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Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

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Not a bad idea. I would not be opposed to a filter being applied to anything the player cannot see.


Say things you cant see have a blur filter on them to give the player an instant notification of what you cannot see.


Finally, after a gazillion posts you are starting to understand. I still don't think this 'fix' of a non-problem would be aesthetically pleasing though. 


I'm sure when it gets opened up to modding this will be one of the first things added.  You can run around safe in the knowledge that only people you can see can see you.  If you actually have anybody else on your server that is...

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It's definitely an advantage for those that use 3pp over 1pp. To argue any differently is simply naive. I would assume there are others out there like myself who had no idea the differences between regular and hardcore. I thought it was something like CoD... So I imagine the support for 3pp is not as large as you think.

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Sorry bro, I checked and double checked both my posts quote and the post I quoted :P And he did not.


This post?






Since I started watching streams and vids everyone just uses 3rd person to "cheat"


No thanks at all, I'll just play Hardcore

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First name the advantages and disadvantages of being a virgin for me. I'll name a disadvantage now, "taking a video game camera view too seriously". I'll name one scenario now as you requested. Two players both on the opposite side and end of a brick wall have exactly the same field of view. Don't include exploits such as wall camera glitch in this because that IS a bug, collision needs to be added to the camera. Third person camera itself as you claim isn't an exploit its a preference and whoever decides to play on servers with third person enable accepts in some cases other players can have a better view depending on their position. It's not my fault you're a noob and can't choose good positions... It is 100% fair because it's the players choice to choose the best position and that includes camera angles as well, ANYONE is free to do it. I'm 52 by the way, I'm a spinal surgeon and not a child...


Seriously that's your argument? Resorting to name calling because you know you don't have an argument at all


Now let's take a look at your example. One I'll point out NEVER happens in dayz - lmao that's the best you could do? 


In actual fact you are correct and I've already said this in other posts but I'll finish what you started. "Only if they both know that the other is there" then yes, they have an equal footing however everyone here knows this never happens and is a fantasy scenario - I should have been clearer on wanting to refer to reality so that was my fault for not doing so but well done for proving my point for me and showing us that in fact, there is not an equal advantage.


BTW I'm 35 and had a 3some with 2 blonde strippers at the weekend whilst doing copious amounts of cocaine. WTF does this have to do with anything you ask? Absolutely nothing. 

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They won't use that argument.


They would use a somewhat justifiable argument that if implemented incorrectly it could be immersion breaking to see people pop out of thin air, but at the same time seeing people over walls and cover isnt immersion breaking ?


Sadly alot of the people making the argument against this feature simply want to keep the periscopes in the game and the gameplay would and does suffer because of it.


There is an issue of looking through gaps in things though, can it account for all of those?

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There is an issue of looking through gaps in things though, can it account for all of those?

I think the mod already does that.


When you look through a guard rail for instance it renders objects behind them.


When looking at a solid wall it will not.


These are all small things that could be ironed out though through testing and eventually made to work really well.

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Seriously that's your argument? Resorting to name calling because you know you don't have an argument at all


Now let's take a look at your example. One I'll point out NEVER happens in dayz - lmao that's the best you could do? 


In actual fact you are correct and I've already said this in other posts but I'll finish what you started. "Only if they both know that the other is there" then yes, they have an equal footing however everyone here knows this never happens and is a fantasy scenario - I should have been clearer on wanting to refer to reality so that was my fault for not doing so but well done for proving my point for me and showing us that in fact, there is not an equal advantage.


BTW I'm 35 and had a 3some with 2 blonde strippers at the weekend whilst doing copious amounts of cocaine. WTF does this have to do with anything you ask? Absolutely nothing. 

Lemme put this in simple terms for you since you lack understanding of the scientific method... First off third person is an opinion NOT a bug, opinions vary person to person therefore what you say is not factual. Third person works as its design intended it to work, a bug is a design FLAW. You could argue that third person shouldn't be in this game, but its been in-game since the mod and majority of people play on REGULAR servers that HAVE third person enabled, therefore YOU'RE the minority. Having hardcore and regular options to allow players to choose what they prefer works fine as it is now, so stop bitching nerd. Everyone has an equal advantage regardless of what you say. If I step on a land mine in a war zone, its my fault for not be cautious and looking. If you're spotted by a player in third person and shot dead its your fault for no being cautious and looking. Are you qualified to be arguing against someone with a medical degree if you admit to being on cocaine?

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Lemme put this in simple terms for you since you lack understanding of the scientific method... First off third person is an opinion NOT a bug, opinions vary person to person therefore what you say is not factual. Third person works as its design intended it to work, a bug is a design FLAW. You could argue that third person shouldn't be in this game, but its been in-game since the mod and majority of people play on REGULAR servers that HAVE third person enabled, therefore YOU'RE the minority. Having hardcore and regular options to allow players to choose what they prefer works fine as it is now, so stop bitching nerd. Everyone has an equal advantage regardless of what you say. If I step on a land mine in a war zone, its my fault for not be cautious and looking. If you're spotted by a player in third person and shot dead its your fault for no being cautious and looking. Are you qualified to be arguing against someone with a medical degree if you admit to being on cocaine?


