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Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

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This is the fix that is needed for the game. If your AV cannot physically see other players, zombies or animals then they don't draw for you until you expose yourself to be seen by them too.


By that logic, none of the environment should be seen either.  Picking and choosing to please a small minority of players is not the way to solve any issue.


Most of you raging about the 'exploit' don't even use 3PP, so why join a 3PP enabled server?  Oh, that's right, the 1.7m players have resoundingly chosen to play with a choice of view available to them and you are 'forced' to play in 'broken' 3PP servers with the rest of us.  If you can't get used to and accept the fact that you may be seen at any time anywhere in DayZ and rely on the fact you are harder to spot, then maybe this game isn't for you.

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Fade system.


Longer distances, a longer fade in system is put in.


So no this would not be a problem.


So watch for things fading.. same problem mate, its movement and its easily picked up by our eyes. :/ i dont get why people whine so much about 3rd person mode when theres already HARDCORE mode which completely solves the problem. I would just hate for a bad "fix" like this one, which would be forced onto everyone.. 

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So watch for things fading.. same problem mate, its movement and its easily picked up by our eyes. :/ i dont get why people whine so much about 3rd person mode when theres already HARDCORE mode which completely solves the problem. I would just hate for a bad "fix" like this one, which would be forced onto everyone.. 


The fix is worth a try and this is the best time to test it out.


All I am saying is that its worth a shot especially in the alpha, put it in test it out see if the community can iron out the bugs and if it's satisfactory at the end we keep it if not remove it for another solution such as limiting the camera or ignore it all together.

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I sure love the "But the community clearly likes 3pp exploiting" argument. This is a videogame which is now mainstream. Obviously everyone wants to make it as easy as possible.


For proof look at Epoch on the mod. It completely killed every other version of DayZ including the base game .... because it is the most easy-mode mod and added vendors all over the map where you can buy every item and turned up loot spawns real high and added barracks all over the map so you can find sniper rifles 2 minutes after spawning in ...  making it not even be a survival game anymore.


If you let the "community" decide what is "good" for the game they will completely ruin it and make it as easy as possible .... which is the exact opposite of the intention of this game.

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I sure love the "But the community clearly likes 3pp exploiting" argument. This is a videogame which is now mainstream. Obviously everyone wants to make it as easy as possible.


For proof look at Epoch on the mod. It completely killed every other version of DayZ including the base game .... because it is the most easy-mode mod and added vendors all over the map where you can buy every item and turned up loot spawns real high and added barracks all over the map so you can find sniper rifles 2 minutes after spawning in ...  making it not even be a survival game anymore.


If you let the "community" decide what is "good" for the game they will completely ruin it and make it as easy as possible .... which is the exact opposite of the intention of this game.


It isn't an exploit. It can be turned off completely, so the fact that it wasn't is a development decision. That is, this particular feature apparently is the intention of this game, whether you like it or not.


There exists a mode in which you can have what you desire. If you focused half as much passion trying to get people to play on those servers, there likely wouldn't be a problem.


A hint, maybe try starting with not calling all regular mode players names or accusing them of being cheaters. Might be a start.

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I think something like this is a GREAT idea, but I don't like how they just suddenly pop out if you can't see them. Maybe something like any area in general you can't directly see is covered with some sort of shade? I just don't like how they pop in and out of existence.

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It isn't an exploit. It can be turned off completely, so the fact that it wasn't is a development decision. That is, this particular feature apparently is the intention of this game, whether you like it or not.


There exists a mode in which you can have what you desire. If you focused half as much passion trying to get people to play on those servers, there likely wouldn't be a problem.


A hint, maybe try starting with not calling all regular mode players names or accusing them of being cheaters. Might be a start.

How would getting more people to play 1 type of server solve the problem of needing 2 types of servers?


Don't quote me if you're post is going to have absolutely nothing to do with my post you're quoting.

Edited by Weedz

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How would getting more people to play 1 type of server solve the problem of needing 2 types of servers?


Don't quote me if you're post is going to have absolutely nothing to do with my post you're quoting.

