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Stable - 0.49 Discussion

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not sure if someone notice...but why it always rain in Chernarus every 5 minutes or less....if rains keep pouring like that Elektro and Cherno should be flooded in the center......8-)  To keep it "authentic"........ 

It also rains inside of buildings....  <_<

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not sure if someone notice...but why it always rain in Chernarus every 5 minutes or less....if rains keep pouring like that Elektro and Cherno should be flooded in the center......8-)  To keep it "authentic"........ 

Adverse effects of rain were added recently, so now obviously devs are tormenting us with rain 24/7.

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Adverse effects of rain were added recently, so now obviously devs are tormenting us with rain 24/7.

Weather is very server-specific as well (you could theoretically only play in sunny servers and never see a drop of rain), but you nailed it right on the head. Sometimes hardships in the game that may seem near-unrealistic are just the devs focusing our attention on one aspect of the game to see how it works and what needs changed.

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I am not enjoying the (un)stable 0.49.... I know its an alpha and all...... but the 0.48 was in better shape... I have lost 7 characters to hypothermia and have tried everything to stay warm. Every time they die sitting next to a full fire with dry military type clothes on. I am also experiencing switching of weapons during melee attacks on zombies. and zombies have become worse at running through walls, and doors that are closed. Alpha is an alpha but it is good when the game actually gets better as it grows.

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Do not post exploits on the Forums please.

Check the Bug Tracker and/or submit a Bug Report.



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loving 0.49 ay..


finally found a persistent server that has been stable for a few days now lol!..


characters still being reset on server moves..

cant double click masks into bags..

cant use sewing kit on balaclava's??

haven't seen 1 handgaurd for an AKM or bipod..

cold status effect when entering servers.. hard to shake and sometimes a fire wont kill it but does stop further effects..

found ammo boxes.. have an m4.. found combat knives... cop cars..

haven't seen them since the 500mb update lthough the yank choppahs and cop cars were half in the ground...



finding gear is sweet... stuff is actually a hunt... thing is by making loot harder to find.. players will kos more often.


also starting a character during rain is legit... having to house hop between showers is awesome.. survival sim!!!!!!!!!!


overall 0.49 is a sweet patch things could be tougher tho... still to easy to find guns... more survival stuff is needed! less weapons.. still need less loot imo.

or up the effects of the statuses.. make people eat and drink more often...


my clan and I have found the traffic between NW airbase and the 1 east of vybor are as heavy as ever... and that airbases in general are just to easy to obtain gear in.. (we snipe the area on very server.. as there never friendly)

I still feel like this is more of a COD style mmo.. then the zombie filled apocalyptic chernarus we all love.. *sometimes*


lil suggestion for alla yall..


FIND a persistent server...test it thoroughly..

being able to maintain the rare gear found like an ammobox and m4 are priceless..


its changed my whole game.. I can now move into areas without looking like an army commando set on KOSing.


orange hard hat.. yellow rain coat.. green trackies.. sawn off shotty in me kids briefy..handcuffs.. GG..




persistence has changed the game for me.. its weird but its like... I can somehow save my progress and not spend the time gaining or finding rare items just to be shot for them or have to play

like a fairy and stick to the trees and literally be scared of my own shadow. I can now play like I want.. 1 moment big d commando.. or survivor looking for survivors to survive with!..


AND THERE ISNT ENOUGH ZOMBIES!!! never seen any material about zombies where they arnt some big swarm..


give us swarms.. give the impatient non survivors a reason to rage! I want difficulty! I don't want the lvl of skill to be who gets the first site/shot off.. I want to see people struggle thru the elements.. starvation.. dehydration.. not get a gorka jacket and never get wet!


up the difficulty please... survivor game 1..yea?

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Well after over six months without even looking,reading or playing DayZ....

It will be another six months before I check the game out again!


I Char's were right where I left them,geared up and ready to go....

Just to get wiped ? a week later ....