LMAO I don't know the scientific method? What's that noise? Oh it's the school bus coming to pick you up....


First off third person is an opinion NOT a bug.......ASSERTION - quote me where I said 1st person was a bug...go on. (strawman)


therefore what you say is not factual...actually everything I said is based in fact, not fantasy like you choose and I can back up my argument and it is sound. You have done nothing but switch the goal post and erect strawmen (see above).


The rest of your misguided rant.....I'm not saying anything about it being bugged or that it's been here forever my argument has always been 3rd person is easier and it's provable. You couldn't cite another example of how people are on equal footing other than they're both at the other end of a brick wall which I have demonstrated to NEVER HAPPEN!


Let me give you some examples.


A player laying down on a roof, hiding in the corner of a wall, looking through a window, hiding around a corner, stacked up closely behind a bush - all of these actual examples are how people use 3rd person to gain an advantage over other people.


Now let's go to your other erronous example of a land mine. Since I used to be a soldier I think I'm slightly more qualified than you in this matter.


One, who the fuck do you think you are to tell soldiers out there they killed themselves because they "weren't being careful enough"!? You don't even have the first idea how the fuck land mines work, how they are hidden or what the FUCK an IED is.


How on earth you think you're on equal footing to to a landmine just shows how ignorant you are. Presumably the ragheads in afghanistan are on equal footing against an AH64 Apache Gunship right? During the Iraq slaughter...I mean war, the Iraq's really had a chance didn't they. There was no "Highway of Death"


I've made my case, your other fallacy btw was using an argument from authority. I couldn't give a flying shit if you're Albert Einstein, you'd still be wrong in this matter and the only example you could muster was "being at the end of a brick wall". 


I'll defer to the rest of the forum users here to work out who is right here and who has the better argument.

Edited by orlok
Dont use casual racism and calm down a little, please.
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Topic cleaned. Please stay on topic.

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LMAO I don't know the scientific method? What's that noise? Oh it's the school bus coming to pick you up....


First off third person is an opinion NOT a bug.......ASSERTION - quote me where I said 1st person was a bug...go on. (strawman)


therefore what you say is not factual...actually everything I said is based in fact, not fantasy like you choose and I can back up my argument and it is sound. You have done nothing but switch the goal post and erect strawmen (see above).


The rest of your misguided rant.....I'm not saying anything about it being bugged or that it's been here forever my argument has always been 3rd person is easier and it's provable. You couldn't cite another example of how people are on equal footing other than they're both at the other end of a brick wall which I have demonstrated to NEVER HAPPEN!


Let me give you some examples.


A player laying down on a roof, hiding in the corner of a wall, looking through a window, hiding around a corner, stacked up closely behind a bush - all of these actual examples are how people use 3rd person to gain an advantage over other people.


Now let's go to your other erronous example of a land mine. Since I used to be a soldier I think I'm slightly more qualified than you in this matter.


One, who the fuck do you think you are to tell soldiers out there they killed themselves because they "weren't being careful enough"!? You don't even have the first idea how the fuck land mines work, how they are hidden or what the FUCK an IED is.


How on earth you think you're on equal footing to to a landmine just shows how ignorant you are. Presumably the ragheads in afghanistan are on equal footing against an AH64 Apache Gunship right? During the Iraq slaughter...I mean war, the Iraq's really had a chance didn't they. There was no "Highway of Death"


I've made my case, your other fallacy btw was using an argument from authority. I couldn't give a flying shit if you're Albert Einstein, you'd still be wrong in this matter and the only example you could muster was "being at the end of a brick wall". 


I'll defer to the rest of the forum users here to work out who is right here and who has the better argument.

Everyone knows what third person does, you don't have to educated me on it. We've established a third person camera with a wider field of view compared to a first person camera will have advantages for a player DEPENDING on his position and strategy. People who like third person accept this and there's ways to be more cautious while playing if you take into consideration other peoples third person views from variations positions while approaching different situations. I understand you don't like it, so go play HARDCORE kid. By the way I was a trained combat medic for the United States army, so you're not the only solider if you're not talking about airsoft in your back yard with your school buddies.  

Edited by Recoil

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Everyone knows what third person does, you don't have to educated me on it. We've established a third person camera with a wider field of view compared to a first person camera will have advantages for a player DEPENDING on his position and strategy. People who like third person accept this and there's ways to be more cautious while playing if you take into consideration other peoples third person views from variations positions while approaching different situations. I understand you don't like it, so go play HARDCORE kid. By the way I was a trained combat medic for the United States army, so you're not the only solider if you're not talking about airsoft in your back yard with your school buddies.  


Can't stop the insults can you. So if you know what it does why have you been arguing with me, why come up with the most ridiculous example to back up your argument and why are you making up your job and history. Nobody here is impressed.


Now since third person gives players an unfair advantage, like laying on a roof using 3rdpp to scan around whilst remaining completely safe to the people on the ground, this fix levels the playing field. Now if you want to see people you have to expose yourself and take a risk giving them  a chance to spot you. I fail to see how anyone can argue against this other than campers who want it easy.