Here we go again... People online trying to alter/dilute reality because their not satisfied with their skills in a video game.... You call third person camera an exploit, and say make it so players disappear around corners in third person view? I say you're exploiting reality by doing that. Regardless if someone had the ability to have a third person field of view in real life (which is unrealistic), other people wouldn't disappear from a given position because a solid object obstructed the players first person field of view because its NOT first person, its THIRD PERSON. Your argument is basically to butcher third person and under those conditions its best removed entirely... The point is you suck at this game and you're gonna continue to seek solutions as to why you keep dieing till you vote to ban VISION in-game all together.. Everyone has the same advantages and disadvantages no matter what view you use, its either you suck or you don't and apparently you do... It's not an insult its an observation, alright? I spend less of my time on the forum and more with my sexual life and work/hobbies, its needed if you wanna give rational opinions on the forum..

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Here we go again... People online trying to alter/dilute reality because their not satisfied with their skills in a video game.... The point is you suck at this game its either you suck or you don't and apparently you do...

1v1 me brah

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spend less of my time on the forum and more with my sexual life and work/hobbies, its needed if you wanna give rational opinions on the forum..


That comment sounds, and is, really stupid. Hardly rational.



Stop insulting each other.

Edited by Inception.
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1v1 me brah

Look if you wanna set something up we can. PM me and I'll send you coordinates to a remote location where we can hunt and track each other till one of us is killed, either by the natural elements or by one another. The terms would be that you're able to bring as much as you can humanly carry, including any weaponry, just no vehicular transportation. I have the financial abilities to make this happen if you're interested. I'd like it to be set in Kodiak, Alaska during bear season to make this interesting, PM for more details.

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Here we go again.

If this is implemented right then it's the "Perfect fix," but it would have to be 100% before its added into the game. 


But this argument - alot "hardcore" hardcore community as a whole makes themselves look like dicks when they want the game to be 1pp only, not carring that 95% of other players don't want this.

On the other side, there are many (Not all) who use 3pp and don't want to admit it. I do, (Whenever i play reg anymore) just like i use the gamma exploit, becuase if the other guy can chances are he will/is. There are various other reasons they have, but the few who want to be able to see players over shit - Why? Why is it fun to watch some guy with the eye you ripped out of your head and floated around the corner, and then blow his brains out? Have some balls and fight him.


But the best fix i can see is like Minecraft's. Basically, the camera physically won't let you look around/over objects, but still see your character and such. Also - no 3pp in prone. Absolutely no reason for that but exploits.

1pp camera is also way to broken rn. My eye's should be in my head. When i can see where my neck should be - something is wrong.

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Here we go again.

If this is implemented right then it's the "Perfect fix," but it would have to be 100% before its added into the game. 



Not really. This is an alpha right now would be the best time to test out such a feature and incorporate it.


It probably won't be perfect at first but eventually with testing it should hopefully be seamless and amazing.

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By that logic, none of the environment should be seen either.  Picking and choosing to please a small minority of players is not the way to solve any issue.


Most of you raging about the 'exploit' don't even use 3PP, so why join a 3PP enabled server?  Oh, that's right, the 1.7m players have resoundingly chosen to play with a choice of view available to them and you are 'forced' to play in 'broken' 3PP servers with the rest of us.  If you can't get used to and accept the fact that you may be seen at any time anywhere in DayZ and rely on the fact you are harder to spot, then maybe this game isn't for you.


Cars and walls are static objects and non threatening so I don't care if they can be seen. Why do YOU have a problem with wanting to see people you can't physically see? Why should people go the the trouble of using cover only to be seen by you when you can't see them? In what universe can you see through things.


In the FPS world they're called "wall hacks".

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Everyone has the same advantages and disadvantages no matter what view you use, 


No everyone DOES NOT have the same advantages. Try thinking about scenarios and you might find out why this argument is asinine.


Go ahead and name me one example where 2 players have the same advantage as each other. Then think of all the other ways to gain advantage over other players by exploiting 3rd person.

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Here we go again... People online trying to alter/dilute reality because their not satisfied with their skills in a video game.... You call third person camera an exploit, and say make it so players disappear around corners in third person view? I say you're exploiting reality by doing that. Regardless if someone had the ability to have a third person field of view in real life (which is unrealistic), other people wouldn't disappear from a given position because a solid object obstructed the players first person field of view because its NOT first person, its THIRD PERSON. Your argument is basically to butcher third person and under those conditions its best removed entirely... The point is you suck at this game and you're gonna continue to seek solutions as to why you keep dieing till you vote to ban VISION in-game all together.. Everyone has the same advantages and disadvantages no matter what view you use, its either you suck or you don't and apparently you do... It's not an insult its an observation, alright? I spend less of my time on the forum and more with my sexual life and work/hobbies, its needed if you wanna give rational opinions on the forum..