Also have this strange issue where the game mixes up my 3rd person Char with  my 1st person Char lol

Play one or the other,and I never know which Char is going to spawn into the game


Now back to running around ,trying to so call survive lol.Trying to gear up somewhat,just to be shot or shot at...all the time wherever I go lol

Hell,even ungeared I get shot at!


Definately just a PvP game with ...again no friendly's anywhere ( or very very few,if any).Just people trying to axe ,Hoe or shoot you to death lol


Rubberbanding all the time,Freezing over and over all the time,Lag is atrocious and make trying to combat hand to hand with Zeds futile.

Sure,there are changes like new towns etc. and animals walking around and new toys/guns etc. with Zeds now climbing stairs and not clipping through walls as much.

Yet Zeds can still attack through walls and can sometimes run up and down stairs faster than I can etc. etc.


Unlike die hard DayZ fans who have nothing better to do with there life.... I have things to do and am not into a game of frustration!

So once again I will be latering DayZ for another six months ....


Next Spring I will check it out once again,to see if the game yet has actually been improved rather than just added on to...


Have fun for those of you who call this fun lol

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Next Spring I will check it out once again,to see if the game yet has actually been improved rather than just added on to...



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I haven't been following the development very closely lately, I have read the latest devlogs and none of them says anything about the zombies. Is there any piece of news about it?


I remember something about Bratislava...

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- zombi hitboxes are still messed up. In first person i'm right next to a zombi,with my crosshair(aim dot) on him ,slice with the axe and i hit air.

- in 3rd person i keep slicing through zombies running around them but hitting nothing. Hits seem to be random and i could not find a fixed angle at which i can surely hit a zombi. Unable to "head shot" zombies with axes unless planets aligned and gods toss coin.

- zombies still walk through walls and doors and only sometimes does the locking a zombie in a room feature work

- zombies can hit you from more than 3 meters away without jumping or doing any animation that would suggest them doing a special attack

- zombies can hit you even if you're 1 floor higher than them and sometimes through walls

- loot is almost nonexistent on persistent servers and killing on sight is worse than ever

 Patch unsatisfactory,i bought a zombi survival game ,not open world death match game

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i bought a zombi survival game 

No you didn't. You paid for an early access to an alpha that at some point will become a game. 

Edited by General Zod
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No you didn't. You paid for an early access to an alpha that at some point will become a game. 

what are you...some kind of forum lurker ,defender of bohemia?  This is the shell of a zombie survival game ,not an alpha. More than 30% of the content we should get is missing ,but that's main issue,since it is an alpha. The main issue is that even though they have stated they fixed certain bugs,like melee damage,zombies walking through walls and other stuff,they still aren't fixed. And it's not an isolated event,hence a lot of people are facing these problems and calling them out. So... please stop being a mindless drone/fanboy and just face the facts.



example of problems


Last night i logged on to a server that had only 1 guy on it. The server had a normal name with country,version,point of view specification,persistence off etc. I log in ,glance at the population of the server and the proceed to my objective. Was just north of the military base above kamenka and was aiming towards looting it as i lacked some waterproof military clothes. Had binoculars , a shotgun on me,hunting backpack and some civilian clothes. I ran around the base through the woods with my binos to make sure that the 1 guy on the server besides me wasn't around. After seeing no player activity and zombies were at their usual places i proceeded to the barracks. While looting i assume 1 zombi spotted me through the windows since i hear him growling and see him walking in on me through the entrance of the barracks even though i have closed the door after i went in as to hear anyone trying to ambush me. I run out the door with the zombie after me and go between some structures just in front of the hospital as to not attract too much attention to me while trying to kill the zombie. I take out my axe and keep slicing him while avoiding his attacks but i get no hits on him even though my aim was solid. Then i hear 2 akm shots and i'm dead. I check the population of the server again thinking that maybe someone spawned or accidently  wandered on me while i had my pants down thanks to the wonderful hit detection. It was just me and the same guy that was on before i logged in. "the guy must have been closer that i would have thought or probably a hacker ,but since i have no proof of him hacking i assume he was just looking to do the same thing i was and just bumped into me. I hit respawn and find myself east of cherno. I start sprinting towards the nearest building and then i find myself being kicked off the server. Then it comes to me. It wasn't a hacker,it was an admin(aka some retard that just bought himself a server and played god on it by giving me grief).