The same works for zombies, why should you be able to cam over a wall to see them and make it easy mode to get through a city?


Psychology also doesn't add up here. You're a medical professional, own your own hospital, was a combat medic AND had 15 girlfriends in a year - and yet you play DayZ like a girl? Sorry, not fitting ur profile mate. 


Your lack of response to my previous post was noted.

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The problem I've always felt with third person was the fact that it encourages a very passive play style, i.e. you take position on rooftop lie down and can pretty much see everything without danger. in terms of pvp this is a horrible concept as it grants much more power to the camper then they already have.


It's not even a discussion about preference tbh, more one about balance.


back ontopic though; I like the idea of the mod but I feel it's presented in an uncanny way, isn't there a way to "darken" the area you can't see kindoff similar to how zomboid works, it's doesn't have to be entirely black but rather greyish, at least some form of representation of what you can and can not see.

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The problem I've always felt with third person was the fact that it encourages a very passive play style, i.e. you take position on rooftop lie down and can pretty much see everything without danger. in terms of pvp this is a horrible concept as it grants much more power to the camper then they already have.


It's not even a discussion about preference tbh, more one about balance.


back ontopic though; I like the idea of the mod but I feel it's presented in an uncanny way, isn't there a way to "darken" the area you can't see kindoff similar to how zomboid works, it's doesn't have to be entirely black but rather greyish, at least some form of representation of what you can and can not see.


This is honestly my only gripe with TPV.


I don't care if people use it to ease motion sickness, if they enjoy the larger fov.


However the damage it has on pvp is too large to ignore.

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So you want it all to be 1pp .... but anyone who want's it to only be 1pp is lying and doesn't really want it all to be 1pp .... and you don't play on 1pp servers


You wrote 3 sentences ... 3 of which contradicted each other ....


Please get off the internet.

So you rearrange my statements then tell me why your (incorrect) interpretation of my statement is wrong.


Edited by Greenpants

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Can't stop the insults can you. So if you know what it does why have you been arguing with me, why come up with the most ridiculous example to back up your argument and why are you making up your job and history. Nobody here is impressed.


Now since third person gives players an unfair advantage, like laying on a roof using 3rdpp to scan around whilst remaining completely safe to the people on the ground, this fix levels the playing field. Now if you want to see people you have to expose yourself and take a risk giving them  a chance to spot you. I fail to see how anyone can argue against this other than campers who want it easy.


The same works for zombies, why should you be able to cam over a wall to see them and make it easy mode to get through a city?


Psychology also doesn't add up here. You're a medical professional, own your own hospital, was a combat medic AND had 15 girlfriends in a year - and yet you play DayZ like a girl? Sorry, not fitting ur profile mate. 


Your lack of response to my previous post was noted.

Listen, first you completely deny your first argument that third person was a "bug". Now you realize how ridiculous it sounded and you're creating a fantasy that everything you say is accurate and correct. You HAVE the ability to join a hardcore server so therefore you shouldn't be effected by third person anyway, so there's no reason to argue against it. This is practically your argument. Ban all cars and trucks because they have blind spots compared to bicycles and people die because of it sometimes.

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I agree, I think a fog of war blurry haze should effect the areas that are out of line of sight aswell

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Listen, first you completely deny your first argument that third person was a "bug". Now you realize how ridiculous it sounded and you're creating a fantasy that everything you say is accurate and correct. You HAVE the ability to join a hardcore server so therefore you shouldn't be effected by third person anyway, so there's no reason to argue against it. This is practically your argument. Ban all cars and trucks because they have blind spots compared to bicycles and people die because of it sometimes.



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Know what i find the funniest thing about this is that a DayZ forum team member is posting about arma 3 on the dayz standalone forums lol and they lock and destroy other topics that talk about arma 3 lol i would consider that abuse.

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Know what i find the funniest thing about this is that a DayZ forum team member is posting about arma 3 on the dayz standalone forums lol and they lock and destroy other topics that talk about arma 3 lol i would consider that abuse.

They aren't posting about ARMA 3.  They are posting about a mod that could be useful that is used in ARMA 3.  Know the difference

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They aren't posting about ARMA 3.  They are posting about a mod that could be useful that is used in ARMA 3.  Know the difference

Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

DayZ standalone is not a mod nor is arma 3 lol

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Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

DayZ standalone is not a mod nor is arma 3 lol


Did I call either a mod? 


They aren't posting about ARMA 3.  They are posting about a mod that could be useful that is used in ARMA 3.  Know the difference

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Did I call either a mod? 

No did i? nope i said the exact opposite lol and as you just quoted they are still talking about arma 3 <3

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I agree, I think a fog of war blurry haze should effect the areas that are out of line of sight aswell


A depth of field filter applied to everything not in sight while at the same time not rendering players could be a good fix to prevent players from poping in or out when people step out of cover.


That along with a fade system would fix everyones concerns.

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No did i? nope i said the exact opposite lol and as you just quoted they are still talking about arma 3 <3

They aren't talking about ARMA 3.  They are talking about the mod from ARMA 3.  Wow, why is this hard to grasp?  There is no reason for this to be an argument.  I'm just pointing out that this thread is not about ARMA 3.

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