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About P0rkchop

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  1. P0rkchop

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Zombies are definitely there this morning, I killed three in NOVO. (I have a picture if people want) Both my full hidden barrels in the woods are missing tho and were there last night so I agree persistence does not work. It's unlikely all of us on here had all our barrels found.
  2. P0rkchop

    Player running speed. Dev response appreciated.

    Every try shooting after sprinting? I think it's pretty balanced right now
  3. P0rkchop

    The Psychology of Understanding Alpha

    It's almost like a way for them to not accept responsibility. Alpha my game forever and yell at anyone who complains about anything that it is in alpha. This game has been in alpha for 2 years which is longer than a lot of games full development. Keep in mind we had a pretty decent mod for years and all the development time before it even became alpha. Then add in the continuous missed deadlines and all the other empty promises we keep getting and I think you should be able to see why people are frustrated. And this is all coming from someone who would consider DayZ their favorite game.
  4. P0rkchop

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Basically this. This has been the best stable version yet by far and I have logged soooo many hours lol
  5. P0rkchop

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    What's the current weapon situation look like in 0.58? How difficult is it?
  6. How hard is it to get weapon loot in 0.58?
  7. P0rkchop

    Sidearms vs SMGs?

    AK74U feeks weak as shit, I've been loving the MP5 lately however FNX I still love too
  8. P0rkchop

    Do you even like PVP?

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, etc
  9. P0rkchop

    Where has the fun gone?

    Gear up and go to Elektro in a 50 man server. Always fun for me but even more fun with multiple friends
  10. P0rkchop

    How many hero's out there anymore

    When I go into a 50 man server I KOS, otherwise I usually keep distance and if the person talks, I will talk back and go from there
  11. Do you have a recent quote or presentation where I can see that is what they intend to do with the game?
  12. There's a fine line between hard and impossible
  13. What do you think will happen if you kill the player base? Do you think the game will continue to be supported? The game is not even officially in the Beta yet and people here want to kill the player base lol I bought my copy like the rest of you and can voice on my opinion on the direction I hope the game takes.
  14. Almost all the guns people are fighting with are coming from the guard houses. When that is "fixed" it will be quite difficult in the current landscape to get armed other than maybe a RAK. Residential buildings do not consistently spawn guns and the ammo. If you make it even harder then the game loses all fun.