Thus i uninstalled dayz for the first time since it came out.

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what are you...some kind of forum lurker ,defender of bohemia?  This is the shell of a zombie survival game ,not an alpha.

Are you retarded or just can't read ?



I'm not a BI defender, I have criticized them more than most, but this is alpha. 

Edited by General Zod
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So does anyone know when they will update experimental? maybe in a few weeks? or a month?

When it's ready lol ! But it usually takes a couple days up to two weeks even, if there's a lot going on ... I remember back in like .32 or some shit we didn't have an experimental for a while :-/ but still stable is fun when you find a server with working Persistance (they do exist most are just broken but some work ).

Been playing some skyrim all modded out , I've got a ton of mods to make it look beautiful and even more to simulate a survival sim like dayz:) my argonjan must eat drink and sleep to stay alive and it's kept me interested waiting for the new experimental patch but I really can't wait to see what's on .50 experimental when it arrives, I hope it's exciting :) !

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Does anyone know of any servers that have persistence working? cause i have so much loot and this rare m4 that i want to store somewhere  B)

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When i connected the nextday, my backpack was disappeared, my pans was empted, and my millitary boots are disappeared too, then i suddenly kept fisting, i couldnt handle myself.

I was afraid i have suffer from hackers, then disconnected.

Is that thing done by hacker?

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Does anyone know of any servers that have persistence working? cause i have so much loot and this rare m4 that i want to store somewhere  B)


If you're in Europe you can use our server. Persistence is enabled, however it does freeze up every now and then. We actively try to keep an eye on the server and restart it as necessary, so there's not a lot of downtime. Check my sig for details.

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I start sprinting towards the nearest building and then i find myself being kicked off the server. Then it comes to me. It wasn't a hacker,it was an admin(aka some retard that just bought himself a server and played god on it by giving me grief).

Thus i uninstalled dayz for the first time since it came out.

Definetly too much of idiots have access to this game. I hope they get bored soon.

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It's really hard to find a persistence enabled server which works reliably for more than a few days, won't get stuck/wiped or doesn't disappear completely (even from the browser history/favorits). It's an sisyphean task, have fun with finding one.

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I have been testing a lot with server settings, just to get the configuration right.  No documentation of configuring loot respawn?


Loot is hard to find near the coasts, which is sad.  Loot equality <> player happyness <> persistance, please fix the balance and make loot more available for normal servers.


What i suggest is to make a survival server type, less loot.  Normal server type, more loot, more fun.  Hardcore server type, less loot, 1st person.

Edited by Replifice

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I have been testing a lot with server settings, just to get the configuration right.  No documentation of configuring loot respawn?


Loot is hard to find near the coasts, which is sad.  Loot equality <> player happyness <> persistance, please fix the balance and make loot more available for normal servers.


What i suggest is to make a survival server type, less loot.  Normal server type, more loot, more fun.  Hardcore server type, less loot, 1st person.




Wait what?




My eyes! My brain! I can't even.... NOOOOOOOOOOO!



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- zombi hitboxes are still messed up. In first person i'm right next to a zombi,with my crosshair(aim dot) on him ,slice with the axe and i hit air.


That's your problem. An axe is not a gun. Don't aim with the crosshairs, aim with the axe.

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I have been testing a lot with server settings, just to get the configuration right.  No documentation of configuring loot respawn?


Loot is hard to find near the coasts, which is sad.  Loot equality <> player happyness <> persistance, please fix the balance and make loot more available for normal servers.


What i suggest is to make a survival server type, less loot.  Normal server type, more loot, more fun.  Hardcore server type, less loot, 1st person.


You're playing the wrong game dude... This game must be hard.

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