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Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

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  On 2/24/2014 at 7:15 PM, yessaul robinovich said:

unfortunately dean's imminent departure spells doom for dayz. it is his uncompromising vision to make the game what it is that largely keeps bohemia from perceiving the act of making it as a series of business decisions to please a paying audience. without his guidance, the game will be reduced to something catering to the loudest moans from the COD generation and will never reach its full potential. we've come so far to see it end here because the pressure of doing something like this is extremely difficult to manage and continued involvement bears diminishing returns. Really sad news for anyone who has come to hope that dayz would become something more than it had been with the mod. 


Dean "Rocket" Hall:


I'm still the project lead of DayZ, and there are currently no plans I'm aware of to replace me in that role. -emphasis his


What needs to shatter is the perception that I am responsible for everything DayZ related: that is not true. There is a very large team now working on DayZ, and it's the studio that collects the "cash" not me. This is used for hiring more people and investing in the concept. -emphasis mine


That money goes to the studio which is used to fund development - as it should be. This is used to hire really skilled and awesome people - it's those people who develop the game and I've been working with those talented people to realize the vision.


Saying that my departure from a lead position will not deliver on the promise is directly saying these people do not have the capability to deliver. Say what you want about me, but the team does not deserve such hateful comments.


While I appreciate the sentiment, It's rather insulting to them to suggest that without me the whole project would suddenly implode. The community, Bohemia, and myself have plenty of time to make plans for the long term development: but whatever happens I want to be back with my family in 2015.



I really could just go on and on, as these are simply lifted from his reddit feed. If he's blowing smoke up our asses, that means he's not the genius dev you wanted. If he means what he's written, as I believe he probably does, then take him at his word and stop stressing about the game.

Jesus H Christ, this really isn't that hard to figure out.

Edited by McGarnagle
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Come on guys i dont like his move but this is over the top...


Why cant he play games i am pretty sure some of his ideas have come from games he has played (and we all know other games have borrowed some of his plagerisim is the most sincere form of flattery lol)


I wasnt sure he would be motivated after giving notice but i sure as shit know he wont be when he is getting hate mail and being burned at the stake..


His career his choices.. I am sure everyone here wants the game to be great but damn ever wonder why it doesnt live up to the human interaction side of things ?? iam starting to think its because WE CANT ACT LIKE HUMANS....

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  On 2/24/2014 at 7:17 PM, Boneboys said:

Topics merged.

Game is copyrighted to Dean Hall & Bohemia Interactive, the plans are laid, the direction is onward, I really  don't see that to be a problem.

Bohemia owns the rights to the game. All it says at the bottom is 'Created by Dean Hall'. That stinks of a buyout deal.

My guess is the deal was based on the success of 250k sales, as Dean had mentioned, and not a percentage of the profits.

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Baby come back, any kind of fool could see

There was something, in everything about you

Baby come back, you can blame it all on me

I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

Edited by GrappleX
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  On 2/24/2014 at 7:32 PM, Infiltrator said:

That wasn't a difficult conclusion based on the amount of sales..

I'm just saying that I don't think being a homesick hand grenade had much to do with it

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  On 2/24/2014 at 7:29 PM, randalmcdaniels said:


watch and feel like an idiot


Why would I feel like an idiot? Most of the stuff you posted was completely wrong.


For some reason you think Bohemia told Rocket to start his own studio,  BIS is the studio, that's what the S stands for. The reason Rocket is living in Prague is because he works at Bohemia's studio in Prague. You think there are 2-3 people working on the game when the team has 30+ people working on it, here's a few team members that have been mentioned before:


Brian Hicks - Producer
Matt Lightfoot - Production Assistant
Ivan Buchta - Designer
SenChi - World Designer
Chris Torchia - DayZ Art Manager
Peter Nespesny - Designer
Viktor Kostik - Lead Animator
Ondrej Malota - Designer
Jan Tomášik 
Jirka - Programmer
Hladas - Programmer
Vadim Piridonov - Artist
Mario Kurty - Artist
Maxwell - Designer
Ondrej Španel - Lead Programmer?
You think they haven't hired anybody when in fact they had to move offices a few months ago because the team was expanding so rapidly the place they were going to move to wasn't large enough anymore. They just hired another person for sound/audio the other week. 
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  On 2/24/2014 at 7:43 PM, SmashT said:

For some reason you think Bohemia told Rocket to start his own studio,  BIS is the studio, that's what the S stands for. The reason Rocket is living in Prague is because he works at Bohemia's studio in Prague. You think there are 2-3 people working on the game when the team has 30+ people working on it, here's a few team members that have been mentioned before:


Brian Hicks - Producer
Matt Lightfoot - Production Assistant
Ivan Buchta - Designer
SenChi - World Designer
Chris Torchia - DayZ Art Manager
Peter Nespesny - Designer
Viktor Kostik - Lead Animator
Ondrej Malota - Designer
Jan Tomášik 
Jirka - Programmer
Hladas - Programmer
Vadim Piridonov - Artist
Mario Kurty - Artist
Maxwell - Designer
Ondrej Španel - Lead Programmer?
You think they haven't hired anybody when in fact they had to move offices a few months ago because the team was expanding so rapidly the place they were going to move to wasn't large enough anymore. They just hired another person for sound/audio the other week. 



Aren't they all originally ARMA-dev's and not DayZ-dev's, though?

Edited by kichilron
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  On 2/24/2014 at 7:48 PM, kichilron said:

Aren't they all originally ARMA-dev's and not DayZ-dev's, though?


Oh snap!

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  On 2/24/2014 at 12:42 PM, skin_head_army said:

Get ready for Perks and "akimbo" (or however do these COD assholes call them) guns. 

Vehicle handlings will be ported from GTA V. 


