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Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

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It's not cheating to glitch the camera to see through walls and areas you couldn't otherwise see? Hmm sounds like an exploit to me

Err... hes taking about 3pp in general.

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Err... hes taking about 3pp in general.

Which is why I put cheat in quotes. Once I learned that's the way people play on regular, I switched to hardcore for a more fair experience. 

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It's not cheating to glitch the camera to see through walls and areas you couldn't otherwise see? Hmm sounds like an exploit to me


Yes, that is an exploit. Seeing over walls or around corners with it, though, is how it works.

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Which is why I put cheat in quotes. Once I learned that's the way people play on regular, I switched to hardcore for a more fair experience. 

err... You didnt put cheat in quotes...

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err. huh? No.


If you were to comprehend, comprehension bias you would understand that there is just as much vitriol coming from both camps. It has nothing to do with what side you are on at any time. Only how you comprehend the argument.


Why dont you go play on some hardcore servers anyways and get some experience for yourself? What is this 'working up to it', same game just only first person. Whats going to happen, your going to get shot and die?


I've watched both sides. No, the vitriol is not equal by any means.


As for the other, I'm not worried about getting shot, that is part of the game. I just had people I was playing with on regular, have an established character. Regardless, I've already been playing on a hardcore server, but not spent much time yet. Got kicked for a server reset, then by lag from the one I was on. Still getting used to the annoying head-bob, even at the lowest setting. My only real complaint of 1PP.

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I've watched both sides. No, the vitriol is not equal by any means.


As for the other, I'm not worried about getting shot, that is part of the game. I just had people I was playing with on regular, have an established character. Regardless, I've already been playing on a hardcore server, but not spent much time yet. Got kicked for a server reset, then by lag from the one I was on. Still getting used to the annoying head-bob, even at the lowest setting. My only real complaint of 1PP.


Be sure to reduce it in the options makes it a bit better.

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Still getting used to the annoying head-bob, even at the lowest setting. My only real complaint of 1PP.

Try setting it to 0, I hardly have any at all. Also make sure you have a wide enough field of vision, narrow makes it worse. And make double sure you can pull at least a steady 25 fps and are playing in a well lit room.

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Try setting it to 0, I hardly have any at all. Also make sure you have a wide enough field of vision, narrow makes it worse. And make double sure you can pull at least a steady 25 fps and are playing in a well lit room.


I do probably need to mess with my FOV, I've tanked the head bob to nil, but it is still annoyingly there. I get fine FPS, I put money into my rig. Lighting isn't an issue. I've taken out all but one bulb from the chandelier in this room and it still burns with the light of a thousand suns.

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I do probably need to mess with my FOV, I've tanked the head bob to nil, but it is still annoyingly there. I get fine FPS, I put money into my rig. Lighting isn't an issue. I've taken out all but one bulb from the chandelier in this room and it still burns with the light of a thousand suns.

Oh also, double tap - on the number pad, it will zoom you out a bit more.

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Oh also, double tap - on the number pad, it will zoom you out a bit more.


I'll give it a go, right after I check out all of these awesome mantras someone has been so kind as to post all the heck over the forum. Love me some mantras.

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I'll give it a go, right after I check out all of these awesome mantras someone has been so kind as to post all the heck over the forum. Love me some mantras.

IKR. Be sure to use the report buttons, they do work :/

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IKR. Be sure to use the report buttons, they do work :/


Screw that, I just found my missing hindi wife and achieved a raging boner through dark magical incantations.

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Screw that, I just found my missing hindi wife and achieved a raging boner through dark magical incantations.

I attempted to get my girlfriend back, but my girlfriend hit me so I had to stop.

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I don't much care either way. An advantage that everyone has isn't an advantage. But I also won't be upset to see something like this put in place. My only concern is that there are currently issues with synchronizing, so I'd hate to see this make things worse with people popping on an off your screen too slowly. 1PP people should be wary as well, as this works all the time, not just for 3pp. So things will be invisible for you as well when not in line of sight. And by that, I don't mean "you can't see through stuff". I mean they will actually be there and invisible until the game determines you "should" see them.


In short: I'm fine with it as is, but I won't mind if this comes in so long as it works very, very well.


Everyone may have access to the "advantage" in certain circumstances, but when one guy is behind the corner of a wall and another is in the middle of an alley, they do not both have the "advantage".

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Everyone may have access to the "advantage" in certain circumstances, but when one guy is behind the corner of a wall and another is in the middle of an alley, they do not both have the "advantage".


Already covered that pages ago, you adjust your tactics to compensate as you know it can be done, unlike with an exploit of which you may not be aware or expect.

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Already covered that pages ago, you adjust your tactics to compensate as you know it can be done, unlike with an exploit of which you may not be aware or expect.


One cannot adjust because every wall, every rock formation, every rooftop could have a player that is hidden with full view of me.


Biggest crime of the current way TPV works is gameplay. It simply does not have those situations where you players missed each other while looting a town and then happen to stumble onto each other and at the very same time freak out.