I love how 3pp kids think abusing a camera angle makes them skilled.  :rolleyes:

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1pp kids, 3pp kids, kids everywhere.


After reading this thread it seems that no one wants this MOD, except to the server where he/she doesn't  play.

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Here we go again.

If this is implemented right then it's the "Perfect fix," but it would have to be 100% before its added into the game. 

Oh look another one of these people ... so they shouldn't touch or add anything else to the SA ever and just release it right now right? Because there is no chance they are going to ever do anything "100% perfect" the second they add something to the game.





I love how 3pp kids think abusing a camera angle makes them skilled.   :rolleyes:

And that not abusing it makes people scrubs who don't know how to play the game right.

Edited by Weedz

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Cars and walls are static objects and non threatening so I don't care if they can be seen. Why do YOU have a problem with wanting to see people you can't physically see? Why should people go the the trouble of using cover only to be seen by you when you can't see them? In what universe can you see through things.


In the FPS world they're called "wall hacks".


But in 1PP you wouldn't be able to see them, so surely I would be getting an advantage over you by being able to see the landscape ahead of me.  I may not be able to see a player or zombies, but I could take my sweet time scanning the terrain and planning my route ahead.  I have a problem with the logic you are using, nothing else.  The whole, 'I can't see you so you shouldn't be able to see me, but seeing everything else around me is fine' argument you guys use.  Even with this, 3PP has advantages.  You have dedicated servers so you cannot be seen i which everyone is stuck in the same view, I don't get why you even care about a feature you don't use.  If the 1PP servers were full with players, would you even care about this feature?


Either accept the way 3PP is played and adapt, play in 1PP only servers and promote them to others or quit playing.    

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1pp kids, 3pp kids, kids everywhere.


After reading this thread it seems that no one wants this MOD, except to the server where he/she doesn't  play.


Read again, the overwhelming majority want the mod so long as it works right and does not ruin immersion.


A hand ful of people want a restricted tpv camera + the mod to eliminate any over wall peeking.

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Read again, the overwhelming majority want the mod so long as it works right and does not ruin immersion.


A hand ful of people want a restricted tpv camera + the mod to eliminate any over wall peeking.


I would absolutely love them removing the ability to see over walls. That isn't really in question. I just don't agree that it is in any way a priority and want the implementation to be entirely seamless.


To those saying "nothing should be expected to be perfect", you are missing the point. What we have now is perfectly fine. It is a threshold for this particular functionality being discussed, not a blanket threshold for every other possible thing that might be added.


If I logged in tomorrow and my third person view couldn't see around or over stuff, but the cost was players materializing in front of me or behind me and being invisible when half covered or behind non-solid objects, I would not consider it a win. In fact, I'd probably hang it up for this game, simply because I don't think such problems will be solvable. I think they would plague the game for years to come.

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I would absolutely love them removing the ability to see over walls. That isn't really in question. I just don't agree that it is in any way a priority and want the implementation to be entirely seamless.



If I logged in tomorrow and my third person view couldn't see around or over stuff, but the cost was players materializing in front of me or behind me and being invisible when half covered or behind non-solid objects, I would not consider it a win. In fact, I'd probably hang it up for this game, simply because I don't think such problems will be solvable. I think they would plague the game for years to come.



I think it should be a priority especially now when its in alpha this way it can be bug fixed and enhanced to the point where players do not pop in front of you and distract you.


Then again this mechanic of players and zombies poping in isn't a bad thing.


Take project Zomboid for example even though it is an isometric game, only things your players eyes can see are rendered.


This leads to some intense gameplay inside buildings and outdoors. You turn a corner and there it is a zombie pops up and grabs you.

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So lets scatter the community even more then, how about third hive?

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So lets scatter the community even more then, how about third hive?


No this allows the community to come together into one hive.


People who like TPv can have it and use it


FPV players and play in FPV only and not have to worry about people corner peeking them.


Everyone will be happy.

Edited by gibonez
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Lets force this to everyone then, one hive, no more 1pp only, no more HC and regulars.


Everyone will be happy?

Edited by SuperSloth

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