And player will have no carry weight limit and there will be more Barrets M82 than Cans of food in Elektro.


Also, you'll be able to spawn at friends location, and you'll be able activate Passive Mode, where you can't get killed.


8/10 servers will be No-KoS.

Fuck Skinheads.

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But seriously, do none of you have faith in BI?

Or has everyone joined this series at ARMA 2?

Edited by Geckofrog7
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I have a few thoughts on this development. For starters, complete lack of surprise (besides Bohemia's no comment stance, that means things aren't as mutual as Rocket seems to portray).

First off, Rocket is more a modder/game designer than programmer. They already have a near complete vision of the project (the mod). The project loses almost nothing switching lead designers at this stage. I think there may be some impact from him scraping talent, which is to be expected.

From the HR perspective, everyone is expendable. High level people in particular. One would recall that the lead engineer for OculusVR was run over by hoodrats in a stolen car and that project didn't lose an inch. People are just expendable in corporate projects. VGs are no different.

It did seem that Rocket's time at Bohemia was somewhat turbulent. There is the whole "finish what you start" thing riding against him but if he didn't want to be doing the project would suffer as result. It'll probably end up better off without him in the long run. Nothing about the guy personally either, that's just the nature of attrition.

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I've got no worries about Rocket leaving the project, he is just one man. Sure it was his project to begin with but you can't all demand a better game than what one man can deliver on his own (no matter how talented) then complain when more developers are hired to provide that better game.


My only worry is that DayZ might have shot it's bolt too early. The money has already been spent by the users to get the Alpha, of those most likely to play the game on PC you would have to say the majority of them will have bought into the pre-release, which means the the PC based money pot has already been received. So where does the future monetisation come from? Bohemia will clearly want to make more money, it's only natural as they have an asset in the form of the game and the hype, but not the sort of audience they need. The only solution to that is to go mainstream and hit the consoles, diluting the genre in order to support the needs of those platforms. So ultimately DayZ will end up as a console game, with DLC. Do I care? Not really, I've got my £20 worth, just musing over it's future.

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So.. Yet again we're depending on Modders to finish DayZ. I was really hoping i didn't have to browse through 10+ different versions of the mod trying to figure out which one had what in it (features etc) and finally finding one i'd stick with. The modding community did a fine job, don't get me wrong.. I was just hoping this could be avoided by having a pretty damn awesome feature complete game to begin with!


Honestly this title will hurt BI in the long run, no matter how much cash was generated through early access..


Motherfuck this....

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  On 2/24/2014 at 7:48 PM, kichilron said:

Aren't they all originally ARMA-dev's and not DayZ-dev's, though?


Yes, most of them already worked at BIS.

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  On 2/24/2014 at 7:54 PM, Highlander007 said:

Someone was mentioning prison earlier but they edited their post after that so I can't post this as a reply. FUUUU XD


I have to be honest....that made me laugh :D

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  On 2/24/2014 at 7:55 PM, SmashT said:




How did they hire anyone, then? Can you name any Developer apart from Hicks that came in specifically for DayZ?

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So Rocket seems to have been a victim of some perhaps poorly chosen words taken out of context.


I have read some of his follow up comments etc.


I feel like this shitstorm is a bit excessive. He is basically leaving when he is no longer needed, and his comment about the game being flawed is being blown way out of proportion.


Time to calm down I think.

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  On 2/24/2014 at 6:24 PM, sabaka said:

I'm too lazy to read 16 pages to see if other people are saying this also but OH MY GOODNESS THIS!.


You realize that new games cost $59.99 these days right? You paid less than $30 for a game that you clearly like enough to register forum accounts so you can discuss when you're not playing. I've played about 150 hours and gotten way more than $30 of fun out of this. If it closed up shop tomorrow, the servers went dark, and that was it I would not regret a single penny I spent on it. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for additions and fixes and changes and I can't wait to play a finished game, but I think people are overreacting just a tad.


If you're at a point in your life where the loss of $30 is devastating to you and causes you feel like you've been cheated or someone has "stolen" from you then you don't need to be spending $30 on video games. Have you never spend that much money on movie tickets on a date only to have the date suck? Gone to see a play that was terrible? Was that theft too? You bought into a game, you play the game, that's how it works. Just because you don't get everything exactly the way it played out in your head when you spent the money doesn't mean you can accuse people of stealing and pitch a crying fit.

You, like many other people, are the problem. You give companies like EA, Ubisoft, Creative Assembly, BIS, etc the authority to take legal tender, which was given on good faith for the company to complete a product, but then allow the company to not follow through on that contract (a receipt is a contract).

It may just be 30 dollars, however, when taken to the n-th degree... that 30 bucks from thousands of people is a sizable sum of money. Which means the company must fulfill its promise. The only thing we agreed to in this case, is the fact that it will be buggy until it is finished. Upon which time, the game's problems have been sorted out, should be in a fully functional state and thereby fulfilled the contract of purchase.

I can accept buggy alphas. I can even accept paying into having access to them... but I don't accept if a vendor does not follow through on a contract. Period.

So, while you may be OK with your $30 of entertainment, even if the shop closed tomorrow... it is not the right thing to do. Because then, we're just saying it's ok to sell us s**t. As it is, gamers aren't taken seriously and companies take advantage of us. Look at SimCity. Look at Rome 2 Total War or Empire Total War. Look at Diablo 3... these are all ways that gamers are being made fools of and there are hundreds of thousands of retards saying it's ok... and it isn't.

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All I'll say is; with or without Dean, by the time this game goes final, you'll still have problems with ladders.

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I personally trusted more to Dean than Bohemia (since they're famous of unfinished products) and bought the game in this sense. Now he says he's going to leave the project on beta stage because he want's to make a new one. Seriously, it's like a slap in the face.

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