find any european servers, only US servers with 300+ ping


Merged, best discuss here.

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I just open steam, and Dayz download popd up: downloaded 0 bytes out of 0 bytes, so either  something went wrong or im missing out.


Have you personally seen any evidence of an update to your DayZ Exp?




Eugen stated "client" update. I also saw a change to the Experimental depot on SteamDB.


I verified successfully the game cache, and no downloads, i really feel like im missing out.

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I just open steam, and Dayz download popd up: downloaded 0 bytes out of 0 bytes, so either  something went wrong or im missing out.




I verified successfully the game cache, and no downloads, i really feel like im missing out.





It's weird like that sometimes.


Either there's no way to really verify what we got or we didn't get it. :/


Your guess =/= mine.

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If you're able to play on the Experimental servers, then you've got the correct client version. That's all that really matters. For what it's worth, the SteamDB depot change information doesn't indicate any difference in file size, so who knows what actually got changed.


EDIT: Just security changes. Possibly a BattlEye update. That would explain why there wasn't really a download for the client itself through Steam.


Edited by Tatanko
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Too buggy for me right now. I am swapping back to stable for a few days. Gotta blow all my ammo and guns out before .56 goes live. Hate the thought of them just disappearing into the nether...

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Can you confirm that said update was pushed out to us?


I haven't seen a change in the version number but that doesn't mean we didn't get it necessarily....



My buddy got a 200 something KB download, I am not sure about myself.


New server, new day, new luck...half full US server, delay when doing things is not sooo bad any more, zeds are (a little) faster on less populated servers (duh) and ... what I said before ... different servers, different loot. There was quite a bit of loot in Gorkha. Went on to Novy, also loot there. Found a rak with mags in the police station, some food in other houses, backpacks, lots of clothes ... server restart. Went onto the all of a sudden again existing uk5 0-2 server (HYPE), still in novy. Then my buddy goes like "getting shot at". At that time i was drinking with my hands at a well, my rak on my back. Wanted to help him and switch back to the rak, but it was gone. NOOOO


I don't think anything spawns in the new tents at stary yet, then I got the "receiving" bug, my buddy confirmed that for him I am running into a wall. Never managed to get back on the server, too full. All in all, loot is different on different servers, the US server definitely had quite a bit of loot. It is amazing how long it currently takes to get anything done, don't think looting gorkha and novy and travelling ever took so long, relogging for the receiving bug, dropping gear to jump start the bugged inventory again, not desperately trying to pick up stuff, looking for stuff that vanished after you picked it up ...


Btw I LOVE being able to sort the clothes and stuff you wear, but hopefully that will work without dropping all to the ground later ;)

Edited by bautschi

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EDIT: Just security changes. Possibly a BattlEye update. That would explain why there wasn't really a download for the client itself through Steam.




Urgh; thanks!!

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Known thing? Popped at first when I joined a server



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Known thing? Popped at first when I joined a server





Yeah, saw this from Day1.


Just close and continue playing, if you can.

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More pistol scope on crossbow, hip fire 1PP perspective.




No bolts at the site and no desire to hand carry it really.


Would have been nice to test fire....

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Sardines still can't be prepared, eat them whole and raw or not at all. Sadly this just leads to poisoning and very little nutritional value considering the price (quick ruining of fish trap).

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I've been now 3 or 4 different servers and everytime a new character. So something isn't working right or are every experimental servers own hive?


Aaah seems like servers are just getting beaten so sometimes new character is spawned. Got now an old character in a server that spawned a new one before the crash.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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Known thing? Popped at first when I joined a server




Just said the last bit outloud in public, caught some eyes.

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I havent been able to find any pants past the 4 slot starter ones. Is anyone else having this issue? lol

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Servers seem to be going down just about as fast as I can switch, time to take a break, good luck sirs and ladies.

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I havent been able to find any pants past the 4 slot starter ones. Is anyone else having this issue? lol


Hmm, try the industrial buildings, the ones you find at bus stations and such. You can find quite a few cargo pants there in my experience.

Edited by Ebrim
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I havent been able to find any pants past the 4 slot starter ones. Is anyone else having this issue? lol

I found some cargo pants (plenty of them) in the big red garages, (bus garages?) The ones north of Novo, or eastern entrance of Severograd, Haven't checked others, but both of these had cargo pants.


Edit: Got ninjaed by Ebrim.  B)   :thumbsup:

Edited by Odin Lowe

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