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Oh look another one of these people ... so they shouldn't touch or add anything else to the SA ever and just release it right now right? Because there is no chance they are going to ever do anything "100% perfect" the second they add something to the game.





And that not abusing it makes people scrubs who don't know how to play the game right.


If the guy stays invisible becuase the game's current dysenc and lag, then yes, it shouldn't be added. I'm just saying, this shouldn't be added if it has alot of delay, which it would if they just slapped it in ASAP. Trust me, i'm all for adding new content before its 100%, with the exception of things that will break the game, which in CQC, it would.

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But in 1PP you wouldn't be able to see them, so surely I would be getting an advantage over you by being able to see the landscape ahead of me.  I may not be able to see a player or zombies, but I could take my sweet time scanning the terrain and planning my route ahead.  I have a problem with the logic you are using, nothing else.  The whole, 'I can't see you so you shouldn't be able to see me, but seeing everything else around me is fine' argument you guys use.  Even with this, 3PP has advantages.  You have dedicated servers so you cannot be seen i which everyone is stuck in the same view, I don't get why you even care about a feature you don't use.  If the 1PP servers were full with players, would you even care about this feature?


Either accept the way 3PP is played and adapt, play in 1PP only servers and promote them to others or quit playing.    


Well it's a compromise and also it doesn't make that much of a difference to spend dev time working on making everything invisible. I wonder how it would affect frame rates though if it only rendered things you could see. There'd be less rendered but the process to derender and render again might be more taxing o.O

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I think you missed the point, that many of the posts here by the 1PP only crowd here don't motivate me to want to play on the same server as them. I've actually been wanting to transition to hardcore as I like 1PP better, but the constant stream of vitriol and demeaning posts has made me not want to go anywhere near a hardcore server.


I played on HC servers and ran around giving my gear to fresh spawns wearing an orange rain coat and a red construction helmet. I thought I was going to be shot for sure but 15 encounters later and everyone I met was friendly and I made some friends through the process. One of the friends I made got shot by a glitch shooter then he shot me as I told the guy what a prick he was for doing it, running around whilst he feebly tried to hit me which he did eventually. To our surprise, we both spawned at the same place lol and then 2 Germans came over, fully geared, told us to get down and then just shot us both.

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err... You didnt put cheat in quotes...


Yes he did.

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I'm personally in the "wish it was all 1pp" camp. But I will play 3pp cuz that's how the game is.

Anyone who pretends they want 1pp only (or similar restrictions like seen here) is just trying to shoehorn others into their play style no matter what argument they pretend to use.

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Trust me, i'm all for adding new content before its 100%, with the exception of things that will break the game, which in CQC, it would.

Now I enjoy both views, but dont see why would you be in 3rd person for close quarters combat(if thats what you meant by CQC)? More so when they are removing the dot/crosshair.. The only way you will be able to aim properly is in first person with the gun up..

If anything, this fix would improve CQC in servers with both views by not allowing the guy down the hall to know you are sticking your head out of the room unless he does so as well.. Now, you could stick your head out in 3rd person but you would be at a disadvantage cause you will need to go into 1st person to aim properly still once the dot is removed...

Desyncing or lag.. Considering how the mod works, if youre in first person that wouldnt be any different of a issue that it would be without this fix...

Edited by cels

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I'm personally in the "wish it was all 1pp" camp. But I will play 3pp cuz that's how the game is.

Anyone who pretends they want 1pp only (or similar restrictions like seen here) is just trying to shoehorn others into their play style no matter what argument they pretend to use.

So you want it all to be 1pp .... but anyone who want's it to only be 1pp is lying and doesn't really want it all to be 1pp .... and you don't play on 1pp servers


You wrote 3 sentences ... 3 of which contradicted each other ....


Please get off the internet.

Edited by Weedz
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Yes he did.

Sorry bro, I checked and double checked both my posts quote and the post I quoted :P And he did not.

Edited by Judopunch

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No everyone DOES NOT have the same advantages. Try thinking about scenarios and you might find out why this argument is asinine.


Go ahead and name me one example where 2 players have the same advantage as each other. Then think of all the other ways to gain advantage over other players by exploiting 3rd person.

First name the advantages and disadvantages of being a virgin for me. I'll name a disadvantage now, "taking a video game camera view too seriously". I'll name one scenario now as you requested. Two players both on the opposite side and end of a brick wall have exactly the same field of view. Don't include exploits such as wall camera glitch in this because that IS a bug, collision needs to be added to the camera. Third person camera itself as you claim isn't an exploit its a preference and whoever decides to play on servers with third person enable accepts in some cases other players can have a better view depending on their position. It's not my fault you're a noob and can't choose good positions... It is 100% fair because it's the players choice to choose the best position and that includes camera angles as well, ANYONE is free to do it. I'm 52 by the way, I'm a spinal surgeon and not a child...

Edited by Recoil

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